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Balloon-borne observations of electrical conductivity in the troposphere and stratosphere were performed using conductivity sondes at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany, from June to November, 1980, after the Mt St Helens eruption. A significant decrease of atmospheric ions in the altitudes from the troposphere to lower stratosphere has been detected until several months after the eruption in comparison with the observational results obtained before the eruption. Simulteneous ruby lidar observation a month after the eruption indicates an increased amount of aerosol at nearly the same altitude as that of conductivity decrease. Several months after the eruption it appears that aerosols detected by lidar and those effective in reducing ion concentration have different profiles.  相似文献   
We present the K -band Hubble diagrams ( K – z relations) of submillimetre-selected galaxies and hyperluminous galaxies (HLIRGs). We report the discovery of a remarkably tight K – z relation of HLIRGs, indistinguishable from that of the most luminous radio galaxies. Like radio galaxies, the HLIRG K – z relation at   z ≲ 3  is consistent with a passively evolving ∼3 L * instantaneous starburst starting from a redshift of   z ∼ 10  . In contrast, many submillimetre-selected galaxies are ≳2 mag fainter, and the population has a much larger dispersion. We argue that dust obscuration and/or a larger mass range may be responsible for this scatter. The galaxies so far proved to be hyperluminous may have been biased towards higher AGN bolometric contributions than submillimetre-selected galaxies due to the 60-μm selection of some, so the location on the K – z relation may be related to the presence of the most massive active galactic nucleus. Alternatively, a particular host galaxy mass range may be responsible for both extreme star formation and the most massive active nuclei.  相似文献   
Results of impact fragmentation experiments for basalts and pyrophyllites are reported. Aluminum cylindrical projectiles were impacted on cubic basalt and pyrophyllite targets at velocities of 70 to 990 m/sec. The targets and projectiles were 20 g to 3.3 kg and 2 to 20 g in weight respectively. Weights of the fragments produced by impacts were measured and the size distributions of fragments were examined. Data of the largest fragment mass (mL) normalized to the original target mass (Mt), mL/Mt, correlate better with the nondimensional impact stress, PI, a new scaling parameter introduced by H. Mizutani, Y. Takagi, and S. Kawakami (1984, in preparation) than the conventional projectile's kinetic energy per unit target mass, E/Mt, used in the previous studies. All the mL/Mt data for basalts obtained in the present study are summarized by mL/Mt = 2.95 × 10?2PI?1 where PI = P0L3/YR3, P0 = peak shock pressure, L = projectile size, R = target size and Y = material strength of target. For aluminum targets, however, the mL/Mt is 2.5 orders of magnitude larger than that for brittle targets at impacts with the same PI. Size distributions of fragments expressed in a log N - log (m/Mt) diagram divided into three regimes bounded by two inflection points. In each regime the curve is expressed by N (>mMt) = A (mMt)?a. The slopes, a, of the log N - log (mMt) curves in the regimes of a large and a medium size range are positively correlated with the nondimensional impact stress, PI, and expressed as a = C3 + a3log PI. The slopes, a, in the smallest size range are, on the other hand, nearly constant and have values of 0.5 to 0.7 (12?23). Present results indicate that the impact fragmentation is scaled well by the new scaling parameter, PI, of Mizutani, Takagi, and Kawakami and that the present experimental data may shed new light on planetary impact processes.  相似文献   
Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter, Akatsuki, is cruising to approach to Venus again although its first Venus orbital insertion (VOI) has been failed. At present, we focus on the next opportunity of VOI and the following scientific observations.We have constructed an automated cloud tracking system for processing data obtained by Akatsuki in the present study. In this system, correction of the pointing of the satellite is essentially important for improving accuracy of the cloud motion vectors derived using the cloud tracking. Attitude errors of the satellite are reduced by fitting an ellipse to limb of an imaged Venus disk. Next, longitude–latitude distributions of brightness (cloud patterns) are calculated to make it easy to derive the cloud motion vectors. The grid points are distributed at regular intervals in the longitude–latitude coordinate. After applying the solar zenith correction and a highpass filter to the derived longitude–latitude distributions of brightness, the cloud features are tracked using pairs of images. As a result, we obtain cloud motion vectors on longitude–latitude grid points equally spaced. These entire processes are pipelined and automated, and are applied to all data obtained by combinations of cameras and filters onboard Akatsuki. It is shown by several tests that the cloud motion vectors are determined with a sufficient accuracy. We expect that longitude–latitude data sets created by the automated cloud tracking system will contribute to the Venus meteorology.  相似文献   
