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We measured the effects of a plant invasion (Phragmites australis) on resident fish (Fundulus heteroclitus) in New England salt marshes by assessing diet quality at the food web base and by quantifying the importance of primary producers to secondary production using a recently developed Bayesian mixing model (Stable Isotope Analysis in R, “SIAR”). Spartina alterniflora, the dominant native plant, exhibited significantly greater leaf toughness and higher C/N ratios relative to P. australis. Benthic microalgae and phytoplankton (as suspended particulate matter) exhibited the lowest C/N indicating higher diet quality. We conducted a sensitivity analysis in SIAR by modeling F. heteroclitus at three separate trophic levels (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5) using species-specific discrimination factors to determine basal resource contributions. Overall, the best-fitting models include those that assume F. heteroclitus resides approximately 2.0 trophic levels above primary producers. Using discrimination factors from a range of data sources reported in the literature, our analyses revealed that consumers rely less on benthic microalgae and phytoplankton in restricted marshes (7–23 % and 11–44 %, respectively) relative to reference marshes (5–34 % and 23–48 %, respectively), resulting in a shift in diet toward invasive plant consumption (0–27 %). This is likely due to increased P. australis cover and marsh surface shading leading to decreased microalgal biomass, combined with reduced flooding of the marsh surface that favors terrestrial invertebrate assemblages. Restoration decreased the quantity of P. australis in the food web (0–15 %) and increased the importance of microalgae (1–30 %), phytoplankton (19–48 %), and native plants (23–63 %), indicating a shift in ecological recovery toward reference conditions.  相似文献   
Leroy natural-gas storage site is an anticlinal, fault-bounded, aquifer-storage system located in Wyoming, USA. Based on its abundant data, uncontrolled leakage history and subsequent control by the facility operators, a modeling framework was developed for studying reservoir behavior, examining pressure and gas-inventory histories, as well as gas and brine leakage, and evaluating the sensitivity of that behavior to uncertainty about reservoir properties. A three-dimensional model capturing the bounding fault, layered geologic stratigraphy, and surface topography was calibrated by history data of reservoir pressure and gas inventory. The calibrated model predicted gas arrival at the ground surface that was consistent with the timing of observed gas bubbling into a creek. A global sensitivity analysis was performed to examine the parameters influencing fault leakage, and a geomechanical stability analysis was conducted to investigate the likelihood of fault reactivation. In general, it is shown that a discrete leakage pathway is required to explain the observed gas leakage and its subsequent operational control by reducing reservoir pressures. Specifically, the results indicate that fault leakage is a plausible explanation for the observed gas leakage. The results are relevant to other natural-gas storage sites, as well as other subsurface storage applications of buoyant fluids, such as CO2.  相似文献   
A number of voluminous, fine-grained, friable deposits have been mapped on Mars. The modes of origin for these deposits are debated. The feasibility for an origin by volcanic airfall for the friable deposits is tested using a global circulation model to simulate the dispersal of pyroclasts from candidate source volcanoes near each deposit. It is concluded that the Medusae Fossae Formation and Electris deposits are easily formed through volcanic processes, and that the Hellas deposits and south polar pitted deposits could have some contribution from volcanic sources in specific atmospheric regimes. The Arabia and Argyre deposits are not well replicated by modeled pyroclast dispersal, suggesting that these deposits were most likely emplaced by other means.  相似文献   
The near-surface rock structure that covers an abandoned marl mine nearby the village of Montevecchia (Italy) was investigated through a combination of seismic surveys. The methods selected for these investigations were refraction seismics and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW). A sort of transillumination experiment was also attempted. All the methods were successful and gave complementary information. Refraction seismics was used to characterize the upper low velocity layer and the second layer of the near-surface structure. The MASW method was necessary to assess the existence of a velocity inversion revealing the presence of a low velocity layer between the 2nd layer and a 4th high velocity layer covering the upper mine gallery. The transillumination experiment validated the presence of the 4th layer and gave an estimate of the average velocity that represents a lower boundary for the P-wave velocity within this layer. Both the refraction and transillumination data were analysed to derive average estimates of attenuation level and rock quality factor.  相似文献   
The ‘less‐is‐more’ concept in interface design for computer applications has recently gained ground. In this article, the concept is adopted for a user‐centered design of geovisualization application. The premise is that using simple and clear design can lead to successful applications with improved ease of use. Over the last three decades, the development of GIS and geovisualization has seen a marked increase in the levels of interaction between the user, the system and the information. However, these enthusiastic advances in technology have not resulted in a significant increase in the number of users.

This article suggests that types of user interaction should not simply emphasize traditional GIS functions such as zooming and panning but move towards interaction based on facilitating the knowledge construction process. Considerations are made for the complexity of the system, the task at hand and the skills and limitations of the users. These elements are particularly important when maps act as the mediators in collaboration with users across disciplinary backgrounds. In such cases, the emphasis on simplicity and usability becomes as important as functionality. In these situations a geovisualization application designed for specific uses can maximize effective development of geographic knowledge.

