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This study investigates tsunami-like solitary waves impinging and overtopping an impermeable trapezoidal seawall on a 1:20 sloping beach. New laboratory experiments are performed for describing three typical cases: a turbulent bore rushes inland and subsequently impacts and overtops the seawall (Type 1); a wave directly collapses on the seawall and then generates overtopping flow (Type 2); and, a wave straightforwardly overtops the seawall crown and collapses behind the seawall (Type 3). A two-dimensional volume of fluid (VOF) type model called the COBRAS (COrnell BReaking And Structure) model, which is based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations and the kε turbulence closure solver, is validated by experimental data and then applied to investigate wave dynamics for which laboratory data are unavailable. Additionally, a set of numerical experiments is conducted to examine the dynamic wave acting force due to waves impacting the seawall. Effects of wave nonlinearity and freeboard are elucidated. Special attention is given to a distinct vortex evolutionary behavior behind the seawall, in which the dynamic properties of entrapped air-bubbles are briefly addressed experimentally and numerically.  相似文献   
This article presents two decision support plug‐ins in free GIS software: ArcGIS Explorer Desktop. The ubiquitous WebGIS Analysis Toolkit for Extensive Resources (uWATER) focuses on providing GIS analysis functions: spatial and attribute queries in the public services tool for users with limited access to commercial GIS software. The interface of uWATER is general enough to support decision‐making in numerous management issues in natural resources, economics and agriculture. The uWATER‐Pumping Assessment (uWATER‐PA) toolkit, on the other hand, is an extended package targeting the specific environmental issue of groundwater pumping impacts. The uWATER‐PA package is an excellent alternative to evaluating complex groundwater pumping assessment issues before investing significant time, labor, and funds in monitoring and detailed scientific study. It incorporates simulation of the physics of groundwater flow and user interaction into GIS software. A graphical user interface makes both data entry and interpretation of results intuitive to non‐technical individuals. Results are presented as colored drawdown maps and can be saved in GIS format for future dissemination. The impact of drawdown on existing wells can be characterized and mapped, through the use of uWATER's spatial query capabilities and the drawdown maps generated by uWATER‐PA.  相似文献   
Voluminous granitic intrusions are distributed in the West Junggar, NW China, and they can be classified as the dioritic rocks, charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite groups. The dioritic rocks (SiO2 = 50.4–63.8 wt.%) are calc-alkaline and Mg enriched (average MgO = 4.54 wt.%, Mg# = 0.39–0.64), with high Sr/Y ratios (average = 21.2), weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.80) and pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Their Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7035–0.7042, εNd(t) = 4.5–7.9, εHf(t) = 14.1–14.5) show a depleted mantle-like signature. These features are compatible with adakites derived from partial melting of subducted oceanic crust that interacted with mantle materials. The charnockites (SiO2 = 60.0–65.3 wt.%) show transitional geochemical characteristics from calc-alkaline to alkaline, with weak negative Eu (average Eu/Eu = 0.75) but pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies. Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7037–0.7039, εNd(t) = 5.2–8.0, εHf(t) = 13.9–14.7) also indicate a depleted source, suggesting melts from a hot, juvenile lower crust. Alkali-feldspar granites (SiO2 = 70.0–78.4 wt.