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北部湾地形、底质特征与渔场分布的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
北部湾作为南海北部重要水域.属于热带和亚热带半封闭海湾.湾内地形地貌以及底质特征复杂。鱼类资源丰富。北部湾渔区的划分与地形地貌、底质特征存在密切联系.为更好的了解渔业生物的生活史、空间配布以及北部湾的渔业资源特点本文进行了初步的基础研究。为北部湾的渔业资源开发提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
福建罗源湾海区表层沉积物重金属的含量与分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2005年11月对罗源湾海域的环境调查资料,着重分析了表层沉积物重金属的含量以及分布,并与福建省内各主要港湾的沉积物重金属含量进行对比.结果表明:沉积物中Hg、As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr(总铬)的含量均小于<海洋沉积物质量>一类评价标准的含量,质量状况良好;罗源湾的Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr平均含量与其它海域相应的重金属含量比较,含量水平无明显差异;湾内水域的沉积物重金属含量大于湾口水域,湾内近岸水域的沉积物重金属含量大于中心水域.罗源湾沉积物未受到重金属的污染.  相似文献   
渤海动力环境研究应关注的新问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
回顾了近几年关于渤海动力环境的研究现状,分析了其中存在的问题。指出渤海盐度长期变化、年际尺度上变化的成因、过程;与此关联的渤海环流乃至黄海环流的变异及其过程;黄河入海的水、沙变化所引起发的渤海沉积物源汇的再调整等应是未来渤海动力环境研究中值得关注的重要问题。  相似文献   
通过简并引物扩增热球菌(Thermococcus siculi)HJ21高温α-淀粉酶保守区域之间的序列,再利用Site-finding技术获得两端未知序列.构建了在N端添加了His6标签的表达载体pEt-28a-His6-THJA后转化E.coli,在IPTG诱导下表达.进一步纯化后SDS-PAGE电泳检测达到电泳纯...  相似文献   
华北地台西缘的上奥陶统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林宝玉 《地球学报》1983,5(3):65-76
<正> 二十年前,关于华北地台的上奥陶统是否存在,几乎一无所知。一般都认为华北地台无晚奥陶世的沉积。但是,近二十年来,在华北地台西缘的许多地区不断地发现了上奥陶统。这些发现对阐明华北地台古地理、海水进退和构造运动等方面都有重要意义。 1960前,王钰、穆恩之、卢衍豪曾提出华北地台可能有上奥陶统的看法。1960年,俞昌民根据陕西耀县(原文为富平县)、宁夏固原县产有与祁连山扣门子组相同种的珊瑚Catenipora uniforma(C.M.Yu),初步肯定含该化石的地层年代为晚奥陶世。  相似文献   
按照纵向发展时序对国内外公共服务设施空间布局研究的视角、方法和主题进行了梳理。结果表明:国外研究主题历经了区位选择和布局模式、空间布局的公平性和可达性、布局的社会分异及其形成机制等的演变;研究视角从单纯的计量地理发展到与经济学、社会学等多学科交叉;研究方法从构建模型发展到与GIS结合等多种方法集成等。相比之下,国内研究差距明显,主要表现在研究视角欠缺多学科的交叉融合,方法多借鉴国外,缺乏创新,主题较为局限。最后提出未来研究应该多关注以下5方面:丰富可达性的内涵进行公平性度量;在以人为本的基础上整合配套多设施协同布局;注重设施的应时性和可变性;在大数据背景下开展小尺度的实证研究;植根中国实际,研究对象转向农村地区以及城市边缘区。  相似文献   
Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are one kind of important tool for environmental protection, and have been widely studied by international scholars and conservationists. Based various definitions of PES from recent articles, we have outlined four principles for PES: parity, measurability, additionality and conditionality, and then have used these principles to develop a formula to calculate a standard for PES. Finding a way to use PES to achieve a win-win relationship between economic growth and environmental protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region (BTHR) is a key task for Chinese government. Synergetic development of BTHR has become a national strategy, like The Belt and Road Initiative. This article employed the formula we developed to calculate the net horizontal PES amounts that each provincial government within BTHR should pay. Our findings show that Beijing should have paid 10.44×109 Yuan (0.4% of Beijing’s GRP) and Tianjin 16.56×109 Yuan (0.93% of Tianjin’s GRP) to Hebei in 2016.  相似文献   
华北平原蒸散和GPP格局及其对气候波动的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
华北平原水资源不足影响农业和经济的可持续发展,威胁国家的粮食安全。有效地预测区域的蒸散量和用水效率是合理配置农业和生态用水的前提。本文发展了一个基于遥感植被指数的蒸散和植被生产力模型,利用MODIS遥感信息模拟了华北平原2000-2009 年的蒸散和第一性生产力(GPP)。结果表明,年和生长季累积蒸散和GPP的分布具有纬度地带性,冬小麦季则更为明显。水分盈亏分析表明,降水显著低于蒸散的地区主要分布在黄河流域以北,南部地区降水有盈余。年尺度上,黄河以北地区水分亏缺0~300 mm;在小麦生长发育期,几乎全区水分亏缺0~400 mm;在玉米生长发育期,黄河以北地区水分亏缺0~100 mm。此外,蒸散和GPP的年际变化明显,既受气候波动的影响,也受植被的动态响应调节。  相似文献   
If urban sprawl is to be avoided in China in the next ten years, it is not only crucial to understand the overall history, current status, and future trends of urban expansion there, but also these differences, and this is presently lacking. In this study, remotely sensed images with approximately 30 m spatial resolution were used to quantitatively assess the spatial and temporal patterns of urban expansion of 60 Chinese cities(1973–2013). Urban-expansion-process curves of the cities studied were drawn using annual expansion area as an indicator. Curve similarity analysis generated four basic process modes of urban expansion in China. These included cities that: 1) peaked around 2004 and then decelerated; 2) peaked around 2010 and then decelerated; 3) showed sustained acceleration, and 4) showed continued deceleration. Four basic process modes represented cities under different levels of development stage. Geographic location was found to be the most related characteristic to urban expansion process. Regional development policies at the national level in each region also showed highly temporal consistency with fluctuation characteristics of urban expansion process. Urban characteristic such as population size and administrative level were not found to be significantly related to urban expansion-process modes. Understanding the basic process-mode categories well is extremely important for future regional-balance planning and development of macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   
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