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It has been almost four decades since the first launch of geostationary meteorological satellite by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The specifications of the geostationary meteorological satellites have shown tremendous progresses along with the generations, which are now entering their third generation. The third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites not only yield basic data for weather monitoring, but also globally observe the Earth’s environment. The development of multi-band imagers with improved spatial resolution onboard the third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites brings us meteorological data in larger size than those of the second-generation ones. Thus, new techniques for domestic and world-wide dissemination of the observational big data are needed. In this paper, we develop a web-based data visualization for Himawari-8 satellite sensed images in real time and with full resolution. This data visualization is supported by the ecosystems, which uses a tiled pyramid representation and parallel processing technique for terrain on an academic cloud system. We evaluate the performance of our techniques for domestic and international users on laboratory experiments. The results show that our data visualization is suitable for practical use on a temporal preview of observation image data for the domestic users.  相似文献   
We have made an observational study of the newly identified cyanomethane radical CH2CN and the possibly related species CH3CN with the goals of (1) elucidating the possible role of reactions of the type CnHm(+) + N in astrochemistry, and (2) providing a possible test of Bates's models of dissociative electron recombination. We find a remarkably different abundance ratio CH2CN/CH3CN in TMC-1 and Sgr B2, which we deduce is a result of the large difference in temperature of these objects. Studies of CH2CN and CH3CN in other sources, including two new detections of CH2CN, support this conclusion and are consistent with a monotonic increase in the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio with decreasing temperature over the range 10-120 K. This behavior may be explained by the destruction of CH2CN by reaction with O. If this reaction does not proceed, then CH2CN and CH3CN are concluded to form via different chemical pathways. Thus, they do not provide a test of Bates's conjectures (they do not both form from CH3CNH+). CH2CN is then likely to form via C2H4(+) + N --> CH2CNH+, thus demonstrating the viability of this important reaction in astrochemistry. The T dependence of the CH2CN/CH3CN ratio would then reflect the increasing rate of the C2H4(+) + N reaction with decreasing temperature.  相似文献   
We propose that competent layers composed of silicified rocks in the Cretaceous Ryoke low-pressure/temperature (low- P/T ) metamorphic belt in the Iwakuni–Yanai area, Southwest Japan, may be an exhumed equivalent of a seismically-reflective bright-layer in the middle crust. Silicified rocks crop out as layers or long lenticular bodies several to fifteen meters in thickness, and they are restricted to the area of greenschist facies conditions within a structural thickness of about one kilometer. The silicified rock layers exhibit a sharp contact with subjacent biotite schist but a gradational contact with overlying pelitic schist. Silicified rock is mainly composed of fine-grained quartz and minor muscovite and biotite, and some colored minerals have been variably decolorized by alteration. This implies that silicification turned the color of pelitic schists to pale gray or milky white. Quartz veins cutting schistosity at high angles were preferentially developed in the silicified rocks, while schistosity-parallel quartz veins, which underwent viscous flow, were observed in the underlying biotite schists. En echelon quartz veins and fishnet-like quartz veins are characteristic of silicified rocks. The modes of occurrence of quartz veins indicate that silicified rocks were competent relative to underlying biotite schist. The combination of contact with high-competence contrast adjacent to low-permeability silicified rocks may be a good reflector of seismic waves. If the silicified rocks were distributed in the middle crust to a considerable extent, they may result in seismic bright-layer reflections.  相似文献   
Large-scale mapping observations of the 3P1-3P0 fine-structure transition of atomic carbon (C i, 492 GHz) and the J=3-2 transition of CO (346 GHz) toward the Orion A molecular cloud have been carried out with the Mount Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope. The observations cover 9 deg2 and include the Orion Nebula M42 and the L1641 dark cloud complex. The C i emission extends over almost the entire region of the Orion A cloud and is surprisingly similar to that of 13CO (J=1-0). The CO (J=3-2) emission shows a more featureless and extended distribution than C i. The C i/CO (J=3-2) integrated intensity ratio shows a spatial gradient running from the north (0.10) to the south (1.2) of the Orion A cloud, which we interpret as a consequence of the temperature gradient. On the other hand, the C i/13CO (J=1-0) intensity ratio shows no systematic gradient. We have found a good correlation between the C i and 13CO (J=1-0) intensities over the Orion A cloud. This result is discussed on the basis of photodissociation region models.  相似文献   