%) are alkali and Fe-enriched, and have distinct negative Eu and Nb–Ta anomalies (average Eu/Eu = 0.26), low Sr/Y ratios (average = 2.11), and depleted Sr–Nd and zircon Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7024–0.7045, εNd(t) = 5.1–8.9, εHf(t) = 13.7–14.2). These characteristics are also comparable with those of rocks derived from juvenile lower crust. Despite of the differences in petrology, geochemistry and possibly different origins, zircon ages indicate that these three groups of rocks were coevally emplaced at ~ 305 Ma.A ridge subduction model can account for the geochemical characteristics of these granitoids and coeval mafic rocks. As the “slab window” opened, upwelling asthenosphere provided enhanced heat flux and triggered voluminous magmatisms: partial melting of the subducting slab formed the dioritic rocks; partial melting of the hot juvenile lower crust produced charnockite and alkali-feldspar granite, and partial melting in the mantle wedge generated mafic rocks in the region. These results suggest that subduction was ongoing in the Late Carboniferous and, thus support that the accretion and collision in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt took place in North Xinjiang after 305 Ma, and possibly in the Permian.  相似文献   
广东2008年低温雨雪冰冻灾害及气象应急响应   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
2008年初我国南方遭受了百年一遇低温雨雪冰冻灾害,广东的受灾程度属80年一遇,造成了重大经济损失和严重社会影响.分析发现:灾害过程在近年来最严重的一次拉尼娜事件背景下发生的,与欧亚地区持续大气环流异常密切相关.在北脊南槽和西太平洋副高偏北偏强的形势下,冷暖气流在我国南方地区频繁交汇,使对流层中低层形成逆温层和局地经向环流产生异常,造成了此次持续低温雨雪冰冻过程.面对灾害引发的公共事件,广东省气象部门打破常规、准确预警,启动预案,通过媒体和公共事件预警信息发布平台,及时传播权威的公共预警信息,为安定民心、稳定社会、减少灾害起到积极作用.灾后反思发现,山区冰灾的监测、灾害的评估、公共信息发布等的能力和规范均亟待加强.  相似文献   
The Chinese Space Station Telescope(CSST)spectroscopic survey aims to deliver high-quality low-resolution(R>200)slitless spectra for hundreds of millions of targets down to a limiting magnitude of about 21 mag,distributed within a large survey area(17500 deg2)and covering a wide wavelength range(255-1000 nm by three bands GU,GV,and GI).As slitless spectroscopy precludes the usage of wavelength calibration lamps,wavelength calibration is one of the most challenging issues in the reduction of slitless spectra,yet it plays a key role in measuring precise radial velocities of stars and redshifts of galaxies.In this work,we propose a star-based method that can monitor and correct for possible errors in the CSST wavelength calibration using normal scientific observations,taking advantage of the facts that(ⅰ)there are about ten million stars with reliable radial velocities now available thanks to spectroscopic surveys like LAMOST,(ⅱ)the large field of view of CSST enables efficient observations of such stars in a short period of time,and(ⅲ)radial velocities of such stars can be reliably measured using only a narrow segment of CSST spectra.We demonstrate that it is possible to achieve a wavelength calibration precision of a few km s-1 for the GU band,and about 10 to 20 kms-1 for the GV and GI bands,with only a few hundred velocity standard stars.Implementations of the method to other surveys are also discussed.  相似文献   
Aerial photographs taken in 1978 and 1987, Landsat TM images in 1998 as well as soil, hydrology and socio-economic data for the oases in Sangong River Watershed were processed by Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). There are two typical agricultural land uses in oases, Farm-based Land Use with large-scale intensified agricultural activities (FLU) and Household Responsibility-based Land Use with small-scale activities (HRLU). The Index Model of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LUCC), Weighted Index Sum (WIS) and logistic stepwise regression model were established to contrast the two typical LUCC processes and their driving forces. The land use patterns were dominated by cropland and grassland for the entire region, and cropland, residential and industrial land were increasing stably. In the HRLU areas, woodland and