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四渡河大跨悬索桥空间地震响应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非一致激励输入对大跨结构响应有着较大影响。本文以四渡河悬索桥为背景,首先根据该桥动力特性对规范反应谱进行调整,基于修正反应谱并考虑相位非平稳性合成地震动位移;然后编制了调索程序来确定有限元模型的初始平衡构型;采用时程法,分别分析了在纵桥向、横桥向以及竖向的非一致激励(行波输入、多点输入)下的悬索桥地震响应。计算结果表明,纵向非一致激励输入增大了悬索桥的地震响应,横向、竖向非一致激励输入的影响有增有减。  相似文献   
利用武汉多普勒天气雷达资料,对2007年7月27日发生在武汉及其周边部分地区的一次强对流天气过程,特别是引起武汉、洪湖的冰雹和地面大风灾害的2个强风暴(A、B)进行了详细分析,得到如下结论:(1)这次强对流天气的主要天气背景是,副热带高压西侧强烈的西南气流诱发了中小尺度扰动,强的低层垂直风切变,大的垂直不稳定,低层较干和中高层更干的水汽条件.(2)产生灾害性天气的对流系统最初是一条近乎南北向的断续型对流带,强风暴A和B在其成熟阶段都有低层弱回波和中高层悬垂回波结构,最大回波强度均大于60 dBz;风暴A在其崩溃阶段.近地面径向速度迅速增大,随其北移,造成武汉市黄陂区大风灾害;风暴B在平均径向速度图上存在明显的中层气流辐合(MARC),是即将出现地面强辐散风的标识.(3)强回波中心高度迅速降低是地面灾害性天气发生的标识,VIL密度比VIL本身更能反映风暴的强度,特别是当因雷达扫描策略的影响导致探测不到风暴顶或风暴底时.(4)在用冰雹探测算法(HDA)探测冰雹时,要注意修改可调参数,特别是0℃和-20℃环境温度的高度,这样才能大大降低冰雹误报率.  相似文献   
四川省北川县擂鼓盆地地壳稳定性与城镇选址   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
5·12汶川地震造成四川多座县城遭受毁灭性破坏,北川县城几乎被地震夷为废墟,因此灾后重建选址成为震后迫切需要开展的工作。野外地质调查和综合分析认为,尽管北川县擂鼓镇所在的擂鼓盆地处于强烈活动构造带,但盆地处于活动断裂的下盘,盆地基底整体性较好,内部断裂不甚发育,是活动构造带中的相对稳定地块,即“安全岛”。这个地区在北川县地震灾后重建中具有重要的利用价值。本文基于野外活动断裂和地震地质灾害调查,运用李四光先生的“安全岛”理论,初步论证了擂鼓盆地的地壳稳定性,并从环境工程地质角度分析了擂鼓盆地的工程地质和水文地质条件,对北川县地震灾后重建规划和灾民安置场地选址具有重要意义。  相似文献   
This study uses the WRF-Chem model combined with the empirical kinetic modeling method (EKMA curve) to study the compound pollution event in Beijing that happened in 13-23 May 2017. Sensitivity tests are conducted to analyze ozone sensitivity to its precursors, and to develop emission reduction measures. The results suggest that the model can accurately simulate the compound pollution process of photochemistry and haze. When VOCs and NOx were reduced by the same proportion, the effect of O3 reduction at peak time was more obvious, and the effect during daytime was more significant than at night. The degree of change in ozone was peak time > daytime average. When reducing or increasing the ratio of precursors by 25% at the same time, the effect of reducing 25% VOCs on the average ozone concentration reduction was most significant. The degree of change in ozone decreased with increasing altitude, the location of the ozone maximum change shifted westward, and its range narrowed. As the altitude increases, the VOCs-limited zone decreases, VOCs sensitivity decreases, NOx sensitivity increases. The controlled area changed from near-surface VOCs-limited to high-altitude NOx-limited. Upon examining the EKMA curve, we have found that suburban and urban are sensitive to VOCs. The sensitivity tests indicate that when VOCs in suburban are reduced about 60%, the O3-1h concentration could reach the standard, and when VOCs of the urban decreased by about 50%, the O3-1h concentration could reach the standard. Thus, these findings could provide references for the control of compound air pollution in Beijing.  相似文献   
