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Long-term monitoring of wall paintings affected by soluble salts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term monitoring of wall paintings in historical monuments aims at clarifying involved decay processes and at the same time controlling effects of interventions for conservation. Monitored decay processes relate to the crystallisation of various salts – particularly of nitronatrite and gypsum – from hygroscopic solutions accumulated in the zone of ground moisture. The salts crystallise in response to climatic variations and other environmental changes. Measures for conservation such as protection from water infiltration, reduction of heating temperature and reduction of surface salt accumulation cause a significant slow-down but not a stop of decay. The particular dynamics and causes of remaining slow decay processes are described on three sites in Switzerland: the convent church of Müstair, the crypt in the cathedral of Basel and the crypt in the Grossmünster church of Zürich.  相似文献   
We assess the probability and importance of different spatial distributions ofPhragmites australis (Trin Ex Steud) within brackish tidal marshes of the mid-Atlantic United States coast. The comparative impact ofPhragmites expansion on the larger coupled marsh-estuary system may partially be a function of the landscape area dominated byPhragmites, the landscape position occupied byPhragmites, the landscape pattern created byPhragmites expansions, and the resulting impact on tidal drainage networks. We find evidence thatPhragmites establishment can occur at many landscape positions, and thatPhragmites spread within a marsh can occur via colonization (new patches), linear clonal growth (along a preferred axis), or circular clonal growth (non-directional, random spread). Early intervals ofPhragmites spread were dominated by colonization for all sites except for Piermont Marsh (which appeared to be dominated by linear clonal growth) and Lang Tract (which appeared to be dominated by circular clonal growth). Although 46–100% of new patches ofPhragmites occurred within 5 m of drainages, at only one site (Piermont Marsh, New York) didPhragmites populations remain concentrated along creek banks. Except for Iona Island, New York, which appears to be in an early stage ofPhragmites invasion, patch dynamics at all sites showed an increase followed by a decrease in patch number, as independent patches became established, expanded, and coalesced. We also found some evidence for a loss of first order streams at later stages ofPhragmites invasions in several sites (Hog Island, Lang Tract, Silver Run).  相似文献   
Significant gold deposits in the western Tanami region of Western Australia include deposits in the Bald Hill and Coyote areas. The ca. 1,864 Ma Bald Hill sequence of turbiditic and mafic volcanic rocks hosts the Kookaburra and Sandpiper deposits and a number of smaller prospects. The ca. 1,835 Ma turbiditic Killi Killi Formation hosts the Coyote deposit and several nearby prospects. The Kookaburra deposit forms as a saddle reef within a syncline, and the Sandpiper deposit is localized within graphitic metasedimentary rocks along a limb of an anticline. Gold in these deposits is hosted by anastomosing quartz–(–pyrite–arsenopyrite) veins within quartz–sericite schist with disseminated arsenopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite (after pyrrhotite). Based on relative timing relationships with structural elements, the auriferous veins are interpreted to have been emplaced before or during the ca. 1,835–1,825 Ma Tanami Orogeny (regional D1). Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops associated with saddle reef formation (Kookaburra) and chemical reactions with graphitic rocks (Sandpiper). The Coyote deposit, the largest in the western Tanami region, consists of a number of ore lenses localized along the limbs of the Coyote Anticline, which formed during the Tanami Orogeny. The largest lenses are associated with the Gonzalez Fault, which is located along the steeply dipping southern limb of this fold. Gold was introduced at ca. 1,790 Ma into dilatant zones that formed in local perturbations along this fault during later reactivation (regional D5) towards the end of a period of granite emplacement. Gold is associated with quartz–chlorite–pyrite–(arsenopyrite–galena–sphalerite) veins with narrow (<?5 mm) chloritic selvages. A quartz–muscovite–biotite–K–feldspar–(tourmaline–actinolite–arsenopyrite) assemblage, which is interpreted to relate to granite emplacement, overprints the regional greenschist facies metamorphic assemblage. The mineralogical similarity between this overprinting assemblage and the vein assemblage suggests that the auriferous veins at the Coyote deposit are associated with the granite-related metamorphic–metasomatic assemblage. Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops within dilatant zones.  相似文献   
The influence on the structure of Fe2+ Mg substitution was studied in synthetic single crystals belonging to the MgCr2O4–FeCr2O4 series produced by flux growth at 900–1200 °C in controlled atmosphere. Samples were analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analyses, optical absorption-, infrared- and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer data show that iron occurs almost exclusively as IVFe2+. Only minor Fe3+ (<0.005 apfu) was observed in samples with very low total Fe. Optical absorption spectra show that chromium with few exceptions is present as a trivalent cation at the octahedral site. Additional absorption bands attributable to Cr2+ and Cr3+ at the tetrahedral site are evident in spectra of end-member magnesiochromite and solid-solution crystals with low ferrous contents. Structural parameters a0, u and T–O increase with chromite content, while the M–O bond distance remains nearly constant, with an average value equal to 1.995(1) Å corresponding to the Cr3+ octahedral bond distance. The ideal trend between cell parameter, T–O bond length and Fe2+ content (apfu) is described by the following linear relations: a0=8.3325(5) + 0.0443(8)Fe2+ (Å) and T–O=1.9645(6) + 0.033(1)Fe2+ (Å) Consequently, Fe2+ and Mg tetrahedral bond lengths are equal to 1.998(1) Å and 1.965(1) Å, respectively.  相似文献   
