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Changes in patterns of undetectability and molar ratios of dissolved nutrients in the euphotic zone of the oligotrophic western North Atlantic Ocean were investigated utilizing the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) data set of the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). Our aim was to examine the temporal dynamics of nutrient stocks over a decade (1989∼1998) and to gain insight into the interactions between the different biotic and abiotic factors underlying BATS. Patterns of nutrient undetectability clearly revealed the depleted nature of the nutrients in surface water at the BATS location, particularly phosphorous. The N:P ratio was consistently far above the nominal Redfield ratio (mean, 38.5) but was significantly lower during the 1993∼1994 period (22.1). Over the same period the proportion of samples depleted in N only increased while the proportion of samples depleted in P only decreased. This indicates an overall reduction of N relative to P in the surface water at BATS during the 1993∼1994 period, the reasons for this anomaly, though, are not clear. The correlation analysis between the biotic and abiotic variables at BATS has indicated some interesting relationships that can help understand some of the parameters affecting nutrient stocks in the euphotic zone and their consequent impacts on marine biota. Although nutrient stocks in the oligotrophic environment are limited, they might be subject to interannual variation that may become anomalous in some cases. These variations might underlay significant feedback mechanisms by affecting marine productivity, the prime factor controlling the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Features of El Niño events and their biological impacts in the western North Pacific are reviewed, focusing on interactions between ENSO and the East Asian monsoon. Impacts of El Niño on the climate in the Far East become evident as ‘cool summers and warm winters’. Effects of climate regime shift on ENSO activities, western boundary currents and upper-ocean stratification, as well as their biological consequences are summarized. These have been:
1. In the western equatorial Pacific, an eastward extension of the warm pool associated with El Niño events induces an eastward shift of main fishing grounds of skip jack and big eye tunas.
2. The surface salinity front in the North Equatorial Current region retreats southward, associated with El Niño events. This leads to a southward shift of the spawning ground of Japanese eel, which is responsible for a reduction in the transport of the larval eels to the Kuroshio and Japanese coastal region, causing poor recruitment.
3. Intensification of winter cooling and vertical mixing associated with La Niña (El Niño) events in the northern subtropical region of the western (central) North Pacific reduces surface chlorophyll concentration levels and larval feeding condition for both Japanese sardines and the autumn cohort of Neon squid during winter–early spring. The semi-decadal scale calm winter that occurred during the early 1970s triggered the first sharp increase of sardine stock around Japan.
4. A remarkable weakening of southward intrusion of the Oyashio off the east coast of Japan during 1988–91, resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll concentrations and mesozooplankton biomass in late spring–early summer of the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region. Changes occurred in the dominant species of small pelagic fish, through successive recruitment failures of Japanese sardine.

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. Linkage between Asian monsoon and ENSO
2.1. Features of Asian monsoon and its role in ENSO
2.2. Influence of ENSO events on summer and winter climate and hydrographic conditions in the western North Pacific
3. Evidence of biotic impacts of ENSO events in the western and central North Pacific
3.1. Eastward shift or spread of fishing grounds of skipjack, bigeye and albacore
3.2. Decrease of recruitment rate of neon squid and Japanese eel
3.3. Increase of plankton biomass in El Niño winters in the northern subtropical gyre south of Japan
3.4. Bleaching phenomena of corals around the Okinawa Islands
4. Discussion
4.1. Modulation of extra-tropical effect of ENSO by inter-decadal variations
4.2. Effects of ENSO and ocean/climate regime shifts on plankton biomass and population variation of small pelagic fish
5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

During El Niño events the climate in Northeast Asia is generally cool and wet in summer, and warm and calm in winter (Kurihara and Kimura). In the 1998 summer, near the end of 1997/98 El Niño, the East China Sea and southern part of the Japan Sea were covered with abnormally low saline water. This was the result of the huge amounts of fresh water that were discharge from the Yangtze River and caused poor year classes of Japanese common squid.During the recent cold regime that persisted between 1976/77 and 1987/88 in the North Pacific, Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, maintained a higher stock level, whereas stocks of anchovy, Engraulis spp., remained low (Kasai; Yasuda and Nakata).To clarify the features of this biological response associated with El Niño events and climate regime shifts, in this paper we provide evidence of several environmental and biological responses in the western and central North Pacific. First, we review the linkage between ENSO and the Asian Monsoon. Second, we present data on the extra-tropical effects of El Niño and La Niña on marine ecosystems and the ocean environment. Finally, we describe the modification of extra-tropical effects of ENSO by interdecadal variations in the ocean and the atmosphere.