The potential for progressive failure in waste containment systems is an important design consideration. Many common interfaces between components in containment systems exhibit strain-softening behaviour; however, slopes are presently designed using limit equilibrium methods that do not account for these effects. An analytical model is developed to investigate the potential for progressive failure due to strain softening. Results are presented in a non-dimensional form relating the potential for strain softening to the slope geometry, the waste properties and the properties of the containment system interface. The potential for progressive failure increases as (i) the waste stiffness decreases relative to the initial stiffness of the interface resistance, (ii) the length of the slip surface increases and (iii) the rate of strain softening with displacement increases. Analysis of a case study slope failure indicates that the analytical approach produces results that are consistent with field observations and comparable to results from a more sophisticated, numerical analysis. Although simple, this analytical approach serves as a useful design guide to identify cases where it is unsafe to use the peak shear strength in a limit equilibrium analysis.  相似文献   
试从寻找符号旋转时有规律的变化量入手,提出了一种先进行旋转预处理,再提取图像的外接矩形面积、密集度以及近圆度作为特征参数的识别方法,为有向点符号的自动识别提供了一种可行的方案.  相似文献   
为研究钙质砂剪切特性的围压效应和粒径效应,开展了在不同粒径、不同相对密实度以及不同围压条件下的三轴剪切试验,并引入应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数对应变软化特征及剪胀特征进行了定量表征。试验研究表明,随围压的增大,不同粒径钙质砂试样应变软化特征及剪胀特征逐渐减弱,且围压与应力相对软化系数和剪胀系数均呈半对数线性相关。不同粒径钙质砂试样存在一强度临界围压和体变临界围压分别使得应变软化特征和剪胀特征消失。在粒径为5~0.075 mm范围内,对松样而言,围压对软化特征和剪胀特征存在显著影响,但与粒径不存在显著相关性;对密样而言,随粒径逐渐减小,围压对试样软化特征的影响逐渐增强,而对试样剪胀特征的影响逐渐减弱。在低围压(50 kPa)条件下,0.5~0.25 mm粒径组试样破碎最显著。  相似文献   
TM与SAR图像融合多方法研究及其效果定量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对TM多光谱与SAR高分辨率的特征,研究了彩色技术、数学运算和图像变换三类共11种融合算法,并基于ERDAS-SpatialModeler、ENVI-IDL和MATHLAB等技术分别实现这些算法。从信息量、清晰度和逼真度共四项指标出发,定量评价了各个方法融合方法的侧重点。利用极差变换法处理指标,建立综合评价模型,得出单方法RGB(0.75)法相对最优、Brovey(0.10)法最劣以及三类方法彩色技术(2.59)最优;图像变换(2.25)次之;算术运算(0.82)最不可取的结论。  相似文献   
面向DEM地形复杂度分析的分形方法研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
在基于栅格DEM数据的基础上,应用分形几何学方法,采用元分维模型理论,提出一种描述DEM地形复杂度的分形分析方法,并得出分析指标———地形分维指数(TFI)。实验证明,该指标可以有效描述栅格DEM数据反映的地形变化特征,分析窗口由小到大的规律性变化反映出地貌从微观到宏观的变化情况,因此其既可以作为对栅格DEM所描述地形进行评价的坡面因子,又可以作为基于DEM的地貌类型区自动划分的参照依据。  相似文献   
龙瀛  贾海峰  何永 《水科学进展》2006,17(1):122-128
在对区域水污染控制系统CAP模型进行需求分析的基础上,采用UML技术进行CAP模型的结构设计,提出了采用Geodatabase作为CAP模型的开发模式。以佛山市水污染控制系统规划为例,介绍了采用CAP模型进行辅助规划的具体步骤。实践证明,采用CAP模型辅助区域水污染控制系统规划,可以提高规划效率及数据完整性,是其便捷的CAP解决方案。  相似文献   
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