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采用对角斜撑模拟纵向填充墙的作用,建立考虑填充墙和不考虑填充墙厂房结构模型,采用拉丁超立方抽样技术建立考虑材料不确定性的结构分析样本,基于随机Pushover分析确定结构不同破坏状态下的统计参数。综合考虑结构材料强度及输入地震动不确定性的影响,通过非线性时程分析开展单层钢筋混凝土厂房结构易损性研究,在此基础上比较结构横、纵向易损性的差异,研究填充墙对结构易损性的影响。研究结果表明:钢筋混凝土厂房结构体系横向地震易损性显著大于纵向地震易损性;对纵向结构体系而言,加入填充墙会明显降低结构易损性,但在相同强度的地震动作用下,填充墙破坏程度比主体结构严重,这与厂房结构的实际震害特征相符。  相似文献   
对安徽巢湖地区平顶山和马家山剖面下二叠统栖霞组和下三叠统南陵湖组进行了地层沉积特征及暗色石灰岩生烃潜力的综合分析,并对这两个层位的样品进行了饱和烃生物标志物特征研究。结果表明,两个层位的石灰岩都属于有效烃源岩,均具有一定的生烃潜力。南陵湖组石灰岩饱和烃以高丰度的长链三环萜烷、重排藿烷、重排甾烷为特征,表明其形成于偏弱氧化的沉积环境。栖霞组沉积期水体能量相对较低,受陆源物质影响明显,栖霞组石灰岩萜烷系列为常规的分布模式,但其甾烷成熟度参数明显低于平衡值,认为高的热演化程度是造成栖霞组石灰岩20S/(20S+20R)-ααα-C29甾烷值和ββ/(ββ+αα)-C29甾烷值"倒转"的主要原因。  相似文献   
伊拉克哈勒法耶油田Mishrif组滩相储层发育,是研究区内最主要的产油层位。利用岩心、薄片、测井资料对Mishrif组沉积相进行了研究,结果表明该组发育局限台地、开阔台地、台内洼地和台地边缘4种沉积相,滩相储层主要发育在开阔台地和台地边缘相带。并综合利用铸体薄片、物性实验数据及压汞曲线等资料对滩相储层特征和成因进行了分析。滩相储层岩石类型多样,发育生屑灰岩、生屑泥粒/粒泥灰岩、砂屑灰岩等多种岩石类型,岩石颗粒较粗。孔隙类型多样,主要以铸模孔、粒间孔、溶孔和体腔孔为主,其中以粒间孔和铸模孔发育最为广泛。各类滩相储层孔隙度较高,渗透率差异明显,平均渗透率为(2.35~139.17)×10~(-3)μm~2。整体孔隙结构较好,排驱压力较低,大喉道较为发育。滩相储层发育受沉积环境控制和成岩作用改造程度影响,有利的沉积条件是滩相储层原生孔隙发育的基础,同生期溶蚀作用的改造形成大量次生孔隙,从而提高了储层的储集性能。  相似文献   
兰晓青  陈文 《大气科学》2013,37(4):863-872
利用NCEP-NCAR 再分析资料分析了2011~2012 年冬季发生在欧亚大陆的一次异常低温严寒事件的大气环流演变过程以及可能的成因。这次低温事件,主要出现在2012 年1 月下旬至2 月上旬,持续大约3 周左右,非常强的低温异常覆盖了几乎整个欧洲以及东亚的西伯利亚、蒙古国和我国东北、华北等地。这次低温事件的演变与对流层北极涛动(AO)由正位相转变为负位相的时间相匹配,意味着AO 可能发挥重要作用。进一步分析表明,前期行星波的异常上传导致平流层发生爆发性增温现象,极夜急流减弱,AO 位相首先在平流层由正变负;在2~3 周左右的时间内,平流层AO 异常信号逐渐下传,使得对流层AO 也转为负位相;随后,乌拉尔山阻塞高压异常发展,极区的冷空气不断向南爆发,先后在东亚和欧洲造成剧烈的降温,导致低温严寒事件。因此,考虑平流层环流的异常可能有助于提高欧亚大陆冬季低温严寒事件的预测能力。  相似文献   
地质图切剖面中褶皱构造的计算机辅助编绘   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
计算机对褶皱的处理能力的强弱,是决定地质图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统实用价值大小的一个重要指标。以兰姆赛分类方案为基础,通过褶皱形态的几何特征分析,提出一种针对简单背,向斜构造的计算机辅助设计算法,并编写出相应的褶皱剖面形态的模拟程序,利用各种不同形态的褶皱实例进行试验。证明该种算法正确可靠,将其嵌入作先前开发的地质图切剖面编绘程序中,可大大提高地质图切剖面编绘的自动化水平。  相似文献   
Characteristics of carbonyl compounds in ambient air of Shanghai,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The levels of carbonyl compounds in Shanghai ambient air were measured in five periods from January 2007 to October 2007 (covering winter, high-air-pollution days, spring, summer and autumn). A total of 114 samples were collected and eighteen carbonyls were identified. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone were the most abundant carbonyls and their mean concentrations of 19.40 ± 12.00, 15.92 ± 12.07 and 11.86 ± 7.04 μg m−3 respectively, in the daytime for five sampling periods. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde showed similar diurnal profiles with peak mixing ratios in the morning and early afternoon during the daytime. Their mean concentrations were highest in summer and lowest in winter. Acetone showed reversed seasonal variation. The high molecular weight (HMW, ≥C5) carbonyls also showed obvious diurnal variations with higher concentrations in the daytime in summer and autumn, while they were all not detected in winter. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde played an important role in removing OH radicals in the atmosphere, but the contribution of acetone was below 1%. The carbonyls levels in high-air-pollution days were reported. More carbonyl species with higher concentrations were found in high-air-pollution days than in spring. These carbonyls were transported with other pollutants from north and northwest in March 27 to April 2, 2007 and then mixed with local sources. Comparing with Beijing and Guangzhou, the concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in Shanghai were the highest, which indicated that the air pollution in Shanghai was even worse than expected.  相似文献   
