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We have measured 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144 Nd isotope ratios in different batches and aliquots of the new US Geological Survey (USGS) reference materials (RMs) BCR-2, BHVO-2, AGV-2 and GSP-2 and the original USGS RMs BCR-1, BHVO-1, AGV-1 and GSP-1 by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. In addition, we also analysed the eight Max-Planck-Institut-Dingwell (MPI-DING) reference glasses. Nearly all isotope ratios obtained in the different aliquots and batches agree within uncertainty limits indicating excellent homogeneity of the USGS powders and the MPI-DING glasses. With the exception of GSP-2, the new USGS RMs are also indistinguishable from the ratios found in the original USGS RMs (87Sr/86Sr: 0.704960, 0.704958 (BCR-1, -2), 0.703436, 0.703435 (BHVO-1, -2), 0.703931, 0.703931 (AGV-1, -2); 143 Nd/144 Nd: 0.512629, 0.512633 (BCR-1, -2), 0.512957, 0.512957 (BHVO-1, -2); 0.512758, 0.512755 (AGV-1, -2)). This means that for normalisation purposes in Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry BCR-2, BHVO-2 and AGV-2 can well replace BCR-1, BHVO-1 and AGV-1 respectively.  相似文献   
Keilite (Fe>0.5,Mg<0.5)S, the iron-dominant cubic analog of niningerite, (Mg>0.5,Fe<0.5)S, occurs in enstatite chondrites [Shimizu, M., Yoshida, H., Mandarino, J.A., 2002. The new mineral species keilite, (Fe,Mg)S, the iron-dominant analog of niningerite. Can. Mineral. 40, 1687–1692]. I find that keilite occurs only in enstatite chondrite impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias. Based on the phase relations in the system MgS–MnS–CaS–FeS [Skinner, B.J., Luce, F.D., 1971. Solid solutions of the type (Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe)S and their use as geothermometers for the enstatite chondrites. Am. Mineral. 56, 1269–1296], I conclude that keilite formed from niningerite or alabandite (Mn>0.5,Fe<0.5)S by reaction with troilite (FeS) at elevated temperatures of well above 500 °C (the lowest equilibration temperature of keilite), but it is likely that the maximum temperatures during melting experienced by keilite-bearing impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias were considerably higher, perhaps >1500 °C, as indicted by the occurrence of euhedral enstatite that formed from a melt [McCoy, T.J., Dickinson, T.L., Lofgren, G.E., 1999. Partial melting of the Indarch (EH4) meteorite: a textural, chemical, and phase relations view of melting and melt migration. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 34, 735–746]. Based on the classifications of the keilite-bearing meteorites as impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias and my own textural observations, I conclude that this elevated temperature was reached as a result of impact and not internal heating and melting, followed by fast cooling, thus, quenching in keilite. Enstatite chondrite impact-melt rocks and impact-melt breccias that do not contain keilite may have been more deeply buried after impact and, hence, cooled slowly and were annealed so that FeS exsolved from keilite, concomitant with the formation of niningerite, alabandite or various (Mn,Mg,Fe) mixed sulfides.  相似文献   
Mapping combined with structural analyses in the foreland edge of the metamorphic core of the Himalayas in SW Nepal highlights the existence of two north‐dipping shear zones with opposite sense of shear. Here, the metamorphic core is mainly affected by non‐coaxial top‐to‐the‐south sense of shear at temperatures between 450 °C and 550 °C that switch to a top‐to‐the‐north sense of shear at the top of the metamorphic core. We regionally correlate this upper shear zone with the South Tibetan detachment system. Ar‐dating on white mica indicates that both shear zones operated between 23 Ma and 17 Ma. Restoration of the folded South Tibetan detachment in far western Nepal yields a minimum dip‐slip distance of 190 km, compatible with predictions made by models of extrusion of a weak mid‐crustal channel. Our results support an orogenic model in which channel flow in the hinterland coexisted with thrust wedge mechanics in the foreland.  相似文献   
Rainfall interception in forests is influenced by properties of the canopy that tend to vary over small distances. Our objectives were: (i) to determine the variables needed to model the interception loss of the canopy of a lower montane forest in south Ecuador, i.e. the storage capacity of the leaves S and of the trunks and branches St, and the fractions of direct throughfall p and stemflow pt; (ii) to assess the influence of canopy density and epiphyte coverage of trees on the interception of rainfall and subsequent evaporation losses. The study site was located on the eastern slope of the eastern cordillera in the south Ecuadorian Andes at 1900–2000 m above sea level. We monitored incident rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow between April 1998 and April 2001. In 2001, the leaf area index (LAI), inferred from light transmission, and epiphyte coverage was determined. The mean annual incident rainfall at three gauging stations ranged between 2319 and 2561 mm. The mean annual interception loss at five study transects in the forest varied between 591 and 1321 mm, i.e. between 25 and 52% of the incident rainfall. Mean S was estimated at 1·91 mm for relatively dry weeks with a regression model and at 2·46 mm for all weeks with the analytical Gash model; the respective estimates of mean St were 0·04 mm and 0·09 mm, of mean p were 0·42 and 0·63, and of mean pt were 0·003 and 0·012. The LAI ranged from 5·19 to 9·32. Epiphytes, mostly bryophytes, covered up to 80% of the trunk and branch surfaces. The fraction of direct throughfall p and the LAI correlated significantly with interception loss (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = −0·77 and 0·35 respectively, n = 40). Bryophyte and lichen coverage tended to decrease St and vascular epiphytes tended to increase it, although there was no significant correlation between epiphyte coverage and interception loss. Our results demonstrate that canopy density influences interception loss but only explains part of the total variation in interception loss. