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We present optical luminosity functions(LFs) of galaxies in the~(0.1) g,~(0.1) r,~(0.1) i bands, calculated using data in~40 deg~2 sky area of the LAMOST Complete Spectroscopic Survey of Pointing Area(LaCoSSPAr) in the Southern Galactic Cap. Redshifts for galaxies brighter than r = 18.1 were obtained mainly with LAMOST. In each band, LFs derived using both parametric and non-parametric maximum likelihood methods agree well with each other. In the0.1 r band, our fitting parameters of the Schechter function are φ_*=(1.65 ± 0.36) × 10~(-2) h~3 Mpc~(-3), M_*=-20.69 ± 0.06 mag and α =-1.12 ± 0.08,which agree with previous studies. Separate LFs are also derived for emission line galaxies and absorption line galaxies. The LFs of absorption line galaxies show a dip at~(0.1) r ~18.5 and can be fitted well by a double-Gaussian function, suggesting a bimodality in passive galaxies.  相似文献   
Erosion-driven uplift of the modern Central Alps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a compilation of data of modern tectono-geomorphic processes in the Central European Alps which suggest that observed rock uplift is a response to climate-driven denudation. This interpretation is predominantly based on the recent quantification of basin-averaged Late Holocene denudation rates that are so similar to the pattern and rates of rock uplift rates as determined by geodetic leveling. Furthermore, a GPS data-based synthesis of Adriatic microplate kinematics suggests that the Central Alps are currently not in a state of active convergence. Finally, we illustrate that the Central Alps have acted as a closed system for Holocene redistribution of sediment in which the peri-Alpine lakes have operated as a sink for the erosional products of the inner Central Alps.While various hypotheses have been put forward to explain Central Alpine rock uplift (e.g. lithospheric forcing by convergence, mantle processes, or ice melting) we show with an elastic model of lithospheric deformation, that the correlation between erosion and rock uplift rates reflects a positive feedback between denudation and the associated isostatic response to unloading. Thus, erosion does not passively respond to advection of crustal material as might be the case in actively converging orogens. Rather, we suggest that the geomorphic response of the Alpine topography to glacial and fluvial erosion and the resulting disequilibrium for modern channelized and associated hillslope processes explains much of the pattern of modern denudation and hence rock uplift. Therefore, in a non-convergent orogen such as the Central European Alps, the observed vertical rock uplift is primarily a consequence of passive unloading due to erosion.  相似文献   
The paper investigates whether the methods chosen for representing uncertain geographic information aid or impair decision-making in the context of wildfire hazard. Through a series of three human subject experiments, utilizing 180 subjects and employing increasingly difficult tasks, this research evaluates the effect of five different visualizations and a text-based representation on decision-making under uncertainty. Our quantitative experiments focus specifically on the task of decision-making under uncertainty, rather than the task of reading levels of uncertainty from the map. To guard against the potential for generosity and risk seeking in decision-making under uncertainty, the experimental design uses performance-based incentives. The experiments showed that the choice of representation makes little difference to performance in cases where subjects are allowed the time and focus to consider their decisions. However, with the increasing difficulty of time pressure, subjects performed best using a spectral color hue-based representation, rather than more carefully designed cartographic representations. Text-based and simplified boundary encodings were among the worst performers. The results have implications for the performance of decision-making under uncertainty using static maps, especially in the stressful environments surrounding an emergency.  相似文献   
The influence of capture stress, salinity and reproductive status on zinc associated with the metallothionein-like (MT-like) proteins in the livers of three marine teleost species was investigated. In striped mullet, Mugil cephalus L., the zinc associated with the MT-like protein, as determined by gel-permeation HPLC, increased significantly from approximately 102 to 1162 nmol zinc bound/g wet wt 7 days following capture in the field, handling, transportation to the laboratory and transfer to holding tanks. Significant increases were also observed following exposure to reduced salinity for 7 days. Smaller increases were observed in cultured red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, livers following exposure to reduced salinity and physical trauma for 7 days. Finally, there was approximately a 2·5-fold increase in the zinc associated with the MT-like protein in livers of female spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, collected during the reproductive season compared to regressed animals. These findings emphasize the need for establishing the natural fluctuations in MT levels as well as the response to common physical environmental variables before measurement of MT can be used reliably as a biochemical indicator of environmental contamination.  相似文献   
Increased tidal levels and storm surges related to climate change are projected to result in extremely adverse effects on coastal regions. Predictions of such extreme and small-scale events, however, are exceedingly challenging, even for relatively short time horizons. Here we use data from observations, ERA-40 re-analysis, climate scenario simulations, and a simple feature model to find that the frequency of extreme storm surge events affecting Venice is projected to decrease by about 30% by the end of the twenty-first century. In addition, through a trend assessment based on tidal observations we found a reduction in extreme tidal levels. Extrapolating the current +17 cm/century sea level trend, our results suggest that the frequency of extreme tides in Venice might largely remain unaltered under the projected twenty-first century climate simulations.  相似文献   
