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In order to evaluate thermodynamic speciation calculations inherent in biotic ligand models, the speciation of dissolved Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in aquatic systems influenced by historical mining activities is examined using equilibrium computer models and the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique. Several metal/organic-matter complexation models, including WHAM VI, NICA-Donnan, and Stockholm Humic model (SHM), are used in combination with inorganic speciation models to calculate the thermodynamic speciation of dissolved metals and concentrations of metal associated with biotic ligands (e.g., fish gills). Maximum dynamic metal concentrations, determined from total dissolved metal concentrations and thermodynamic speciation calculations, are compared with labile metal concentrations measured by DGT to assess which metal/organic-matter complexation model best describes metal speciation and, thereby, biotic ligand speciation, in the studied systems. Results indicate that the choice of model that defines metal/organic-matter interactions does not affect calculated concentrations of Cd and Zn associated with biotic ligands for geochemical conditions in the study area, whereas concentrations of Cu and Pb associated with biotic ligands depend on whether the speciation calculations use WHAM VI, NICA-Donnan, or SHM. Agreement between labile metal concentrations and dynamic metal concentrations occurs when WHAM VI is used to calculate Cu speciation and SHM is used to calculate Pb speciation. Additional work in systems that contain wide ranges in concentrations of multiple metals should incorporate analytical speciation methods, such as DGT, to constrain the speciation component of biotic ligand models.  相似文献   
Sedentary behavior and lack of physical activity are key modifiable behavioral risk factors for chronic health problems, such as obesity and diabetes. Little is known about how sedentary behavior and physical activity among adolescents spatially cluster. The objective was to detect spatial clustering of sedentary behavior and physical activity among Boston adolescents. Data were used from the 2008 Boston Youth Survey Geospatial Dataset, a sample of public high school students who responded to a sedentary behavior and physical activity questionnaire. Four binary variables were created: (1) TV watching (>2 h/day), (2) video games (>2 h/day), (3) total screen time (>2 h/day); and (4) 20 min/day of physical activity (≥5 days/week). A spatial scan statistic was utilized to detect clustering of sedentary behavior and physical activity. One statistically significant cluster of TV watching emerged among Boston adolescents in the unadjusted model. Students inside the cluster were more than twice as likely to report >2 h/day of TV watching compared to respondents outside the cluster. No significant clusters of sedentary behavior and physical activity emerged. Findings suggest that TV watching is spatially clustered among Boston adolescents. Such findings may serve to inform public health policy-makers by identifying specific locations in Boston that could provide opportunities for policy intervention. Future research should examine what is linked to the clusters, such as neighborhood environments and network effects.  相似文献   
In situ measurements of 60Fe-60Ni and 53Mn-53Cr isotopic systems with an ion microprobe have been carried out for sulfide assemblages from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites (UECs). Evidence for the initial presence of 60Fe has been observed in nine sulfide inclusions from three UECs: ALHA77295, MAC88136, and Qingzhen. The inferred initial (60Fe/56Fe) [(60Fe/56Fe)0] ratios show a large variation range, from ∼2 × 10−7 to ∼2 × 10−6. The sulfide inclusions with high Fe/Ni ratios yield (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios of ∼(2-7) × 10−7, similar to most of the (60Fe/56Fe)0 values of troilite and