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柳岳清  周国华  陈曙 《气象科技》2010,38(4):526-531
利用气象灾害普查资料、影响浙江丽水热带气旋的有关历史资料以及历年丽水市的国内生产总值(GDP)统计资料,对1984~2007年影响丽水的热带气旋灾害特征进行统计分析,并应用改进后的气象灾害分级标准,对丽水的热带气旋灾害进行风险评估。结果表明:丽水的热带气旋灾害是各类气象灾害中最严重的;24年中致灾热带气旋年发生频数为1.2个;5、7、8、9、10月均有致灾热带气旋,其中8月气旋个数最多、影响最严重;热带气旋灾害在空间上呈明显的自东南向西北减轻的特点,但各月之间略有差异;热带气旋灾害风险青田最大,松阳最小,且两者之间差异巨大。  相似文献   
庄炳亮  王体健  李树 《高原气象》2009,28(5):1095-1104
将区域气候模式(RegCM3)与对流层大气化学模式(TACM)耦合, 建立区域气候化学模拟系统(RegCCMS), 用以模拟研究中国地区黑碳气溶胶的空间分布、 第一间接辐射强迫及其气候效应。利用RegCCMS模式对2003年1月和7月进行模拟, 结果表明, 我国黑碳气溶胶主要集中在四川、 河北、 山东等地, 1月份浓度最高值中心在四川, 达到4 μg·m-3; 而在7月则出现在华中地区, 高值中心值为3.5 μg·m-3。地面浓度的季节差异不是很明显。1月和7月由黑碳气溶胶所造成的第一间接辐射强迫全国平均值分别为-0.389 W·m-2和-1.18 W·m-2, 局部地区达到-4~-4.5 W·m-2。敏感性试验结果表明, 考虑黑碳气溶胶的第一间接气候效应后, 使得近地面气温下降, 降水减少, 1月变化的平均值分别为-0.025K和-0.0027 mm·d-1, 7月变化的平均值分别为-0.16K和-0.095 mm·d-1, 在不同季节和地区, 气温和降水的变化存在明显差异。  相似文献   
对前人提出的多种地球动力学机制特别是地幔对流说进行剖析,提出板块运动地球动力来源于地转离极作用和旋转半径变化造成的地转不同步作用,并受到刚性岩石圈板块应力平衡作用、惯性作用和弹性作用等内在规律的制约,另外规律性的固体潮作用和偶然性的陨石撞击作用是影响板块运动的附加应力因素。  相似文献   
罗河铁矿床是20世纪80年代在长江中下游成矿带庐枞盆地中发现的规模最大的铁矿床。经深部找矿勘探工作,2013年在罗河铁矿床主矿体800~1000 m之下又发现了小包庄铁矿床,这是近年来在长江中下游成矿带深部找矿工作中的重大进展之一,对该矿床地质特征的总结和形成时代的精确厘定,是正确分析矿床成因机制,完善玢岩型铁矿床成矿理论的关键。文章在已有研究的基础上,通过详细的钻孔岩芯观察、系统的岩相学和矿相学及电子探针分析测试工作,查明了罗河铁矿和小包庄铁矿的矿化蚀变特征,厘定了矿化阶段,初步探讨了成矿作用过程;对小包庄铁矿床进行了高精度金云母~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar同位素年代学研究,获得坪年龄为(130.32±0.78)Ma,相应的等时线年龄为(130.5±1.5)Ma,反等时线年龄为(130.4±1.3)Ma。结合庐枞盆地及区域成岩成矿时代,认为盆地内玢岩型铁矿床集中形成于130 Ma左右,是长江中下游成矿带第二阶段(135~126 Ma)成矿作用的产物。  相似文献   
Electrostatic plasma waves in an adiabatic electron–positron plasma are investigated nonperturbatively. It is shown that quasistationary large-amplitude waves with smooth as well as highly peaked profiles can appear. In the peaked waves, the electron and positron peaks may be separated by large distances, but no completely isolated soliton-like structures were found.  相似文献   
Typhoon Meranti originated over the western North Pacific off the south tip of the Taiwan Island in 2010.It moved westward entering the South China Sea,then abruptly turned north into the Taiwan Strait,got intensified on its way northward,and eventually made landfall on Fujian province.In its evolution,there was a northwest-moving cold vortex in upper troposphere to the south of the Subtropical High over the western North Pacific(hereafter referred to as the Subtropical High).In this paper,the possible impacts of this cold vortex on Meranti in terms of its track and intensity variation is investigated using typhoon best track data from China Meteorological Administration,analyses data of 0.5×0.5 degree provided by the global forecasting system of National Centers for Environmental Prediction,GMS satellite imagery and Taiwan radar data.Results show as follows:(1)The upper-level cold vortex was revolving around the typhoon anticlockwise from its east to its north.In the early stage,due to the blocking of the cold vortex,the role of the Subtropical High to steer Meranti was weakened,which results in the looping of the west-moving typhoon.However,when Meranti was coupled with the cold vortex in meridional direction,the northerly wind changed to the southerly at the upper level of the typhoon;at the same time the Subtropical High protruded westward and its southbound steering flow gained strength,and eventually created an environment in which the southerly winds in both upper and lower troposphere suddenly steered