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近景摄影测量在土壤侵蚀监测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋月君  黄炎和  杨洁  段剑  沈乐 《测绘科学》2016,41(6):80-83,96
针对当前近景摄影测量技术对影像采集设备以及操作人员专业性要求高的特点,该文在总结前人研究的基础上,提出了一种基于普通数码相机的近景摄影测量技术方法,并将其应用于微区土壤侵蚀监测试验中。通过该方法在人工水冲试验和天然降雨试验前后的土壤侵蚀动态监测得到:与传统土壤侵蚀监测方法相比,采用该方法测得的土壤侵蚀量精度分别可以达到75%和83.11%,单次测量精度最高可达94.33%。通过分析误差来源,结果表明:在一定条件下,可以实现基于普通数码相机的近景摄影测量技术在生产建设项目土壤侵蚀监测中的应用。  相似文献   
This paper synthesizes information on the size distribution and physical properties of interplanetary dust grains obtained from analyses of lunar microcraters performed until 1979. The different aspects of these analyses (counting methods, simulation, calibrations) are summarized and a large amount of data is collected and discussed in order to clarify past contradictions. The number of small microcraters (Dc < 5 μm) is found to be higher than previously derived and the ratio P/Dc (depth to crater diameter) to depend upon their sizes. All results converge to a two-component dust population: Population 1 consists principally of large grains (d > 2 μm) with density typical of silicates while Population 2 consists of small grains (d < 2 μm) with higher density typical of iron, with a minor component of silicates. The conclusion appears to be further supported by spatial measurements and collection experiments. Fluffy grains of very low density (0.3 g/cm3) are probably not present to a large extent.  相似文献   
Uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate, urea and nitrite were measured for 1 year (1988) at a coastal station in the well-mixed waters of the western English Channel. Ammonium was the major form of nitrogen (N) utilized (48%) by phytoplankton, followed by nitrate (32%), urea (13%) and nitrite (7%). Seasonal changes of uptake of ammonium, nitrate and urea showed a broad, intense summer maximum. Nitrite uptake was low throughout the year except for a peak value in June. Uptake rates of ammonium and nitrate were independent of substrate concentrations, whereas those of urea and nitrite were not. The summer maxima of ammonium, nitrate and total N uptake, and the significant relationships of N-uptake index to ambient light, and of chlorophyll-a-specific N uptake to surface-incident light, indicate that light is the major factor controlling N uptake in these waters. This is due to the permanent vertical mixing which reduces the mean light available for N uptake to <15% of the incident light. Mixing also injects regenerated N continuously into the euphotic zone, thus alleviating nitrogen limitation and accounting for the larger proportion of regenerated N uptake in total N uptake.  相似文献   
Consolidated to friable carbonate rocks found in the Lee Stocking Island area in the Exuma Cays include: (1) reef rock, (2) channel stromatolites, (3) shallow-water hardgrounds, (4) beachrock rimming the islands and (5) Pleistocene bedrock.

The most common cement fabrics observed are: aragonitic fibers, which include acicular fan-druse and square-tipped coarse fibers cementing beachrock and stromatolites; and an isopachous needle-fiber rim cementing hardgrounds and stromatolites.

Less common are high-Mg calcite bladed textures of the reef rock and stromatolites. Two types of blades are present: the more common stubby variety of either high-Mg or low-Mg calcite, and an elongated variety of high-Mg calcite which was found in only three beachrock samples.

Aragonitic micrite envelopes usually surround grains in beachrock, hardgrounds and stromatolites, but only in association with fibrous cement. An aragonitic crust cements the surfaces of lime mud beds of the tidal channel, while a high-Mg calcite cryptocrystalline cement occurs in all the rock types. Calcified algal filaments of high-Mg calcite, from the abundant green and blue-green algae in the area, are a primary cement in stromatolites and a secondary cement in hardgrounds and beachrock. A low-Mg calcite equant spar cements the Pleistocene samples and is associated with meteoric diagenesis and cementation of the Pleistocene surface.

