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The ecological environment in the East China Sea (ECS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) has changed significantly due to sea-level rising and the Kuroshio incursion since the last deglaciation. In this study, biomarker records of core F10B from the mud area southwest off Cheju Island (MSWCI) were generated to evaluate phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in response to environmental evolution during the last 14 kyr. The contents of diatom, dinoflagellate and haptophyte biomarkers (brassicasterol, dinosterol and C37 alkenones) display similar trends, with increasing phytoplankton productivity during the last 14 kyr due to the increased influences of the Kuroshio, and especially due to the eddy-induced upwelling during the late Holocene. On the other hand, the contents of terrestrial biomarkers (C28 +C30 +C32 n-alkanols) and terrestrial organic matter (TOM) proxies (TMBR’ and BIT) all reveal decreasing TOM input into the area around the sampling site for the 14 kyr, mostly due to sea-level rising. Phytoplankton biomarker ratios reveal a shift from a haptophyte-dominated community at 6.2–2.5 kyr BP to a diatom-dominated community at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP, likely caused by a stronger cold eddy circulation system at 2.5–1.45 kyr BP in the MSWCI.  相似文献   
A case of a snowstorm at the Great Wall Station was studied using data of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) analysis, in situ observations and surface weather charts. The storm occurred on August 29th,2006, and brought high winds and poor horizontal visibility to the region.It was found that the storm occurred under the synoptic situation of a high in the south and a low in the north. A low-level easterly jet from the Antarctic continent significantly decreased the air temperature and humidity.Warm air advection at high level brought sufficient vapor from lower latitudes for the snowstorm to develop.The dynamic factors relating to strong snowfall and even the developmentof a snowstorm were deep cyclonic vorticity at middle and low levels,the configuration of divergence at high level and convergence at low level, and strong verticaluplift. There was an inversion layer in the low-level atmosphere during the later phase of the storm.This vertical structure of cold air at low levels and warm air at high levels may have been important to the longevity of the snowstorm.  相似文献   
基于洪峰模数的山洪灾害雨量预警指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山洪灾害预警是防御山洪的重要非工程措施,雨量预警指标是山洪灾害预警的关键。目前的雨量预警指标计算方法对水文气象资料条件以及模型建模率定都有很高的要求,并不适用于基层防汛人员。因此,本文基于全国山洪灾害调查评价成果数据,提出了一种运用洪峰模数计算雨量预警指标的简便、易用的方法。该方法以小流域洪水计算推理公式为基础,将公式中流量与流域面积的比值用洪峰模数表示,得到基于洪峰模数的临界雨量估算公式,并考虑流域土壤含水量等因素,分析临界雨量变化阈值,最终得到雨量预警指标。本文以云南省绥江县双河小流域为例,计算结果显示不同时段(1 h、3 h、6 h)净雨量和预警时段呈线性关系。降雨损失计算中洼地蓄水和植被截留在不同时段相同,土壤下渗在不同的时段不相同。在此基础上,计算不同土壤含水量条件下,不同时段的雨量预警指标。最后,对临界流量、降雨损失和预警指标进行了合理性分析,结果显示预警指标和调查评价结果及实测降雨都比较接近,计算的预警指标合理。本研究为基层山洪灾害预警提供了一种快速、便捷的预警指标计算方法,为预警指标计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   
稻壳灰与土体混合应用,一方面废弃资源再利用,环保,又可增强土体强度。通过三轴试验,研究不同比例稻壳灰混合黏土及其加筋土应力-应变性能、强度特性以及不同应变水平下模量、偏应力及加筋强度比等土体变化特征。试验结果表明,随稻壳灰比例增加,混合土最大干密度显著减小,最优含水率显著增加。添加不同比例稻壳灰对加筋土抗剪强度有较大影响,10%~15%稻壳灰比例下,加筋稻壳灰混合土初始切线模量和应力峰值达到最大,抗剪强度较优。与土工织物加筋稻壳灰混合土相比,土工格栅加筋稻壳灰混合土偏应力及抗剪强度更大,土工格栅层数对土体抗剪强度增大效果更明显,对应的应力-应变曲线拐点也更突出。试样弹性模量与稻壳灰比例及筋材种类、层数有关,加入稻壳灰后,土体弹性模量增长显著,土工格栅加筋稻壳灰混合土较优比例下可增加1.5倍多,稻壳灰及筋材均能有效提高土体强度。随加筋层数增加,稻壳灰混合土加筋强度比明显增大,与围压关系较小。  相似文献   
