The present note deals with the exact analytical solution of thermal bending of clamped, anisotropic, elliptic plates in the case where the thermal field is given by an expression of the type T(x,y,z)=z(Ax2+Cxy+By2).The problem is of basic interest in some ocean and mechanical structural systems since anisotropic materials are commonly used in those fields. Obviously the case of an orthotropic material constitutes a particular situation of the problem under study. 相似文献
ABSTRACT A number of non‐marine evaporite units composed of primary gypsum were deposited in saline lakes that developed in the southern Teruel Basin (NE Spain) during the Miocene. In the basin depocentre, a continuum of lacustrine evaporite lithofacies influenced by the activity of organisms is displayed. The Libros Gypsum was deposited in a deep lake, in which water stratification became unstable with progressive shoaling. Rhythmites, composed of laminae of pelletal gypsum and laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum crystals mixed with siliceous microorganisms, formed in addition to gypsum turbidites, intraformational gypsum breccias and slump structures. The pelletal laminae originated from the faecal activity of animals (crustaceans?) ingesting gypsum crystallites in the lake water during episodes of maximum evaporation, whereas the laminae of very fine lenticular gypsum mixed with microorganisms accumulated during episodes of relative dilution. In the wide marginal zones of the basin, the Libros Gypsum unit consists of massive to thin‐bedded bioturbated gypsum and thin‐bedded clotted gypsum, which formed in intermediate to very shallow (palustrine) water depths. The bioturbated gypsum lithofacies were produced by the action of diverse organisms, presumably worms and coleopterans, and chironomid larvae to a lesser extent; the massive lithofacies precipitated in very shallow water; and the thin‐bedded lithofacies formed in shallow to deeper settings. The thin‐bedded clotted gypsum is a relatively deep facies that may have diverse origins (e.g. bioturbation, compaction, disruption of soft sediments and early diagenesis). There is a well‐developed metre‐scale cyclicity in the marginal lake sequences, which is not observed in the inner lake deposits. This suggests a depth control in the various lacustrine subenvironments to record cyclic evaporitic processes. The isotopic composition of the gypsum indicates early sulphate‐reducing bacterial activity in the bottom of the lake and suggests that the sulphate was derived from the chemical recycling of Triassic evaporites of the country rocks. 相似文献
Hydrogeology Journal - An extensive network of multilevel vibrating-wire piezometers (VWP) was recently created to monitor the spatial and temporal variation of pore pressure (and hydraulic head)... 相似文献
Ultrahigh temperature (UHT) granulites in the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP) have a complex P–T–t history. We review the P–T histories of UHT metamorphism in the EGP and use that as a framework for investigating the P–T–t history of Mg–Al‐rich granulites from Anakapalle, with the express purpose of trying to reconcile the down‐pressure‐dominated P–T path with other UHT localities in the EGP. Mafic granulite that is host to Mg–Al‐rich metasedimentary granulites at Anakapalle has a protolith age of c. 1,580 Ma. Mg–Al‐rich metasedimentary granulites within the mafic granulite at Anakapalle were metamorphosed at UHT conditions during tectonism at 960–875 Ma, meaning that the UHT metamorphism was not the result of contact metamorphism from emplacement of the host mafic rock. Reworking occurred during the Pan‐African (c. 600–500 Ma) event, and is interpreted to have produced hydrous assemblages that overprint the post‐peak high‐T retrograde assemblages. In contrast to rocks elsewhere in the EGP that developed post‐peak cordierite, the metasedimentary granulites at Anakapalle developed post‐peak, generation ‘2’ reaction products that are cordierite‐absent and nominally anhydrous. Therefore, rocks at Anakapalle offer the unique opportunity to quantify the pressure drop that occurred during so‐called M2 that affected the EGP. We argue that M2 is either a continuation of M1 and that the overall P–T path shape is a complex counter‐clockwise loop, or that M1 is an up‐temperature counter‐clockwise deviation superimposed on the M2 path. Therefore, rather than the rocks at Anakapalle having a metamorphic history that is apparently anomalous from the rest of the EGP, we interpret that other previously studied localities in the EGP record a different part of the same P–T path history as Anakapalle, but do not preserve a significant record of pressure decrease. This is due either to the inability of refractory rocks to extensively react to produce a rich mineralogical record of pressure decrease, or because the earlier high‐P part of the rocks history was erased by the M1 loop. Irrespective of the specific scenario, models for the tectonic evolution of the EGP must take the substantial pressure decrease during M2 into account, as it is probable the P–T record at Anakapalle is a reflection of tectonics affecting the entire province. 相似文献