Cement precipitation coincides with the path of the cool oceanic water from Exuma Sound as it warms and loses CO2 and moves up onto the bank near Lee Stocking with the incoming tide. Cryptocrystalline cement is the first and commonest cement forming to the seaward while platformward, fibrous cements become predominant. As suggested by their crystal size and location on the shelf margin, we think that the reef rock cryptocrystalline material are the fastest forming of the cements, where the incoming oceanic water is more saturated with respect to calcium carbonate and undergoes the most significant warming. The rate of the warming and degassing process is thought to increase in the tidal channel though the cementation rate is thought to fall slightly in response to a reduced availability of calcium carbonate. On the platform interior further warming and degassing are believed to cause cement precipitation and the development of hardgrounds, but these may form at a slower rate than that of the margin, though this rate is still quite high. Cementation gradients occur from the tidal channel to the intertidal zones of: (1) west Norman's Pond Cay, where cement fabric suggests a reduced calcium carbonate availability, and (2) west Lee Stocking Island, where a change in mineralogy suggests a change in water chemistry.

Thus, a sequence of cement fabrics and mineralogies can be traced. Micritic textures occur in a more seaward position; fine, fibrous aragonite fibers in a more lagoonal and levee position; and coarser aragonite fibers and Mg-calcite cements in the intertidal and supratidal position. This sequence is thought to track the evolution of the water mass.  相似文献   

