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N2 fixation is an important biological process that adds new nitrogen to oceans and plays a key role in modulating the oceanic nitrate inventory. However, it is not known how, when, and where N2 fixation rates have varied in response to past climate changes. This study presents a new record of nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) over the last 83 kyr from a sediment core (KH02-4 SUP8) taken in the Sulu Sea in the western equatorial Pacific region; data allow the N2 fixation variability in the sea to be reconstructed. Sediments, sinking, and suspended particulate organic matter (POM) all have lighter isotopic values compared to the δ15N values of substrate nitrate (av. 5.8‰) in North Pacific Intermediate Water. These lighter δ15N values are regarded as reflecting N2 fixation in the Sulu Sea surface water. A δ15N mass balance model shows that N2 fixation rates were significantly enhanced during 54–34 kyr in MIS-3 and MIS-2. It has been speculated that higher interglacial denitrification rates in the Arabian Sea and the eastern tropical Pacific would have markedly decreased the global oceanic N inventory and contributed to the increase in N2 fixation in oligotrophic regions, but such a model was not revealed by our study. It is possible that changes in N2 fixation rates in the Sulu Sea were regional response, and accumulation of phosphate in the surface waters due to enhanced monsoon-driven mixing is thought to have stimulated enhancements of N2 fixation during MIS-3 and MIS-2.  相似文献   
We present the results of a detailed analysis of multi-wavelength observations of a very impulsive solar flare 1B/M6.7, which occurred on 10 March, 2001 in NOAA AR 9368 (N27 W42). The observations show that the flare is very impulsive with a very hard spectrum in HXR that reveal that non-thermal emission was most dominant. On the other hand, this flare also produced a type II radio burst and coronal mass ejections (CME), which are not general characteristics for impulsive flares. In H we observed bright mass ejecta (BME) followed by dark mass ejecta (DME). Based on the consistency of the onset times and directions of BME and CME, we conclude that these two phenomena are closely associated. It is inferred that the energy build-up took place due to photospheric reconnection between emerging positive parasitic polarity and predominant negative polarity, which resulted as a consequence of flux cancellation. The shear increased to >80 due to further emergence of positive parasitic polarity causing strongly enhanced cancellation of flux. It appears that such enhanced magnetic flux cancellation in a strongly sheared region triggered the impulsive flare.  相似文献   
Keiji Ohtsuki 《Icarus》2004,172(2):432-445
We examine the rotation of a small moonlet embedded in planetary rings caused by impacts of ring particles, using analytic calculation and numerical orbital integration for the three-body problem. Taking into account the Rayleigh distribution of particles' orbital eccentricities and inclinations, we evaluate both systematic and random components of rotation, where the former arises from an average of a large number of small impacts and the latter is contribution from large impacts. Calculations for parameter values corresponding to inner parts of Saturn's rings show that a moonlet would spin slowly in the prograde direction if most impactors are small particles whose velocity dispersion is comparable to or smaller than the moonlet's escape velocity. However, we also find that the effect of the random component can be significant, if the velocity dispersion of particles is larger and/or impacts of large particles comparable to the moonlet's size are common: in this case, both prograde and retrograde rotations can be expected. In the case of a small moonlet embedded in planetary rings of equal-sized particles, we find that the systematic component dominates the moonlet rotation when m/M?0.1 (m and M are the mass of a particle and a moonlet, respectively), while the random component is dominant when m/M?0.3. We derive the condition for the random component to dominate moonlet rotation on the basis of our results of three-body orbital integration, and confirm agreement with N-body simulation.  相似文献   
Albedo influences vegetation structure, permafrost thawing, etc., in particular, after wildfires in Picea mariana forests in Alaska, USA, while albedo changes with plant succession. To understand interactions between albedo and ecosystem recovery after wildfire, surface albedo was measured in the spring and summer of 2005 at Poker Flat, interior Alaska, where P. mariana forest was dominant. The ground surface was mostly covered with Sphagnum moss before the 2004 wildfire, and was variously burned by the fire. The measured wavelengths ranged from 0.3 to 3.0 μm. We measured four independent variables, incidence, plant cover on the forest floor, cover of burned ground surface, canopy openness and incidence, to examine the determinants on surface albedo. Multiple regression analysis showed that total plant cover positively and mostly determines albedo, indicating that plant recovery is prerequisite to return high albedo. When the ground surface was damaged by fire, changes in albedo were mostly derived from decrease in reflectance wavelengths between 0.7 and 1.4 μm. The fluctuations of reflectance wavelengths did not differ greatly between damaged-moss and burned surfaces. We must mention the dynamics of Sphagnum to understand various environmental changes including surface albedo.  相似文献   
Zhang  Chuan  Yan  Haofang  Takase  Keiji  Oue  Hiroki 《Water Resources》2016,43(1):225-237
