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Uncertainties in global mapping of Argo drift data at the parking level   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used Argo float drift data to estimate average ocean currents at 1000 dbar depth from early 2000 to early 2010. Our estimates cover the global oceans, except for marginal seas and ice-covered regions, at a resolution of 1 degree in latitude and longitude. The estimated flow field satisfies the horizontal boundary condition of no flow through the topography, and is in geostrophic balance. We also estimated the uncertainty in the average flow field, which had a typical magnitude of 0.03 ms−1. The uncertainty is relatively large (>0.03 ms−1 in both the zonal and meridional directions) near the Equator and in the Southern Ocean. The array bias, which is the bias due to the horizontal gradient in the spatial density of the float data, is generally negligible, with an average magnitude outside the equatorial region of 0.007 ms−1, becoming relatively large (>0.01 ms−1) only near the coastal regions. The measurement uncertainty is assumed to be spatially uniform and includes errors due to the Argos positioning system, internal clock drift, unknown surface drift before submerging or after surfacing, and unknown drifts during ascent and descent between the surface and the parking depth. We found that the overall uncertainty was not sensitive to the assumed value of the measurement uncertainty (ɛ m )1/2 when (ɛ m )1/2 < 0.01 ms−1 but it increased with (ɛ m )1/2 for (ɛ m )1/2 > 0.01 ms−1.  相似文献   
The skarn‐type tungsten deposit of the Date‐Nagai mine is genetically related to the granodiorite batholith of the Iidateyama body. Skarn is developed along the contact between pelitic hornfels and marble that remains as a small roof pendant body directly above the granodiorite batholith. Zonal arrangement of minerals is observed in skarn. The zonation consists of wollastonite, garnet, garnet‐epidote, and vesuvianite‐garnet zones, from marble to hornfels. Sheelite is included in garnet, garnet‐epidote, and vesuvianite‐garnet zones. The oxygen isotope values of skarn minerals were obtained as δ18O = 4.2–7.7‰ for garnet, 5.9–6.9‰ for vesuvianite, ?0.3–3.4‰ for scheelite, 6.0–10.9‰ for quartz, and 8.2‰ for muscovite. The temperature of skarn‐formation was calculated from oxygen isotopic values of scheelite‐quartz pairs to be 288°C. Calculated oxygen isotope values of fluid responsible for skarn minerals were 6.1–9.5‰ for garnet, 1.2–4.8‰ for scheelite, ?1.3‐3.6‰ for quartz, and 4.5‰ for muscovite. Garnet precipitated from the fluids of different δ18O values from scheelite, quartz, and muscovite. These δ18O values suggest that the origin of fluid responsible for garnet was magmatic water, while evidence for the presence of a meteoric component in the fluids responsible for middle to later stages minerals was confirmed.  相似文献   
滇01井近年来多次住滇东断裂系上地震前有较好的反映,为了揭示该井水位映震关系,作者对观测以来6年的资料开展了单井区域地质、水文地质条件、水位正常动态、异常动态特征的分忻研究,并利用多种数学方法判定异常,总结了11次震例,提出了该井异常、预报指标,还对映震能力作了分析。  相似文献   
The Fe2+–Mg distribution coefficients between sapphirine and spinel:
were experimentally determined at pressures of 9–13 kbar and temperatures of 950–1150 °C using a natural ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulite with paragenesis of these minerals from the Napier Complex in East Antarctica [XMg = Mg / (Fe + Mg); XFe = Fe / (Fe + Mg)]. A new sapphirine–spinel geothermometer has been obtained as:

We applied the exchange thermometer to UHT or high-grade metamorphic rocks that were reported from various complexes in the world. If the KD values of 2.63–4.34 obtained from low-Cr mineral pairs such as XCrSpr < 0.016 and XCrSpl < 0.047 were substituted into the equation, their temperature conditions would be estimated as 806–1050 °C at 11 kbar. The XCr means Cr / (Al + Cr(+ Fe3+)). These temperatures are reasonable retrograde or near peak metamorphic condition.  相似文献   

As basic research for the effect of heavy oil on the fish immune system, in this study, the number of leukocyte was counted in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, after exposure to heavy oil at a concentration of 30 g/8L for 3 days. To compare the numbers of bacteria in the skin mucus between oil-exposed and control fish, viable bacteria were enumerated by counting colony forming unit (CFU). Compared with 5.79+/-1.88 x 10(7)leukocytes/mL in the controls, the exposed fish demonstrated higher counts, averaging 1.45+/-0.45 x 10(8)cells/mL. The bacterial numbers of control fish were 4.27+/-3.68 x 10(4)CFU/g, whereas they were 4.58+/-1.63 x 10(5)CFU/g in the exposed fish. The results suggest that immune suppression of the fish occurred due to heavy oil stressor, and bacteria could invade in the mucus, resulting in the increasing leukocyte number to prevent infectious disease.  相似文献   
