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Snowfall in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region of the eastern US is characterized by much spatiotemporal variability. Annual snowfall totals vary by up to 75 cm, and variations in snowfall intensity can lead to large differences in the local snowfall distribution. Research has shown that the synoptic pattern associated with the snowfall strongly influences the regional-scale distribution of snow cover. However, topographic variability results in locally complex snow cover patterns that are not well understood or documented. In this study, we characterize the snow covered area (SCA) and fractional snow cover associated with different synoptic patterns in 14 individual sub-regions. We analyze 63 snow events using Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer standard snow cover products to ascertain both qualitative and quantitative differences in snow cover across sub-regions. Among sub-regions, there is significant variation in the snow cover pattern from individual synoptic classes. Furthermore, the percent SCA follows the regional snowfall climatology, and sub-regions with the highest elevations and northerly latitudes exhibit the greatest variability. Results of the sub-regional analysis provide valuable guidance to forecasters by contributing a deeper understanding of local snow cover patterns and their relationship to synoptic-scale circulation features.  相似文献   
The reactive transport modeling of a complicated suite of reactions apparent in the aquifer during the application of N-containing fertilizers is reported. The unconfined sandy aquifer can be subdivided into an oxic zone which contains groundwater with oxygen and nitrate and an anoxic zone characterized by elevated iron and sulfate concentrations in groundwater. Oxygen and nitrate are being reduced by pyrite and organic matter that commonly apparent in the aquifer. The oxidation of pyrite is modeled using the local equilibrium approach, whereas decomposition of organic matter, with the adoption of kinetic approach. The system is buffered by dissolution of aluminum and iron oxides. The modeling process is a two-step procedure. First, the processes are modeled in the one-dimensional (1D) column using PHREEQC code. Subsequently, the calibrated and verified data were copied and used in two-dimensional (2D) PHAST model. Prior to the performance of reactive transport modeling operations with PHAST, a reliable flow model was executed. Finally, predictions are made for the distribution of water chemistry for the year 2008. Model predicts that sulfate derived from the ongoing pyrite oxidation is reduced by the dissolved organic carbon at the higher depth and forms pyrite by the reaction with iron. The results of this study highlight the importance of understanding the interplay between the transport and chemical reactions that occur during the input of nitrate to the aquifer. Reactive transport modeling incorporating the use of a newly developed code PHAST have proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing and quantifying such interactions.  相似文献   
A time-series approach to the estimation of recharge rate in unconfined aquifers of highly variable water level is proposed. The approach, which is based on the water-table fluctuation method (WTF), utilizes discrete water-level measurements. Other similar techniques require continuous measurements, which makes them impossible to apply in cases where no data from automatic loggers are available. The procedure is deployed at the Ressacada Farm site, southern Brazil, on a coastal shallow aquifer located in a humid subtropical climate where diurnal water-level variations of up to 1 m can follow a precipitation event. The effect of tidal fluctuations on the groundwater levels is analyzed using a harmonic component builder, while a time-variable drainage term is evaluated through an independent analysis and included in the assessment. The estimated recharge values are compared with those obtained from the continuous measurements showing a good agreement with the approaches for discrete dataset intervals of up to 15 days. Subsequently, the estimated recharge rates are incorporated into a transient groundwater-flow model and the water levels are compared showing a good match. Henceforth, the approach extends the applicability of WTF to noncontinuous water-level datasets in groundwater recharge studies.  相似文献   