In this article, a minimalistic design approach to geovisualization is adopted by creating a geographic profiling tool which shifts the emphasis from technological advances or interaction with the map to the interaction elements key to building the spatial knowledge of GIS experts and non‐experts alike. To evaluate this notion of ‘less‐is‐more geovisualization’ the profiling tool is evaluated according to usability matrices: efficiency, effectiveness and learnability. How well the Suburban Profiler contributes to these elements is assessed by conducting a video analysis of the types and forms of user interaction available. The video analysis demonstrates the usefulness and usability of the Suburban Profiler, providing proof of concept for ‘less‐is‐more geovisualization’.  相似文献   
The performance of the Ensemble Kalman Filter method (EnKF) depends on the sample size compared to the dimension of the parameters space. In real applications insufficient sampling may result in spurious correlations which reduce the accuracy of the filter with a strong underestimation of the uncertainty. Covariance localization and inflation are common solutions to these problems. The Ensemble Square Root Filters (ESRF) is also better to estimate uncertainty with respect to the EnKF. In this work we propose a method that limits the consequences of sampling errors by means of a convenient generation of the initial ensemble. This regeneration is based on a Stationary Orthogonal-Base Representation (SOBR) obtained via a singular value decomposition of a stationary covariance matrix estimated from the ensemble. The technique is tested on a 2D single phase reservoir and compared with the other common techniques. The evaluation is based on a reference solution obtained with a very large ensemble (one million members) which remove the spurious correlations. The example gives evidence that the SOBR technique is a valid alternative to reduce the effect of sampling error. In addition, when the SOBR method is applied in combination with the ESRF and inflation, it gives the best performance in terms of uncertainty estimation and oil production forecast.  相似文献   
A large landslide formed at Maierato (Vibo Valencia District), Southern Italy, on 15 February 2010, at 1430?hours local time, when rapid failure occurred after several days of preliminary movements. The landslide has an area of 0.3?km2, a runout distance of 1.2?km and an estimated volume of about 10?Mm3. The landslide caused nearly 2,300 inhabitants to be evacuated, with high economic losses. The most probable trigger of the landslide was the cumulative precipitation over the preceding 20?days (having a return period of more than 100?years), which followed a long period of 4?C5?months of heavy rainfall (of about 150% of the average rainfall of the period). This report presents a summary of our findings pertinent to the landslide??s activities based on our field investigations. In particular, this report covers (1) details of land deformation caused by the landslide, (2) geology pertinent to landslide development, (3) identification of the landslide mechanism and its triggering factors based on the analysis of the boring core specimens and landform features, as well as the available video of the event, and (4) preliminary evaluation of the stability of the original slope before the landslide using the finite element-based shear strength reduction method. The aim of the paper was to describe the landslide and explain its mechanism of occurrence.  相似文献   
Currently, mangroves dominate the tidal wetlands of Tampa Bay, Florida, but an examination of historic navigation charts revealed dominance of tidal marshes with a mangrove fringe in the 1870s. This study's objective was to conduct a new assessment of wetland change in Tampa Bay by digitizing nineteenth century topographic and public land surveys and comparing these to modern coastal features at four locations. We differentiate between wetland loss, wetland gain through marine transgression, and a wetland conversion from marsh to mangrove. Wetland loss was greatest at study sites to the east and north. Expansion of the intertidal zone through marine transgression, across adjacent low-lying land, was documented primarily near the mouth of the bay. Generally, the bay-wide marsh-to-mangrove ratio reversed from 86:14 to 25:75 in 125?years. Conversion of marsh to mangrove wetlands averaged 72?% at the four sites, ranging from 52?% at Old Tampa Bay to 95?% at Feather Sound. In addition to latitudinal influences, intact wetlands and areas with greater freshwater influence exhibited a lower rate of marsh-to-mangrove conversion. Two sources for nineteenth century coastal landscape were in close agreement, providing an unprecedented view of historic conditions in Tampa Bay.  相似文献   
The accurate estimation of metal loads transported by streams is necessary to calculate reliable mass transfers of metals between compartments, both at local and global scales. This estimation is particularly relevant in the case of the Tinto and Odiel Rivers (SW Spain) due to their significant contribution to the total metal transfer from continents to the ocean. At a local scale, the metal load transported by streams plays a key role in predicting the biogeochemical evolution of water reservoirs affected by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). This work uses the relationships between specific conductivity (SC) and dissolved elements to calculate the metal load of the River Meca, a tributary of the Odiel. The SC and the water level were continuously monitored from April 2009 to June 2010. Water samples were also collected and measurements of the discharge were carried out manually once a month. The relationships between the SC and the concentration of dissolved elements are, in general, very good (R2 > 0.90). However, some key elements such as Fe show a very poor correlation. A simple methodology based on the MIX code (a maximum likelihood method to estimate mixing ratios) was used to elucidate their different behaviours. During the dry period (April–December, 2009) the Fe concentration was lower than that deduced from the SC recorded value due to the precipitation of Fe-oxihydroxides, which also reduced the concentrations of As, Cr, Pb and, to a lesser extent, Cu. At the same time Na, Sr, Ca and Li were enriched because of the higher interaction with the riverbed materials. Correlations between the SC and the metal concentration improved significantly when each period was considered separately. A second dry period (April–June 2010) shows high SC values, although no dissolution/precipitation of solid phases is evidenced. This indicates that SC alone is not enough to predict the dissolved metal loads in Mediterranean AMD streams. The metal load transported by the River Meca was determined for the hydrological year 2009/10 as 1933 ± 129 tonnes of Fe, 990 ± 155 of Al and 378 ± 41 of Zn.  相似文献   
The paper presents results from a computer code, based on limit equilibrium analyses, able to quantify earth pressure coefficients for the internal design of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures and identify the potential failure surfaces. Failure mechanisms assuming bilinear or logarithmic spiral failure surfaces are considered. The influence of the potential failure surface and geosynthetic strength distribution on the earth pressure coefficient is analysed. Required reinforcement tensile strengths calculated by the developed program are compared with values published in the literature. To further evaluate the capabilities of limit equilibrium analyses, the numerical modelling of a geosynthetic reinforced steep slope, designed at ultimate limit state conditions (FS = 1), is also presented. Good agreement was achieved between the potential failure surfaces predicted by limit equilibrium analyses and those obtained with numerical modelling.  相似文献   
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