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Sub-surface precipitation of salts in supercritical seawater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extremely low solubility of typical seawater salts within certain supercritical sections of their pressure–temperature composition space is a proven experimental fact. Its consequences are often referred to as either 'shock crystallization' or 'out-salting'. Our alternative model for the formation of salt deposits hypothesizes that high temperatures and pressures characteristic for the high heat-flow zones of tectonically active basins may bring submarine brines into the out-salting regions and result in the accumulation of geological-scale salt depositions.
To confirm the laboratory observations, molecular-scale simulations (molecular dynamics) have been employed to study structural changes in a model seawater system where temperature increased from ambient to near-critical and supercritical. Fluid properties and phase transition regions extracted from the simulations were then used as input parameters for a reservoir simulator program to model out-salting in a simple hydrothermal geological system. Both numerical simulations and laboratory experiments confirm that supercritical out-salting is a viable process of geological significance for the formation and accumulation of evaporites. We suggest two regions where hydrothermally associated salts may be depositing today: Atlantis II Deep, in the Red Sea, and Lake Asale, Ethiopia.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the influence of the hysteretic shear behavior of postinstalled anchors in concrete on the seismic response of nonstructural components (NSCs) using numerical methods. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate current design requirements for NSC and their anchorage. Current design guidelines and simplified methods, such as floor response spectra (FRS), typically approach the dynamics of the structure-fastener-NSC (SFN) system using simplified empirical formulae. These formulations decouple the structure from the NSC and neglect the behavior of the anchor connection, with the assumption of full rigidity. There is a lack of knowledge on the complex interaction between a host structure, the fastening system, and the NSC, herein referred to as structure-fastener-nonstructural interaction (SFNI). More specifically, it is important to investigate whether and how the actual hysteresis shear behavior that takes place in the anchorage could alter the seismic response of the SFN system and its components. Herein, the results of extensive nonlinear dynamic analyses (NLDA) with different models for the anchorage force-displacement relationship are presented and compared with those obtained with FRS procedures and current code provisions. The anchor models include (a) linear-elastic, (b) bilinear, and (c) a recently developed hysteresis rule. The results of the NLDA showed that the first two approaches are not able to reflect the behavior of an anchor loaded in dynamic shear. Moreover, when using the more refined hysteresis model, it appears that current code provisions might underestimate the component and anchor shear amplification factors for rigid NSC fixed to the host structure through anchors.  相似文献   
Stream ecosystems can be dramatically altered by dam-building activities of North American beaver (Castor canadensis). The extent to which beavers’ ecosystem engineering alters riverscapes is driven by the density, longevity, and size (i.e. height and length) of the dams constructed. In comparison to the relative ubiquity of beaver dams on the landscape, there is a scarcity of data describing dam heights. We collected data describing dam height and dam condition (i.e. damaged or intact) of 500 beaver dams via rapid field survey, differentiating between primary and secondary dams and associating each dam with a beaver dam complex. With these data, we examined the influence of beaver dam type (primary/secondary), drainage area, streamflow, stream power, valley bottom width, and HUC12 watershed on beaver dam height with linear regression and the probability that a beaver dam was damaged with logistic regression. On average, primary dams were 0.46 m taller than secondary dams; 15% of observed dams were primary and 85% secondary. Dam type accounted for 21% of dam height variation (p <0.0001). Slope (p = 0.0107), discharge (p = 0.0029), and drainage area (p = 0.0399) also affected dam height, but each accounted for less than 3% of dam height variation. The average number of dams in a dam complex was 6.1 (SD ± 4.5) and ranged from 1 to 21. The watershed a beaver dam was located in accounted for the most variability (17.8%) in the probability that a beaver dam was damaged, which was greater than the variability explained by any multiple logistic regression model. These results indicate that temporally dynamic variables are important influencers of dam longevity and that beaver dam ecology is a primary factor influencing beaver dam height. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Two lake-sediment cores from the western and central Canadian Arctic were used to investigate late Holocene climate variability in the region. Both cores were analyzed for pollen, organic matter, biogenic silica, and magnetic susceptibility, and were dated using a combination of 210Pb and 14C techniques. Core MB01, from southwestern Victoria Island, provides a 2600-year-long record. Fossil pollen percentages, along with other parameters, suggest the occurrence of a cold period around 2400 cal year BP (450 BC), followed by slightly warmer conditions by 1800 cal year BP (150 AD), and a return to cooler conditions throughout much of the last millennium. Core SL06, from southern Boothia Peninsula, shows more subtle changes in pollen percentages over its 2500-year duration, but an increase in Cyperaceae and decrease in Oxyria pollen around 1400 cal year BP (550 AD) are indicative of warmer conditions at that time. Quantitative climate reconstructions from these pollen sequences were compared to two other pollen-based climate records from the region and indicate the presence of a widespread wet period ~1500 cal year BP (450 AD), and a cool and dry Little Ice Age. In the reconstructions based on pollen percentage data, the twentieth century summer temperature and annual precipitation in the central and western Canadian Arctic were comparable to that which occurred over the last 2500 years. However, pollen-influx values increase in the most recent sediments, suggesting high plant productivity during the late twentieth century.
