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The intensive agricultural and economic activities induce the increase of the risk of groundwater quality degradation through high groundwater pumping rates. The salinization and contamination are the main sources of this pollution, especially in coastal aquifers. The explanation of the origin of salinity for the shallow aquifer of Northern Sahel of Sfax was analysed by a chemical study of the groundwater main compounds. The partitioning of groundwaters into homogenous groups is undertaken by graphical techniques, including a Stiff pattern diagram, an expanded Durov diagram and several binary diagrams. The study indicates the presence of various salinization processes. In the recharge area, salinization is the result of dissolution/precipitation of the aquifer formation material (group I). The irrigation water return and the intensive pumping have been identified as major sources of salinization in the south by direct cation exchange and mixing reactions (groups II and III). The anomaly of high groundwater salinity observed near the Hazeg zone was explained by the presence of a seawater intrusion in this area. This hypothesis is related to the high chloride concentration, to the presence of inverse cation exchange reactions (group IV), and to the piezometric level inferior to sea level. To cite this article: R. Trabelsi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy analyses, petroleum-well control and surface data studies of the Majoura–El Hfay region in the Central Atlas of Tunisia had led to identify and calibrate Jurassic seismic horizons. Seismic stratigraphic sections, seismic tectonics analyses, isochron and isopach mapping of Jurassic sequences show a differentiated structuring of platform and depocentre blocks limited by deep-seated NE–SW, north–south east–west and NW–SE faults intruded by Upper Triassic salt. The early salt migration seems to have started by the platform fracturing during the Lower Liassic rifting event. These movements are fossilized by thickness variations of Jurassic horizons, aggrading and retrograding onlap and toplap structures between subsiding rim-syncline gutters and high platform flanks intruded by salt pillows and domes. The salt migration is also attested by Middle and Upper Jurassic space depocentre migrations. Around the Majoura–El Hfay study blocks bounded by master faults, Triassic salt have pierced the Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary cover in a salt diapir extrusion and salt wall structures. To cite this article: D. Tanfous Amri et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
In central Tunisia, a synsedimentary tectonic episode has been pointed out through the tectonic movements affecting the Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene successions. This tectonic episode has controlled, to a large extent, the palaeogeographic setting of the area during that period and confirmed the important effect induced by the Pyrenean shortening phase on the edge of the African plate, which obviously has witnessed a common history with the southern part of the European plate. To cite this article: A. El Ghali et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
大兴安岭北部砂宝斯金矿床控矿因素及成因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
砂宝斯金矿床产于中侏罗统陆相碎屑岩中,共有6条矿脉,走向近SN。矿床的形成经历了4个成矿期和6个成矿阶段。矿石类型主要为蚀变砂岩和构造破碎蚀变岩型。金矿体严格受SN和NNW向断裂控制,围岩和侵入岩参与了成矿作用。矿石Pb、S、H和O同位素分析和成矿温度研究表明,金矿成矿物质来源于深部岩浆和地层,成矿溶液是岩浆热液和大气降水的混合流体,成矿温度为200~230℃,属中低温蚀变砂岩型。  相似文献   
Preferential leakage of H2O from fluid inclusions containing multiple gas components has been suspected in natural metamorphic rocks and has been demonstrated experimentally for synthetic H2O-CO2-rich inclusions in natural quartz. Knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics of the leakage mechanism, which may be very complex, increases the value of natural fluid inclusions to metamorphic geology. It is proposed that crystal defects play a major role in nondecrepitative preferential H2O leakage through quartz, and remain effective during metamorphism. Inclusions with either an internal overpressure or underpressure produce strain in the adjacent quartz crystal via the nucleation of many dislocations and planar defects (like Dauphiné twin boundaries). These defects allow preferential loss of H2O from H2O-CO2-rich inclusions at supercritical conditions. The transport capacity of this leakage mechanism is enhanced by nucleation of small bubbles on defect structures. The nucleation of these bubbles seems to be a recovery process in strained crystals. Solubility gradients of quartz in water in a crystal with internally underpressurized inclusions may result in optical visible implosion halos in a three dimensional spatial arrangement, caused by the growth of small bubbles at the expense of the larger original fluid inclusion. Natural fluid inclusions from Naxos (Greece) are always associated with numerous interlinked dislocations. These dislocations may have been produced by plastic derormation or by crystal growth related processes (e.g. crack healing). The presence of small bubbles on these dislocations indicates that a similar leakage mechanism for H2O must have occurred in these rocks.  相似文献   