Mobilisation of people living with HIV/AIDS in the 1980s was tied to social identity and the public rendering of AIDS as a gay disease. This activism has continued in large cities alongside new streams of mobilization addressing the needs of groups such as women and Aboriginal peoples living with HIV. We draw on interviews conducted with six people living with HIV/AIDS in a small Ontario city where the population does not allow for services tailored to specific groups. We investigate experiences of social engagement amongst people living with, and affected by, HIV/AIDS and examine why efforts to establish a community-based participatory research project was unsuccessful. Drawing from indicators of community capacity developed by Jackson et al. (Health Promot Int 18(4): 339–350, 2003) we identify the role of stigma both amongst different groups living with HIV/AIDS and the wider public as undermining a common sense of community and, potentially, our efforts to establish a community-based participatory research process.  相似文献   
The material of Hispanomys decedens (Rodentia, Cricetodontinae) from La Grive-Saint Alban (France) is described in detail for the first time. H. decedens, which is one of the oldest species of the genus, shows the primitive character states that are typical of the Aragonian congeneric species, such as the mesolophs and labial cingula surrounding the upper molar valleys. The detailed examination of the teeth of H. decedens shows that this taxon is a good candidate ancestor for H. aragonensis.  相似文献   
Several sections from the uppermost Eocene and Oligocene of northern Slovenia have been investigated with respect to sedimentary facies, foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotopes, carbonate microfacies, and palynology. The main objective was to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental history of the Paleogene Paratethys in this region of the eastern Alpine realm. The sediments exhibit a transgressive succession beginning with conglomerates, sandstones, and mudstones of fluvial and lacustrine origin followed by carbonates and muddy marls indicating marine conditions. The foraminiferal faunal changes from brackish to shallow marine to deeper marine assemblages and the distribution of the palynofloras corroborate the sedimentological results. Microfacies analysis of the limestones shows a wide variation of shallow water, generally mud-rich facies dominated by coralline algae, foraminifera, and corals. Microfaunas adapted to low-oxygen conditions indicate temporal sluggish bottom-water circulation which can be associated with high fresh-water fluxes. These results are discussed as reflecting both the global sea-level rise during the Early Oligocene and the regional tectonic and climatic evolution.  相似文献   
Following heavy winter storms and sedimentation in 1993,Spartina foliosa (Pacific cordgrass) clones established on a 6.5-ha mudflat in Tijuana Estuary, with over 80 new clones counted by 1997. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) storms in 1993 apparently facilitated the habitat conversion through river flooding, which caused a temporary reduction in soil salinity and delivered large volumes of sediment. Extreme sedimentation likely raised mudflat elevations enough to allowSpartina establishment. We hypothesized that clones, once established, increased sedimentation in a positive feedback loop leading to accelerated habitat conversion. We collected data on elevation,Spartina expansion, and sediment accretion in two consecutive years (1998–1999). The elevation range of the mudflats in 1998 (0.5–0.83 m NGVD) was within the elevation range ofSpartina at this site (0.39–0.83 m NGVD), indicating that remaining mudflats are at elevations suitable for further expansion. Sediment accretion ranged from 4.0–12.7 cm between 1997–1998 (ENSO conditions), but was close to long-term averages (? cm yr?1) in 1998–1999 (nonflood year) indicating how susceptible Tijuana Estuary is to sedimentation from episodic storms. Although accretion rates were similar withinSpartina clones and on bare mudflats over the ENSO winter, clones were typically dome-shaped suggesting higher sediment retention rates within clones. The radial expansion rates of clones (1.31±0.25 m in 1998; 1.12±0.07 m in 1999) approximated the maxima reported for this species and were not related to clone size or vigor. Conditions on the mudflat appear ideal forSpartina growth, masking differences that might otherwise be observed. Given the likelihood of sedimentation-driven habitat conversion in southern California and other Mediterranean-type estuaries, management efforts are needed to address sedimentation issues on a watershed scale. We recommend that wetland restoration projects in southern California include large areas of intertidal mudflat, both to maintain habitat for shorebird feeding and to allow colonization by salt marsh vegetation.  相似文献   
Vitrinite reflectance was measured in Late Carboniferous to Triassic shales, siltstones and marls of the Karawanken Range. Thermal models of the central South-Karawanken Range were calibrated on the basis of these data. They suggest an eroded overburden of more than 3,200 m of Jurassic to Cretaceous sediments and a heat flow in the range of 42 to 60 mW m?2 during the time of maximum subsidence. Because the reconstructed thermal history of the South-Karawanken Range is very similar to the thermal history of the Generoso basin (western Southern Alps), these data provide strong evidence for a deep basinal position of the Southern Karawanken Range during Jurassic to Cretaceous times. A vitrinite reflectance anomaly at the northern margin of the South-Karawanken Range is explained by advective heat transport during the Oligocene. The heat source for the anomalies at the western margin of the Seeberg Rise and in the area between the Periadriatic Lineament and the Donat Fault Zone is unknown. Vitrinite reflectance in Late Triassic sediments indicates the South-Karawanken Range and the South-Zala Unit of the Pannonian basement as exotic blocks in the Sava Composite Unit. This is explained by Miocene displacement of structural units, which were derived from different paleogeographical segments of the Permo-Mesozoic western Tethyan margin.  相似文献   
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