pyroxene observed in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs). Inclusions with high inferred (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios (∼1-2 × 10−6) have low Fe/Ni ratios and the magnitude of the 60Ni excesses is similar in two MAC88136 assemblages in spite of a difference of a factor of two in their Fe/Ni ratios. The inferred high (60Fe/56Fe)0 ratios were probably the result of Fe-Ni re-distribution in the sulfides during later alteration processes.The 53Mn-53Cr system was measured in five of the sulfide assemblages that were examined for their 60Fe-60Ni systematics. The 53Mn-53Cr isochrons yielded variable initial (53Mn/55Mn) [(53Mn/55Mn)0] ratios from ∼(2-7) × 10−7. There is no obvious correlation between the (60Fe/56Fe)0 and (53Mn/55Mn)0 ratios. The variable 53Mn-53Cr isochrons probably also indicate later disturbance to the isotopic systems in these sulfides. Even though no chronological information can be extracted from the 60Fe-60Ni and 53Mn-53Cr systems in these UEC sulfides, our results indicate that 60Fe was present in the enstatite chondrite formation region of the early Solar System.  相似文献   
The advent of chemical abrasion-isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (CA-IDTIMS) has revolutionised U–Pb dating of zircon, and the enhanced precision of eruption ages determined on volcanic layers within basin successions permits an improved calibration of biostratigraphic schemes to the numerical time-scale. The Guadalupian and Lopingian (Permian) successions in the Sydney, Gunnedah, Bowen and Canning basins are mostly non-marine and include numerous airfall tuff units, many of which contain zircon. The eastern Australian palynostratigraphic scheme provides the basis for much of the local correlation, but the present calibration of this scheme against the numerical time-scale depends on a correlation to Western Australia, using rare ammonoids and conodonts in that succession to link to the standard global marine biostratigraphic scheme. High-precision U–Pb zircon dating of tuff layers via CA-IDTIMS allows this tenuous correlation to be circumvented—the resulting direct calibration of the palynostratigraphy to the numerical time-scale highlights significant inaccuracies in the previous indirect correlation. The new data show: the top of the Praecolpatites sinuosus Zone (APP3.2) lies in the early Roadian, not the middle Kungurian; the top of the Microbaculispora villosa Zone (APP3.3) lies in the middle Roadian, not the early Roadian; the top of the Dulhuntyispora granulata Zone (APP4.1) lies in the Wordian, not in the latest Roadian; the top of the Didecitriletes ericianus Zone (APP4.2) lies in the first half of the Wuchiapingian, not the latest Wordian; the Dulhuntyispora dulhuntyi Zone (APP4.3) is exceptionally short and lies within the Wuchiapingian, not the early Capitanian; and the top of the Dulhuntyispora parvithola Zone (APP5) lies at or near the Permo-Triassic boundary, not in the latest Wuchiapingian.  相似文献   
Abstract— Correlated in situ analyses of the oxygen and magnesium isotopic compositions of aluminum‐rich chondrules from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites were obtained using an ion microprobe. Among eleven aluminum‐rich chondrules and two plagioclase fragments measured for 26Al‐26Mg systematics, only one aluminum‐rich chondrule contains excess 26Mg from the in situ decay of 26Al; the inferred initial ratio (26Al/27Al)o = (6.8 ± 2.4) × 10?6 is consistent with ratios observed in chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. The oxygen isotopic compositions of five aluminum‐rich chondrules and one plagioclase fragment define a line of slope ?0.6 ± 0.1 on a three‐oxygen‐isotope diagram, overlapping the field defined by ferromagnesian chondrules in enstatite chondrites but extending to more 16O‐rich compositions with a range in δ18O of about ?12‰. Based on their oxygen isotopic compositions, aluminum‐rich chondrules in unequilibrated enstatite chondrites are