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H  ii regions surrounding supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in an otherwise still neutral intergalactic medium (IGM) are likely to be the most easily detectable sources by future 21-cm experiments like LOFAR. We have made predictions for the size distribution of such H  ii regions for several physically motivated models for BH growth at high redshift and compared this to the expected LOFAR sensitivity to these sources. The number of potentially detectable H  ii regions does not only depend on the ionization state of the IGM and the decoupling of the spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen from the cosmic microwave background temperature, but is also strongly sensitive to the rate of growth of BHs at high redshift. If the SMBHs at redshift 6 were built up via continuous Eddington-limited accretion from low mass seed BHs at high redshift, then LOFAR is not expected to detect isolated QSO H  ii regions at redshifts much larger than 6, and only if the IGM is still significantly neutral. If the high-redshift growth of BHs starts with massive seed BHs and is driven by short-lived accretion events following the merging of BH hosting galaxies then the detection of H  ii regions surrounding SMBHs may extend to redshifts as large as 8–9 but is still very sensitive to the redshift to which the IGM remains significantly neutral. The most optimistic predictions are for a model where the SMBHs at z > 6 have grown slowly. H  ii regions around SMBHs may then be detected to significantly larger redshifts.  相似文献   
It has recently been suggested that the power spectrum of redshifted 21 cm fluctuations could be used to measure the scale of baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) during the reionization era. The resulting measurements are potentially as precise as those offered by the next generation of galaxy redshift surveys at lower redshift. However, unlike galaxy redshift surveys, which in the linear regime are subject to a scale-independent galaxy bias, the growth of ionized regions during reionization is thought to introduce a strongly scale-dependent relationship between the 21 cm and mass power spectra. We use a seminumerical model for reionization to assess the impact of ionized regions on the precision and accuracy with which the BAO scale could be measured using redshifted 21 cm observations. For a model in which reionization is completed at   z ∼ 6  , we find that the constraints on the BAO scale are not systematically biased at   z ≳ 6.5  . In this scenario, and assuming the sensitivity attainable with a low-frequency array comprising 10 times the collecting area of the Murchison Widefield Array, the BAO scale could be measured to within 1.5 per cent in the range  6.5 ≲ z ≲ 7.5  .  相似文献   
Mitigating the impact of ionospheric cycle slips in GNSS observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Processing of data from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), such as GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, can be considerably impeded by disturbances in the ionosphere. Cycle-slip detection and correction thus becomes a crucial component of robust software. Still, dealing with ionospheric cycle slips is not trivial due to scintillation effects in both the phase and the amplitude of the signals. In this contribution, a geometry-based approach with rigorous handling of the ionosphere is presented. A detailed analysis of the cycle-slip correction process is also tackled by examining its dependence on phase and code noise, non-dispersive effects and, of course, the ionosphere. The importance of stochastic modeling in validating the integer cycle-slip candidates is emphasized and illustrated through simulations. By examining the relationship between ionospheric bias and ionospheric constraint, it is shown that there is a limit in the magnitude of ionospheric delay variation that can be handled by the cycle-slip correction process. Those concepts are applied to GNSS data collected by stations in northern Canada, and show that enhanced cycle-slip detection can lead to decimeter-level improvements in the accuracy of kinematic PPP solutions with a 30-s sampling interval. Cycle-slip correction associated with ionospheric delay variations exceeding 50 cm is also demonstrated, although there are risks with such a procedure and these are pointed out.  相似文献   
An interdisciplinary study of a small sedimentary basin at Neumark Nord 2 (NN2), Germany, has yielded a high-resolution record of the palaeomagnetic Blake Event, which we are able to place at the early part of the last interglacial pollen sequence documented from the same section. We use this data to calculate the duration of this stratigraphically important event at 3400 ± 350 yr. More importantly, the Neumark Nord 2 data enables precise terrestrial-marine correlation for the Eemian stage in central Europe. This shows a remarkably large time lag of ca. 5000 yr between the MIS 5e ‘peak’ in the marine record and the start of the last interglacial in this region.  相似文献   
River discharge and nutrient measurements are subject to aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. In this study, we present a novel method for estimating these uncertainties in colocated discharge and phosphorus (P) measurements. The “voting point”‐based method constrains the derived stage‐discharge rating curve both on the fit to available gaugings and to the catchment water balance. This helps reduce the uncertainty beyond the range of available gaugings and during out of bank situations. In the example presented here, for the top 5% of flows, uncertainties are shown to be 139% using a traditional power law fit, compared with 40% when using our updated “voting point” method. Furthermore, the method is extended to in situ and lab analysed nutrient concentration data pairings, with lower uncertainties (81%) shown for high concentrations (top 5%) than when a traditional regression is applied (102%). Overall, for both discharge and nutrient data, the method presented goes some way to accounting for epistemic uncertainties associated with nonstationary physical characteristics of the monitoring site.  相似文献   