O3浓度增加对冬小麦影响的试验研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用OTC 1型开顶式气室对冬小麦进行不同O3 浓度处理的试验研究。结果表明 ,O3 浓度增加 ,冬小麦发育期表现为开花前期有所延迟 ,开花后期的各发育期明显提前 ,生育期缩短 ,植株矮化 ,干物质累积量明显下降。无论是长时期通气处理还是阶段性通气处理 ,产量均明显降低  相似文献   
High-frequency oscillations, with periods of about 2 hours, are first identified by applying wavelet analysis to observed minutely wind speeds around the eye and eyewall of tropical cyclones(TCs). Analysis of a model simulation of Typhoon Hagupit(2008) shows that the oscillations also occur in the TC intensity, vertical motion, convergence activity and air density around the eyewall. Sequences of oscillations in these variables follow a certain order.  相似文献   
从逐分钟地面数据文件中读取正点前10分钟内任一分钟的分钟数据进行备用,以备在临近正点时自动气象站计算机系统出现故障的情况下作为电话口传报文之用,保证正点数据的及时有效传输,避免逾限报的发生。  相似文献   
Vertical tilt structure of the East Asian trough (EAT) and its interannual variation mechanism in boreal winter are studied using NCEP/NCAR, ERA40, and NCEP/DOE reanalyses. A vertical tilt index (VTI) is defined as the mean slope of vertical trough line on the longitude-height cross section to describe the tilting extent of the EAT, with high index indicating a more west-tilted trough and vice versa. The VTI series derived from the three reanalysis datasets are highly correlated with each other during the corresponding periods. A significant positive correlation is found between the VTI and the zonal range of the vertical trough line. Based on the close relation, a possible physical mechanism is proposed to explain the interannual variation of VTI. It demonstrates that positive (negative) temperature anomalies within the mean zonal range of the EAT result in expansion (contraction) of the zonal range and lead to high (low) VTI years. The composite analyses based on the three reanalysis datasets well support the proposed mechanism. Furthermore, the general relationship between the VTI and the zonal temperature gradient is discussed based on the proposed mechanism. It is revealed that the asymmetric change of temperature gradient on the western and eastern sides of the EAT plays an important role in the variation of VTI, which suggests that the tilting extent of the EAT is strongly affected by the two-order zonal change of temperature instead of the zonal temperature gradient (i.e., one-order change). Climate variability not only in the simultaneous winter but also in the following spring and summer over East Asia is closely related to the variation of the VTI. This study on the vertical tilting of the EAT may enrich knowledge of the East Asian winter monsoon and the climate variability over East Asia and may be helpful in improving the regional climate prediction in East Asia.  相似文献   
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