2. Linkage between Asian monsoon and ENSO

2.1. Features of Asian monsoon and its role in ENSO

Climate of the western North Pacific is dominated by monsoon winds and precipitation. In summer, the southeast monsoon develops between the Tibetan Low and the North Pacific Subtropical High (Fig. 1a). When the summer monsoon encounters the Japanese mountain range, it produces a considerable amount of precipitation on the Pacific side of Japan. In winter, however, the northwesterly monsoon develops between the Siberian High and the Aleutian Low superimposed on the westerly wind (Fig. 1b).  相似文献   
Innovative applications of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) to the determination of inorganic ions in environmental aquatic samples of high salinity and, particularly, in seawater are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on advanced approaches utilized for securing separation performance from being degraded by the presence of matrix salts and for simultaneous separation of ions different in natural abundance. Also covered are methodologies of present or possible use to evolve the method's practical utility to trace-level ions. Surveyed procedures are tabulated for the purpose of facilitating the method selection or further development. In addition, brief background information on basic methodological principles of CZE in inorganic ion analysis is given for a better orientation of those intending or just beginning to put CZE to work. Finally, possible future research trends and developments of CZE in the area are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
High-Mg diorites that have similar whole rock composition to high-Mg andesites (HMAs) should not be simply interpreted as rocks solidified from the HMA magmas, because the high-Mg diorites may be mafic cumulates derived from a different magma from the HMAs.

The HMAs contain unique clinopyroxenes with higher Mg# and Si than those of other sub-alkaline series igneous rocks. The Mg# and Si are controlled by the source magma composition rather than its crystallized conditions such as pressure and temperature. The chemical composition of clinopyroxenes would present important information for the investigation of the source of high-Mg diorites.