Existing, easily applicable methods to calculate the depth and height of breaking waves are hampered by two obstacles. First, the breaker depth is usually required to compute its height, and vice versa. Second, the equations take into account either the deepwater height to wavelength ratio or the sea floor slope, but not both. A simple iterative procedure is therefore proposed which incorporates both elements. For fully developed waves breaking over a nearly horizontal bottom, the breaker height and depth are also direct functions of the deepwater wavelength.  相似文献   
A giant pockmark colonised by dense cold‐seep assemblages near 3160 m depth along the Congo‐Angola margin has been surveyed by the ROV Victor 6000. The quantitative distribution of chemosynthetic communities was mapped along the dive tracks from a video study using GIS and image mosaicking. Several types of faunal assemblages, either dominated by bivalves of the families Mytilidae (Bathymodiolus sp.) or Vesicomyidae (Calyptogena sp., ‘Vesicomya’ aff. chuni), or by Siboglinidae polychaetes (Escarpia southwardae) were mapped over the 800‐m diameter pockmark area and sampled for fauna, water and sediment. The isotopic analyses (δ13C) of tissues from symbiont‐bearing species were within the range typical of nutrition via symbiosis using methane for mussels and sulphide for vesicomyids and siboglinids. The living chemosynthetic communities were distributed on a SW‐NE axis, corresponding to the expression at the sediment surface of a main buried channel providing fluids to the pockmark. The site was characterised by a more active central part in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions where high‐density clusters of siboglinids and mytilids dominate. Large fields of dead and live vesicomyids with a lower mean density were observed in the external areas. The mean coverage of each of the three symbiotic taxa in these two contrasted areas was estimated from mosaic analysis and was up to 30% in the central area dominated by E. southwardae bushes (23%). Symbiont‐bearing species distribution was consistent with methane concentrations in seawater that were generally higher in mytilid beds than in the vicinity of siboglinids and vesicomyids. A Principal Component Analysis performed on environmental factors at the ten sampling sites revealed that 37% of the observed variance in the distribution of symbiont‐bearing species may be explained by variation in both methane and oxygen concentrations, while a Canonical Redundancy Analysis selected methane concentration as the only variable which explains symbiont‐bearing species densities. This spatial distribution of chemosynthetic species at the pockmark scale may reflect temporal patterns of succession of both substrate and fauna, and may be related to different individual pockmarks visible on the microbathymetry mapped using ROV data.  相似文献   
黄河口的变迁对邻近海区潮波运动影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,黄河三角洲附近海区的潮汐和潮流分布具有如下显著特征:黄河口外存在M2分潮的无点潮(方国洪,1986)和S2分潮的无潮点(王淑雪等,1987),以及五号桩海区属于规则全日潮区。 关于黄河口外存在M2分潮无潮点的问题,自Ogura(1936)首次提出以来,一直是本区潮汐潮流研究中倍受重视的问題。据方国洪(1986)的统计,迄今为止,反映在黄河口外存在M2分潮无潮点位置的渤海同潮图的文献已有20篇之多(丁文兰,1985;山广林等,1983;方国洪,1986;方国洪等,1985;方国洪等,1986;王淑雪等,1987;刘爱菊等,1980;孙文心等,1981;沈育疆,1980;侍茂崇等,1985;黄祖珂,1991;An,1977;Fang1986 Nishida,1980;Ogura,1936; ?opИc,1958)。从表1可以看出,历年来不同学者给出的黄河口外M2分潮无潮点的位置各不相同,本文作者认为这主要是由于黄河三角洲的变迁造成的。统计表明,在1855年至1984年间,近代黄河三角洲自套尔河口至淄脉沟口的年淤进速率为0.16km,挑河湾至宋春荣沟口为0.16km,而年淤进速率最大的五号桩区(即直接影响黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置的区域)的年淤进速率达0.3km。海湾中的无潮点是入射的潮波与自湾顶反射的潮波叠加而形成的节点,由于近代黄河三角洲的海岸线不断向海中推进,在黄河尾闾的不同时期,黄河三角洲海岸线的位置便有显著变化,这必然会使无潮点的位置随着时间的推移而发生变化。然而表1中M2无潮点的不同位置并不完全是由于黄河三角洲岸线变化引起的,由于表1中的多数无潮点的位置是数值计算的结果,而不同的人在数值计算中所用的边界条件和底摩擦应力的表达式及其系数又不尽相同,因此必然造成计算结果的差异。这里值得指出的是王淑雪等(1987)的结果,这一结果是根据1985年8-9月在黄河口外几个站进行连续1个月的水位观测资料得出的M2无潮点位置,在此点上,M2分潮振幅仅为0.8cm。当然,由于渤海潮汐中存在着显著的天文一气象分潮(方国洪等,1986),故根据夏天一个月的潮汐资料分析得到调和常数与由长期(如一年)潮汐资料所得到的调和常数是有差别的,由此而得到的无潮点的位置仍会有一定的误差,但应该说,这一结果所给出的无潮点位置对于清水沟流路的单一顺直阶段的黄河三角洲岸线而言,已是最接近实际的了。既然黄河口的变迁是黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置的变化的主要因子,那么自1855年以来由于黄河口的不断变迁使黄河口外M2分潮无潮点位置产生了怎样的变化?本文将探讨这一问題。至于黄河口外是否有S2分潮无潮点的问题,或者说,黄河口外曾存在过的S2分潮的无潮点现在是否已经消失仍是人们所关心的问题,本文中也将讨论。 实测表明,在M2分潮无潮点附近的验潮站处,潮位的全日潮分量(即K1和O1分潮)作用突然增大,使黄河三角洲沿岸的潮汐性质发生了显著变化,即不规则半日潮→不规则全日潮→规则全日潮→不规则半日潮(表2)。近一百多年来黄河三角洲的变迁对黄河三角洲沿岸各站的潮汐性质的变化究竟产生了什么样的影响也是本文将探讨的内容之一。 本文将利用数值模拟方法,通过考察不同时期黄河三角洲附近海域潮汐、潮流的分布特征,对上述各问题加以探讨,为黄河口的开发提供依据。  相似文献   
Cellular detoxification by direct processes has been investigated in fish by studying the ability of hepatocytes prepared from juvenile aquarium-reared turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to actively exclude the fluorescent dye rhodamine B (RB). Cell viability was studied by measurements of non-specific esterase activity using fluorescein diacetate. This revealed that turbot hepatocytes can be cultured for a few days with a viability decreasing to 38% after 24 h. The 24-h cultured cells have been used to study the rhodamine B exclusion activity using confocal laser microscopy. Hepatocytes accumulated the dye in a competitive manner with verapamil, thus suggesting that they express a transport system similar to the P-glycoprotein-mediated multixenobiotic resistance process. Incubation of cells with 1 μM RB and 20 μM verapamil led to a 26% increase of cellular fluorescence as compared to the accumulation in absence of competitor. Rhodamine B accumulated in the whole cytoplasm, with more concentrated areas that might correspond to the lysosomal compartment and the cell membrane.  相似文献   
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