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stalagmites are important palaeo-climatic archives since their chemical and isotopic signatures have the potential to record high-resolution changes in temperature and precipitation over thousands of years. We present three U/Th-dated records of stalagmites (MA1–MA3) in the superhumid southern Andes, Chile (53°S). They grew simultaneously during the last five thousand years (ka BP) in a cave that developed in schist and granodiorite. Major and trace elements as well as the C and O isotope compositions of the stalagmites were analysed at high spatial and temporal resolution as proxies for palaeo-temperature and palaeo-precipitation. Calibrations are based on data from five years of monitoring the climate and hydrology inside and outside the cave and on data from 100 years of regional weather station records.Water-insoluble elements such as Y and HREE in the stalagmites indicate the amount of incorporated siliciclastic detritus. Monitoring shows that the quantity of detritus is controlled by the drip water rate once a threshold level has been exceeded. In general, drip rate variations of the stalagmites depend on the amount of rainfall. However, different drip-water pathways above each drip location gave rise to individual drip rate levels. Only one of the three stalagmites (MA1) had sufficiently high drip rates to record detrital proxies over its complete length. Carbonate-compatible element contents (e.g. U, Sr, Mg), which were measured up to sub-annual resolution, document changes in meteoric precipitation and related drip-water dilution. In addition, these soluble elements are controlled by leaching during weathering of the host rock and soils depending on the pH of acidic pore waters in the peaty soils of the cave’s catchment area. In general, higher rainfall resulted in a lower concentration of these elements and vice versa. The Mg/Ca record of stalagmite MA1 was calibrated against meteoric precipitation records for the last 100 years from two regional weather stations. Carbonate-compatible soluble elements show similar patterns in the three stalagmites with generally high values when drip rates and detrital tracers were low and vice versa. δ13C and δ18O values are highly correlated in each stalagmite suggesting a predominantly drip rate dependent kinetic control by evaporation and/or outgassing. Only C and O isotopes from stalagmite MA1 that received the highest drip rates show a good correlation between detrital proxy elements and carbonate-compatible elements. A temperature-related change in rainwater isotope values modified the MA1 record during the Little Ice Age (~0.7–0.1 ka BP) that was ~1.5 °C colder than today. The isotopic composition of the stalagmites MA2 and MA3 that formed at lower drip rates shows a poor correlation with stalagmite MA1 and all other chemical proxies of MA1. ‘Hendy tests’ indicate that the degassing-controlled isotope fractionation of MA2 and MA3 had already started at the cave roof, especially when drip rates were low. Changing pathways and residence times of the seepage water caused a non-climatically controlled isotope fractionation, which may be generally important in ventilated caves during phases of low drip rates. Our proxies indicate that the Neoglacial cold phases from ~3.5 to 2.5 and from ~0.7 to 0.1 ka BP were characterised by 30% lower precipitation compared with the Medieval Warm Period from 1.2 to 0.8 ka BP, which was extremely humid in this region.  相似文献   
We present a first detailed spectrum synthesis calculation of a supernova-fallback disk composed of iron. We assume a geometrically thin disk with a radial structure described by the classical α-disk model. The disk is represented by concentric rings radiating as plane-parallel slabs. The vertical structure and emission spectrum of each ring is computed in a fully self-consistent manner by solving the structure equations simultaneously with the radiation transfer equations under non-LTE conditions. We describe the properties of a specific disk model and discuss various effects on the emergent UV/optical spectrum. We find that strong iron-line blanketing causes broad absorption features over the whole spectral range. Limb darkening changes the spectral distribution up to a factor of four depending on the inclination angle. Consequently, such differences also occur between a blackbody spectrum and our model. The overall spectral shape is independent of the exact chemical composition as long as iron is the dominant species. A pure iron composition cannot be distinguished from silicon-burning ash. Non-LTE effects are small and restricted to few spectral features.  相似文献   
Hyderabad is one of the fastest growing mega cities in India and it is facing many economic, social and environmental problems due to rapid urban growth. For the better planning of resources and to provide basic amenities to its residents, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge about its urban growth activities. Also, it is necessary to monitor the changes in land use over time and to detect growth activities in different parts of the city. To accomplish these tasks with greater accuracy and easiest way, remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) tools proved to be very advantageous. This study makes an attempt towards the mapping of land use classes for different time periods and analysis of apparent changes in land use using the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) data for the urban agglomeration of Hyderabad, India. In this study, three different time periods viz. 1989–2000, 2000–2005 and 2005–2011 are chosen for the analysis. The results have shown that high-density urban area had grown during 1989–2011 by encroaching into other land use classes. The urban growth has also affected water resources both, qualitatively and quantitatively in the region. The transformation of other land use types into urban area dynamically continued in the North-East and Southern parts of the city. In the North-East direction, the urban growth was mostly due to growth in industrial and residential area and in Southern part, mostly due to residential growth.  相似文献   
The aquifer system in the Thon Buri sedimentary basin below the deltaic flood plain of the Chao Phraya River, central Thailand, has been exploited for public water supply for the capital Bangkok since the early 1920s. Groundwater withdrawal, currently 1.4 million m3/d, has resulted in a maximum decline in hydraulic head of up to 40 m. This has induced land subsidence of as much as 1.7 m (1940–1992) in the eastern suburbs of the metropolis. Artificial injection of purified water within an area-wide network of recharge wells could constitute a remedy to slow the water level depression within the sedimentary basin, and thus the subsidence. This requires a prior shutdown of water withdrawal. The flow paths of the injected water can be traced by changes in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the groundwater and injected water mixture within the three main aquifers in the basin that are used for public supply. The ratios, monitored at five monitoring stations within the cone of depression, have been constant over 3 years. Injection of the calculated cone volume of 5.2?×?109 m3 would take at least 10 years, depending on the injection pressure and the number and position of wells.  相似文献   
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