Meranti to the north;(2)The change of airflow direction above the typhoon led to a weak vertical wind shear,which in return facilitated the development of Meranti.Meanwhile,to the east of typhoon Meranti,the overlapped southwesterly jets in upper and lower atmosphere accelerated its tangential wind and contributed to its cyclonic development;(3)The cold vortex not only supplied positive vorticity to the typhoon,but also transported cold advection to its outer bands.In conjunction with the warm and moist air masses at the lower levels,the cold vortex increased the vertical instability in the atmosphere,which was favorable for convection development within the typhoon circulation,and its warmer center was enhanced through latent heat release;(4)Vertical vorticity budget averaged over the typhoon area further shows that the intensification of a typhoon vorticity column mainly depends on horizontal advection of its high-level vorticity,low-level convergence,uneven wind field distribution and its convective activities.  相似文献   
Recent high-pressure studies have shown that an electronic spin transition of iron in ferropericlase, an expected major phase of Earth’s lower mantle, results in changes in its properties, including density, incompressibility, radiative thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and sound velocities. To understand the rheology of ferropericlase across the spin transition, we have used in situ radial X-ray diffraction techniques to examine ferropericlase, (Mg0.83,Fe0.17)O, deformed non-hydrostatically in a diamond cell up to 81 GPa at room temperature. Compared with recent quasi-hydrostatic studies, the range of the spin transition is shifted by approximately 20 GPa as a result of the presence of large differential stress in the sample. We also observed a reduction in incompressibility and in the unit cell volume of 3% across the spin transition. Our radial X-ray diffraction results show that the {0 0 1} texture is the dominant lattice preferred orientation in ferropericlase across the spin transition and in the low-spin state. Viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal plasticity simulations suggest that this preferred orientation pattern is produced by {1 1 0}<1–10> slip. Analyzing our radial X-ray diffraction patterns using lattice strain theory, we evaluated the lattice d-spacings of ferropericlase and Mo as a function of the ψ angle between the compression direction and the diffracting plane normal. These analyses give the ratio between the uniaxial stress component (t) and the shear modulus (G) under constant stress condition, which represents a proxy for the supported differential stress and elastic strength. This ratio in the mixed-spin and low-spin states is lower than what is expected from previous studies of high-spin ferropericlase, indicating that the spin transition results in a reduced differential stress and elastic strength along with the volume reduction. The influence of the spin transition on the differential stress and strength of ferropericlase is expected to be less dominant across the wide spin transition zone at high pressure–temperature conditions relevant to the lower mantle.  相似文献   