We considered the source of Early Cretaceous high-Mg diorites on Kyushu Island, southwest Japan arc, based on their clinopyroxene and whole rock compositions. The clinopyroxenes have similar chemical characteristics to those in HMAs rather than those in other sub-alkaline rocks. Moreover, the whole rock compositions are equivalent to the sanukitic HMA and do not show features of mafic cumulates. This indicates that the high-Mg diorites solidified from sanukitic HMA magmas. It is generally believed that the sanukitic HMA magmas involve the subduction of a young and/or hot oceanic slab was situated in their genesis. Therefore, the occurrence of the high-Mg diorites suggests that Kyushu was situated in the tectonic setting of young and/or hot slab subduction in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Marine aerosols in the western North Pacific were collected using a cascade impactor. Size-separated aerosols were analyzed for organic carbon, alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The results showed that the rate of decrease of the atmospheric concentrations of these organic components with increase in distance from Japan as well as from the coast of the Eurasian Continent was in the order PAHalkanes>organic carbon. The bulk of all these organic components occurred in the smallest size fraction of particles (<1m). Analysis of the alkanes and PAH indicated that the hydrocarbons in aerosols in Japanese coastal marine areas are primarily derived from terrestrial anthropogenic sources which also contribute to a lesser extent to aerosols in marine areas about 1,000 km off the coast of Japan. In remote marine areas the hydrocarbons on small particles (<1m) have principally a natural terrestrial origin while those on larger particles are marine in origin.  相似文献   
Distribution of uranium and thorium isotopes in a short sediment core obtained offshore of the Selenga Delta in Lake Baikal, Siberia, was investigated to establish their sedimentary behaviors and to look for a linkage to paleoenvironmental changes. The sediments were composed of dominantly fine detrital materials (70–85%) and a relatively high sedimentation rate (ca. 0.03 cm y−1). The depth profile of 238U content in bulk sediment samples showed a large variation of 70–123 Bq kg−1, while 232Th profile showed a relatively narrow range from 36 to 56 Bq kg−1. The observed 234U/238U activity ratios revealed a marked disequilibrium ranging from 1.53 to 1.84 with a mean value of 1.71 ± 0.07, demonstrating the presence of 50–80% authigenic 238U in the bulk sediments. The distribution of this authigenic 238U did not display any clear correlation with variations in sediment composition (organic, carbonate, Bio-SiO2 and mineral contents) including grain size median. The profile of terrigenous 238U showed a relatively similar pattern to that of 232Th. Results of sequential leaching indicate that 238U in Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides fractions were responsible for the distribution of authigenic 238U rather than in Bio-SiO2 fraction. The distribution of authigenic 238U in the bottom sediments may be explained by the fluctuation of U adsorption capacity on particles including organic matter and Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides before they entered the lake. This study highlights the potential use of authigenic and terrigenous U (Th) signatures in sediments to trace the behavior of U (Th) and to reconstruct environmental (e.g., hydrological) changes in the lake catchment area.  相似文献   
Keiichi  Sasaki  Akio  Omura  Tetsuo  Miwa  Yoshihiro  Tsuji  Hiroki  Matsuda  Toru  Nakamori  Yasufumi  Iryu  Tsutomu  Yamada  Yuri  Sato  Hiroshi  Nakagawa 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):455-467
Abstract   High-resolution seismic reflection profiles delineated the distribution of mound-shaped reflections, which were interpreted as reefs, beneath the insular shelf western off Irabu Island, Ryukyus, southwestern Japan. A sediment core through one of the mounded structures was recovered from the sea floor at a depth of −118.2 m by offshore drilling and was dated by radiometric methods. The lithology and coral fauna of the core indicate that the mounded structure was composed of coral–algal boundstone suggesting a small-scaled coral reef. High-precision α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating coupled with calibrated accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages of corals obtained reliable ages of this reef ranging from 22.18 ± 0.63 to 30.47 ± 0.98 ka. This proves that such a submerged reef was formed during the lowstand stage of marine oxygen isotope stages 3–2. The existence of low-Mg calcite in the aragonitic coral skeleton of 22.18 ± 0.63 ka provides evidence that the reef had once been exposed by lowering of the relative sealevel to at least −126 m during the last glacial maximum in the study area. There is no room for doubt that a coral reef grew during the last glacial period on the shelf off Irabu Island of Ryukyus in the subtropical region of western Pacific.  相似文献   
We present an improved strong-lensing analysis of Cl0024+1654  ( z = 0.39)  using deep Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/NIC3 images, based on 33 multiply-lensed images of 11 background galaxies. These are found with a model that assumes mass approximately traces light, with a low-order expansion to allow for flexibility on large scales. The model is constrained initially by the well-known five-image system  ( z = 1.675)  and refined as new multiply-lensed systems are identified using the model. Photometric redshifts of these new systems are then used to constrain better the mass profile by adopting the standard cosmological relation between redshift and lensing distance. Our model requires only six free parameters to describe well all positional and redshift data. The resulting inner mass profile has a slope of  d log  M /d log  r ≃−0.55  , consistent with new weak-lensing measurements where the data overlap, at   r ≃ 200 kpc/ h 70  . The combined profile is well fitted by a high-concentration Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) mass profile,   C vir∼ 8.6 ± 1.6  , similar to other well-studied clusters, but larger than predicted with standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM). A well-defined radial critical curve is generated by the model and is clearly observed at   r ≃ 12  arcsec, outlined by elongated images pointing towards the centre of mass. The relative fluxes of the multiply-lensed images are found to agree well with the modelled magnifications, providing an independent consistency check.  相似文献   
A damage detection algorithm of structural health monitoring systems for base‐isolated buildings is proposed. The algorithm consists of the multiple‐input multiple‐output subspace identification method and the complex modal analysis. The algorithm is applicable to linear and non‐linear systems. The story stiffness and damping as damage indices of a shear structure are identified by the algorithm. The algorithm is further tuned for base‐isolated buildings considering their unique dynamic characteristics by simplifying the systems to single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems. The isolation layer and the superstructure of a base‐isolated building are treated as separate substructures as they are distinctly different in their dynamic properties. The effectiveness of the algorithm is evaluated through the numerical analysis and experiment. Finally, the algorithm is applied to the existing 7‐story base‐isolated building that is equipped with an Internet‐based monitoring system. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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