Matthew C. PerosEmail:
In papers dealing with evolution of cometary nuclei it is commonly assumed that the coefficients of sublimation s and condensation c of vapour are both equal to one. The experimental investigation of ice samples under simulated cometary-like conditions (Kossacki, K.J., Kömle, N.I., Leliwa-Kopysty ski, J., Kargl, G., 1997. Thermal and structural evolution of cometary subsurface layer: selfconsistent model and experimental verification. Icarus 128, 127–144) suggests, however, that the sublimation flux calculated with the Hertz–Knudsen formula and the above assumption is nearly an order of magnitude too high. This may imply that actual values of s for the ice/dust sample used in these experiments are of the order of 0.1. A similar conclusion can be drawn for c from the results of various experiments concerning growth of ice crystals from the vapour phase and their sublimation (Lamb, D., Scott, W.D., 1972. Linear growth rates of ice crystals grown from the vapor phase. Journal of Crystal Growth 12, 21–31; Beckmann, W., Lacmann, R., 1982. Interface kinetics of growth and evaporation of ice II. Journal of Crystal Growth 58, 433–442; Sei, T., Gonda, T., 1989. The growth mechanism and the habit change of ice crystals growing from the vapour phase. Journal of Crystal Growth 94, 697–707). The exact values of both of these coefficients depend on various parameters such as temperature, concentration of surface impurities and deviation of the vapour pressure from that of the phase equilibrium. In this work the temperature dependence of the sublimation and condensation coefficients is discussed and an appropriate formula is proposed to fit the experimental results. This new formulation is then used to analyse the implications for the thermal conductivity of a porous cometary-like ice and the rate of vapour flux from a cometary nucleus.  相似文献   
A multi-proxy approach based on organic (organic carbon, alkenones, and C/N) and inorganic geochemical proxies (biogenic opal, inorganic carbon, Fe, Ti, and Ca) preserved in the sediments of the Jacaf channel (CF7-PC33; 44°21′S, 72°58′W, 510 m water depth), Chilean fjords, yields evidence of major past productivity fluctuations in accordance with climatic changes over the last ∼1800 years. The downcore record clearly shows two productivity/climate modes. The first period, prior to 900 cal yr BP, is characterized by decreased marine productivity and a reduced continental signal, pointing to diminished precipitation and runoff. In contrast, the second period between ∼750 cal yr BP and the late 1800s (top of core) is illustrated by elevated productivity and an increased continental signal, suggesting higher precipitation and runoff. Both time intervals are separated by a relatively abrupt transition of ∼150 years which roughly coincides with the beginning of the Little Ice Age. The increased content of freshwater diatoms and Chrysophyte cysts that characterize the last 200 years of the latter mode coincides with a significant decrease in the carbonate content of the sediment; together they further indicate increased terrigenous contributions and decreased marine carbonate productivity at the end of the Little Ice Age. The correspondence between our record and other paleoclimate studies carried out in South America and Antarctica demonstrates that the Chilean fjord area of Northern Patagonia is not just sensitive to local climatic variability but also to regional and possibly global variability.  相似文献   
