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Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   
The uncertainty relation is considered to be one of key features of quantum mechanics which distinguishes quantum and classical systems. Recently, we developed a new formulation of the uncertainty relation based on the generalized scheme of variational principle, the stochastic variational method (SVM). In this method, the uncertainty relation is related to the nondifferentiability of observables and thus can be obtained even in classical stochastic systems. This new formulation resolves the famous paradox in quantum mechanics, the angular uncertainty relation without introducing artificial assumptions. In this paper, we show that the fluctuations of position and momentum for a nonrelativistic viscous fluid element satisfies the uncertainty relation analogous to the corresponding quantum mechanical one. Such a fluctuation is sensitive to the temperature gradient at the freezeout surface and can affect the collective flow anisotropy in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.  相似文献   
We put upper limits on the secondary burst of star formation in elliptical galaxies of the González sample, based on the colour dispersion around the U  −  V versus central velocity dispersion relation, and the equivalent width of Hβ absorption. Note that most of these galaxies locate in small groups. There is a significant number of Hβ strong galaxies that have EW(Hβ) > 2 Å, but they do not always have bluer colours in U  −  V . To be consistent with the small colour dispersion of U  −  V , the mass fraction of the secondary burst to the total mass should be less than 10 per cent at the maximum within the most recent 2 Gyr. This result suggests that even if recent galaxy merging has produced some ellipticals, it should not have been accompanied by an intensive starburst, and hence it could not involve large gas-rich systems. The capture of a dwarf galaxy is more likely to explain the dynamical disturbances observed in some elliptical galaxies. The above analysis, based on the U  −  V , is not compatible with the one based on the line indices, which requires that more than 10 per cent of mass is present in a 2-Gyr-old starburst to cover the full range of the observed Hβ (de Jong &38; Davies). The discrepancy might be partly explained by the internal extinction localized at the region where young stars form. However, considering that the Hβ index might have great uncertainties both in models and in observational data, we basically rely on U − V analysis.  相似文献   
Stream temperature ranged from 3 to 4°C at an experimental site during snowmelt on Hokkaido Island, Japan, which provided direct evidence of major contributions of subsurface water to stream water. In contrast, stream temperatures during rainstorms in summer decreased gradually after stream flow peaked, attaining a nearly constant temperature ranging from 9 to 11°C. During storm flow recession, stream temperatures during summer or snowmelt were similar to the soil temperature at 1·8 m below the land surface, suggesting that subsurface water contributions to stream flow are derived from this depth. The hygrographs during two rainstorms, August 1987 and September 1989, were separated using temperature. The stream temperature was assumed to depend on the mixing of surface flow, having a temperature ranging from that of rainfall to that of shallow (50 cm deep) soil water, and subsurface flow, having the temperature of the soil at 1·8 m below the land surface. Subsurface flow was estimated to contribute 85–90% of the total stream flow during each rainstorm. A two‐component hydrograph separation was also evaluated using specific conductance. Runoff contributions from the two sources for the temperature and specific conductance analysis were similar. Analysis of the temperature and conductance–discharge hysteresis loop, and of individual flow components for storm hygrographs, provide a general picture of the runoff process in the experimental basin. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A paleomagnetic study was carried out on the mid-Cretaceous sedimentary strata in west-central Kyushu Island, southwest Japan, to elucidate the origin of sedimentary basins along the Asian continental margin in the Cretaceous. We collected paleomagnetic samples from a total of 34 sites of the mid-Cretaceous Goshonoura Group, shallow-marine clastic deposits in west-central Kyushu, and characteristic remanent magnetizations were recognized from 18 horizons of red beds. Thermal demagnetization has revealed that the red beds contain three magnetization components, with low (<240°C), intermediate (240-480°C), and high (480-680°C) unblocking temperatures. The low unblocking temperature component is present-field viscous magnetization, and the intermediate one is interpreted as chemical remanent magnetization carried by maghemite that was presumably formed by post-folding, partial oxidation of detrital magnetite. Rock magnetic and petrographic studies suggest that the high unblocking temperature component resides largely in hematite (martite and pigmentary hematite) and partly in maghemite. Because of the positive fold test, this high temperature component can be regarded as primary, detrital remanent magnetization. The tilt-corrected mean direction of the high temperature component is Dec=65°, Inc=63° with α95=5°, which yields a paleomagnetic pole at 39°N, 186°E and A95=8°. A combination of this pole with those of the Late Cretaceous rocks in southwest Japan defines an apparent polar wander path (APWP), which is featured by a cusp between the Late Cretaceous and the Paleogene. A comparison of this APWP with the coeval paleomagnetic pole from northeast Asia suggests an approximately 50° post-Cretaceous clockwise rotation and 18±8° southward drift with respect to northeast Asia. The southward transport of the Cretaceous basin suggests that the proto-Japanese arc originated north of its present position. We propose that the coast-parallel translation of this landmass was caused by dextral motion of strike-slip faults, which previous geodynamic models interpreted to be sinistral through the Mesozoic. The change in strike-slip motion may have resulted from Mesozoic collision and penetration of exotic terranes, such as the Okhotsk microcontinent, with the northeastern part of Asia.  相似文献   

We simulated snow processes in a forested region with heavy snowfall in Japan, and evaluated both the regional-scale snow distribution and the potential impact of land-use changes on the snow cover and water balances over the entire domain. SnowModel reproduced the snow processes at open and forested sites, which were confirmed by snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements at two intensive observation sites and snow depth measurements at the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System sites. SnowModel also reproduced the observed snow distribution (from the MODIS snow cover data) over the simulation domain during thaw. The observed SWE was less at the forested site than at the open site. The SnowModel simulations showed that this difference was caused mainly by differences in sublimation. The type of land use changed the maximum SWE, onset and duration of snowmelt, and the daily snowmelt rate due to canopy snow interception.

Citation Suzuki, K., Kodama, Y., Nakai, T., Liston, G. E., Yamamoto, K., Ohata, T., Ishii, Y., Sumida, A., Hara, T. & Ohta, T. (2011) Impact of land-use changes in a forested region with heavy snowfall in Hokkaido, Japan. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(3), 443–467.  相似文献   
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