probably genetically related to ferromagnesian chondrules and are not simple mixtures of materials from ferromagnesian chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Relative to their counterparts from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, aluminum‐rich chondrules from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites show a narrower oxygen isotopic range and much less resolvable excess 26Mg from the in situ decay of 26Al, probably resulting from higher degrees of equilibration and isotopic exchange during post‐crystallization metamorphism. However, the presence of 26Al‐bearing chondrules within the primitive ordinary, carbonaceous, and now enstatite chondrites suggests that 26Al was at least approximately homogeneously distributed across the chondrite‐forming region.  相似文献   
对西昆仑北缘山前盆地新生代沉积特征的研究结果表明,沿西昆仑山前发育的各沉积序列的垂向特征相似:古新世—中新世早期为石膏层、含瓣腮化石的石灰岩和紫红色较细粒的碎屑岩沉积,指示了海相和海陆过渡相较平静的沉积环境;中新世晚期—上新世初期开始出现陆相磨拉石,指示了陆相非平静的沉积环境,砾石的直径由下至上呈增大趋势,可能反映了西昆仑山体不断隆升,其间相对稳定的层段可能是构造运动间歇期或平稳期的沉积,指示了脉动式的隆升模式;磨拉石底部砾石的成分以沉积岩为主,向上火成岩和变质岩砾石逐渐增多,表明剥蚀程度不断加深。根据磨拉石建造的特征,判断剥蚀量和剥蚀强度自西向东有减小和变弱的趋势,可能暗示了西昆仑山晚新生代隆升有自西向东由强变弱的过渡特征。该结论与本区构造地貌学的研究结果一致。  相似文献   
麻扎塔格地区地层、地貌及构造变形特征的研究,对于认识塔里木盆地新生代构造演化过程、塔里木—西昆仑的盆山耦合关系、新构造运动对塔里木油气资源分布的影响以及塔克拉玛干沙漠的气候、环境变化都具有重要意义。本文通过卫星照片解译、野外变形观察、剖面实测、地球物理资料解释等手段,对该地区晚新生代的构造特征进行了研究,确定了麻扎塔格构造带为典型的逆冲—褶皱带,并探讨了麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带的构造指向、活动时限、隆升速率及缩短速率、东西方向的延伸等问题,取得如下认识:1)麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带为西昆仑山前陆褶皱冲断带的前缘部位,和田河气田就是处在逆冲前锋背斜顶部,晚新生代变形作用已明显地改造了塔里木盆地南部及中部的古生代和中生代构造,并促成了和田河气田的形成;2)麻扎塔格山在中新世末(约7 Ma)和中更新世(约780 ka B.P.)经历了两次构造隆升,后一次形成了麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带和麻扎塔格山现今的地貌特征;3)估算出麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带中更新世以来的隆升速率约为0.26~0.4 mm/a,缩短速率约为0.9 mm/a;4)认为麻扎塔格逆冲—褶皱带向西应与同属西昆仑山前褶皱—冲断带前缘的喀什背斜相连,东端的突然消失可能是由于东段和田河附近存在北东—南西向的走滑断层造成。  相似文献   
Finding yourself in the archives and doing geographies of religion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nina Laurie 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):165-167
Abstract— We measured 36Cl‐36S and 26Al‐26Mg systematics and O isotopes of secondary phases in a moderately altered type B2 CAI (CAI#2) from the Allende CV3 chondrite. CAI#2 has two distinct alteration domains: the anorthite‐grossular (An‐Grs) domain that mostly consists of anorthite and grossular, and the Na‐rich domain that mostly consists of sodalite, anorthite, and Fe‐bearing phases. Large 36S excesses (up to ~400‰) corresponding to an initial 36Cl/35Cl ratio of (1.4 ± 0.3) × 10?6 were observed in sodalite of the Na‐rich domain, but no resolvable 26Mg excesses were observed in anorthite and sodalite of the Na‐rich domain (the initial 26Al/27Al ratio < 4.4 × 10?7). If we assume that the 36Cl‐36S and the 26Al‐26Mg systematics were closed simultaneously, the 36Cl/35Cl ratio would have to be on the order of ~10?2 when CAIs were formed. In contrast to sodalite in Na‐rich domain, significant 26Mg excesses (up to ~35‰) corresponding to an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of (1.2 ± 0.2) × 10?5 were identified in anorthite of the An‐Grs domain. The 26Al‐26Mg systematics of secondary phases in CAI#2 suggest that CAIs experienced multiple alteration events. Some of the alteration processes occurred while 36Cl (half‐life is 0.3 Myr) and 26Al (half‐life is 0.72 Myr) were still alive, whereas others took place much later. Assuming that 26Al was homogeneously distributed in the solar nebula, our study implies that alteration of CAIs occurred as early as within 1.5 Myr of CAI formation and as late as 5.7 Myr after.  相似文献   
苏皖地区新生代碱性玄武岩中有丰富的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体 ,测定了 2 0多个样品的Re Os元素丰度和锇同位素组成 ,结果 :Re =0 .0 2 7× 10 - 9~ 0 .375×10 - 9,Os=0 .112×10 - 9~ 3.35× 10 - 9,1 87Os 1 88Os=0 .117~ 0 .134。由代理等时线法1 87Os 1 88Os Yb获得该区岩石圈地幔早期熔体亏损事件的年龄为 1.7Ga(中元古代 )。苏皖地区岩石圈地幔的古老性表明它是元古代后岩石圈拆沉 减薄作用的残余地幔部分。岩石圈地幔经过了亏损 富集多阶段演化。  相似文献   
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