Long-lived intra-oceanic arcs of Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM)-type are built on thick, granodioritic crust formed in the absence of pre-existing continental crust. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 350, Site U1437, explored the IBM rear arc to better understand continental crust formation in arcs. Detailed petrochronological (U–Pb geochronology combined with trace elements, oxygen and hafnium isotopes) characterizations of zircon from Site U1437 were carried out, taking care to exclude potential contaminants by (1) comparison of zircon ages with ship-board palaeomagnetic and biostratigraphic ages and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, (2) analysing zircon from drill muds for comparison, (3) selectively carrying out in situ analysis in petrographic thin sections, and (4) minimizing potential laboratory contamination through using pristine equipment during mineral separation. The youngest zircon ages in Site U1437 are consistent with 40Ar/39Ar and shipboard ages to a depth of ~1390 m below sea floor (mbsf) where Igneous Unit Ig 1 yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 12.9 ± 0.3 Ma (all errors 2σ). One single zircon (age 15.4 ± 1.0 Ma) was recovered from the deepest lithostratigraphic unit drilled, Unit VII (1459.80–1806.5 mbsf). Site U1437 zircon trace element compositions are distinct from those of oceanic and continental arc environments and differ from those generated in thick oceanic crust (Iceland-type) where low-δ18O evolved melts are produced via re-melting of hydrothermally altered mafic rocks. Ti-in-zircon model temperatures are lower than for mid-ocean ridge rocks, in agreement with low zircon saturation temperatures, suggestive of low-temperature, hydrous melt sources. Zircon oxygen (δ18O = 3.3–6.0‰) and hafnium (εHf = + 10–+16) isotopic compositions indicate asthenospheric mantle sources. Trace element and isotopic differences between zircon from Site U1437 rear-arc rocks and the Hadean detrital zircon population suggest that preserved Hadean zircon crystals were probably generated in an environment different from modern oceanic convergent margins underlain by depleted mantle.  相似文献   
A time-series approach to the estimation of recharge rate in unconfined aquifers of highly variable water level is proposed. The approach, which is based on the water-table fluctuation method (WTF), utilizes discrete water-level measurements. Other similar techniques require continuous measurements, which makes them impossible to apply in cases where no data from automatic loggers are available. The procedure is deployed at the Ressacada Farm site, southern Brazil, on a coastal shallow aquifer located in a humid subtropical climate where diurnal water-level variations of up to 1 m can follow a precipitation event. The effect of tidal fluctuations on the groundwater levels is analyzed using a harmonic component builder, while a time-variable drainage term is evaluated through an independent analysis and included in the assessment. The estimated recharge values are compared with those obtained from the continuous measurements showing a good agreement with the approaches for discrete dataset intervals of up to 15 days. Subsequently, the estimated recharge rates are incorporated into a transient groundwater-flow model and the water levels are compared showing a good match. Henceforth, the approach extends the applicability of WTF to noncontinuous water-level datasets in groundwater recharge studies.  相似文献   
The Mesoamerican Reef, the second-largest barrier reef in the world, is located in the western Caribbean Sea off the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. Particularly in the south, the surrounding watersheds are steep and the climate is extremely wet. With development and agricultural expansion, the potential for negative impacts to the reef from land-based runoff becomes high. We constructed annually resolved century-scale records of metal/calcium ratios in coral skeletons collected from four sites experiencing a gradient of land-based runoff. Our proxy data indicate that runoff onto the reef has increased relatively steadily over time at all sites, consistent with land use trends from historical records. Sediment supply to the reef is greater in the south, and these more exposed reefs will probably benefit most immediately from management that targets runoff reduction. However, because runoff at all sites is steadily increasing, even distal sites will benefit from watershed management.  相似文献   
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