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一个有限区变网格模式的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在国家气象中心业务运行的有限区球面均匀网格模式的基础上设计了一个有限区变网格模式。使预报的窗口区设计为均匀细网格0.5°,而窗口区以外则以0.1°经纬度均匀向外递增。采用廖洞贤1995年提出的坐标变换方法,变网格中的模式方程可以在相应的均匀网格上进行计算。利用实际资料对绝热模式进行了变网格与全场均匀细网格0.5°的对比试验。3个个例的试验结果表明:对窗口区变网格模式预报几乎与全场均匀细网格模式预报水平相当。但由于窗口区外网格点数减少而所用计算机时(CPU)节省了一半以上。  相似文献   
Ji  Feng  Shi  Yuchuan  Zhou  Huixing  Liu  Haiming  Liao  Yi 《Natural Hazards》2017,87(1):165-184
Farmers along the Amazon River each year face multiple natural hazards that threaten crop production and limit the potential for agricultural development of the expansive floodplain and active channel. In this paper we report the findings of a study of natural hazard-related risk associated with rice production on silt bars in the active channel of the Amazon River near Iquitos, Peru. Data were gathered in four rice producing communities in 2014 using household surveys (n = 83 households), focus group discussions, surveying of land elevations along the Amazon River, and interpretation of remote sensing imagery. The probability, extent, and severity of rice crop shortfalls were estimated for recent production years and the economic losses to farming households were also assessed. Our findings point to a very high risk of crop shortfalls due to natural hazards, suggesting that a good year brings rice farmers bounty and a bad year, near penury. River stage reversals (repiquetes) and edaphic conditions were found to be more problematic than the often cited hazard of high and/or early floods. Also surprisingly, farmers’ perceptions of hazards and risk diverged markedly from actual shortfalls experienced during the production years studied. Our results provide the first quantitative estimates of risk due to the multiple natural hazards along the Amazon River and point to the need to assist lowland farmers with risk mitigation so as to unlock the considerable potential of Amazon floodlands for agricultural production.  相似文献   
广西南宁盆地渐新世孢粉植物群及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统研究南宁盆地琅东高坡邕宁组下含煤段的孢粉,建立1个孢粉组合和3个亚组合.孢粉组合以木本被子植物蕈树科、壳斗科、榆科、胡桃科、杨柳科和木犀科为主,同时见有槭树科、桦木科、芸香科、漆树科、椴树科、冬青科、大戟科、山龙眼科、楝科、珙桐科、忍冬科、山矾科和桑寄生科等成分;草本被子植物花粉少量见到,含莎草科、毛茛科、唇形科、禾本科、菊科、百合科、蓼科、黑三棱科和睡莲科;裸子植物花粉主要为杉科和松科,少量见到罗汉松科;蕨类植物孢子包括凤尾蕨科、水龙骨科、紫萁科、石松科、水藓科和海金沙科.此外,还见有部分藻类分布,含疑源类的皱面球藻属、瘤面球藻属和光面球藻属,亲缘关系不明的环纹藻属以及绿藻门水网藻科的盘星藻属.组合中,裸子植物花粉尤其松科的含量自下而上逐渐减少,藻类主要分布在剖面的中部,蕨类植物孢子更多地见于剖面的上部;因此进而分出3个亚组合.孢粉植物群反映沉积时期的气候温暖湿润,植被类型为亚热带湿生常绿、落叶阔叶混交林.结果表明当时的植物生境稳定、气候温暖,湖泊和湿地逐步发育,在后期形成沼泽环境;孢粉组合一定程度上反映了全球气候在始新世末期急剧变冷后,在渐新世早中期的逐渐回暖过程.  相似文献   
中国大陆西部强震前超低频磁场时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对2015年至2019年期间中国大陆西部的磁通门磁力仪秒采样观测资料开展了5—100 s频段的地磁垂直强度极化分析,并运用一些数学方法对分析结果进行了处理.结果显示,极化高值在经向和纬向均无明显的形态和幅值变化,且极化高值与地磁外源场扰动无关.在此基础上筛选出18次极化高值异常事件,利用插值方法得到了极化高值异常的空间...  相似文献   
2005年3月22日华南飑线的综合分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
罗建英  廖胜石  梁岱云  马艺  寿绍文 《气象》2006,32(10):70-75
2005年3月22日华南地区发生了一次飑线天气过程。利用常规观测、雷达回波、自动气象站资料及NCEP1°×1°的逐6小时资料,从天气形势、雷达回波、物理量场等多角度综合诊断分析了该飑线过程。结果表明:该过程具有低层增温、增湿,中高层降温、低湿的特征。飑线发生在快速东移的高空槽前上干冷、下暖湿的不稳定区域,华南地区700hPa低空急流的爆发及低层急流核向东传输对不稳定能量的突然释放有很大的触发作用。飑线系统在低空增温、增湿与对流层中层干侵入的相互作用下形成,产生大范围的雷雨大风、冰雹等强对流天气。  相似文献   
斑岩型铜钼矿床除主要成矿元素Cu,Mo外,还往往共(伴)生Re,Co,Au,Ag等重要元素,综合回收利用共(伴)生金属具有重大资源及环境效益。通过研究斑岩型铜钼矿床中共(伴)生元素Re,Co,Au,Ag的品位、储量、赋存状态及分布规律,认为Co主要以类质同象形式赋存于黄铁矿中,其分布与黄铁矿密切相关,通常浓集于绢英岩化带外侧;Au,Ag主要以自然金、银与金银系列矿物的形式产出,Au,Ag在不同硫化物中的含量、颗粒粒度以及赋存形式差异很大,Au在各蚀变带均有可能富集,但主要浓集区域是钾化带与石英-绢云母化带;Ag在早期主要以Cu-Ag-Au的形式富集于绢英岩化带,晚期以Pb-Zn-Ag形式赋存于青磐岩化带;Re的分布与绢云母化带的辉钼矿密切相关。  相似文献   
The diffraction of elastic waves by a sedimentary valley in a homogeneous elastic half-space is studied in this paper. The sediment-filled valley is composed of a fluid layer over a soft soil deposit whose characteristics may be significant and should be carefully considered when designing long span bridges with high piers. The method of analysis adopted in the paper is to decompose the problem into an interior region and an exterior region. In the exterior region, the scattered wave fields are constructed with the linear combinations of two independent sets of Lamb’s singular solutions, i.e., the integralsolutions for two concentrated surface loads in two directions; and their derivatives are used to represent the scattered wave fields. A technique is proposed to calculate the integrals in the wave-number domain based on the method of steepest descent. For the interior region, the wave fields for the fluid layer and soft soil deposit are expressed in terms of wave functions which satisfy the equation of motion. The continuity condition at the interface of the media is satisfied in the least square sense. The effects of geometric topography, soil amplification and fluid layer subject to different types of incident harmonic plane waves are analyzed and discussed..  相似文献   
