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Lidar (laser scanning) technology has been proven as a prominent technique for the acquisition of high-density and accurate topographic information. Because of systematic errors in the lidar measurements (drifts in the position and orientation information and biases in the mirror angles and ranges) and/or in the parameters relating the system components (mounting parameters), adjacent lidar strips may exhibit discrepancies. Although position and orientation drifts can have a more significant impact, these errors and their impact do not come as a surprise if the quality of the GPS/INS integration process is carefully examined. Therefore, the mounting errors are singled out in this work. The ideal solution for improving the compatibility of neighbouring strips in the presence of errors in the mounting parameters is the implementation of a rigorous calibration procedure. However, such a calibration requires the original observations, which may not be usually available. In this paper, a strip adjustment procedure to improve the compatibility between parallel lidar strips with moderate flight dynamics (for example, acquired by a fixed-wing aircraft) over an area with moderately varying elevation is proposed. The proposed method is similar to the photogrammetric block adjustment of independent models. Instead of point features, planar patches and linear features, which are represented by sets of non-conjugate points, are used for the strip adjustment. The feasibility and the performance of the proposed procedure together with its impact on subsequent activities are illustrated using experimental results from real data.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to evaluate current knowledge and uncertainties associated with the impact of increasing greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations on the West African monsoon. For this purpose, coupled and time-slice simulations are used. A global measure of the monsoon changes is defined in order to avoid regional biases and to try and obtain significant results. The position and width of the monsoon in latitude are the main focuses. There is almost no agreement between the Coupled General Circulation models from the Coupled models Inter-Comparison project—Phase II in regard to the impact of climate change on the monsoon. Moreover, very simple discriminations between the models seem inappropriate to get a better signal. The role of the different forcings in time-slice simulations is then investigated. The sea surface temperature (SST) and particularly the pattern of the SST are shown to be the most important forcing. This accounts for the diversity of the results either from the coupled or the forced simulations with different SST changes. With a fixed SST, but of a smaller magnitude in AMJ, there are still uncertainties, coming first from the Atmospheric General Circulation models and the way they balance greenhouse gas and global SST increase. Finally the uncertainty due to the Land Surface models (LSMs) is not negligible. The greenhouse gas and the LSMs are shown to have more impact in August, when the monsoon is at its highest latitude on the continent.  相似文献   
历史时期(1765-1980年)西藏水旱雪灾规律的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林振耀  吴祥定 《气象学报》1986,44(3):257-264
