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对中国东部不同纬度带的6个地区的土壤微生物碳进行了研究。结果表明土壤微生物碳的分布受地理位置的影响较为明显:由北向南,东北地区的土壤微生物碳要高于其他地区。作为土壤有机质变化的灵敏度指标———微生物熵(微生物碳/总有机碳),在同一耕作方式下,其在不同地区的变化受土壤利用方式的影响较为明显:在连作系统下,菜地>粮地;而在轮作系统下,粮食-蔬菜轮作>蔬菜-蔬菜轮作。利用相关性分析寻求影响微生物碳分布的环境因素,结果表明,微生物碳(Micro-C)与土壤有机碳(TOC)、全氮(TN)、土壤含水率呈极显著正相关,而有机碳和全氮的分布主要受地理位置的影响。对不同土壤类型的微生物碳和微生物熵进行相关性分析,结果显示pH、年均温、含水率、TOC和TN是主要影响因素,关键影响因素因土壤类型不同而各异。  相似文献   
黄碧燕 《福建地质》2013,(4):330-333
样品经盐酸-硝酸分解处理,以硫酸铵为基体改进剂,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定地质样品中微量的银.结果表明该方法简便、快速、准确,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=6)为1.89%~6.70%,加标回收率为94%~106%.  相似文献   
环境地球化学在农业和生命科学上的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在地质背景和和现今环境双重作用影响下,通过水载体,生命元素从岩石到土壤经农作物最后到人体流动过程中,不同介质的含量,赋存形态及其转移方式等综合因素,阅览室了区域生物环境地球化学特性。由于生命元素分布不均和活度的差异影响了农业生产,并诱发了一些地方性疾病。  相似文献   
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基于扩展关系模型的整体空间数据管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
空间数据模型和数据管理是地理信息系统 (GIS)最重要的研究领域之一。该文介绍一体化的数据模型———扩展关系模型和以此为基础的 ,由作者设计的GIS软件原型系统———GEODBMS。GEODBMS使用统一的数据库管理系统 (DBMS)同时管理图形和属性数据 ;使用改进的四叉树———交叠四叉树索引空间目标 ;使用扩展的SQL语言进行空间查询 ;使用数据恢复和并发控制方法来加强分布式环境下数据的安全性和一致性维护  相似文献   
红阳煤田含煤地层太原组与山西组,是一套典型的“海陆交互相”沉积。依据剖面上沉积相序列变化特点,可划分为14个沉积旋回,每个沉积旋回均含有一层煤。有二种聚煤环境:一是海水退出潮坪后形成的泥炭沼泽聚积的煤层;二是扇三角洲平原形成的泥炭沼泽聚积的煤层。  相似文献   
焦作市气象局开发的GPRS自动雨量站状态监控和数据应用系统包括两个层面:一是基于C/S结构的数据下载辅助程序,实现读取远程数据库雨量资料存入本地数据库;二是基于Web平台的数据处理应用主程序,实现对辖区乡镇自动雨量站运行状态监控、暴雨雨量告警、区域雨量图显示、雨量等值线分析、RSS数据推送等功能。系统构建了较完善的市、县乡镇自动雨量站管理、共享、服务平台,且在一年的业务使用中运行良好。系统的不足之处是短信发送范围较小,且因Web应用程序引入外部程序配置文件过多,导致管理不便。  相似文献   
南极冰层的冰量为24.5×106km3,占地球总冰量的90%以上,南极冰川进退控制着全球海平面变化和气候波动。酉部南极乔治王岛第四纪冰碛与湖积剖面记录了近12000a来南极曾于距今11000a,9000a和6100a出现过3次快速的冰消过程,近6000a来是一小幅度冷暖交替的气候波动过程。深圳湾北岸潮间带堆积是在近6000a以来发育的,堆积物的环境记录表明,海平面呈周期性升降变化,波动周期平均为670a,低海面时期发生于距今5500—4900a,3900—3600a,2400—2200a和1300—1200a。相邻低海面间则是海面上升时期,每一升降周期的海平面变化幅度为80cm左右,近100a的现代增温,海平面处于上升阶段,上升速率为2—3mm·a(-1)。  相似文献   
The July 14, 2003 Qianjiangping landslide,Three Gorges Reservoir,China   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
The Qianjiangping landslide occurred after the first impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in July 2003. Field investigation revealed that failure occurred when the reservoir reached 135 m, but the stability of the affected slope was already reduced by pre-existing bedding-plane shears, quarrying of mudstone from the landslide toe, and previous heavy rain. A possible explanation of the rapid and long runout mechanism of the landslide is that movement on a bedding-plane shear ruptured the calcite cement and rapidly reduced the sandstone strength to residual shear strength.  相似文献   
Convection often produces severe weather which causes a great loss to human lives and properties. Precisely predicting the convection initiation process is crucial but challenging in operational convection nowcasting (0~2 h forecasting). Before the radar-defined CI occurring (e.g., the first occurrence of ≥35 dBZ echoes), observations at high spatial and temporal resolutions from weather radars and geostationary meteorological satellites can reveal precursor information such as the boundary-layer convergence lines and the rapid growth of newborn cumulus clouds. These radar- and satellite-observed precursor information are helpful for evaluating the pre-CI conditions and thus nowcasting the accurate CI timing and location. This paper reviewed the current status of radar- and satellite-based CI research and nowcasting techniques. The milestone works and the following studies in the last four decades were summarized to demonstrate how radar and satellite observations can be related to CI occurrence. The objectives and approaches of the CI research advance as the improvement in the capability of radars and were explained satellites. The research progress aids in the development of various CI nowcasting techniques. This paper introduced three well-established techniques that have been put into operational application, namely, ANC system, SATCAST algorithm, and UWCI algorithm. Some scientific issues with respect to radar- and satellite-based CI research and nowcasting were also presented.  相似文献   
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