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The electrical conductivity of (Mg0.93Fe0.07)SiO3 ilmenite was measured at temperatures of 500–1,200 K and pressures of 25–35 GPa in a Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus equipped with sintered diamond anvils. In order to verify the reliability of this study, the electrical conductivity of (Mg0.93Fe0.07)SiO3 perovskite was also measured at temperatures of 500–1,400 K and pressures of 30–35 GPa. The pressure calibration was carried out using in situ X-ray diffraction of MgO as pressure marker. The oxidation conditions of the samples were controlled by the Fe disk. The activation energy at zero pressure and activation volume for ilmenite are 0.82(6) eV and −1.5(2) cm3/mol, respectively. Those for perovskite were 0.5(1) eV and −0.4(4) cm3/mol, respectively, which are in agreement with the experimental results reported previously. It is concluded that ilmenite conductivity has a large pressure dependence in the investigated P–T range.  相似文献   
In order to clarify detailed current structures over the continental shelf margin in the East China Sea, ADCP measurements were carried out in summers in 1991 and 1994 by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing diurnal and semidiurnal tidal flows from observed flows, together with CTD measurements. We discussed the process of the Tsushima Current formation in the East China Sea. The Tsushima Current with a volume transport of 2 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1) was found north of 31°N. A current with a volume transport of 0.4 Sv was clearly found along the 100 m isobath. Between the Kuroshio and the current along the 100 m isobath, southeastward component of velocity was dominant compared to northwestward one. Four eastward to southeastward currents were found over the sea bed shallower than 90 m depth. Total volume transport of these four currents was 1 Sv, and they seemed to be originated from the Taiwan Strait. Intrusion of offshore water into the inner shelf northwest of Amami Oshima was estimated to have a volume transport of 0.6 Sv. It is concluded that the Tsushima Current is the confluence of these currents over the continental shelf margin with the offshore water intruding northwest of Amami Oshima.  相似文献   
In the last decade, sediment replenishment forming cohesionless sandy banks below dams has become an increasingly common practice in Japan to compensate for sediment deficits downstream. The erosion process of the placed cohesionless sediment is a combination of lateral toe-erosion and the following mass failure. To explore cohesionless bank failure mechanisms, a series of experiments was done in a soil tank using a compacted sandy soil mass exposed to an increasing water level. Two types of uniform sand(D_(50) = 0.40 mm and 0.17 mm) and two bank heights(50 cm and 25 cm) were used under the condition of a constant bank slope of 75°. The three dimensional(3D) geometry of the bank after failure was measured using a handheld 3D scanner. The motion of bank failure was captured using the particle image velocimetry(PIV) technique, and the matric suction was measured by tensiometers. The compacted sandy soil was eroded by loss of matric suction accompanying the rise in water level which subsequently caused rotational slide and cantilever toppling failure due to destabilization of the bank. The effect of erosion protection resulting from the slumped blocks after these failures is discussed in the light of different failure mechanisms. Tensile strength is analyzed by inverse calculation of cantilever toppling failure events. The tensile strength had non-linear relation with degree of saturation and showed a peak.The findings of the study show that it is important to incorporate the non-linear relation of tensile strength into stability analysis of cantilever toppling failure and prediction of tension crack depth within unsaturated cohesionless banks.  相似文献   
Based on four phases of TM images acquired in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005, this paper took Kitakyushu in Japan as a case study to analyze spatial change of land use landscape and corresponding effects on environmental issues guided by landscape ecology theory in virtue of combining technology of Remote Sensing with GIS. Firstly, land use types were divided into 6 classes (farmland, mountain, forestland, water body, urban land and unused land) according to national classification standard of land use, comprehensible ability of TM image and purpose of this study. Secondly, following the theory of landscape ecology analysis, 11 typical landscape indices were abstracted to evaluate the environmental effects and spatial feature changes of land use. Research results indicated that land use has grown more and more diversified and unbalanced, human activities have disturbed the landscape more seriously. Finally, transfer matrix of Markov was applied to forecast change process of land use in the future different periods, and then potential land use changes were also simulated from 2010 to 2050. Results showed that conversion tendency for all types of land use in Kitakyushu into urban construction land were enhanced. The study was anticipated to help local authorities better understand and address a complex land use system, and develop improved land use management strategies that could better balance urban expansion and ecological conservation.  相似文献   