Despite massive investment in flood control infrastructure (FCI), neither cities nor rivers have been well served—flooding continues to challenge cities around the world, while riverine ecosystems are degraded by FCI. Although new flood hazard management concepts have shifted the focus away from FCI, many cities continue to count on FCI to prevent flood damage. It is assumed that existing built-up areas can only count on FCI, as large-scale retreat is often impossible. However, flood adaptation—retrofitting the built environment to prevent damage during flooding—as an option is often ignored. This paper argues against the continual use of FCI to prevent flood damage by reviewing FCI’s established problems. The paper examines human–river interactions associated with FCI, focusing on the feedback mechanisms in the interactions, with a case study on the Lower Green River (LGR) valley in King County, Washington, USA. An urban ecology research model is employed to organize the case study, where interactions between floodplain urbanization, FCI, flow and sediment changes, flood risk, and riverine ecosystem are explored and two feedback mechanisms—river adjustment and flood risk perception—are explicitly addressed. The resulting complex dynamics, in terms of cross–scale interactions, emergence, nonlinearity, and surprises, are synthesized and limitations of FCI outlined. Flood adaptation is explored as a plausible alternative to flood control to nurture flood resilience. A management scenario of flood adaptation for the City of Kent—the largest municipality in the LGR valley—is developed to discuss the implications of flood adaptation on flood risk and river restoration.  相似文献   
Chlorophenols are persistent toxins in the natural environment. In this investigation, 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) in aqueous media were degraded using an electrokinetic process (EK) and an electro-Fenton process (EF) using stainless steel and graphite as the anode and cathode, respectively. Chlorophenols were degraded via direct electrolysis at the surface of the electrode in the EK process. However, in the EF process, the degradation mechanism includes direct electrolysis and oxidation by hydroxyl radicals. The optimal conditions were a current density of 0.75 mA/cm2 and an air flow of 0.7 l/min at pH 4. Under the optimal conditions, the 2,4-DCP and PCP removal rates in the EF process were 80.18 and 64.03 %, respectively. The mineralization efficiencies of 2,4-DCP and PCP were 78.23 and 75.77 %, respectively. The results of dechlorination reveal that almost all of the chlorines were released, but some were retained in the intermediates. The dechlorination efficiency revealed that the EF and EK4 processes two chlorines from 2,4-DCP. They released four or five chlorines and four chlorines from PCP, respectively. The kinetic results provide evidence of pseudo-first degradation. The rate constant (k cp) declined as pHi was increased from 4 to 10. The k cp values reveal that the pH is an important factor that affects the degradation efficiency in the electrochemical process.  相似文献   
采用生物测定方法,研究了黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)叶水浸液对生态相关种羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)与柠条(Caragana intermedia)种子萌发与幼苗生长的化感作用。结果表明:黑沙蒿叶水浸液可抑制羊柴种子萌发与幼苗生长,抑制作用随浓度的升高逐渐加强;幼苗形态指标对叶水浸液作用较为敏感,敏感程度为苗干重苗鲜重根鲜重根长苗高根干重;丙二醛含量综合化感效应指数值明显大于其他指标,相对电导率也表现出较敏感的抑制效应。黑沙蒿叶水浸液对柠条种子萌发存在低促高抑作用;对幼苗形态指标综合化感效应表现为促进,促进作用随浓度的升高逐渐减弱,根鲜重、根长与苗干重为较敏感指标;对生理指标化感综合效应表现为抑制,抑制作用随浓度升高而增强,相对电导率是最敏感的指标,丙二醛含量指标也较敏感。由此推断,对膜系统的伤害可能是黑沙蒿化感物质多种效应的生物起点。  相似文献   
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