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The mandible of Homo heidelbergensis was found 1907 in the sand pit Grafenrain at Mauer in coarse fluvial sands 24 m below the surface, deposited in a former course of the Neckar River. These ‘Mauer sands’ are overlain by a series of glacial-climate loess deposits with intercalated interglacial palaeosols, which can be correlated with Quaternary climate history, thus indicating an early Middle Pleistocene age for H. heidelbergensis. The ‘Mauer sands’ are famous for their rather rich mammal fauna, which clearly indicates interglacial climate conditions. The faunal evidence – in particular the micromammals – place the ‘Mauer sands’ into MIS 15 or MIS 13 although most stratigraphic arguments favour correlation to MIS 15 and therefore to an age of ca 600 ka.  相似文献   
Strongly-deformed marbles may be easily confused with linear and elongated carbonatite intrusions. Both rocks may present similar texture and foliation to the host rock, or even cross cutting field relationships, which could be interpreted either as igneous or high-grade metamorphosed marble. Diagnostic criteria are even more complex when there is evidence of melting of the metasedimentary carbonate rock, such as has been described in the Himalayas and in the Eastern Ghats, India.In the Alto Moxotó Terrane, a high-grade gneissic domain of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil, there are metacarbonates associated with banded gneisses and different metaplutonic rocks. Field evidence indicates the absence of other metasedimentary rocks associated with these marbles, thus suggesting that these carbonates were separated from other siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks. The presence of marble also suggests that it may represent the initial stage of a crustal carbon recycling into the mantle. These marbles present many field similarities to carbonatites (e.g., fluid-flow structure) and, together with metagranites and metamafic intrusions, may represent a major collisional tectonic suture.A detailed study of the carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic composition of these marbles is presented. This study aims to identify the origin of the different isotopic components. It is argued that these rocks were subjected to temperature and pressure conditions that were sufficiently high to have melted them. The isotopic data presented here support this interpretation and indicate the mixing of two components: (i) one characterized by radiogenic Sr isotopes and mantle-like carbon isotopes, which is associated with the gneissic and mafic rocks, and (ii) another characterized by low 87Sr/86Sr ratios and highly positive δ13C values. Available geochemical data for the upper Paleoproterozoic indicate that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of ocean water, varying between 0.7050 (2.25 ± 0.25 Ga) and 0.7047 (1.91 Ga), falls within the lower range of the samples from Itatuba and thus reinforces the interpretation that these marbles are sedimentary-derived and were partially contaminated by interaction with the host gneissic and mafic rocks.  相似文献   
The Cascade Lake shear zone occurs on the eastern margin of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. Foliation in the zone is NNW trending and subvertical, and lineation is moderately south plunging. Deformation is syn-tectonic with emplacement of the Cathedral Peak granodiorite. A deformation gradient exists toward the NE margin of this pluton, with higher strains and lower temperatures of deformation found near the contact. We compare fabric data collected very densely in this shear zone using several techniques: field fabrics, 3D orientation of K-feldspar megacrysts, and AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) analysis. In general, the results from the three different methods are in agreement. Deformation in this shear zone is part of a larger pattern of deformation within the Cathedral Peak granodiorite, as recorded by AMS analysis, and dextral shearing associated within the last stage of plutonism within the Sierra Nevada magmatic arc.  相似文献   
The 2.7–3 Ma Ertsberg East Skarn System (Indonesia), adjacent to the giant Grasberg Porphyry Copper deposit, is part of the world’s largest system of CuAu skarn deposits. Published fluid inclusion and stable isotope data show that it formed through the flux of magma-derived fluid through contact metamorphosed carbonate rock sequences at temperatures well above 600° C and pressures of less than 50 MPa. Under these conditions, the fluid has very low density and the properties of a gas. Combining a range of micro-analytical techniques, high-resolution QEMSCAN mineral mapping and computer-assisted X-ray micro-tomography, an array of coupled gas–solid reactions may be identified that controlled reactive mass transfer through the ~ 1 km3 hydrothermal skarn system. Vacancy-driven mineral chemisorption reactions are identified as a new type of reactive transport process for high-temperature skarn alteration. These gas–solid reactions are maintained by the interaction of unsatisfied bonds on mineral surfaces and dipolar gas-phase reactants such as SO2 and HCl that are continuously supplied through open fractures and intergranular diffusion. Principal reactions are (a) incongruent dissolution of almandine-grossular to andradite and anorthite (an alteration mineral not previously recognized at Ertsberg), and (b) sulfation of anorthite to anhydrite. These sulfation reactions also generate reduced sulfur with consequent co-deposition of metal sulfides. Diopside undergoes similar reactions with deposition of Fe-enriched pyroxene in crypto-veins and vein selvedges. The loss of calcium from contact metamorphic garnet to form vein anhydrite necessarily results in Fe-enrichment of wallrock, and does not require Fe-addition from a vein fluid as is commonly assumed.  相似文献   
A compilation of phytoplankton species abundance data from the spring bloom along the northern Norwegian coast and in the Barents Sea shows that the quantitatively most important species are the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii and the common cold water to temperate diatoms Chaetoceros socialis, Skeletonema costatum sensu lato, Fragilariopsis oceanica, Thalassiosira spp., Chaetoceros furcellatus, Chaetoceros compressus, Chaetoceros debilis and Bacterosira bathyomphala. The relative abundance of diatoms and Phaeocystis varied highly and apparently stochastically between years. P. pouchetii occurred during all stages of the spring bloom and sometimes completely dominated the phytoplankton community. Along the Norwegian coast, the importance of P. pouchetii increased northwards. The species composition in coastal fjords at 70° N is surprisingly similar to that of shelf waters in the Barents Sea (up to 80° N). An exception is S. costatum sensu lato which was seldom observed in Arctic waters. Small flagellates (<10 μm) other than dinoflagellates and P. pouchetii are also important among the Barents Sea spring phytoplankton. Associations of species seem rigid over time and are dominated by C. socialis and P. pouchetii in northern waters. Biogeographical categories of spring bloom species in relation to environmental conditions are discussed.  相似文献   
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