The high-pressure stability limit of calcium aluminosilicate (CAS) phase has been examined in its end-member CaAl4Si2O11 composition at 18–39 GPa and 1,670–2,300 K in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell (LHDAC). The in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the CAS phase decomposes into three-phase assemblage of cubic Al-bearing CaSiO3 perovskite, Al2O3 corundum, and SiO2 stishovite above 30 GPa and 2,000 K with a positive pressure–temperature slope. Present results have important implications for the subsolidus mineral assemblage of subducted sediment and the melting phase relation of basalt in the lower mantle.  相似文献   
Greenland ice cores offer seasonal to annual records of δ18O, a proxy for precipitation-weighted temperature, over the last few centuries to millennia. Here, we investigate the regional footprints of the North Atlantic weather regimes on Greenland isotope and climate variability, using a compilation of 22 different shallow ice-cores and the atmospheric pressure conditions from the twentieth century reanalysis (20CR). As a first step we have verified that the leading modes of winter and annual δ18O are well correlated with oceanic (Atlantic multidecadal oscillation) and atmospheric [North Atlantic oscillation (NAO)] indices respectively, and also marginally with external forcings, thus confirming earlier studies. The link between weather regimes and Greenland precipitation, precipitation-weighted temperature and δ18O is further explored by using an isotope simulation from the LMDZ-iso model, where the 3-dimensional wind fields are nudged to those of 20CR. In winter, the NAO+ and NAO? regimes in LMDZ-iso produce the largest isotopic changes over the entire Greenland region, with maximum anomalies in the South. Likewise, the Scandinavian blocking and the Atlantic ridge also show remarkable imprints on isotopic composition over the region. To assess the robustness and model dependency of our findings, a second isotope simulation from the isotopic model is also explored. The percentage of Greenland δ18O variance explained by the ensemble of weather regimes is increased by a factor near two in both LMDZ-iso and IsoGSM when compared to the contribution of the NAO index only. Similarly, weather regimes provide a net gain in the δ18O variance explained of similar magnitude for the whole set of ice core records. Greenland δ18O also appears to be locally affected by the low-frequency variations in the centres of action of the weather regimes, with clearer imprints in the LMDZ-iso simulation. This study opens the possibility for reconstructing past changes in the frequencies of occurrence of the weather regimes, which would rely on the sensitive regions identified here, and the use of additional proxies over the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   
We have determined the post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 in a wide temperature range from 1640 to 4380 K at 119–171 GPa on the basis of synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements in-situ at high-pressure and -temperature in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell (LHDAC). The results show a considerably high positive Clapeyron slope of + 13.3 ± 1.0 MPa/K and a transition temperature of about 3520 ± 70 K at the core–mantle boundary (CMB) pressure. The thermal structure in D″ layer can be tightly constrained from precisely determined post-perovskite phase transition boundary and the depths of paired seismic discontinuities. These suggest that temperature at the CMB may be around 3700 K, somewhat lower than previously thought. A minimum bound on the global heat flow from the core is estimated to be 6.6 ± 0.5 TW.  相似文献   
The relationship between chemical exposure and disease outbreak in fish has not been fully defined due to the limitations of experimental systems (model fish and pathogens). Therefore, we constructed a system using the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, and viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), and evaluated it by heavy oil (HO) exposure. The fish were exposed to HO at 0.3, 0.03, 0.003, and 0 g/L following VHSV infection at doses of 10(2.5) or 10(3.5) tissue culture infectious dose (TCID)50/fish. As a result, groups given the dual stressors showed more than 90% mortality. Although VHSV infection at 10(2.5) and 10(3.5) TCID50/fish without HO exposure also induced high mortality, at 68.8% and 81.3%, respectively, HO exposure induced faster and higher mortality in the virus carrier fish, indicating that chemical stressors raise the risk of disease outbreak in fish. The experimental system established in this study could be useful for chemical risk assessment.  相似文献   
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