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基于微卫星标记的三疣梭子蟹家系系谱认证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用6个微卫星标记对三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)的6个家系进行系谱鉴别和遗传多样性研究。6个微卫星标记在6个家系中显示了高度的遗传差异,6个位点的多态信息含量(PIC)分别为Pot09位点0.6045,Pot14位点0.6072,Pot17位点0.8130,Pot18位点0.6870,Pot25位点0.7839,Pot42位点0.6330。6个多态性位点共发现了32个等位基因,每个位点的等位基因数在4~8个之间。不同位点共发现7个家系特异性等位基因,2#和3#家系中各发现2个,1#、5#、6#家系中各发现1个,4#家系未发现特异性等位基因。根据已知亲本及子代基因型,可推断出6个家系中全部亲本的基因型,据此鉴别各家系。在Pot18位点可将1#家系和6#家系与其他家系相区别;Pot14位点和Pot17位点可将3#家系与其他家系相区别;Pot42位点可将5#与其他家系相区别;Pot17位点和Pot25可将2#家系与其他家系相区别。因此,Pot18位点、Pot14位点和Pot17位点、Pot42位点、Pot17位点和Pot25位点可分别用于鉴别1#和6#家系、3#、5#、2#家系的特异性标记。研究表明,在选用的6个微卫星标记中,最少选用3个标记可鉴别6个三疣梭子蟹家系。  相似文献   
渤海湾水环境氮、磷营养盐分布特点   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
渤海是一个半封闭的陆架边缘海,主要由辽东湾、渤海湾、莱州湾及中央海区组成,面积为7.7×104 km2,平均水深18 m[1].近些年富含氮、磷营养盐的工农业废水的大量排放使得渤海湾营养盐结构发生了很大变化,同时导致渤海湾局部海域“赤潮”频繁发生.营养物质进入水体后,将会在水与沉积物之间发生迁移,其中一部分可以与钙、铁或铝络合形成沉淀,或吸附到矿物颗粒的表面而转移到沉积物中.近海沉积物可以看作营养物质的“蓄积库”.沉积物中营养物质的再生,对水体中营养盐的收支和营养盐循环动力学有着及其重要的作用[2].  相似文献   
利用南海周边1989-2014年的潮汐资料和GPS长期观测资料,分析了南海周边相对海平面变化特征,以及2004年苏门答腊地震对该区域相对海平面变化的影响。研究结果表明,南海周边的相对海平面变化以上升为主,平均上升速率(4.53±0.20) mm/a,高于全球平均速率,且2004年后上升趋势加剧;南海周边相对海平面呈现6类较典型的变化特征,并存在与板块构造相对应的分区聚集现象,形成了中国东南和越南沿海、马来半岛、加里曼丹岛北部、菲律宾群岛等4个变化特征区。受2004年苏门答腊大地震的影响,马来半岛、南沙和西沙海域的地壳形变由上升趋势转为下沉,加剧了相对海平面的上升;中国东南沿海和菲律宾群岛受地震影响较小;越南沿海和加里曼丹岛北部区域的地震影响还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
针对矢量推进模式下的 AUV 水动力性能和操纵性能,开展了 AUV 矢量推进水动力 CFD 计算, 对矢量推进水平回转操纵性进行了评估,加工了矢量推进样机,并进行湖上操纵性验证。理论计算和试验数据表明:矢量推进具备极高的低速操纵性,该研究为矢量推进在 AUV 上的应用提供了理论和技术基础。  相似文献   
This work studies a special type of cislunar periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem called resonance transition periodic orbits, which switch between different resonances and revolve about the secondary with multiple loops during one period. In the practical computation, families of multiple periodic orbits are identified first, and then the invariant manifolds emanating from the unstable multiple periodic orbits are taken to generate resonant homoclinic connections, which are used to determine the initial guesses for computing the desired periodic orbits by means of multiple-shooting scheme. The obtained periodic orbits have potential applications for the missions requiring long-term continuous observation of the secondary and tour missions in a multi-body environment.  相似文献   
The reasonable development and utilization of mountainous regions closely relates to local economic development and ecological security. The wine production region in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with its excellent terroir, is emerging as one of China’s three major geographical attractions. Based on surveys of tourism resources and spatial analysis for this wine producing region, we propose a highly representative and practicable path for wine tourism development. Based on China’s national standard in Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources (GB/T 18972-2003), which recommended the types and grades of tourism resources in one area, we conduct an analysis of resource characteristics and the current state of development. Using ArcGIS software, spatial autocorrelation analysis, average nearest neighbor analysis, as well as clustering and outlier analysis, we are able to derive the spatial distribution characteristics of tourism resources. Our survey showed that tourism resources in this area are relatively abundant and have good quality and clear combination advantages. Nonetheless, there are resources shortage for wine tourism and poor integration of wine production with the tourism industry. Regarding the spatial distribution of resources, we revealed the current states of and issues surrounding regions with concentrated resources, as well as characteristics of this clustering. Finally, we proposed a development path for wine tourism in this region based on the five dimensions of management mode, industrial path, product development, spatial optimization, and market development.  相似文献   
周磊  支蓉  冯爱霞  龚志强 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6689-6696
利用中国地区435个台站1961—2002年逐日平均温度序列,将温度变化发生在9天时间尺度上的特征编码在网络中,通过研究二分图温度网络(BGT网络)中节点与项目的关系,揭示出9天时间尺度上温度变化的特征及其在空间上的拓扑统计性质.网络中各节点RRRD, RrDD, eeed, DRRD, DDRR等所代表的温度波动模态在网络中异常频发,对9天尺度温度变化的预报有一定的指导意义.统计网络的节点度分布,集群系数等拓扑结构特征量,发现BGT网络服从正态分布特征.BGT网络项目内节点度的多样性大体上  相似文献   
This paper investigates the influences of atom--field coupling and dipole--dipole coupling for atoms on the entanglement between two atoms by means of concurrence. The results show that the sudden death occurs when the atom--field coupling is strong enough, and the collapse and the revival appear when the dipole--dipole interaction is strong enough.  相似文献   
白龙  石远华  石磊  谯文浪 《贵州地质》2007,24(2):134-137,141
在新疆伊吾煤矿一带1:5万区域地质矿产调查中,首次在原定石炭系上统妖魔梁组中发现大量透镜状钙质结核,并具明显的陆相冲积扇沉积特征;通过该地层的大量孢粉鉴定属为二叠世晚期,故将原石炭系上统妖魔梁组更名改为库莱组。其时代定为晚二叠世。并初步探讨了它的地质意义。  相似文献   
神农架滑雪场位于国家级自然保护区的边缘地带。运用景观生态学原理和方法,采用3S技术,对滑雪场景观生态体系的结构和功能状况进行评价,通过景观多样性指数、景观聚集度指数等指标量化计算及比较分析,预测了项目建成后对所在区域生态完整性的影响程度及将造成的敏感生态问题。结果表明,评价区自然系统的生物量将减少430.26 t,平均净生产力降低为881.55 g/m2.a,项目建设不会改变林地的模地地位,其对生态环境质量仍有较强的调控能力。3S技术结合景观生态学方法将生态环境影响评价由定性评价转向定量预测,为建设项目生态影响评价研究作了有益的探索。  相似文献   
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