Recent numerical studies (Hibiya et al., 1996, 1998, 2002) showed that the energy cascade across the internal wave spectrum down to small dissipation scales was under strong control of parametric subharmonic instabilities (PSI) which transfer energy from low vertical mode double-inertial frequency internal waves to high vertical mode near-inertial internal waves. To see whether or not the numerically-predicted energy cascade process is actually dominant in the real deep ocean, we examine the temporal variability of vertical profiles of horizontal velocity observed by deploying a number of expendable current profilers (XCPs) at one location near the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. By calculating EOFs, we find the observed velocity profiles are dominated by low mode semidiurnal (∼double-inertial frequency) internal tides and high mode near-inertial internal waves. Furthermore, we find that the WKB-stretched vertical scales of the near-inertial current shear are about 250 sm and 100 sm. The observed features are reasonably explained if the energy cascade down to small dissipation scales is dominated by PSI.  相似文献   
The Miocene Kitami rhyolite, consisting of orthopyroxene and plagioclase-phyric lavas and dikes, occurs on the back-arc side of the Kuril arc with coeval basalts and Fe-rich andesites. Temperatures estimated from orthopyroxene–ilmenite pairs exceed 900°C. Although the whole rock compositions of the Kitami rhyolite correspond to S-type granites (i.e., high K, Al, large ion lithophile elements, and low Ca and Sr), Sr–Nd isotope compositions are remarkably primitive, and similar to those of the coeval basalts and andesites. They are distinct from those of lower crustal metamorphic rocks exposed in the area. Comparison of chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns between the rhyolite and the basalts and andesites show that the rhyolite is more light REE enriched, but has similar heavy REE contents than the basalts. All rhyolites show negative Eu anomalies. The geochemical data suggest that did not formed by simple dehydration melting of basaltic rocks or fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas. The features of slab-derived fluids expected from recent high pressure experimental studies indicates that mantle wedge is partly metasomatized with “rhyolitic” materials from subducted slabs; it is more likely that very low degree partial melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge formed the rhyolite magma.  相似文献   
We obtained the luminosity function from the Main-Sequence turnoff region to the subgiants for M15 (V=17.0–19.6), using plates taken by the Kitt Peak 4 m reflector. The measured region isr=2.5–8.0 zone. We extrapolated the star counts to the cluster center and to the tidal limit, using King's (1966) photometry, Kinget al.'s (1968) counts, Peterson and King's (1975) result, and Simoda and Iben's (1970) theoretical results.The comparison of the observed function with the theoretical ones by Simoda and Iben (1970) indicates that the observation is consistent with the theory forX0.9±0.1, thus marginally inconsistent with the Big Bang cosmology value (X=0.76). The comparison with Bertelliet al. (1970) theoretical ones gives contradictory results. Possible causes of this problem are the improper extrapolation of star counts to the cluster center and/or the inaccuracies of the theoretical luminosity functions so far published, and/or the impropriety of the canonical structure and evolution theory of Population II stars. In the last two cases, the ages and the helium abundances of globular clusters may vary.We also obtained the luminosity function for blue horizontal branch stars fromV=17.0 to 19.6.Kitt Peak National Observatory, U.S.A., which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Aircraft observations of oxides of nitrogen (NO y ), measured with a ferrous sulfate converter, over the sea surrounding the Japanese islands (30–43° N, 131–141° E) were carried out in the winter of 1983 and 1984 at altitudes mostly between 3 and 8 km. NO y defined here is the sum of NO, NO2, and other unstable oxides of nitrogen that are converted to NO by ferrous sulfate. The main observations were:
  1. Over the Pacific Ocean between the latitudes of 30–35° N, the observed NO y mixing ratio between 3 and 8 km was a fairly constant 200 pptv. The NO mixing ratio increased with altitude from 15 pptv at 3 km to 35 pptv at 7 km.
  2. Over the Sea of Japan, tropospheric NO y mesured between 1 and 6 km started increasing with latitude North of 35° N and reached about 1000 pptv at 40° N.
  3. NO y was measured in an air mass transported from the stratosphere near a tropopause fold region. When the ozone mixing ratio was between 80 and 140 ppbv, the NO y mixing ratio was about 200 pptv.
Natural Hazards - Storm surges are one of the most important risks to coastal communities around the Bay of Bengal, and it is feared that the threat they pose will increase with climate change in...  相似文献   
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