grassland declined dramatically, but in the FLU areas, grassland decreased only by 12.0%, whereas woodland increased by 13.7%. LUCC was stronger in the earlier stage (1978–1987) than in the later stage (1987–1998) for the entire region. LUCC was more intense in the HRLU areas than in the FLU areas during the entire period (1978–1998). Policy was a key factor in the land use change, and water resources were a precondition in land use. Under the control of policy and water resources, the main human driving factors included population and economy, and the main natural restrictions were soil fertility and groundwater depth. Human driving factors controlled the land change in the HRLU areas, but natural restriction factors dominated in the FLU areas. In the mean time, intensification of LUCC in the region had some spatiotemporal implications with a fluctuation of impact factors.  相似文献   
2005年2月22日,泸州市北部几个区县均出现了大面积的浓雾(市区没有测站,但根据当时的实况来看,能见度应在50米以下),南部虽然能见度较好,亦出现了轻雾.普查1980~2001年的历史资料,2月下旬泸州市区大雾概况,泸州、纳溪各一次,其余站点均没有出现,可见,该时段大雾出现几率较少,是小概率事件,预报技术上有一定的难度.  相似文献   
岩溶沉积堆积建造类型及其特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岩溶沉积— 堆积建造是岩溶作用形成的产物,是认识岩溶发育史、发育规律的物质依据,是岩溶作用时间和空间的记录。本文根据岩溶沉积— 堆积建造的成因以及赋存空间的相互关系,将岩溶沉积—堆积建造划分为岩溶外(地表)沉积和岩溶内(洞穴)沉积两大类;而依据沉积建造的成岩物质及其形成作用,又可分为不含矿的岩溶外沉积、含矿的岩溶外沉积、不含矿的岩溶内沉积和含矿的岩溶内沉积等四大亚类。此外,还根据大地构造运动与岩溶的发育关系,将中国岩溶发育史划分为五大岩溶建造期: ( 1)元古代古岩溶期; ( 2)早古生代加里东古岩溶期; ( 3)晚古生代海西古岩溶期; ( 4)中生代印支和燕山古岩溶期;( 5)新生代喜山岩溶期。   相似文献   
海南省连片贫困地区农户致贫风险分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
农村贫困与减贫是世界性难题,也是中国各级政府高度重视并着力解决的重大民生问题。基于农户及致贫风险的文献梳理,从区位、社会和劳动力3个要素维度构建了农户致贫风险分析的二元Logistic回归模型。采用484户农户问卷调查数据,分析了海南省连片贫困地区农户的致贫风险,提出有效减贫和持续发展对策。研究发现:①海南连片贫困地区生态环境良好但贫困发生率较高,家庭劳动力较充裕但受教育水平较低,子女教育支出负担重,因病因残致贫比例较高,女性务工人口较多,农户自身脱贫致富的发展动力不足。②海拔高度200 m以下、男性户主、拥有残疾或患病成员、务工人口比例低、女性务工人员占比高、以及单位劳动力供养学生数高的农户具有更大的致贫风险。③研究未发现女性户主、少数民族、低受教育水平户主、大型规模家庭有更高的致贫风险,女性成员比例、抚养比等因素对农户贫困影响较小。激发农户内生动力、大力发展特色化和规模化农业、增加农户就业机会、加强针对农民工、女性务工人员和病残群体的社会保障等减贫政策制定实施是实现脱贫攻坚目标的重要途径。  相似文献   
The Yushu County, Qinghai Province, China, April 14, 2010, earthquake triggered thousands of landslides in a zone between 96°20′32.9″E and 97°10′8.9″E, and 32°52′6.7″N and 33°19′47.9″N. This study examines the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology and Bayesian statistics in creating a suitable landslide hazard-zone map of good predictive power. A total of 2,036 landslides were interpreted from high-resolution aerial photographs and multi-source satellite images pre- and post-earthquake, and verified by selected field checking before a final landslide-inventory map of the study area could be established using GIS software. The 2,036 landslides were randomly partitioned into two subsets: a training dataset, which contains 80 % (1,628 landslides), for training the model; and a testing dataset 20 % (408 landslides). Twelve earthquake triggered landslide associated controlling parameters, such as elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, topographic position, distance from main surface ruptures, peak ground acceleration, distance from roads, normalized difference vegetation index, distance from drainages, lithology, and distance from all faults were obtained from variety of data sources. Landslide hazard indices were calculated using the weight of evidence model. The landslide hazard map was compared with training data and testing data to obtain the success rate and predictive rate of the model, respectively. The validation results showed satisfactory agreement between the hazard map and the existing landslide distribution data. The success rate is 80.607 %, and the predictive rate is 78.855 %. The resulting landslide hazard map showed five classes of landslide hazard, i.e., very high, high, moderate, low and very low. The landslide hazard evaluation map should be useful for environmental recovery planning and reconstruction work.  相似文献   
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