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In this paper, the principle and steps for differentiating water masses by fuzzy cluster method are introduced, and a scalar formula based on Euclidean distance and a method for determining objectively the number of water masses by F-test are proposed. Consequently, a method and specific steps for differentiating modified water masses in shallow sea according to fuzzy elastic classification are given. Computation of the membership degree in which each sample belongs to every water mass determines conveniently and quantitatively the cores, boundaries of water masses and mixed zones. An example for the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea is shown and compared with previous results.  相似文献   
The development of embryos and larvae of Babylonia formosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The first two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
陈世希  李翠华  王渊源 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):142-147
本文在饲料配方设计中首次引入新颖、高效的组合优化算法--模拟退火算法,并获得理想的数值结果,说明了在传统的饲料配方设计中高技术的应用可以获得更高的效益.  相似文献   
黄海海域陆相中生界油气远景   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
黄海海域油气勘探已40余载,尚未实现油气突破,其找油前景引起石油地质学家的极大关注。根据前人的认识和最新研究成果,结合邻区油气地化资料,探讨了黄海海域中生界地层生、储、盖特征,特别是白垩系,它分布广,厚度大,烃源岩达到较好生油岩标准,并且生、储、盖组合理想,中生界是该区下部油气勘探首选目标。  相似文献   
水下滑翔器的运动建模与分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
介绍了水下滑翔器的工作机理,对其沉浮阶段的滑翔过程进行了动力学分析,推导了滑翔器在垂直剖面上的动力学方程。论文深入分析了水下滑翔器稳态时的运动规律,以水下滑翔器试验模型为例,推导了其稳态运动参数,通过线性化与适当的简化,得到模型在垂直剖面上的运动状态方程,讨论了系统的可控性与可观测性,为水下滑翔器系统的开发设计和控制提供了理论依据,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
The development of embryos and larvae of Babyloniaformosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The fast two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27 ℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
珠江口盆地基底结构的综合地球物理研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
通过对珠江口盆地重磁资料的分析处理及反演计算,依据盆地的地质、地球物理特征,采取了针对性的综合地球物理研究思路与方法,对地震资料难以解决的珠江口盆地基底结构进行了研究,确定了盆地的重力和磁性基底深度,并对盆地内的断裂和基底岩性作了推断,提供了新的认识,为今后研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
双层局部开孔板沉箱对波浪反射的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种用于研究由双层开孔板和一个不透水后板的开孔结构对斜向波反射率的理论分析方法。整个流域被分成三个子域,在每个子域内应用特征函数展开法以得到该域内包含未知展开系数的势函数的表达式,在速度势的展开中,考虑了非传播模态波浪的影响。通过匹配开孔板处的边界条件可以求解待定的展开系数,继而求解双层开孔板防波堤结构对斜向波的反射率。数值计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,符合较好。并进一步讨论了几个重要因素对反射系数的影响。  相似文献   
超声辐射对牟氏角毛藻的生物效应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
设计了一个超声频率,超声功率和辐射时间3因素4水平的正交实验,研究超声辐射对牟氏角毛藻的生物效应。实验结果表明,超声频率对牟氏角毛藻的生物效应显著,而超声功率的辐射时间的影响相对较小,在正交实验所确定的最佳超声辐射条件下,牟氏角毛藻生长速率常数最高可达0.348d^-1,是对照组的1.78倍,并脂肪酸不饱和度最高可达68.4%,比对照组提高5.2%,主要不饱和脂肪酸的百分含量均可得到不同程度的提高。  相似文献   
海水中的有机物的含量微少,约为0.5~2.0 C mg/L,但其种类复杂。其中以溶解有机物(DOM)为主,而颗粒有机物(POM)所占比例则更少。大洋海水中的POM主要来源于浮游生物等的死骸及其分解碎屑;另外还有海水中受风浪影响所进行的DOM-POM的动力平衡产物。近岸海水还受河流和大气带入的陆源尘影响。POM主要由颗粒氨基酸(PAA)组成。即由Asp、Glu、Thr、Ser、Ala、Gly、Leu、Ile、Val、Met、Cys、Tyr、Lys、His、Arg、Phe、Pro等17种氨基酸组成。它们是食碎动物的主要食物,构成海洋食物链的一环,与该水域生产力有直接联系。纪明侯等(1992)于1983年和1984年首次对青岛胶州湾海水中的颗粒氨基酸的组成和含量的变化及其季节变化进行了调查研究。并且在1982年和1984年前后对渤海湾、黄河口和长江口附近水域同样调查研究了表层海水中PAA的组成与含量分布。他们还于1981年7、8月和1982年7、8月乘“科学一号”考察船进一步研究了长江口外东中国海,包括福建省外海、济州岛附近海域和黑潮流域26°00′-33°00′N、123°00′-129°00′E范围内海域的20余个站位的表层海水和部分站位上不同水深中的PAA的组成和含量。兹将调查研究结果报道如下。  相似文献   
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