Sekiguchi  T.  Watanabe  J.  Fukushima  H.  Yamamoto  T.  Yamamoto  N. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):143-148
In order to monitor the various phenomena of comets, we continuously made the near-nucleus imaging observations of comets at National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka. Here we report on the results of the observations of two spectacular comets. One is the analysis of photometry of C2 emission images in the coma of comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2). By comparing the production rates of C2 radicals with C2H2 molecules, we conclude that the most C2 radicals were originated from C2H2, while some of them might be produced from other parents. The second item is the analysis of the morphology of C2 emission images in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp(C/1995 O1). By applying a ring masking technique, we detected asymmetrical distribution of the C2 molecules. The results of these two comets might suggest that a portion of C2 radicals were formed by the disintegration of the small organic dust grains, like the so-called CHON particles. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to quantify the water and sediment quality and growth and production parameters and to establish nutrient budgets for an average of five selected semi-intensive shrimp ponds in Bangladesh over a growing cycle. Physico-chemical parameters of water and sediments were measured and analyzed by standard methods. Gross yield (kg ha-1) of shrimp was calculated from the stocking and harvesting data. Finally, a partial nutrient mass budget for N and P was calculated. Most of the parameters of water and sediments correlated significantly with each other suggesting a high degree of interactions between different parameters in the system. Significantly higher concentrations of all species of nitrogenous nutrients were recorded in the effluent waters than that entering into the ponds. Therefore, a high loading and net output of nitrogenous nutrients in effluent waters was documented. The study also indicated a net discharge of solids and minerals through effluent loading. However, significantly lower concentrations of phosphorus in the effluent water indicated a net retention and trapping of phosphatic nutrients in the environment. Total production ranged between 532.0 and 697.0 kg ha-1 cycle-1 and P. monodon production between 484.0 and 562.0 kg ha-1 cycle-1. Ponds gained nitrogen primarily from intake water (55%) and fertilizers (29%), and nitrogen was lost primarily from water exchange (78%) and harvested shrimp (12%). Phosphorus gain occurred mostly from intake water (52%) and fertilizers (25%), and phosphorus was lost primarily from water exchange (52%) and harvested shrimp (3.3%). About 10% of input nitrogen and 44% of phosphorus were not accounted for in measured losses, and presumably were fixed or metabolized in the system. On average, 78 g N was discharged to and 25 g P was removed from the surrounding water by the system for each kilogram of shrimp produced. Mean conversion of feed nitrogen and phosphorus to shrimp flesh averaged 74% and 40%, respectively. It was concluded that semi-intensive systems serve as net supplier of N to and net remover of P from the surrounding water.  相似文献   
The relationship between the magmatism of the Cretaceous Ofuku pluton and mineralization in and around the Akiyoshi Plateau, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan was investigated using a combination of field observation, petrographic and geochemical analyses, K–Ar geochronology, and fluid inclusion data. The Ofuku pluton has a surface area of 1.5 × 1.0 km, and was intruded into the Paleozoic accretionary complexes of the Akiyoshi Limestone, Ota Group and Tsunemori Formation in the western part of the Akiyoshi Plateau. The pluton belongs to the ilmenite‐series and is zoned, consisting mainly of early tonalite and granodiorite that share a gradational contact, and later granite and aplite that intruded the tonalite and granodiorite. Harker diagrams show that the Ofuku pluton has intermediate to silicic compositions ranging from 60.4 to 77.9 wt.% SiO2, but a compositional gap exists between 70.5 to 73.4 wt.