Water Resources - Soil physical properties and hydrological processes were analyzed in two experimental catchments with different forest types: one catchment is covered mostly with conifer type...  相似文献   
Cenozoic basin-forming processes in northwestern Kyushu were studied on the basis of geological and geophysical data. Gravity anomaly analysis delineated four sedimentary basins in the study area: Goto-nada, Nishisonogi, Amakusa-nada, and Shimabara. Borehole stratigraphy and reflection seismic interpretation suggest that the Goto-nada Basin was subdivided into the Paleogene and Plio-Pleistocene depocenters (Goto-nada 1 and 2). In the Paleogene, Amakusa-nada Basin was rapidly subsiding together with the Shimabara Basin as part of a large graben. Goto-nada 1 and Nishisonogi basins belonged to another depositional area. After stagnant subsidence stage in the early Miocene, the study area became a site of basaltic activity (since 10 Ma) and vigorous subsidence in the Plio-Pleistocene. Goto-nada 2 Basin is accompanied with numerous east–west active faults, and separated from the Amakusa-nada Basin by a northeast– southwest basement high, Nomo Ridge. Plio-Pleistocene subsidence of the Amakusa-nada Basin is related with low-angle normal faulting on the eastern flank of the Nomo Ridge. Shimabara Basin is a composite volcano-tectonic depression which is studded by east–west faults. Focal mechanism on active faults suggests transtensional stress regime in the study area.  相似文献   
The Marathousa Member, Middle Pleistocene strata in the fluvio-lacustrine Megalopolis basin, southwest Greece, displays distinct but complicated lithological cycles comprising first-order alternation of lignites and detrital muds and second-order alternation expressed by frequent intercalation of organic layers. Palynological evidence indicates that the lithological cycles are driven by the Earth’s orbital forcing. All the lignite seams yield temperate oak forest whereas the detrital beds provide semi-arid steppe mainly of Artemisia. This means that the first-order lithological cycle represents the glacial/interglacial cycle (i.e., the 100-kyr eccentricity cycle), providing a timescale of at least 350 kyr to the Marathousa Member. Pollen also detects smaller-scale climate fluctuations in many of the subordinate organic layers, with the total number of fluctuations being five in a complete lignite-detritus couplet. This means that the second-order lithological cycle reflects the 21-kyr insolation cycle. A tentative phase relation between the lithological cycles and the astronomical cycles is shown based on palynostratigraphy and electron spin resonance dating. Lacustrine environments with increased water tables are implied for the glacial periods sedimentologically, in contrast to local swamp vegetation for the interglacial periods. The subordinate organic layers were formed under intermediate environments (climate, water depth, etc.) between full glacials and interglacials.  相似文献   
Using a three-dimensional finite element model, this study characterizes groundwater flow in a costal plain of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The model characterization involved taking field data describing the aquifer system and translating this information into input variables that the model code uses to solve governing equations of flow. Geological geometry and the number of aquifers have been analyzed based on a large amount of geological, hydrogeological and topographical data. Results of study demonstrate a high correlation between the ground surface elevation and the groundwater level in the shallow coastal aquifer. For calibrating the numerical groundwater model, the groundwater flow was simulated in steady state. In addition, the groundwater level and trend in the transient state has also been elucidated. The numerical result provides excellent visual representations of groundwater flow, presenting resource managers and decision makers with a clear understanding of the nature of the types of groundwater flow pathways. Results build a base for further analysis under different future scenarios.  相似文献   
Planetesimals encountering with a planet cannot be captured permanently unless energy dissipation is taken into account, but some of them can be temporarily captured in the vicinity of the planet for an extended period of time. Such a process would be important for the origin and dynamical evolution of irregular satellites, short-period comets, and Kuiper-belt binaries. In this paper, we describe the basic formulation for the study of temporary capture of planetesimals from heliocentric orbits using three-body orbital integration, such as the definition of the duration and rate of temporary capture, and present results in the case of low random velocity of planetesimals. In the case of planetesimals initially on circular orbits, we find that planetesimals undergo a close encounter with the planet before they become temporarily captured. When planetesimals are scattered by the planet into the vicinity of one of periodic orbits around the planet, the duration of temporary capture tends to be extended. Typically, these capture orbits are in the retrograde direction around the planet. We evaluate the rate of temporary capture of planetesimals, and find that the ratio of this rate to their collision rate on to the planet increases with increasing semimajor axis of the planet. Similar results are obtained for planetesimals with non-zero but small random velocities, as long as Kepler shear dominates the relative velocity between the planet and planetesimals. For larger initial random velocities of planetesimals, temporary capture in both prograde and retrograde directions with much longer duration becomes possible.  相似文献   
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