The fragmentation process in collapsing clouds with various metallicities is studied using three-dimensional nested-grid hydrodynamics. Initial clouds are specified by three parameters: cloud metallicity, initial rotation energy and initial cloud shape. For different combinations of these parameters, we calculate 480 models in total and study cloud evolution, fragmentation conditions, orbital separation and binary frequency. For the cloud to fragment during collapse, the initial angular momentum must be higher than a threshold value, which decreases with decreasing metallicity. Although the exact fragmentation conditions depend also on the initial cloud shape, this dependence is only modest. Our results indicate a higher binary frequency in lower metallicity gas. In particular, with the same median rotation parameter as in the solar neighbourhood, a majority of stars are born as members of binary/multiple systems for  <10−4 Z  . With initial mass  <0.1 M  , if fragments are ejected in embryo from the host clouds by multibody interaction, they evolve to substellar-mass objects. This provides a formation channel for low-mass stars in zero- or low-metallicity environments.  相似文献   
Histological examination of gonads as well as chemical analysis of organotin compounds in tissues of the giant abalone, Haliotis madaka, was conducted to evaluate possible endocrine disruption and to consider the causal factors for the decline of abalone stocks in Japan. Abalone specimens were collected from two different areas, Tsushima as a reference site and Jogashima as a site representative of declining abalone populations, each month from September 1995 to November 1996. Scores were given to the development stages of reproductive cells in the ovary and testis. The degree of sexual maturation was evaluated by calculating the mean value of a histogram of these scores for the reproductive cells of each abalone. The temporal variations in degree of sexual maturation showed that female and male abalone from Tsushima matured synchronously, while those from Jogashima did not. The observed maximum reproductive developmental score in abalone from Jogashima was much lower than that from Tsushima, because immature females were present at the former site throughout the spawing season. Approximately 20% of the abalone from Jogashima were masculinized females with an ovo-testis. The masculinization of female abalone was similar to the imposex, typically induced in other gastropod molluscs by tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPhT) from antifouling paints. Concentrations of TBT and TPhT in the muscles of abalone from Jogashima (n = 83) of 4.9 +/- 4.4 ng/g wet wt and 6.3 +/- 6.6 ng/g wet wt, respectively, were significantly higher than those from Tsushima (n = 125) (P < 0.01) of 0.8 +/- 0.8 ng/g wet wt and 0.6 +/- 1.3 ng/g wet wt, respectively. In situ exposure of abalone from Tsushima caged near a dockyard in Jogashima for 7 months (from the immature to the mature stage) resulted in spermatogenesis in the ovary of approximately 90% of females. Endocrine disruption may be caused in the giant abalone by organotin compounds from antifouling paints, which are possibly one of the causal factors for the decline of Japanese abalone stocks.  相似文献   
The scientific objective of the Lunar-A, Japanese Penetrator Mission, is to explore the lunar interior by seismic and heat-flow experiments. Two penetrators containing two seismometers (horizontal and vertical components) and heat-flow probes will be deployed from a spacecraft onto the lunar surface, one on the near-side and the other on the far-side of the moon. The data obtained by the penetrators will be transmitted to the earth station via the Lunar-A mother spacecraft orbiting at an altitude of about 200 km. The spacecraft of a cylindrical shape, 2.2 m in maximum diameter and 1.7 m in height, is designed to be spin-stabilized. The spacecraft will be inserted into an elliptic lunar orbit, after about a half-year cruise during which complex manoeuvering is made using the lunar-solar gravity assist. After lunar orbit insertion, two penetrators will be separated from the spacecraft near perilune, one by one, and will be landed on the lunar surface. The final impact velocity of