Lying at the junction of the Dabashan, Longmenshan and Qinling mountains, the Micangshan Orogenic Belt coupled with a basin is a duplex structure and back-thrust triangular belt with little horizontal displacement, small thrust faults and continuous sedimentary cover. On the basis of 3D seismic data, and through sedimentary and structural research, the Micangshan foreland can be divided into five subbelts, which from north to south are: basement thrust, frontal thrust, foreland depression-back-thrust triangle, foreland fold belt or anticline belt, and the Tongjiang Depression. Along the direction of strike from west to east, the arcuate structural belt of Micangshan can be divided into west, middle and east segments. During the collision between the Qinling and Yangtze plates, the Micangshan Orogenic Belt was subjected to the interaction of three rigid terranes: Bikou, Foping, and Fenghuangshan (a.k.a. Ziyang) terranes. The collision processes of rigid terranes controlled the structural development of the Micangshan foreland, which are: (a) the former collision between the Micangshan-Hannan and Bikou terranes forming the earlier rudiments of the structure; and (b) the later collision forming the main body of the structural belt. The formation processes of the Micangshan Orogenic Belt can be divided into four stages: (1) in the early stage of the Indosinian movement, the Micangshan-Hannan Rigid Terrane was jointed to the Qinling Plate by the clockwise subduction of the Yangtze Plate toward the Qinling Plate; (2) since the late Triassic, the earlier rudiments of the Tongnanba and Jiulongshan anticlines and corresponding syncline were formed by compression from different directions of the Bikou, Foping and Micangshan-Hannan terranes; (3) in the early stage of the Himalayan movement, the Micangshan-Hannan Terrane formed the Micangshan Nappe torwards the foreland basin and the compression stresses were mainly concentrated along both its flanks, whereas the Micangshan-Hannan Terrane wedged into the Qinling Orogenic Belt with force; (4) in the late stage of the Himalayan movement, the main collision of the Qinling Plate made the old basement rocks of the terrane uplift quickly, to form the Micangshan Orogenic Belt. The Micangshan foreland arcuate structure was formed due to the non-homogeneity of terrane movement.  相似文献   
“深时”(Deep Time)研究与沉积学   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
孙枢  王成善 《沉积学报》2009,27(5):792-810
近百年来全球气候正在经历一次以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,人类文明的发展迫切要求我们对这种变化的发展趋势及其环境与资源效应有更加深入的了解。仅仅对现代和第四纪气候研究是有局限性的,全面了解地球表层及气候系统需要研究整个地质历史时期地球表层系统的发展演化。基于这样一种需求,从沉积记录研究前第四纪地质历史时期的地球古气候变化及重大地质事件,并为未来气候预测提供依据的“深时”(Deep Time)研究计划在国际地球科学界逐渐形成。“深时”研究将聚焦地球气候系统中的重大科学问题,通过地质历史时期极端气候事件探讨气候变化的极限和速率、大气成分和大洋成分变化、大气环流和大洋环流以及生物圈、固体地球与太阳的联系等,最终揭示地球气候系统与地球系统的联系。“深时”研究将通过解译、定年和模拟的基本方法,发展完善大陆科学钻探项目,获得保存良好、高分辨率的沉积记录是重中之重。可以预见,“深时”研究将与“深空”(Deep Space)、“深海”(Deep Sea)和“深部”(Deep Interior)研究计划一样,成为未来国际和国内地球科学重大研究领域。同时,在开展“深时”研究过程中,沉积学也将扮演核心学科的角色发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   
一株黑曲霉对磷矿石的风化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一株分离于植物根际土壤且有较强溶磷能力的真菌研究其对磷矿石的风化作用。对该菌株的ITS序列进行PCR扩增及序列测定后,再结合该菌株的形态特征对其进行鉴定,结果为黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)。用ICP-OES测定培养液中的Ca2+浓度,磷钼比色法测定可溶性磷的含量,电子探针、透射电镜和能谱仪分析菌株作用后的残留物。培养液中的Ca2+浓度由第3天的10.02mg/L增加到第30天的217.61mg/L,可溶性磷的浓度由第3天的5.37mg/L增加到第30天的921.37mg/L;风化过程中形成了大量的次生矿物草酸钙,大分子有机物形成的生物膜以及菌丝体穿插破坏矿物颗粒促进磷矿石的风化。表明该菌株对磷矿石有较强的风化能力,黑曲霉生长产生的生物物理破坏作用和胞外分泌物的生化降解作用是引起磷矿石风化的主要因素。  相似文献   
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