We investigated the provenance of organic matter in the inner fjord area of northern Patagonia, Chile (~44–47°S), by studying the elemental (organic carbon, total nitrogen), isotopic (δ13C, δ15N), and biomarker (n-alkanoic acids from vascular plant waxes) composition of surface sediments as well as local marine and terrestrial organic matter. Average end-member values of N/C, δ13C, and δ15N from organic matter were 0.127±0.010, ?19.8±0.3‰, and 9.9±0.5‰ for autochthonous (marine) sources and 0.040±0.018, ?29.3±2.1‰, and 0.2±3.0‰ for allochthonous (terrestrial) sources. Using a mixing equation based on these two end-members, we calculated the relative contribution of marine and terrestrial organic carbon from the open ocean to the heads of fjords close to river outlets. The input of marine-derived organic carbon varied widely and accounted for 13–96% (average 61%) of the organic carbon pool of surface sediments. Integrated regional calculations for the inner fjord system of northern Patagonia covered in this study, which encompasses an area of ~4280 km2, suggest that carbon accumulation may account for between 2.3 and 7.8×104 ton C yr?1. This represents a storage capacity of marine-derived carbon between 1.8 and 6.2×104 ton yr?1, which corresponds to an assimilation rate of CO2 by marine photosynthesis between 0.06 and 0.23×106 ton yr?1. This rate suggests that the entire fjord system of Patagonia, which covers an area of ~240,000 km2, may represent a potentially important region for the global burial of marine organic matter and the sequestration of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
Long-lived intra-oceanic arcs of Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM)-type are built on thick, granodioritic crust formed in the absence of pre-existing continental crust. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 350, Site U1437, explored the IBM rear arc to better understand continental crust formation in arcs. Detailed petrochronological (U–Pb geochronology combined with trace elements, oxygen and hafnium isotopes) characterizations of zircon from Site U1437 were carried out, taking care to exclude potential contaminants by (1) comparison of zircon ages with ship-board palaeomagnetic and biostratigraphic ages and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, (2) analysing zircon from drill muds for comparison, (3) selectively carrying out in situ analysis in petrographic thin sections, and (4) minimizing potential laboratory contamination through using pristine equipment during mineral separation. The youngest zircon ages in Site U1437 are consistent with 40Ar/39Ar and shipboard ages to a depth of ~1390 m below sea floor (mbsf) where Igneous Unit Ig 1 yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 12.9 ± 0.3 Ma (all errors 2σ). One single zircon (age 15.4 ± 1.0 Ma) was recovered from the deepest lithostratigraphic unit drilled, Unit VII (1459.80–1806.5 mbsf). Site U1437 zircon trace element compositions are distinct from those of oceanic and continental arc environments and differ from those generated in thick oceanic crust (Iceland-type) where low-δ18O evolved melts are produced via re-melting of hydrothermally altered mafic rocks. Ti-in-zircon model temperatures are lower than for mid-ocean ridge rocks, in agreement with low zircon saturation temperatures, suggestive of low-temperature, hydrous melt sources. Zircon oxygen (δ18O = 3.3–6.0‰) and hafnium (εHf = + 10–+16) isotopic compositions indicate asthenospheric mantle sources. Trace element and isotopic differences between zircon from Site U1437 rear-arc rocks and the Hadean detrital zircon population suggest that preserved Hadean zircon crystals were probably generated in an environment different from modern oceanic convergent margins underlain by depleted mantle.  相似文献   
The Mesoamerican Reef, the second-largest barrier reef in the world, is located in the western Caribbean Sea off the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. Particularly in the south, the surrounding watersheds are steep and the climate is extremely wet. With development and agricultural expansion, the potential for negative impacts to the reef from land-based runoff becomes high. We constructed annually resolved century-scale records of metal/calcium ratios in coral skeletons collected from four sites experiencing a gradient of land-based runoff. Our proxy data indicate that runoff onto the reef has increased relatively steadily over time at all sites, consistent with land use trends from historical records. Sediment supply to the reef is greater in the south, and these more exposed reefs will probably benefit most immediately from management that targets runoff reduction. However, because runoff at all sites is steadily increasing, even distal sites will benefit from watershed management.  相似文献   
We model the global electromagnetic (Schumann) resonance in the atmosphere of Titan. Parameters of conductivity of the lower ionosphere were implemented taken from existing aeronomic models of Titan's atmosphere. Two exponential conductivity profiles were constructed: one of them suggests favorable conditions for Schumann resonance and the other models considerable attenuation in the ionospheric plasma. Peak frequencies and Q-factors of resonance were computed as well as resonance spectra for the signals arriving from individual vertical lightning discharges and from strokes uniformly distributed over the planet. The models show that detection of Schumann resonance on Titan is feasible, especially in favorable conditions. Possible applications of Schumann resonance in the studies of Titan's lightning activity are outlined.  相似文献   
Images of the sub-polar regions of Mars show existence of various seasonal-depending features, including mosaics of dark patches called Dalmatian spots. We interpret formation of dark patches on dune fields by means of the non-uniform sublimation of winter CO2 ice deposit.  相似文献   
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