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Wu  Jie  Chu  Jun-Fei  Liang  Liang 《Natural Hazards》2015,84(1):279-296

Regarded as an effective method for treating the global warming problem, carbon emissions abatement (CEA) allocation has become a hot research topic and has drawn great attention recently. However, the traditional CEA allocation methods generally set efficient targets for the decision-making units (DMUs) using the farthest targets, which neglects the DMUs’ unwillingness to maximize (minimize) some of their inputs (outputs). In addition, the total CEA level is usually subjectively determined without any consideration of the current carbon emission situations of the DMUs. To surmount these deficiencies, we incorporate data envelopment analysis and its closest target technique into the CEA allocation problem. Firstly, a two-stage approach is proposed for setting the optimal total CEA level for the DMUs. Then, another two-stage approach is given for allocating the identified optimal total CEA among the DMUs. Our approach provides more flexibility when setting new input and output targets for the DMUs in CEA allocation. Finally, the proposed approaches are applied for CEA target setting and allocation for 20 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies.

袁志坚  熊亮 《探矿工程》2014,41(11):17-19
受现有钻探设备能力限制,大口径瓦斯抽排井工程通常采用“先导钻进+分级扩孔”施工方法。通过扩孔所需回转扭矩的计算分析,对常用大口径瓦斯抽排井扩孔分级的设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   
The restoration of meadowland using the pond and plug technique of gully elimination was performed in a 9‐mile segment along Last Chance Creek, Feather River Basin, California, in order to rehabilitate floodplain functions such as mitigating floods, retaining groundwater, and reducing sediment yield associated with bank erosion and to significantly alter the hydrologic regime. However, because the atmospheric and hydrological conditions have evolved over the restoration period, it was difficult to obtain a comprehensible evaluation of the impact of restoration activities by means of field measurements. In this paper, a new use of physically based models for environmental assessment is described. The atmospheric conditions over the sparsely gauged Last Chance Creek watershed (which does not have any precipitation or weather stations) during the combined historical critical dry and wet period (1982–1993) were reconstructed over the whole watershed using the atmospheric fifth‐generation mesoscale model driven with the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and US National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data. Using the downscaled atmospheric data as its input, the watershed environmental hydrology (WEHY) model was applied to this watershed. All physical parameters of the WEHY model were derived from the existing geographic information system and satellite‐driven data sets. By comparing the prerestoration and postrestoration simulation results under the identical atmospheric conditions, a more complete environmental assessment of the restoration project was made. Model results indicate that the flood peak may be reduced by 10–20% during the wet year and the baseflow may be enhanced by 10–20% during the following dry seasons (summer to fall) in the postrestoration condition. The model results also showed that the hydrologic impact of the land management associated with the restoration mitigates bank erosion and sediment discharge during winter storm events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The hydrocarbon potential of the Hangjinqi area in the northern Ordos Basin is not well known, compared to the other areas of the basin, despite its substantial