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Paleomagnetic data on Middle- and Late-Paleozoic rocks from the central part of the Ural-Mongolian Belt in Kazakhstan are considered. The primary remanences in the Permian rocks and secondary magnetization components of the same age in pre-Permian rocks of central and northern Kazakhstan are not rotated relative to the East European Platform. In southern Kazakhstan adjoining the Tien Shan almost all data point to large, up to 90°, counterclockwise rotation of blocks. These rotations, related to the regional wrench fault zone, must be subtracted from older paleomagnetic data to ensure their correct interpretation. The paleomagnetic declinations in Upper Carboniferous rocks coincide more or less over all of Kazakhstan, whereas the Silurian and Early Devonian declinations in the north and south of Kazakhstan differ approximately by 180°. It can be suggested that the Devonian volcanic belt, having a horseshoe outline, was initially an almost rectilinear NW-trending feature. Its oroclinal bending took place in the Devonian and Early Carboniferous and completed by the Late Carboniferous. We compared the model of the Kazakh Orocline based on paleomagnetic data with the geological events in this territory. It turned out that a slow bending of an initially rectilinear subduction zone is consistent with lateral migration of active volcanism and folding inside a developing loop, whereas extension outside the loop was accompanied by subsidence and rifting. In general, the proposed model connects the main tectonic events in Kazakhstan with the movements established from paleomagnetic data.  相似文献   
The paleogeography of the Earth, including the East European Platform, is very inaccurately defined for the interval 500–700 Ma. The quantity and quality of Late Precambrian–Cambrian paleomagnetic data on this platform are absolutely insufficient for reliable paleogeographical or paleotectonic reconstructions. Since there are almost no unstudied objects in the platform that could be used for paleomagnetic studies, it seems reasonable to consider the deformed platform margins. Of particular interest is the Bashkir anticlinorium (South Urals) with numerous Ediacaran sedimentary sections, some of which contain tuff beds suitable for isotope dating. We present paleomagnetic and geochronological data on the Upper Ediacaran Zigan Formation, sampled in the western part of the western limb of the Bashkir anticlinorium. The East European Platform must have been at near-equatorial latitudes at ~550 Ma.  相似文献   
We have carried out paleomagnetic studies of the Upper Vendian sedimentary rocks from the Bashkirian Meganticlinorium (Southern Ural). The rocks were sampled at three localities spread over more than 100 km. Totally, more than 300 samples were collected from about 40 sampling sites. Stepwise thermal demagnetization up to 700°C revealed a stable component of magnetization of either polarity in 25 sites. The fold test and the reversal test for this component are positive, which is usually regarded as a sound argument in favor of the primary origin of magnetization. However, the Basu paleomagnetic pole (longitude 187.3°E, latitude 1.1°N) is located near the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian segment of the apparent polar wander path for Baltica, which might indicate a Paleozoic remagnetization of Vendian rocks. In this work we analyze different interpretations of the obtained results and evaluate the reliability of the Late Riphean and Vendian paleomagnetic data for Baltica.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - This work presents data on the age of the volcanites of Sommers Island located to the south of the submarine extension of the Vyborg massif, as potential comagmates of...  相似文献   
The influence of the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation cover and topography on CO2 fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer is estimated using a two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model of turbulent exchange. A ~4.5-km-long profile that crossed a hilly area with a mosaic vegetation cover in Tula region was selected for model experiments. During the first experiment, a wind field and vertical fluxes were calculated by the 2D model for the entire selected profile with respect to the horizontal heterogeneity of the vegetation cover and surface topography. In the second experiment, the profile was considered an assemblage of elementary independent homogeneous segments; for each of them, vertical fluxes were calculated by the 2D model with the assumption of ‘zero’ horizontal advection, i.e., the required functions are independent of the horizontal coordinates. The influences of any boundary effects that appear at the interface between the different vegetation communities and at topographical irregularities on the turbulent regime are ignored in this case. For the profile selected, ignoring the horizontal advection, disturbances in the wind field that appeared at surface topography irregularities, and boundaries between different vegetation communities can lead to a 26% underestimation of the total CО2 absorption by the ground surface on a clear sunny day under summer weather conditions.