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Crustal studies within the Japanese islands have provided important constraints on the physical properties and deformation styles of the island arc crust. The upper crust in the Japanese islands has a significant heterogeneity characterized by large velocity variation (5.5–6.1 km/s) and high seismic attenuation (Qp=100–400 for 5–15 Hz). The lateral velocity change sometimes occurs at major tectonic lines. In many cases of recent refraction/wide-angle reflection profiles, a “middle crust” with a velocity of 6.2–6.5 km/s is found in a depth range of 5–15 km. Most shallow microearthquakes are concentrated in the upper/middle crust. The velocity in the lower crust is estimated to be 6.6–7.0 km/s. The lower crust often involves a highly reflective zone with less seismicity, indicating its ductile rheology. The uppermost mantle is characterized by a low Pn velocity of 7.5–7.9 km/s. Several observations on PmP phase indicate that the Moho is not a sharp boundary with a distinct velocity contrast, but forms a transition zone from the upper mantle to the lower crust. Recent seismic reflection experiments revealed ongoing crustal deformations within the Japanese islands. A clear image of crustal delamination obtained for an arc–arc collision zone in central Hokkaido provides an important key for the evolution process from island arc to more felsic continental crust. In northern Honshu, a major fault system with listric geometry, which was formed by Miocene back arc spreading, was successfully mapped down to 12–15 km.  相似文献   
Abstract An 800 m borehole was drilled near the Nojima Fault, on which a strike–slip larger then 1 m occurred during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake ( M = 7.2). Crustal activity near the fault has been observed since May 1996 using a multicomponent instrument installed at the bottom of the borehole. Data of three components of strain, two components of tilt and temperature observed from May 1996 to December 1998 were analyzed. Long-term changes of strain and tilt show a north-east–south-west extension and southwards subsidence. As for the Earth tides and atmospheric effect, orientation of the principal axis of strain was mainly east-west and orientation of the maximum subsidence was mainly north-south. The observational data of strain had variations corresponding to a change in temperature at a depth of 800 m. The thermal expansion coefficient of the crust was calculated to be approximately 2.0 × 10−6/°K.  相似文献   
The horizontal and vertical distributions of manganese in sea water, interstitial water and sediments in the Hiro Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan, have been investigated. The outflow from a pulp mill is the primary source of manganese in this bay. The industrial waste water contained 0.19 mg l–1 of manganese, mostly in a dissolved form. This manganese diffused out both horizontally and vertically into the surrounding sea water. The content of manganese in the liquid and solid phases in the sediments, however, are inverse with that in the sea water; namely the lowest concentration of manganese in the sediments was observed at the station near the outfall and manganese concentration increased with the distance from the outfall.  相似文献   
Summary. As underground development continues at great depths, the danger of rock bursts will inevitably increase. It is important to consider countermeasures for avoiding rock bursts in underground work. In Japan, rock bursts have actually been experienced during construction of several tunnels, including the Kan-etsu tunnel construction project, during which many rock bursts were observed. Stress analysis of tunnels is performed based on initial stress measurements in the base rock. In addition, AE measurement has been adopted in construction management, allowing safer excavation. Collective analysis of the data obtained has been shown to be effective for safety control during excavation of hard base rock. In this research, initial stress measurements in base rock, secondary stress analysis around a tunnel, and AE measurements are examined. Based on the results of this analysis, it is clear that the generation of rock bursts is related to the presence of geological discontinuities.  相似文献   
We previously reported the characteristics of a ChgH–GFP transgenic medaka line that indicates estrogenic compound pollution in environmental water by the green fluorescence of their liver. Recently, we established four more lines. In this study, the characteristics of the five transgenic medaka lines were investigated. The intensity of reporter gene expression varied among transgenic lines and generally correlated well with the amount of integrated transgene in each line. Line-specific ectopic expression was also observed. However, the sensitivity to 17-β estradiol did not differ among transgenic lines. Three transgenic lines are considered to be suitable as bio-indicators of estrogenic activity, due to the ease of observing green fluorescence in their livers. The transgenic lines can also detect the estrogenic activity of testosterone and 17-β trenbolone at the nominal concentration of 30 and 100 μg/l, respectively.  相似文献   
Abstract— Re and Os abundances and 187Os/186Os isotopic ratios in 12 iron meteorites of various groups and five stony iron meteorites have been determined by an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The series of iron meteorites studied have Re and Os concentrations ranging from 0.004 to 3.3 ppm and 0.03 to 41 ppm, respectively. The 187Re/186Os ratios in these meteorites fall between 3.0 and 6.1 and the 187Os/186Os between 1.0 and 1.2, giving an initial 187Os/186Os isotopic ratio of 0.790 and a Re-Os age of iron meteorites of 4.30 ± 0.28 Ga when employing the decay constant of 1.64 × 10?11 yr?1. The observed Re-Os age for iron meteorites appears somewhat younger than that for chondrites. The resultant younger age might be due either to a very slow cooling of the parental planetesimals or due to a secondary “shock” event. However, for definite conclusions about the Re-Os age, higher precisions of the Re and Os isotopic measurements and of the decay constant of 187Re are required. Furthermore, the clear elucidation of the mechanisms for the fractionation of