大兴安岭中生代两类流纹岩与玄武岩的成因联系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据地质产状和地球化学特征大兴安岭中生代流纹岩类可划分为高Ti流纹岩和低Ti流纹岩。高Ti流纹岩类与亚碱性系列玄武岩类紧密伴生 ,两者在地球化学上构成连续变异系列。低Ti流纹岩类则与碱性系列玄武岩类构成地球化学双峰态。岩相学和地球化学研究表明 ,这两类流纹岩与该区同期玄武岩类有着密切的成因联系 :起源于地幔柱亏损成分的亚碱性系列玄武岩浆经过单斜辉石、斜长石、磷灰石、锆石的分离结晶 ,形成亚碱性系列低钾玄武岩→高钾玄武岩→高Ti流纹岩演化系列 ;起源于地幔柱富集成分的碱性系列玄武岩浆侵入下地壳 ,使下地壳岩石发生部分熔融 ,形成碱性系列玄武岩 -低Ti流纹岩双峰态组合  相似文献   
In the Alpujarra (southern Spain), every year between the March and June, an ancestral practice continues in the form of diverting water from the rivers by way of an extensive network of irrigation channels (acequias) to well-defined, highly permeable areas. This practice, known ascareos, constitutes an ancient example of artificial recharge. The objective is to guarantee a supply of drinking water during the dry months, as well as improve the physicochemical characteristics of the water. In addition, this system helps maintain moisture in the immediate environment, and thus has a positive effect on local vegetation.  相似文献   
Composition and genesis of glacial hummocks, western Wisconsin, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glacial hummocks associated with the Superior Lobe in western Wisconsin are stagnant-ice features composed of melt-out till, meltwater-stream sediment, and flow till. The greater proportion of melt-out till in these hummocks than in hummocks described elsewhere suggests that a model of extensive, supraglacial reworking of supraglacially released debris does not apply to the western Wisconsin hummocks. Interpretation of melt-out till in hummock exposures is based on its strong fabric oriented parallel to regional ice-flow direction. Other features of this melt-out till include poorly developed stratification (color banding and discontinuous thin sandy lenses), and minor faulting, both of which support a melt-out origin. We suggest that as stagnant, debris-rich ice began to melt, supraglacially released debris was deposited as flow till and meltwater-stream sediment (with some debris-flow sediment and lake sediment), but as the thickness of supraglacial debris increased, debris melting out at depth was stabilized, allowing features characteristic of melt-out till to be retained. Because the supraglacial debris was sandy and the stagnant ice was likely at the pressure-melting point, the supraglacial debris was well drained and did not readily fail and flow. Debris volume in the glacier generally was greater at the glacier margin, but lateral and longitudinal variations within this zone were caused by thrusting, freezing-on, or ice-margin fluctuations, which in turn resulted in variations in hummock relief. Ice-walled-lake plains are commonly associated with the hummocks and developed where debris volume was small.  相似文献   
The structural state of an alkali feldspar is determined by the nature of the distribution of Al and Si in the tetrahedral sites of the feldspar structure. This state is a function of a number of genetic controls including temperature, cooling rate, deformation, crystal size, and several chemical factors. Together these controls constitute a genetic regime. Identification of the structures of detrital feldspars may enable recognition of genetic regimes and be useful in provenance interpretation and mineral province definition. A 2-peak method of X-ray diffraction (XRD) determination as a variant of an earlier proposed 3-peak method of structural state determination is used in this study. Total analytical time for each determination is about 50–55 min per grain. Results of structural state identification of 126 detrital feldspars from Holocene stream sands derived from volcanic, plutonic and metamorphic rocks are presented in order to illustrate the application and potential of the technique. Detrital feldspars from the metamorphic rocks are all maximum microcline; those from the plutons range from orthoclase to microcline depending on the age of the pluton, whereas those from the volcanic rocks are sanidines.  相似文献   
Eleven years ago when this society held its Third General Meeting I had the opportunity of calling your attention to certain strange deposits and topographical features that came under my notice in certain parts of North China. I showed you a number of striated boulders that could not be attributed to mere  相似文献   
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