The results of a spectroscopic investigation of three possible planetary nebulae, K4- 53, K4- 55, and K4- 57, are presented. It is shown that K4- 53 and K4- 55 are planetary nebulae while K4- 57 can be considered with high probability to be one. The temperatures of the nuclei of these nebulae are determined by Ambartsumian’s method. The optical depths for Lc photons in the region of λ ≤ 912 Å are determined. An anomalously high nitrogen abundance is observed in K4- 55. 相似文献
This paper presents a constitutive model that predicts the water retention behaviour of compacted clays with evolving bimodal pore size distributions. In line with previous research, the model differentiates between the water present inside the saturated pores of the clay aggregates (the microstructure) and the water present inside the pores between clay aggregates (the macrostructure). A new formulation is then introduced to account for the effect of the macrostructural porosity changes on the retention behaviour of the soil, which results in a consistent evolution of the air-entry value of suction with volumetric deformations. Data from wetting tests on three different active clays (i.e. MX-80 bentonite, FEBEX bentonite, and Boom clay), subjected to distinct mechanical restraints, were used to formulate, calibrate, and validate the proposed model. Results from free swelling tests were also modelled by using both the proposed double porosity model and a published single porosity model, which confirmed the improvement in the predictions of degree of saturation by the present approach. The proposed retention model might be applied, for example, to the simulation of the hydromechanical behaviour of engineered bentonite barriers in underground nuclear waste repositories, where compacted active clays are subjected to changes of both suction and porosity structure under restrained volume conditions.
A large number of papers and technical reports are available on the technically important problem of structural elements executing transverse vibrations and carrying concentrated masses. In general it is assumed that the attachment is perfectly rigid. On the other hand, a rather limited amount of published work is available when the mass is elastically connected to the structure. The system then exhibits a more complex behavior than in the case of rigid attachment. The present study deals with the solution of the title problem using the well-known normal mode, sinusoidal eigenfunction expansions. 相似文献
SIMS analyses have been carried out on clinopyroxenes, plagioclases and amphiboles of six gabbroic samples from Holes 921–924
of the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 153 sited in the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the ridge–transform intersection,
to investigate the rare earth, trace and volatile element distribution in the lower ocean crust during igneous crystallization
and higher grade metamorphic conditions. The metagabbros underwent granulite to subgreenschist facies conditions through three
main tectono-metamorphic phases: (1) ductile regime (750 < T < 1000 °C and P ≈ 0.3 GPa); (2) transitional regime (600 < T < 700 °C
and P ≈ 0.2 GPa); (3) brittle regime (350 ≤ T < 600 °C and P < 0.2 GPa). Igneous clinopyroxenes show C1-chondrite normalized
patterns depleted in LREE, and nearly flat for HREE. The rare earth and trace element distributions in igneous clinopyroxenes
and plagioclases indicate that these minerals act as REE reservoirs, and comprise the main contribution to the overall rock
content. The abundances in igneous minerals reflect the degree of fractionation of the parent liquids. In metamorphic clinopyroxenes
recrystallized in anhydrous assemblages, the REE and trace elements patterns mimic those of the primary ones. Conversely,
clinopyroxene re-equilibrated in amphibole-bearing assemblages shows a significant increase in REE, Ti, Zr, Y and V, a negative
Eu anomaly, and slight decreases in Sr and Ba. An overall increase of REE and some trace elements is evident in hydrous assemblages,
with preferential partitioning in the amphibole. It shows high Ti (18196–22844 ppm), LREE depleted patterns and LaN/SmN=0.10–0.33, LaN/YbN=0.10–0.30. Amphiboles from granoblastic assemblages show homogeneous patterns with no or a positive anomaly for TiN and negative anomalies for SrN and ZrN. Volatiles in amphibole are low, with Cl/F < 1; H2O% is significantly lower than the stoichiometric ratio (1.33–1.53%). The composition of the clinopyroxene and amphibole recrystallized
in low-strain domains records evidence of incomplete re-equilibration, and element diffusion and partitioning is in part controlled
by the textural site. The possible origins of the fluids involved in the metamorphic recrystallization are discussed: (1)
remobilization from igneous amphibole; (2) exsolution from evolved melts; (3) introduction of seawater-derived fluids modified
in rock-dominated systems; (4) injection of highly evolved hydrous melts during the metamorphic process.