网络实时动态测量(real-time kinematic, RTK)技术可为大范围区域用户提供实时高精度的定位服务,然而目前该技术对卫星导航定位(satellite navigation and positioning,SNAP)基准站网密度要求较高。为了满足稀疏大尺度SNAP基准站网区域的高精度定位服务需求,提出了一种基于虚拟大气约束(virtual atmosphere constrait, VAC)的网络RTK服务方法,首先构建非组合双差观测值模型,快速解算并固定SNAP基准站基线模糊度;然后提取基线大气延迟,分别建立斜路径电离层和天顶对流层误差模型;最后将内插的大气延迟及其精度信息作为虚拟观测值,提升终端RTK的定位性能。采用中国西北的SNAP基准站网数据(平均站间距为205.1 km)和网内外6个流动站数据进行RTK验证,结果表明,所提方法可以满足大尺度参考网下用户的高精度定位需求,相比传统的虚拟基准站技术,VAC服务模式下的终端定位精度、初始化速度平均分别提升61.64%和9.96%,该模式下测试终端固定解水平和高程方向的平均均方根分别为1.19 cm、2.73 cm;采用多次初始化进行验证,平均88.78%的时段在2个历元内即可完成初始化;VAC服务模式对大尺度SNAP基准站网内外用户均具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   
作为全媒体理念下的新媒介,遥感影像在时间和空间上极大拓展延伸了人类的感知能力。在分析国内外遥感和新闻结合探索的基础上,提出了遥感新闻学这一交叉学科方向,阐述了遥感与新闻结合后,遥感新闻具有突破视觉时空限制与频谱限制、多尺度揭示规律和保证新闻客观性方面的优势。遥感新闻学的科学问题是研究遥感数据对新闻主题可实现、创建遥感新闻的叙事机制和镜头画面语言体系;遥感新闻学的技术问题是构建新闻任务驱动的遥感链式服务模式、保证遥感数据质量以及提升遥感新闻主题表现力等。结合新华社卫星新闻实验室在遥感新闻生产中的技术应用,发现了高效影像获取、便捷直观取证、时序影像提取、镜头语言创新是当下遥感新闻传播中的突出表现。  相似文献   

各向异性介质对大地电磁观测数据的影响往往不可忽略,因此需要提高大地电磁各向异性三维反演的可靠性和有效性.为了满足大地电磁各向异性三维反演的需求,本文研究了一种基于交叉梯度结构约束的大地电磁主轴各向异性并行三维反演算法.根据大地电磁平面波理论假设,正演方程采用背景场与二次场分离的计算方式,二次场利用交错网格有限差分法求解.由于各向异性反演的多解性,本文将各向异性介质简化为主轴各向异性,并在此基础上进一步采用有限内存拟牛顿LBFGS法实现三维各向异性反演.为了提高各向异性反演的分辨率,反演目标函数中引入交叉梯度项,利用先验的结构信息,对三个方向的电阻率参数进行结构约束,最终的反演进一步利用MPI(Message Passing Interface,消息传递接口)技术实现分频并行计算,测试结果显示并行接近线性加速比.

近年来,土地出让招、拍、挂方式的施行,为广大用地者提供一个公开、公平、公正的竞争环境,活跃了土地市场,完善了土地出让制度。但一些地方在招拍挂过程中,流标、流拍现象时有发生,既浪费了人力、财力,也一定程度上扰乱了土地市场的正常运行。  相似文献   
矿井勘探方法中,槽波地震是探测小构造最重要的一种方法,小构造的定量探测对于工作面的设计和开采具有重要的意义,通过透反射联合勘探并以揭露信息进行约束能够取得准确的结果.对山西龙泉矿4203工作面进行槽波透反射勘探,巷道的煤厚为6.8 m,巷道揭露的断层f29落差为7 m,f30落差为11.8 m,利用椭圆切线法和透射层析...  相似文献   
Spatial information on soil properties is an important input to hydrological models. In current hydrological modelling practices, soil property information is often derived from soil category maps by the linking method in which a representative soil property value is linked to each soil polygon. Limited by the area‐class nature of soil category maps, the derived soil property variation is discontinuous and less detailed than high resolution digital terrain or remote sensing data. This research proposed dmSoil, a data‐mining‐based approach to derive continuous and spatially detailed soil property information from soil category maps. First, the soil–environment relationships are extracted through data mining of a soil map. The similarity of the soil at each location to different soil types in the soil map is then estimated using the mined relationships. Prediction of soil property values at each location is made by combining the similarities of the soil at that location to different soil types and the representative soil property values of these soil types. The new approach was applied in the Raffelson Watershed and Pleasant Valley in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, United States to map soil A horizon texture (in both areas) and depth to soil C horizon (in Pleasant Valley). The property maps from the dmSoil approach capture the spatial gradation and details of soil properties better than those from the linking method. The new approach also shows consistent accuracy improvement at validation points. In addition to the improved performances, the inputs for the dmSoil approach are easy to prepare, and the approach itself is simple to deploy. It provides an effective way to derive better soil property information from soil category maps for hydrological modelling. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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