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic data may contribute to studying the formation history of orogens; in particular, these data can promote identifying the pattern and scales of deformations at the final stages of orogeny. We have conducted paleomagnetic studies of the Paleozoic and Neoproterozoic sediments in the western part of the Western Ural Megazone in South Urals. The detailed thermal demagnetization revealed the intermediate temperature magnetization component in most samples. This magnetization has a reversed polarity and has been acquired before folding or at the early stages of the deformations. The directions of this component are narrowly grouped in rocks of a different age in all the segments of the studied part of South Urals, and the regional average direction closely agrees with the reference paleomagnetic direction of 270 Ma for the East European Platform. The results of our study suggest the following conclusions: (1) the main magnetization component in the studied sedimentary rocks has a secondary origin; (2) this component has an age of ~270 Ma and has been formed during the Kungur deformations (279–272 Ma ago) of the western part of South Urals; (3) neither a general rotation of the studied part of the Urals relative to the East European Platform nor local rotations of the individual tectonic blocks relative to each other are revealed; (4) the changes in the strike of the structures from NE within the Karatau uplift to the submeridional in the remaining part of the Urals is not an oroclinal bend.  相似文献   
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The previous paleomagnetic studies of the Upper Vendian Zigan Formation sediments on the western slope of Southern Ural revealed uncommonly...  相似文献   
After the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, we mapped surface ground fractures in Tangdhar, Uri, Rajouri and Punch sectors and liquefaction features in Jammu area lying close to the eastern side of the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir, India. The NW trending ground fractures occurred largely in the hanging wall zone of the southeastern extension of the causative fault in Tangdhar and Uri sectors. The principal compressive stress deduced from the earthquake induced ground fractures is oriented at N10°, whereas the causative Balakot–Bagh fault strikes 330°. The fault-plane solution indicates primarily SW thrusting of the causative fault with a component of strike–slip motion. The ground fractures reflect pronounced strike–slip together with some tensile component. The Tangdhar area showing left-lateral strike–slip motion lies on the hanging wall, and the Uri region showing right-lateral strike–slip movement is located towards the southeastern extension of the causative fault zone. The shear fractures are related to static stress that was responsible for the failure of causative fault. The tensile fractures with offsets are attributed to combination of both static and dynamic stresses, and the fractures and openings without offsets owe their origin due to dynamic stress. In Punch–Rajouri and Jammu area, which lies on the footwall, the fractures and liquefactions were generated by dynamic stress. The occurrence of liquefaction features in the out board part of the Himalayan range front near Jammu is suggestive of stress transfer  230 km southeast of the epicenter. The Balakot–Bagh Fault (BBF), the Muzaffarabad anticline, the rupture zone of causative fault and the zone of aftershocks — all are aligned in a  25 km wide belt along the NW–SE trending regional Himalayan strike of Kashmir region and lying between the MBT and the Riasi Thrust (Murree Thrust), suggesting a seismogenic zone that may propagate towards the southeast to trigger an earthquake in the eastern part of the Kashmir region.  相似文献   
The knowledge on the early stages of evolution of the Ural-Mongolian Belt (UMB) (Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian) is a key for understanding of its evolution in the Paleozoic. Unfortunately, this stage remains poorly studied. The tectonic reconstructions of the UMB for this time primarily depend on the views on the kinematics and tectonic evolution of numerous sialic massifs with Precambrian basement in the structure of the Tien Shan, Kazakhstan, Altai, and Mongolia. At present, the concept of the origin of these massifs is largely based on the lithostratigraphic similarity of the Neoproterozoic and Lower Paleozoic sections of the Tarim, South China, and Siberian platforms with coeval sections of Precambrian massifs within the UMB. New paleomagnetic and geochronological data can serve as additional sources of information on the origin and paleotectonic position of the microcontinents. In this paper, we present new isotopic datings and a new paleomagnetic determination for the Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks of the Zabhan Formation from the Baydrag microcontinent in central Mongolia. It is established that 805−770 Ma ago (U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS age of zircon) the Baydrag microcontinent was situated at a latitude of 47 ± 14° in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. These data provide new insights into the possible origin of the Precambrian micro-continents in the UMB. Analysis of paleomagnetic data and comparison of the age of the basement beneath various plates allow us to state rather confidently that ∼800 Ma ago the micro-continents of the UMB belonged to one of the North Rodinian plates: Indian, Tarim, or South China; their Australian origin is less probable.  相似文献   
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