Received: 6 September 1999 / Accepted: 6 March 2000 相似文献
Springs in karstic carbonate rocks frequently carry a sediment load as well as a dissolved load. Analysis of morphology and
mineralogy of suspended sediment from three contrasting karst springs reveals a suite of clastic particles that reflect both
source areas and processes that take place within the aquifer. Nolte Spring in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA, discharges
sediment of apparently precipitated calcite, indicating that at some point in the aquifer or vadose zone, water exceeds saturation
with respect to calcite. Sediment morphologies and chemical conditions in the aquifer point to two different scenarios for
this precipitation. The other two springs, Arch Spring in Blair County, Pennsylvania and Bushkill Spring in Northampton County,
Pennsylvania, show no evidence of calcite precipitation. Arch Spring discharges mainly layer silicates, while Bushkill Spring
discharges mainly silica.
Resumen Los manantiales en rocas carbonatadas karstficadas tienen frecuentemente una carga de sedimentos y de sólidos disueltos. Los
análisis de la morfología y mineralogía de los sedimentos suspendidos de tres manantiales kársticos contrastados revela un
conjunto de partículas clásticas que reflejan ambas áreas fuente y los procesos que tienen lugar dentro del acuífero. Nolte
Spring en el Condado de Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, descarga sedimento de calcita aparentemente precipitada indicando que
en cierto punto del acuífero o en la zona vadosa, el agua supera la saturación con respecto a la calcita. La morfología de
los sedimentos y las condiciones químicas en el acuífero apuntan a dos escenarios diferentes para esta precipitación. Los
otras dos manantiales, Arch Spring en el Condado de Blair, Pennsylvania y Bushkill Spring en el Condado de Norhtampton, Pennsylvania,
no muestran evidencia de precitación de calcita. Arch Spring descarga principalmente filosilicatos mientras que Bushkill Spring
descarga fundamentalmente Sílice.
Résumé Les sources situées en contexte carbonaté karstique charrient fréquemment, outre les matières dissoutes, une charge solide.
La morphologie et la minéralogie des sédiments en suspension issus de trois sources karstiques de caractéristiques distinctes
ont été analysées : une série de particules clastiques, reflétant à la fois les secteurs des sources et les processus internes
de l’aquifère, en ressort. Les sédiments issus de Nolte Spring (Comté de Lancaster, Pennsylvanie, Etats-Unis) sont constitués
de calcite apparemment précipitée: ceci indique que l’eau atteint la sursaturation vis-à-vis de la calcite à un certain point
de l’aquifère ou de la zone non-saturée. La morphologie des sédiments et les conditions chimiques au sein de l’aquifère mènent
à deux scénarii différents pour expliquer cette précipitation. Les deux autres sources, Arch Spring (Comté de Blair, Pennsylvanie)
et Bushkill Spring (Comté de Northampton, Pennsylvanie), ne présentent aucun indice de précipitation de calcite. Arch Spring
exporte essentiellement des phyllosilicates, alors que la silice est majoritaire à Bushkill Spring.