Besides Pb and U loss and mixing of crystals of different age, U gain is considered a possible cause of discordant U-Pb ages of zircons. However, whether U gain without new zircon growth occurs in nature had not been proven, so far. In order to test this possibility, two detrital zircon populations were studied for which the absence of later zircon overgrowth after deposition could be demonstrated. The samples were separated from a metaquartzite near a large pegmatite body and from metaquartzite inclusions found in the pegmatite (Martell Valley, Italian Alps). The distribution of neutron-induced fission tracks reveals distinct accumulation of U in the rims of more than 90% of the zircon grains of the inclusions (total U in the crystals: 540–850 ppm), whereas in the country rock only some of the grains show similar but weaker patterns (total U: 155–320 ppm). From the isotopic data and from additional U-Pb and Rb-Sr analyses of minerals and whole-rock samples of the pegmatite, the marginal accumulation and the higher concentration of U in the zircon grains of the inclusions are interpreted as the result of episodic U gain during the intrusion of the pegmatite and/or during a later metamorphism. From the concentration levels of common Pb, an addition of Pb - and possibly other elements - to the zircon grains is inferred. 相似文献
Because air?Cwater and water?Cair interfaces are equally refractive, cloud droplets and microbubbles dispersed in bodies of water reflect sunlight in much the same way. The lifetime of sunlight-reflecting microbubbles, and hence the scale on which they may be applied, depends on Stokes Law and the influence of ambient or added surfactants. Small bubbles backscatter light more efficiently than large ones, opening the possibility of using highly dilute micron-radius hydrosols to substantially brighten surface waters. Such microbubbles can noticeably increase water surface reflectivity, even at volume fractions of parts per million and such loadings can be created at an energy cost as low as J m???2 to initiate and mW m???2 to sustain. Increasing water albedo in this way can reduce solar energy absorption by as much as 100 W m???2, potentially reducing equilibrium temperatures of standing water bodies by several Kelvins. While aerosols injected into the stratosphere tend to alter climate globally, hydrosols can be used to modulate surface albedo, locally and reversibly, without risk of degrading the ozone layer or altering the color of the sky. The low energy cost of microbubbles suggests a new approach to solar radiation management in water conservation and geoengineering: Don??t dim the Sun; Brighten the water. 相似文献
From mica fission-track maps the serpentinized and weathered portions of four ultramafic rocks from oceanic ridge systems contained 0.5 to 2.4 ppm U compared to only 2.5 ppb in clinopyroxene, 0.6 ppb in chromite and less than 7.0 ppb in olivine. Orthopyroxene grains contained 0.4 ppb U which is three orders of magnitude lower than had previously been reported.Long thin tracks from (n, α) reactions with boron were recorded in cellulose nitrate plastic and were counted like fission tracks. The track density from boron was 2×104 times higher than that from uranium fission alone. Boron in serpentine was variable on a 50-μm scale attaining 155 ppm concentrations. Orthopyroxene grains, in contrast, had maximum concentrations of 0.8 ppm.Most of the uranium and boron in the rocks is believed to have been introduced during serpentinization. From known crystal-melt partitioning ratios the uranium and boron distributions are consistent with the ultramafic rocks being cumulates or residues from partial melting events. 相似文献
Results of a numerical method for the simulation of nonlinear flow in coastal seas are presented. The method is based on a neutral semi-implicit scheme which is modified into a stability-enhancing two-step algorithm. By means of this method the simulation of highly nonlinear flow patterns is possible in a stable and economic way. Three examples of models of different North Sea coastal regions are discussed under certain aspects to demonstrate the reliability of the method. 相似文献
Ocean Dynamics - With the continued rise in global mean sea level, operational predictions of tidal height and total water levels have become crucial for accurate estimations and understanding of... 相似文献
A field test and analysis method has been developed to estimate the vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity in shallow unconsolidated aquifers. The field method uses fluid injection ports and pressure transducers in a hollow auger that measure the hydraulic head outside the auger at several distances from the injection point. A constant injection rate is maintained for a duration time sufficient for the system to become steady state. Exploiting the analogy between electrical resistivity in geophysics and hydraulic flow two methods are used to estimate conductivity with depth: a half-space model based on spherical flow from a point injection at each measurement site, and a one-dimensional inversion of an entire dataset.
The injection methodology, conducted in three separate drilling operations, was investigated for repeatability, reproducibility, linearity, and for different injection sources. Repeatability tests, conducted at 10 levels, demonstrated standard deviations of generally less than 10%. Reproducibility tests conducted in three, closely spaced drilling operations generally showed a standard deviation of less than 20%, which is probably due to lateral variations in hydraulic conductivity. Linearity tests, made to determine dependency on flow rates, showed no indication of a flow rate bias. In order to obtain estimates of the hydraulic conductivity by an independent means, a series of measurements were made by injecting water through screens installed at two separate depths in a monitoring pipe near the measurement site. These estimates differed from the corresponding estimates obtained by injection in the hollow auger by a factor of less than 3.5, which can be attributed to variations in geology and the inaccurate estimates of the distance between the measurement and the injection sites at depth. 相似文献