petroleum system.Restoration of a depth-converted seismic profile across the Hangjinqi Fault Zone(HFZ) in the eastern Hangjinqi area shows one compression that created anticlinal structures in the Late Triassic, and two extensions in ~Middle Jurassic and Late Early Cretaceous, which were interrupted by inversions in the Late Jurassic–Early Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous, respectively.Hydrocarbon generation at the well locations in the Central Ordos Basin(COB) began in the Late Triassic.Basin modeling of Well Zhao-4 suggests that hydrocarbon generation from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures of the northern Shanbei Slope peaked in the Early Cretaceous, predating the inversion in the Late Cretaceous.Most source rocks in the Shanbei Slope passed the main gas-migration phase except for the Hangjinqi area source rocks(Well Jin-48).Hydrocarbons generated from the COB are likely to have migrated northward toward the anticlinal structures and traps along the HFZ because the basin-fill strata are dipping south.Faulting that continued during the extensional phase(Late Early Cretaceous) of the Hangjinqi area probably acted as conduits for the migration of hydrocarbons.Thus, the anticlinal structures and associated traps to the north of the HFZ might have trapped hydrocarbons that were charged from the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coal measures in the COB since the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
南海永乐龙洞位于西沙群岛永乐环礁,是迄今为止发现的最深的海洋蓝洞,水文环境及理化因素特殊,90 m以下水体为无氧环境。为研究永乐龙洞浮游植物的群落组成及其昼夜变化,于2017年3月在龙洞、潟湖及外礁坡进行浮游植物样品采集。研究结果表明:龙洞内叶绿素a浓度呈现随深度先增大后减小的趋势,日间浓度最大值层出现在40 m层(0.42μg/L),夜间则出现在20 m层(0.59μg/L)。永乐龙洞微微型浮游植物丰度介于1.1×10^3~5.1×10^4 cells/mL。聚球藻在上层水体占优势(0~20 m),40 m以下水层原绿球藻丰度对微微型浮游植物丰度贡献率最大(90%以上),微微型真核浮游植物丰度在整个水体都较低(除20 m层)。微微型浮游植物昼夜存在明显差异,夜间其丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则上移至表层。本研究共记录微型和小型浮游植物5门41属55种(含未定种)。其中,硅藻门25属34种、甲藻门12属15种、金藻门1属1种、蓝藻3属、隐藻1属。微型和小型浮游植物丰度介于3.3×10^2~9.8×10^4 cells/L。甲藻丰度对浮游植物总丰度贡献率最大,其次是硅藻,隐藻和蓝藻丰度仅在少数水层占优势。微型和小型浮游植物昼夜变化明显,夜间丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则出现在40 m层。微微型、微型和小型浮游植物垂直分布与叶绿素a浓度垂直分布一致性高。龙洞浮游植物的种类数和丰度高于潟湖和外礁坡。  相似文献   
选取山西数字地震台网2010年不同震级,不同地点的地震事件,按照中国地震局的编目要求对波形进行WA仿真处理,对比仿真前后的震级大小,找出其中存在的偏差,为地震资料的衔接提供参考.  相似文献   
基于锡尔系数的广东省城市创新能力差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用锡尔系数的方法,以专利授权数为变量,通过GDP和人口数2种不同的比重加权方法对比,对广东省各城市间的城市创新能力进行测算并分析其差异.研究表明:以GDP比重加权的城市创新能力差异呈减小趋势,而以人口数比重加权的创新能力差异呈增大趋势;城市越来越重视城市创新的建设,以创新带动城市发展;人口增长速度与城市创新能力有一定的关联,是造成城市创新能力差异的重要原因.  相似文献   
东北黑土区保护性耕作的发展现状与成效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北黑土区承担着国家粮食安全“稳压器”的重要责任。然而,由于长期超负荷开发利用导致黑土日益退化,黑土资源的永续利用受到严重制约。理论与实践证明,保护性耕作是保护黑土地、推动黑土耕地质量和耕作效益绿色增长的发展模式。综述了保护性耕作的基本内涵及其在东北黑土区的发展现状与技术概况,从保护性耕作在土壤保持、保墒效益、结构改善、固碳培肥和土壤生物多样性增加、节本增效等方面系统评估了东北黑土区实施保护性耕作后的生态与经济效益,提出黑土区实施保护性耕作存在的问题与未来发展方向,以促进黑土地保护与利用协调发展、推动保护性耕作高质量跨越式发展。  相似文献   
东北地区风能资源空间分布特征与模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用东北地区104个气象站1991~2010年观测资料和70个测风塔2009年6月~2010年5月测风资料,进行了风能资源空间分布特征分析,并利用中尺度模式WRF进行风能资源空间模拟,以研究观测站点稀少地区的风能资源分布特征。研究结果表明:1东北地区气象站和测风塔揭示的大风区域主要分布在平原和丘陵的高海拔地带。2中尺度模式WRF能够较好地模拟东北区域风速分布的气候特征,模拟结果既反映出平原大面积的大风区域,也可反映出山区因地形起伏造成的风速空间分布差异。3对风能资源参数模拟结果进行海拔高度订正,可以进一步提高模式计算结果的准确性和可靠性。4松嫩平原、辽河平原、三江平原70 m高度年平均风功率密度在300~500 W/m2之间,属于风能资源可利用区或较丰富区;在辽宁省西部、吉林省中部和黑龙江省中部丘陵以及东北地区东南部的呈东北-西南走向的中高山区的70 m年平均风功率密度可达300 W/m2以上,局部地方可达500 W/m2以上,风能资源丰富。  相似文献   
针对航空和地面LiDAR数据配准中点云数据的共轭特征较少且精度差异较大的问题,提出了一种基于可移动角点的航空和地面LiDAR数据配准方法:从航空和地面LiDAR数据中分别提取相应的建筑物角点,采用6参数模型对角点进行初始配准;以地面角点为参照,利用迭代移动方法对误差较大的航空角点进行修正;最后根据移动后的航空和地面角点计算获得点云配准关系。实验结果表明,该文方法可取得较好的点云配准效果,角点修正后能有效提升点云配准精度,适合于含有角点特征的航空和地面LiDAR数据配准。  相似文献   
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