the penetrator will be about 285 m/sec; it will encounter a shock of about 8000 G at impact on the lunar surface. According to numerous experimental impact tests using model penetrators and a lunar-regolith analog target, each penetrator is predicted to penetrate to a depth between l and 3 m, depending on the hardness and/or particle-size distribution of the lunar regolith. The penetration depth is important for ensuring the temperature stability of the instruments in the penetrator and heat flow measurements. According to the results of the Apollo heat flow experiment, an insulating regolith blanket of only 30 cm is sufficient to dampen out about 280 K lunar surface temperature fluctuation to < 3 K variation. The seismic observations are expected to provide key data on the size of the lunar core, as well as data on deep lunar mantle structure. The heat flow measurements at two penetrator-landing sites will also provide important data on the thermal structure and bulk concentrations of heat-generating elements in the Moon. These data will provide much stronger geophysical constraints on the origin and evolution of the Moon than has been obtained so far. Currently, the Lunar-A system is being reviewed and a more robust system for communication between the penetrators and spacecraft is being implemented according to the lessons learned from Beagle-2 and DS-2 failures. More impact tests for penetrators onto a lunar regolith analogue target will be undertaken before its launch.  相似文献   
The Okinoshima Formation crops out on Okinoshima Island and comprises a thick sequence (> 200 m) of pyroclastic rocks and alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone. Because Okinoshima Island is located between Honshu and Tsushima Island, the Okinoshima Formation potentially provides an important record of volcanism during the opening of the Japan Sea in northwest Kyushu, as well as a record of the formation of the present Genkai Sea region. In consideration of the lack of previous geochronological work, dating (fission‐track and U–Pb) of igneous zircons extracted from the Okinoshima Formation were undertaken and studied the clay mineral alteration in the pyroclastic material in order to reveal its thermal history. These data are used to constrain the age of the Okinoshima Formation and the present Genkai Sea region. Our results show that no thermal event has reset the fission‐track age after deposition of the pyroclastic rocks, and that the Okinoshima Formation was deposited at 16.2 Ma. The present Genkai Sea region is a deep‐sea basin, and its formation at 16.2 Ma was accompanied by submarine volcanism and rapid subsidence that marked the climactic stage of Japan Sea formation. After 16 Ma, the tectonic setting of the present Genkai Sea region changed from one of extension (related to the formation of the Japan Sea) to one of compression, with uplift occurring under the influence of the clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. Consequently, after 16 Ma the present Genkai Sea region became isolated from the forming processes of the Japan Sea.  相似文献   
Hydrographic data in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) region from 2008 to 2010 show large year-to-year variability in near-surface salinity, including a very large anomalous event in February 2010. During this event, the deep winter mixed layer in the southern KE region had higher salinity than had existed during the previous summer in September 2009. Our analysis shows that advection from the Philippine Sea along the western branch of the North Pacific subtropical gyre, taking approximately 9 months, resulted in this large salinity anomaly in February 2010 and contributes to the interannual salinity variability in the southern KE region.  相似文献   
A numerical technique for detecting the number and shape of subsurface cavities is presented, applying the particle filter and the parametric level set method to elastic wave propagation under the ground. When subsurface cavities exist, the elastic wave propagating in the ground is reflected at the boundary faces of the cavities. Observing the velocity of the reflection wave at the surface of a ground that includes multiple cavities and parameterizing the shape of the cavities by the parametric level function, both the number and the shape of the cavities can be identified by the particle filter. Numerical experimentation for detecting multiple cavities is conducted with synthetic observation data. The results show that the proposed technique enables the number of cavities to be identified by the number of peaks in the posterior probabilistic distribution function and solves geometric inverse problems by estimating the shape of the cavities through the parameter identification of the level set function.  相似文献   
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