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A statistical analysis of volcanic aerosol based on 1,083 variables including concentration, grain-size and site variabilities establishes correlations between sites and among chemical elements.Variation curves of element concentration show parallel behaviour. High coefficients of correlation between anions and cations confirm associations between elements.  相似文献   
This article presents a deterministic model for sub-block-level population estimation based on the total building volumes derived from geographic information system (GIS) building data and three census block-level housing statistics. To assess the model, we generated artificial blocks by aggregating census block areas and calculating the respective housing statistics. We then applied the model to estimate populations for sub-artificial-block areas and assessed the estimates with census populations of the areas. Our analyses indicate that the average percent error of population estimation for sub-artificial-block areas is comparable to those for sub-census-block areas of the same size relative to associated blocks. The smaller the sub-block-level areas, the higher the population estimation errors. For example, the average percent error for residential areas is approximately 0.11 percent for 100 percent block areas and 35 percent for 5 percent block areas.  相似文献   
The first comprehensive calibration and mapping of the thermal microwave emission from Titan's surface is reported based on radiometric data obtained at 2.2-cm wavelength by the passive radiometer included in the Cassini Radar instrument. The data reported were accumulated from 69 separate observational segments in Titan passes from Ta (October 2004) through T30 (May 2007) and include emission from 94% of Titan's surface. They are diverse in the key observing parameters of emission angle, polarization, and spatial resolution, and their reduction into calibrated global mosaic maps involved several steps. Analysis of the polarimetry obtained at low to moderate resolution (50+ km) enabled integration of the radiometry into a single mosaic of the equivalent brightness temperature at normal incidence with a relative precision of about 1 K. The Huygens probe measurement of Titan's surface temperature and radiometry obtained on Titan's dune fields allowed us to infer an absolute calibration estimated to be accurate to a level approaching 1 K. The results provide evidence for a surface that is complex and varied on large scales. The radiometry primarily constrains physical properties of the surface, where we see strong evidence for subsurface (volume) scattering as a dominant mechanism that determines the emissivity, with the possibility of a fluffy or graded-density surface layer in many regions. The results are consistent with, but not necessarily definitive of a surface composition resulting from the slow deposition and processing of organic compounds from the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The identification of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic (EM) precursory signals related to volcanic activities and earthquakes is still a matter of debate. Some examples are now well established, but they are often based on a few parameters recorded on sparse equipments and with no multi-disciplinary approach. Demeter program takes into account a more complete approach of EM phenomena related to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, by combining both ground-based and satellite EM monitoring, from direct current to several kilohertz, i.e. from ULF, ELF to VLF frequency domains.The research program stands in two parts: one is the identification of EM signals at the satellite altitude and the other consists in detailed studies in a few pilot sites on the ground. Two main test sites have been considered: La Fournaise volcano in Réunion Island and the seismogenic Corinth rift in Greece. Both sites allow for performing EM studies in a multi-disciplinary environment.La Fournaise volcano erupts on average two times a year. The self-recording Demeter EM station is composed of three modules measuring the components of the magnetic and electric fields in three different frequency domains: DC to 0.5 Hz, 0.0033-160 Hz and 8-10 kHz. Preliminary observations made during the May 2003 eruption show that electric and magnetic signals appeared before the eruption. Some signals present sharp step-like variations, with amplitudes up to several hundreds mV per km and a few hour duration, followed by periods with a higher spectral frequency content. The frequency of these signals can be of several tens of Hz.The Corinth rift is a highly seismic area, frequently affected by seismic swarms. In 2004 the region has experienced tens of earthquakes of magnitude less than 4.6. A Demeter station has been set