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Lyα Blobs (LAB), large, extended Lyα emitters, are enigmatic objects that calls on much attention in the field of galaxy formation and evolution. So far, discovery of more than twenty giant (>60 kpc) LABs have been reported and new searches are on-going. Many of the groups who study LABs attended the workshop in Heidelberg, “Understanding Lyα Emitters”, 2008 October 6–10. We had useful discussions on the various important aspects of LABs including the search or detection methods, origins of the extended Lyα emission, and their physical properties.  相似文献   
Keiichi  Sasaki  Akio  Omura  Tetsuo  Miwa  Yoshihiro  Tsuji  Hiroki  Matsuda  Toru  Nakamori  Yasufumi  Iryu  Tsutomu  Yamada  Yuri  Sato  Hiroshi  Nakagawa 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):455-467
Abstract   High-resolution seismic reflection profiles delineated the distribution of mound-shaped reflections, which were interpreted as reefs, beneath the insular shelf western off Irabu Island, Ryukyus, southwestern Japan. A sediment core through one of the mounded structures was recovered from the sea floor at a depth of −118.2 m by offshore drilling and was dated by radiometric methods. The lithology and coral fauna of the core indicate that the mounded structure was composed of coral–algal boundstone suggesting a small-scaled coral reef. High-precision α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating coupled with calibrated accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages of corals obtained reliable ages of this reef ranging from 22.18 ± 0.63 to 30.47 ± 0.98 ka. This proves that such a submerged reef was formed during the lowstand stage of marine oxygen isotope stages 3–2. The existence of low-Mg calcite in the aragonitic coral skeleton of 22.18 ± 0.63 ka provides evidence that the reef had once been exposed by lowering of the relative sealevel to at least −126 m during the last glacial maximum in the study area. There is no room for doubt that a coral reef grew during the last glacial period on the shelf off Irabu Island of Ryukyus in the subtropical region of western Pacific.  相似文献   
The Hyuga-nada Sea, south-eastern Kyushu, Japan, is located between a strong (Nankai Trough) and a weak interplate coupling zone (Ryukyu Trench). Over the past 400 years this area has only experienced Magnitude 7·5 earthquakes or smaller and associated small-scale tsunamis. However, this short historical record most likely does not include the full range of high magnitude, low frequency giant earthquakes that might have occurred in the region. Thus, it is still unclear whether giant earthquakes and their associated tsunamis have occurred in this region. This paper reports on a prehistoric tsunami deposit discovered in a coastal lowland in south-eastern Kyushu facing the Hyuga-nada Sea. There is a reddish-brown pumiceous layer preserved in a non-marine, organic-rich mud sequence obtained from onshore sediment cores. This layer is recognized as the ca 4600 year old Kirishima-Miike tephra (that is now placed around 4500 years ago) sourced from Mount Kirishima, southern Kyushu. Another whitish pumiceous layer is evident below the Kirishima-Miike tephra in almost all of the sediment cores. A relatively high percentage of marine and brackish diatoms is recorded within this lower pumiceous layer (but not in the surrounding muds or in the overlying Kirishima-Miike tephra), indicating a marine or beach sediment source. Plant material obtained from organic-rich mud immediately below the event layer was dated to ca 4430 to 4710 cal yr bp , providing a limiting-maximum age for this marine incursion event. The presence of marine diatoms below the event layer is probably explained by pre-seismic subsidence. An absence of the resting spore of the planktonic brackish diatom Cheatoceros and the appearance of the freshwater diatom Eunotia serra immediately above the event layer probably represents a marked change to a relatively low-salinity environment. Assuming that there were no significant local geomorphological changes, such as drainage obstruction caused by formation of a new barrier spit, it is considered that co-seismic or immediate post-seismic uplift are the most likely explanations for this notable environmental change. Based on the crustal movements noted before and after the marine incursion, this event is interpreted here as an earthquake-generated tsunami. Moreover, because of these notable seismic crustal movements the tsunamigenic earthquake probably occurred immediately offshore of the study site.  相似文献   
Based on a suggestion by Yamada (1986), values of the unknown constants in a particular second-order closure model are determined by applying Schumann's method (Schumann, 1977), using empirical data under neutral conditions. It is found that this closure model predicts favorably the Monin-Obukhov universal functions on both the stable and the unstable sides. It is likely that Schumann's method can be used as an expedient means of determining values of unknown model constants.  相似文献   
A diagnostic model for the determination of similarity profiles of turbulence and mean-wind gradient in the planetary boundary layer is developed. Vertical profiles of a turbulence length scale and the flux Richardson number are formulated through the extension of the relationships for the constant flux layer. These profiles together with a turbulence energy equation and a similarity profile empirically determined for heat or momentum flux are used to compute the turbulence energy. Relationships previously derived from a turbulence closure model are used to compute second moments of turbulence.  相似文献   
NotesonExtended-RangeAtmosphericPredictionintheNorthernHemisphereWinterShingoYamadaForecastDivision,JapanMeteorologicalAgency...  相似文献   
Satellite infrared(IR)sounder and imager measurements have become one of the main sources of data used by data assimilation systems to generate initial conditions for numerical weather prediction(NWP)models and atmospheric analysis/reanalysis.This paper reviews the development of satellite IR data assimilation in NWP in recent years,especially the assimilation of all-sky satellite IR observations.The major challenges and future directions are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   
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