% SiO2 (anhydrous basis). Modal and chemical variations indicate that the assumed parental magma is tonalitic. Quantitative models of fractional crystallization based on mass balance calculations and the Rayleigh fractionation model using major and trace element data for all crystalline phases indicate that magmatic fractionation was controlled mainly by crystal fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene at the early stage, and quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, apatite, ilmenite and zircon at the later stage. The residual melt extracted from the granodiorite mush was subsequently intruded into the northern and western parts of the Ofuku pluton as melt lens to form the granite and aplite. The age of the pluton was estimated at 99–97 Ma and 101–98 Ma based on K–Ar dating of hornblende and biotite, respectively. Both ages are consistent within analytical error, indicating that the Ofuku pluton and the associated Yamato mine belong to the Tungsten Province of the San‐yo Belt, which is genetically related to the ilmenite‐series granitoids of the Kanmon to Shunan stages. The aplite contains Cl‐rich apatite and REE‐rich monazite‐(Ce), allanite‐(Ce), xenotime and bastnäsite‐(Ce), indicating that the residual melt was rich in halogens and REEs. The tonalite–granodiorite of the Ofuku pluton contains many three‐phase fluid inclusions, along with daughter minerals such as NaCl and KCl, and vapor/liquid (V/L) volume ratios range from 0.2 to 0.9, suggesting that the fluid was boiling. In contrast, the granite and aplite contain low salinity two‐phase inclusions with low V/L ratios. The granodiorite occupies a large part of the pluton, and the inclusions with various V/L ratios with chloride daughter minerals suggest the boiling fluids might be related to the mineralization. This fluid could have carried base metals such as Cu and Zn, forming Cu ore deposits in and around the Ofuku pluton. The occurrence and composition of fluid inclusions in the igneous rocks from the Akiyoshi Plateau are directly linked to Cu mineralization in the area, demonstrating that fluid inclusions are useful indicators of mineralization.  相似文献   
The Early Cretaceous Takanokura Formation in the eastern part of the Abukuma Mountains consists of a lower felsic ignimbrite and upper intermediate lavas and volcaniclastic rocks, representing the initial arc-type in northeast Japan. In this study, I analyzed the major and trace element contents and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios of these eruptive products; then, I discussed their magma genesis based on their geochemical properties. Although igneous rocks of the same period in other localities of northeast Japan are characterized by the occurrence of adakites, these volcanism are composed of non-adakitic high- to medium-K andesite to rhyolite that are rich in large-ion lithophile elements and poor in high-field-strength elements and have low Sr/Y values and flat heavy rare earth element patterns. Furthermore, these rocks have high radiogenic Pb isotopic ratios. The rhyolite and dacite have been thought to derive from crustal melting, whereas the andesite formed by the mixing of crustal felsic melts and mafic magmas generated by melting of the lithospheric mantle. Although previous studies attributed the formation of the Early Cretaceous adakites to the hot subduction of a mid-ocean ridge, recent global plate motion reconstructions reject this model. To generate magma from a cold slab and lithospheric mantle that does not spontaneously melt, the mantle wedge under northeast Japan must have experienced heating. During this period, the volcanic province along the eastern margin of Eurasia expanded rapidly toward the trench, forming grabens. Therefore, I concluded that the advance of the hot asthenosphere into the forearc region that led to this expansion, which caused the retreat of the subduction boundary of the paleo-Pacific plate to retreat and ultimately converted northeast Japan from an accretionary complex into a volcanically active region.  相似文献   
The Algal Growth Potential (AGP) of water samples collected off Gamagori in Mikawa Bay was measured from May 1978 through February 1979, and the limiting nutrient was determined using regression analysis and enrichment bioassays. The surface and bottom water samples had AGP that produced increments of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 2.1 mg l–1 and 3.1 mg l–1, respectively, on average. These values ofCOD correspond to 46% and 97% of the average COD values of the raw water samples at the surface and bottom, respectively. Seasonal changes of AGP showed a close correlation with those of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration. Enrichment bioassays showed that DIN was the most deficient nutrient. The DIN:phosphate-phosphorus (PO4 3–-P) ratios and DIN: dissolved phosphorus (DP) ratios in the water samples were below the cellular N:P ratios of the natural algal populations. These results suggest that AGP was mainly limited by DIN concentration.  相似文献   
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