up on the Trizonia Island along the northern mainland coast, where a 30 km long seismic gap has been identified. The station is composed of two modules recording the three components of the magnetic field and the two horizontal components of the electric field in the ULF and ELF-VLF frequency bands. The audiomagnetotelluric soundings show that the station is close to a regional conductive fault connected to the sea. The first 4 months of observation clearly show that 29 earthquakes, even of low magnitude (M?2.8), occurring at less than 140 km of distance of the station, have generated electric signals when the seismic waves have passed the EM station. For a given magnitude of the earthquake, the energy of the electric signal is independent of the distance between the focal source and the EM station, which points out local electric source mechanisms. The greater the magnitude of the earthquake, the greater is the energy of the electric signal is. The co-seismic electric signals have the same morphology as that of the passing seismic wave, and there is no noticeable time delay between the electric and the seismic signals. This simultaneity between the seismic and the electric signal is best explained by the generation of an electrokinetic effect due to the passage of the seismic wave through the seawater-saturated ground.  相似文献   
东海黑潮及琉球群岛以东海流研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东海是西太平洋的一个边缘海,它西部有广阔的大陆架,东面以九州岛、琉球群岛(由奄美诸岛、冲绳诸岛、先岛诸岛组成)和台湾岛连线为界,具有较深的海槽。黑潮是一支高温、高盐、高流速的西边界流,它起源于菲律宾以东海域、流经台湾东岸进入东海,沿东海大陆架外缘向东北向流动,穿越吐噶喇海峡返回太平洋。通常的把自台湾东北端起至吐噶喇海峡一段称为东海黑潮。此外,在琉球群岛以东海域也常年存在一支稳定的西边界流,称为琉球海流。 对于东海黑潮和琉球海流的硏究,主要起步于20世纪80年代,通过进行中日联合调查研究、中日副热带环流调查研究等,取得了许多重要成果,苏纪兰(1994)、袁耀初(2000,Yuan,2006)、管秉贤(2002)等人都做过评述。本文基于以上研究评述,主要叙述200年以来对东海黑潮及琉球海流的硏究新进展。  相似文献   
Deep towed side-scan sonar vehicles such as TOBI acquire high quality imagery of the seafloor with very high spatial resolution but poor locational accuracy. Fusion of the side-scan sonar data with bathymetry data from an independent source is often desirable to reduce ambiguity in geological interpretations, to aid in slant-range correction and to enhance seafloor representation. The main obstacle to fusion is accurate registration of the two datasets.The application of hierarchical chamfer matching to the registration of TOBI side-scan sonar images and multi-beam swath bathymetry is described. This matches low level features such as edges in the TOBI image, with corresponding features in a synthetic TOBI image created by simulating the flight of the TOBI vehicle through the bathymetry. The method is completely automatic, relatively fast and robust, and much easier than manual registration. It allows accurate positioning of the TOBI vehicle, enhancing its usefulness as a research tool. The method is illustrated by automatic registration of TOBI and multi-beam bathymetry data from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   
南极海冰面积变化特性及其与赤道太平洋海表面温度的联系陈锦年,乐肯堂,于康玲,张彦臣(中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛266071)(青岛海洋大学,青岛266003)关键词南极海冰面积,赤道太平洋海表面温度,厄尔尼诺1引言80年代以前,人们对南极实地考察、资...  相似文献   
海岸带盐度过渡区域水体中氮、磷的准确测定对陆海统筹及海岸带管理起着至关重要的作用。为探究盐度对氮、磷测定准确度的影响,进而明确河口海岸带淡水-咸水盐度过渡区不同形式氮、磷测定方法的选择依据,分别采用淡水和海水的相关国家标准方法,测定不同盐度下不同质量浓度氮、磷的人工海水和天然海水水样中氨氮、亚硝氮、总氮、活性磷酸盐和总磷的质量浓度。结果表明,盐度对某些氮、磷的淡水法和海水法测定结果有一定程度的影响。对氨氮的测定,当S≤4.0时淡水法或海水法均可准确测定水体中的氨氮,S>4.0时应对水样进行pH 调整预处理后用海水法进行测定;对亚硝氮的测定,淡水法和海水法的测定结果无明显差异;对总氮的测定,当S≤5.0时应采用操作简单、测定准确的淡水法测定,S>5.0时应采用海水法。对水体中的活性磷酸盐的测定,在低盐低磷(S≤35.0且ρPO3-4 ≤0.2mg·L-1)的情况下盐度对淡水法和海水法测定结果的影响微乎其微,而对于高盐高磷(S>35.0且ρPO3-4 > 0.2mg·L-1)的水样选择灵敏度更高的海水法测定更准确;对总磷的测定,选取海水法测定准确度更高。研究结果为海岸带水体不同形式氮、磷质量浓度的准确测定与方法选择提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Large organic falls to the benthic environment, such as dead wood or whale bones, harbour organisms relying on sulfide-oxidizing symbionts. Nothing is known however, concerning sulfide enrichment at the wood surface and its relation to wood colonization by sulfide-oxidizing symbiotic organisms.In this study we combined in situ hydrogen sulfide and pH measurements on sunken wood, with associated fauna microscopy analyses in a tropical mangrove swamp. This shallow environment is known to harbour thiotrophic symbioses and is also abundantly supplied with sunken wood. A significant sulfide enrichment at the wood surface was revealed. A 72 h sequence of measurements emphasized the wide fluctuation of sulfide levels (0.1–>100 μM) over time with both a tidal influence and rapid fluctuations. Protozoans observed on the wood surface were similar to Zoothamnium niveum and to vorticellids. Our SEM observations revealed their association with ectosymbiotic bacteria, which are likely to be sulfide-oxidizers. These results support the idea that sunken wood surfaces constitute an environment suitable for sulfide-oxidizing symbioses.  相似文献   
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