During a pre‐site survey and construction of a new metro route and station in Copenhagen, fossiliferous organic‐rich sediments were encountered. This paper reports on multidisciplinary investigations of these organic sediments, which occurred beneath a sediment succession with a lower till, glacifluvial sand and gravel, an upper till and glacifluvial sand. The organic sediments were underlain by glacifluvial sand and gravel. The organic‐rich sediments, which were up to 0.5 m thick, accumulated in a low‐energy environment, possibly an oxbow lake. They were rich in plant fossils, which included warmth‐demanding trees and other species, such as Najas minor, indicating slightly higher summer temperatures than at present. Freshwater shells were also frequent. Bithynia opercula allowed the sediments to be put into an aminostratigraphical framework. The amino acid racemization (AAR) ratios indicate that the organic sediments formed during Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7), which is consistent with optically stimulated luminescence dating that gave ages of 206 and 248 ka from the underlying minerogenic deposit. The assemblages from Trianglen are similar to interglacial deposits from the former Free Port (1.4 km away) in Copenhagen, except that Corbicula and Pisidium clessini were not found at Trianglen. The presence of these bivalves at the Free Port and the ostracod Scottia tumida at Trianglen indicates a pre‐Eemian age. AAR data from archived Bithynia opercula from the Free Port were almost identical to those from Trianglen, indicating that the two sites are contemporary. We suggest the Trianglen interglacial be used as a local name for the MIS 7 interglacial deposits in Copenhagen. MIS 7 deposits have rarely been documented from the region, but MIS 7 deposits may have been mistaken for other ages. The use of AAR ratios in Bithynia opercula has a great potential for correlation of interglacial non‐marine deposits in mainland northern Europe.  相似文献   
l. IntroductionThe cIassicaI definition of bi--directional reflectance--distribution function (BRDF) is aderivative, distribution function, relatlng the irradiance incident from one given direction tolts contribution to the radiance renected in another direct1on (N1codemus et al., l977).f r (0,, rp,; 0,, rp, )= dL, (0,, P,; 0,, 9,; E, )/ dE, (0,, 9,) [sr-- 1 ], (l)where 0 (zenith angle) and 9 (azimuth angle) together indicate a direction, the subscr1pt i indi-cates quantities associated wi…  相似文献   
The dynamic analysis of a deepwater floating structure is complicated by the fact that there can be significant coupling between the dynamics of the floating vessel and the attached risers and mooring lines. Furthermore, there are significant nonlinear effects, such as geometric nonlinearities, drag forces, and second order (slow drift) forces on the vessel, and for this reason the governing equations of motion are normally solved in the time domain. This approach is computationally intensive, and the aim of the present work is to develop and validate a more efficient linearized frequency domain approach. To this end, both time and frequency domain models of a coupled vessel/riser/mooring system are developed, which each incorporate both first and second order motions. It is shown that the frequency domain approach yields very good predictions of the system response when benchmarked against the time domain analysis, and the reasons for this are discussed. It is found that the linearization scheme employed for the drag forces on the risers and mooring lines yields a very good estimate of the resulting contribution to slow drift damping.  相似文献   
Local deformation monitoring using GPS in an open pit mine: initial study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-performance GPS RTK software has been developed within the Geodetic Research Laboratory (GRL) at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). This software was initially designed for gantry crane auto-steering. Due to limitations with classical geodetic deformation monitoring techniques, the Canadian Centre for Geodetic Engineering (CCGE) at UNB has decided to augment its fully automated deformation monitoring system with GPS. As a result, the GRL and CCGE have combined efforts to achieve the required precision. As a first step, tests of the GPS real-time kinematic (RTK) software have been carried out at Highland Valley Copper Mine in British Columbia, Canada. An open-pit mine environment places certain constraints on the achievable accuracies attainable with GPS. Consequently, the software has been modified to meet the needs of this particular project and data have been post-processed for analysis. This paper describes the approach taken at UNB to address high precision requirements in a constrained signal availability environment. Technical and scientific aspects of the UNB software, especially in handling two predominant errors (residual tropospheric zenith delay and multipath) at the mine, are discussed. Results of tests that have been carried out at the mine are presented.  相似文献   
Multidisciplinary investigations of the vegetational, faunal and sea-level history inferred from the infills of buried channels on the coast of eastern Essex have a direct bearing on the differentiation of MIS 11 and MIS 9 in continental records. New data are presented from Cudmore Grove, an important site on Mersea Island that can be linked to the terrace sequence of the River Thames. The vegetational history has been reconstructed from a pollen sequence covering much of the interglacial represented. The temperate nature of the climate is apparent from a range of fossil groups, including plant remains, vertebrates (especially the rich herpetofauna), molluscs and beetles, which all have strong thermophilous components. The beetle data have been used to derive a Mutual Climatic Range reconstruction, suggesting that mean July temperatures were about 2 °C warmer than modern values for southeast England, whereas mean January temperatures may have been slightly colder. The sea-level history has been reconstructed from the molluscs, ostracods and especially the diatoms, which indicate that the marine transgression occurred considerably earlier in the interglacial cycle than at the neighbouring Hoxnian site at Clacton. There are a number of palynological similarities between the sequence at Cudmore Grove and Clacton, especially the presence of Abies and the occurrence of Azolla filiculoides megaspores. Moreover, both sites have yielded Palaeolithic archaeology, indeed the latter is the type site of the Clactonian (flake-and-core) industry. However, the sites can be differentiated on the basis of mammalian biostratigraphy, new aminostratigraphic data, as well as the differences in the sea-level history. The combined evidence suggests that the infill of the channel at Cudmore Grove accumulated during MIS 9, whereas the deposits at Clacton formed during MIS 11. The infill of a much later channel, yielding non-marine molluscs and vertebrates including Hippopotamus, appears to have formed during the Ipswichian (MIS 5e). This evidence is compared with other important sites of late Middle Pleistocene age in Britain and elsewhere on the continent and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach is stressed.  相似文献   
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