The 3.2 km-thick late Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan shows well-developed middle-fan facies-associations. Channel deposits are characterised by discrete packets of coarse-grained, medium to thick-bedded, amalgamated sandstone turbidites and other mass-flow deposits, generally 10 to 30 m thick. Individual beds, or packets of beds, wedge out and channel bases cut down by up to 11 m over a lateral distance of 150 m. Channel deposits often comprise a thinning-and-fining-upward sequence although they vary greatly in clarity. Interchannel deposits occur as packets, tens of centimetres to 25 m thick, of thin and very thin bedded Bouma Tcde siltstones and mudstones. Palaeocurrents within interchannel deposits commonly diverge from those of adjacent channel sandstones. Within the interchannel deposits, isolated beds or packets of beds occur that are both thicker bedded and coarser grained than the surrounding beds; these unusual deposits are sheet-like or fill small channels, and are interpreted as crevasse splays, lobes and channels. Packets, up to a few metres thick, of laterally discontinuous siltstone turbidites occur immediately above some of the channel sandstones, rarely below, and in some cases within interchannel deposits. These siltstones are thin to medium-bedded, show Bouma Tcd, with Tc often as climbing-ripple lamination, and commonly show soft-sediment deformation as slides, slumps, liquefaction and fluidisation structures. Palaeoflow within these packets, compared to adjacent channel sandstones, diverges by up to 90°, and in some cases channel sandstones are seen to pass laterally into these deposits with a swing in palaeocurrents from parallel to the inferred channel axis, to perpendicular to it. These deposits are thought to be levees. Channel-margin deposits are most distinctive, and they are recognised by extreme lateral wedging of channel sandstones, with concomitant thinning and fining of individual beds and their amalgamation towards the channel axis. Sliding and slumping of channel margin deposits is common. Throughout the Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan, channel sandstone palaeocurrents suggest a sediment-transport direction to the NE quadrant, although some channels funnelled sediment towards the southeast.  相似文献   
Water quality in less-developed countries is often subject to substantial degradation, but is rarely studied in a systematic way. The concentration and flux of major ions, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, and trace metals in the heavily urbanized Bagmati River within Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, are reported. The concentrations of all chemical species increased with distance downstream with the exceptions of protons and nitrate, and showed strong relationships with population density adjacent to the river. Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dominated by NH4, was found in high concentrations along the Bagmati drainage system. The export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and TDN were 23 and 33 tons km?2 year?1, respectively, at the outlet point of the Kathmandu Valley, much higher than in relatively undeveloped watersheds. The cationic and silica fluxes were 106 and 18 tons km?2 year?1 at the outlet of the Bagmati within Kathmandu Valley, and 36 and 32 tons km?2 year?1 from the relatively pristine headwater area. The difference between headwaters and the urban site suggests that the apparent weathering flux is three times higher than the actual weathering rate in the heavily urbanized Bagmati basin. Fluxes of cations and silica are above the world average, as well as fluxes from densely populated North American and European watersheds. End-member composition of anthropogenic sources like sewage or agricultural runoff is needed to understand the drivers of this high rate of apparent weathering.  相似文献   
Chemistry on the icy surface of Europa is heavily influenced by the incident energetic particle flux from the jovian magnetosphere. The majority (>75%) of this energy is in the form of high energy electrons (extending to >10 MeV). We have simulated the electron irradiation environment of Europa with a vacuum system containing a high-energy electron gun for irradiation of ice samples formed on a gold mirror cooled with a cryostat. Pure water films of ∼2.6 μm thickness were grown at 100 K and then either cooled (to 80 K), warmed (to 120 K) or left at 100 K and subsequently irradiated with 10 keV electrons. The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was monitored by observation of the 2850 cm−1 (3.5 μm) band. Equilibrium concentrations of H2O2, in units of percent by number H2O2 relative to water, were found to be 0.043% (80 K), 0.029% (100 K), and 0.0063% (120 K). These values are 33%, 22%, and 5%, respectively, that of the reported surface concentration on the leading hemisphere of Europa (Carlson, R.W., Anderson, M.S., Johnson, R.E., Smythe, W.D., Hendrix, A.R., Barth, C.A., et al. [1999]. Science 283(5410), 2062-2064) and less than the equilibrium concentrations formed by ion irradiation. In addition to the ice film temperature, the current of electrons was varied between different experiments to determine the production and destruction of H2O2 as a function of both electron flux and ice temperature. Variation in current was found to have little effect on the results other than accelerating arrival at radiolytic equilibrium.  相似文献   
Multiple Residence and Cyclical Migration: A Life Course Perspective*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a result of restrictive time-space bounds in viewing migration, surprisingly little is known about the tempos and rhythms of geographical mobility in America. We discuss limitations of the conventional definition of migration and develop a life course framework of multiple residence and cyclical migration. Results of an Arizona-based case study reveal that multiple residence is common and more diverse than the annual influx of elderly snowbirds. Coming to grips with multiple residence and recurrent mobility in the United States represents a fundamental challenge in population and migration studies.  相似文献   
A new inelastic structural control algorithm is proposed by incorporating the force analogy method (FAM) with the predictive instantaneous optimal control (PIOC) algorithm. While PIOC is very effective in compensating for the time delay for elastic structures, the FAM is highly efficient in performing the inelastic analysis. Unlike conventional inelastic analysis methods of changing stiffness, the FAM analyzes structures by varying the structural displacement field, and therefore the state transition matrix needs to be computed only once. This greatly simplifies the computation and makes inelastic analysis readily applicable to the PIOC algorithm. The proposed algorithm compensates for the time delay that happens in practical control systems by predicting the inelastic structural response over a period that equals the magnitude of the time delay. A one‐story frame with both strain‐hardening and strain‐softening inelastic characteristics is analyzed using this algorithm. Results show that the proposed control algorithm is feasibile for any inelastic structures. While the control efficiency deteriorates with the increase in magnitude of the time delay, the PIOC maintains acceptable performance within a wide range of time delay magnitudes. Finally, a computer model of a six‐story moment‐resisting steel frame is analyzed to show that PIOC has good control results for real inelastic structures. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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