本文利用近千份藏文灾情历史档案和清政府驻西藏办事大臣有泰的日记和联豫的奏稿,以及西藏气象观测记录(1951—1980年),对西藏高原历史时期的水、旱、雪灾作了初步探讨,主要结论如下: 1.近百年来藏南的水旱灾是交替出现的,有三个多水期(1883—1906,1916—1934,1947—1962)和三个干旱期(1907—1915,1935—1946,1963—1980)。干旱期有逐渐加长的趋势。 2.西藏除了有变干的总趋势外,水旱灾还有明显的3.8—2.6年的周期。这与普遍存在的“准两年脉动”周期大体上一致。 3.藏南农区的降水量即使高于常年的一倍也不易形成洪水泛滥和大面积的内涝,但年降水量比常年少100mm以上就可造成严重干旱,农业生产大幅度减产。 4.造成西藏干旱的原因很多也很复杂,除高原气候近期有变干暖的总趋势外,近20年来水浇地和有效灌溉面积的扩大,以及农作物的种植比例不适当,象过份扩大冬小麦种植面积等亦会造成农业干旱。 5.19世纪以来,藏北高原共发生15次严重大雪灾,其中尤以1828—1829年,1927—1928年,1887—1888年三次雪灾最为严重。但近50年,发生的雪灾较过去有所减轻。不过,1967—1968年雪灾也较为严重。  相似文献   
国外脆弱性理论模型与评估框架研究评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,脆弱性研究作为一种新的研究范式已经在多学科领域中得到了广泛应用,并取得了丰硕成果.但随着研究的深入,学者们发现,由于学科背景及研究视角的差异性,不同研究领域之间存在着结论不兼容和工作重复等问题,迫切需要一个可行的理论模型与评估框架来整合其理论和实践的研究.在对脆弱性概念内涵的发展演变过程分析的基础上,对国外多学科领域中的脆弱性理论模型及评估框架进行了对比研究和评述.研究发现:脆弱性概念的泛化是制约通用脆弱性理论模型与评估框架的关键因素,结合未来脆弱性研究的发展方向,对整合的脆弱性理论模型与评估框架提出了4个方面的要求,即多时空尺度特征、多重扰动特征、耦合系统特征和人文特征.  相似文献   
沉积物硼(B)同位素组成可以反映其地质成因及经历的地质过程,因此在许多领域的研究中都有较为广泛的应用。通过对位于柴达木盆地碱山背斜顶部的SG-1b钻孔沉积物(7.3~1.6 Ma)水溶组分的B同位素研究,发现钻孔沉积物B含量在38.55~172.3μg/g之间,平均含量为87.6μg/g;δ~(11)B值的变化范围在3.61‰~16.26‰之间,平均值为10.65‰,B含量与δ~(11)B值具有一定的正相关关系。进一步分析表明,受到碱山背斜构造隆升以及晚新生代以来气候干旱化的影响,柴西古湖逐渐咸化萎缩,沉积环境以及碳酸盐含量、粘土矿物含量及其矿物组合等也在发生变化,B含量和δ~(11)B值自钻孔底部向上的逐步增加以及后期的急剧增加,与水溶离子含量以及矿物和粒度等的变化一致,这说明柴达木盆地晚中新世以来湖泊沉积物的B含量和δ~(11)B值可以很好地反映研究区气候和湖水的演化过程,共同指示了研究区自7.3 Ma以来气候的持续干旱化和湖水盐度的逐步增加,以及3.3Ma以来干旱化和湖水浓缩过程的加剧。  相似文献   
了解物种利用资源和占据生态空间的能力,对维持完善和科学保育荒漠戈壁植物群落的多样性具有重要意义。在综合反映各生态因子作用的群落类型和海拔梯度组合而成的两条资源轴上,测度分析了甘肃酒泉荒漠戈壁灌木群落主要优势种的生态位特征。结果表明:(1)在群落类型和海拔梯度两条资源轴上,红砂(Reaumuria songarica)、泡泡刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa)和合头草(Sympegma regelii)的重要值和生态位宽度均较大,说明这些物种适应能力强,能够较好地利用环境资源,分布范围大,作为荒漠戈壁灌木群落中的广域种具有重要的生态地位和作用。(2)荒漠戈壁优势物种间的生态位重叠值多数较小,在群落类型和海拔梯度资源轴上生态位重叠值小于0.5的分别占总种对的62.63%和77.89%。生态位宽度大的物种之间一般生态位重叠值较高,物种利用资源能力强且存在竞争关系;然而,生态位宽度较小的物种与其他物种之间的生态位重叠程度较低,不同物种在环境资源的需求上产生互补,可以和谐共存;生态位宽度小的物种之间生态位重叠值仍较高,物种分布呈斑块现象;因此,生态位重叠与生态位宽度之间无显著相关性。(3)荒漠戈壁优势物种间总体表现为不显著的正关联,表明该植被群落结构及其物种之间处于稳定共存的状态。  相似文献   
2001—2020年黄河流域植被覆盖变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
基于MODIS NDVI植被指数和气象数据集,以集合经验模态分解、趋势分析和随机森林回归分析等方法,分析了黄河流域2001—2020年植被覆盖时空变化特征,并对其气候驱动因素进行探讨。结果表明:(1)2001—2020年黄河流域植被覆盖整体呈显著增长趋势,增速为0.055/10a (P<0.05),2010年之前增速(0.067/10a)大于2010年之后的增速(0.051/10a)。(2)空间上,植被覆盖增加区域主要分布在陕北黄土高原、甘肃省东南部、内蒙古自治区河套平原等退耕还林还草生态工程实施区域,而植被覆盖显著下降区域则集中在关中平原城市群、黄淮海平原以及青藏高原等区域。(3)气温、降水和CO2浓度等对黄河流域植被生长起到正向促进作用,且绝对敏感性依次降低,而大气饱和水汽压差、太阳辐射等对植被生长起到抑制作用。本研究结果可为评估气候变化对黄河流域植被覆盖变化的综合影响提供参考依据。  相似文献   
沉积岩中的微量元素对沉积环境水介质的变化较为敏感,是研究沉积物沉积时古气候、古环境的有效手段。选取了对沉积环境介质较为敏感的锶(Sr)、钡(Ba)、铜(Cu)、铀(U)、钒(V)、镍(Ni)、钍(Th)等元素作为判别指标,对柴达木盆地西部上新统油砂山组、狮子沟组和更新统七个泉组三套富锶岩层的古气候和古沉积环境特征进行了研究。结果表明,柴达木盆地西部从油砂山组到七个泉组沉积时总体上为干旱的气候环境;湖盆水体的盐度较高,表现为咸水环境,且从油砂山组到七个泉组随着地层变新,盐度有逐渐增大的趋势;油砂山组、狮子沟组和七个泉组沉积时湖盆水体均表现为中等分层、湖水循环较为顺畅的氧化环境。  相似文献   
Atmospheric air temperature data from 92 stations in China’s radiosonde network were used to analyze changes in the freezing level height (FLH), glacier snow line, and ice edge from 1958–2005 (48 years) and to examine the impact of these changes on the cryosphere. In general, the FLH, glacier snow line, and ice edge exhibited latitudinal zonation, declining from south to north. Trends in the FLH, glacier snow line, and ice edge showed spatial heterogeneity during the study period, with prevailing upward trends. Temporally, the FLH, glacier snow line, and ice edge trends differed on various time scales.  相似文献   
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