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An obvious structural transformation between the early and the late stages of the middle Eocene rifting in the ZhuⅠ Depression, which has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of the Paleogene source-to-sink system, has recently been found. Based on comprehensive analysis of seismic, drilling and logging data in the study area, we argue that the structural transformation controls the basic elements of source-to-sink system, such as basin landscape, material source supply, transportation direction and sedimentary style, and affects the deep Paleogene reservoir conditions. Under the restriction of structural transformation, there are two typical source-to-sink models: source migration and fault transformation. Hydrocarbon accumulation related to structural transformation is commonly interpreted by two typical source-to sink models: source migration and fault transformation. The main source of the source migration model migrates under the influence of structural transformation, and the sedimentary boundary, accommodation space and depositional style change accordingly, forming a favorable superimposed and contiguous reservoir target;the supply, transportation and accumulation of provenance in the fault transformation model change orderly in time and space, forming the compound of co-existing fan-delta-beach sedimentary system and reservoir conditions have strong zonation. It is of great significance to explore the characteristics of source to sink system and sand-controlling model under the control of structural transformation in order to find high-quality reservoirs in Paleogene. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
江西相山邹家山-石洞断裂带及其控矿作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
魏祥荣  林舸  龙期华  周叶 《铀矿地质》2006,22(5):281-289
邹家山石洞断裂构造带(又称邹石构造带)由几组大致平行的断裂组成,总体走向为30°~40°,倾向NW或SE,倾角65°~85°,深切基底达10 km,属区域性NE向走滑断层。根据断裂构造的发育程度、构造联合控矿作用等特点,自北向南将邹石构造带分为石马山段、邹家山段、书塘段和石洞段。研究构造带的铀矿化蚀变特征及构造控矿规律发现,邹石构造带在不同地段控矿形式不同,按容矿位置可分为两类,即主断裂容矿和旁侧次级断裂容矿。邹石构造带的铀矿化作用明显分为两期,邹石构造带附近的铀矿床均存在铀赤铁矿型矿化蚀变,表明邹石构造带对成矿的重要作用。相山矿田各矿床内矿带的展布表明,主要矿带走向的法线方向总是指向相山盆地的特定区域。在总结已知矿床规律的基础上,笔者认为邹石构造带仍然是相山盆地最具找矿潜力的地区之一,书塘地区是邹石构造带的首选找矿靶区。  相似文献   
MT时间序列的FIR数字滤波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大地电磁测深法(MT)野外观测得到的原始资料是包含多种频谱的时间序列,这种时间序列中常包含不需要的信息和50 Hz及其谐波的干扰。结合FIR数字滤波技术与MT时间序列的特征,提出了一种基于FIR数字滤波技术的MT时间序列去噪方法,讨论了FIR数字滤波器的原理和实现,分析了理论数据通过FIR数字滤波的带通和陷波处理,探讨了对实测时间序列的带通和陷波所取得的效果。  相似文献   
全球变化的区域适应研究:挑战与研究对策   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
全球变化的适应研究不仅将成为今后一个时期内科学研究的重点,而且会成为国际社会关注的焦点。全球变化的适应可理解为人类社会面对预期或实际发生的全球变化的系统功能、过程或结构所产生的影响而采取的一种有目的的响应行为,其核心是趋利避害。对全球变化的适应是人类应对全球变化策略的明智选择,中国经济的快速发展面临全球变化影响的挑战,建议积极开展全球变化的适应研究。  相似文献   
林向军 《现代测绘》2013,36(1):60-61
网络地理信息系统(WebGIS)是当前GIS的技术热点。WebGIS的发展实现了系统的开放性,满足了数据的共享与远程操作、广泛的访问范围以及平衡高效的计算负载。本文介绍了如何利用GeoSurf、Mapinfo及Java技术来制作和开发银川市教育机构布局规划地理信息系统。  相似文献   
煤田三维地震资料解释的时深转换方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时深转换是三维地震资料解释中提高勘探精度非常关键的一步。本文介绍了三种不同的时深转换方法及时深转换速度的求取,并分别用实例加以说明,阐述了如何根据不同的地质及地震地质条件,选择合适的时深转换方法,以达到最佳的勘探效果。  相似文献   
CSAMT法具有分辨率高、探测深度大、工作效率高等优点,已广泛应用于勘查领域。本文通过实例介绍了CSAMT法的基本原理及方法技术,以及在老矿山勘查深部铜锌矿体中的应用及效果。  相似文献   
Surveys were conducted in four seasons in the eastern Beibu Gulf from July 2006 to November 2007,to determine the ichthyoplankton composition,abundance,as well as environmental factors impacted on their spatiotemporal distributions.The fish eggs and larvae were sorted from 303 zooplankton quantitative samples,in which at least 1 order,60 families,31 genera and 61 species of fish eggs and larvae were identified.The species number was highest in summer whereas lowest in winter.With the most abundant fish egg (the average density was 2.41 ind./m 3),spring was the main spawning season,while the greatest mean density of fish larva was 1.35 ind./m 3 in summer.In the whole year around,fish eggs had the trends to aggregate in the nearshore of Guangxi coast,fish larvae were more abundant in the northern water.Relationships between fish eggs and larvae abundance and environmental factors were analyzed by using the Yield-Density model.The spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton in eastern Beibu Gulf was closely related to the Chl a concentration,and the optimal temperature,salinity and Chl a were 19.4-21.7 C,31.8-33.1 and 1.5-4.8 mg/m 3,respectively.Additionally,the distribution of fish larvae could be effected by ocean currents in summer and autumn.  相似文献   
于2001—2004年对人工诱导大黄鱼的不同发育阶段和不同组织进行倍性检测,胚胎眼泡期采用染色体计数法测定,鱼苗和成鱼阶段用流式细胞法,结果表明,胚胎染色体数目2n=48条为二倍体,3n=72条为三倍体.采用流式细胞法测定鱼苗和成鱼个体时,若受测样品的DNA相对含量值与已知对照组二倍体的比值约为1.5:1,其个体为三倍体;比值约为1:1,则为二倍体,无论用肌肉或尾鳍组织,皆可检测出其个体的倍性。  相似文献   
朱艺峰  林霞  徐同成 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):101-106
实验设置了一直投喂、周期性饥饿1,2,3,4d和一直饥饿6个处理组,采用轮虫单个体培养,检验周期性饥饿对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)实验种群特征参数的影响.结果表明:一直投喂组的生殖价最高,对轮虫种群的潜在增长最有利,随饥饿强度的增大,生殖价减小.不同处理下,轮虫个体寿命与其生殖期之间存在显著的正相关(r=0.747).轮虫在受到饥饿后,寿命略有增长,但不同处理对轮虫的平均寿命(10.8~13.1d)和生殖期(6.3~8.3d)均未达到显著差异(P>0.05).饥饿强度增大时,轮虫个体的总产幼数、总产卵量显著下降(P<0.05),产第1幼、最后1幼、第1卵、最后1卵时间显著延长(P<0.05);同时,种群参数的世代时间(T)随饥饿强度增加而增大,内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和净生殖率(R0)却明显下降.  相似文献   
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