the Re/Os abundance ratios are related to the understanding of the meaning of the Re-Os age. The Re and Os abundances in pallasite stony iron meteorites are extremely low compared with those for most iron meteorites. On the other hand, the Re and Os abundances in mesosiderite stony iron meteorites show values comparable with those observed in most iron meteorites. The difference in Re and Os abundances in pallasite and mesosiderite stony iron meteorites strongly suggests that these stony iron meteorites are different in origin or history of chemical evolution. Re and Os abundances in the series of iron and stony iron meteorites were found to have a wide variation covering nearly four orders of magnitude, with a very high correlation coefficient (0.996), and a slope very slightly less than unity. The regression line observed here covers various groups of iron meteorites, stony iron meteorites and also chondrites. Masuda and Hirata (1991) suggested the possible direct mixing process of particles of most refractory metallic elements with gaseous clouds of less refractory matrix elements, since the Re and Os were predicted theoretically to be the first elements to condense as a solid phase from the high temperature solar nebula. The aims of this paper are to present a reliable technique for the Re-Os chronology and to study the cosmochemical sequences of the meteoritic metals.  相似文献   
We detect repeating earthquakes associated with the Philippine Sea plate subduction to reveal the plate configuration. In the Kanto district, we find 140 repeating earthquake groups with 428 events by waveform similarity analysis. Most repeating earthquakes in the eastern part of the Kanto district occur with a regular time interval. They have thrust-type focal mechanisms and are distributed near the upper surface of the Philippine Sea plate. These observations indicate that the repeating earthquakes there occur as a repetition of ruptures on the isolated patches distributed on the plate boundary owing to the concentration of stress caused by aseismic slips in the surrounding areas. This shows that the distributions of repeating earthquakes suggest the aseismic slips in the surrounding areas of small patches. We determine spatial distributions of repeating earthquakes in the eastern part of the Kanto district and find that they correspond to the upper boundary of the Philippine Sea plate, that is, the upper boundary of the oceanic crust layer of the Philippine Sea plate. The plate geometry around Choshi is newly constrained by repeating earthquake data and a rather flat geometry in the eastern part of the Kanto district is revealed. The obtained geometry suggests uplift of the Philippine Sea plate due to the collision with the Pacific plate beneath Choshi.Repeating earthquakes in the western part of the Kanto district have extremely shorter recurrence times, and their focal mechanisms are not of the thrust types. These repeating earthquakes are classified as “burst type” activity and likely to occur on the preexistent fault planes which are distributed around the “collision zone” between the Philippine Sea plate and the inland plate. The variation among the repeating earthquake activities in the Kanto district indicates that regular repetition of repeating earthquakes is possible only on the plate boundary with a smooth and simple geometry.  相似文献   
Banded Iron Formations(BIFs) are chemical sediments, ubiquitously distributed in the Precambrian supracrustal belts; thus their trace element compositions are helpful for deciphering geochemical evolution on the Earth through time. However, it is necessary to elucidate factors controlling the whole-rock compositions in order to decode the ancient seawater compositions because their compositions are highly variable. We analyzed major and trace element contents of the BIFs in the 3.8-3.7 Ga Isua supracrustal belt(ISB), southern West Greenland. The BIFs are petrographically classified into four types:Black-,Gray-, Green-and White-types, respectively. The Green-type BIFs contain more amphiboles, and are significantly enriched in Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, heavy rare earth element(HREE) and U contents. However,their bulk compositions are not suitable for estimate of seawater composition because the enrichment was caused by secondary mobility of metamorphic Mg, Ca and Si-rich fluid, involvement of carbonate minerals and silicate minerals of olivine and pyroxene and/or later silicification or contamination of volcanic and clastic materials. The White-type BIFs are predominant in quartz, and have lower transition element and REE contents. The Gray-type BIFs contain both quartz and magnetite. The Black-type BIFs are dominated by magnetite, and contain moderate to high transition element and REE contents. But,positive correlations of V, Ni, Zn and U contents with Zr contents suggest that involvement of detrital,volcanic and exhalative materials influences on their contents. The evidence for significant influence of the materials on the transition element contents such as Ni in the BIFs indicates the transition element contents in the Archean ocean were much lower than previously estimated. We reconstructed secular variations of V,Co, Zn and U contents of BIFs through time, which show Ni and Co contents decreased whereas V, Zn and U contents increased through time. Especially, the Ni and Co contents drastically decreased in the Mesoarchean rather than around the Great Oxidation Event. On the other hand, the V,Zn and U contents progressively increased from the Mesoarchean to the Proterozoic. Stratigraphical trends of the BIFs show increase in Y/Ho ratios and decrease in positive Eu anomaly upwards, respectively. The stratigraphic changes indicate that a ratio of hydrothermal fluid to seawater component gradually decrease through the deposition, and support the Eoarchean plate tectonics, analogous to the their stratigraphic variations of seafloor metalliferous sediments at present and in the Mesoarchean.  相似文献   
Abstract— We obtained color images of near‐Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa by the Hayabusa multiband imaging camera to characterize the regional color properties. Images were obtained for the whole disk from the gate position (GP) and home position (HP) at a spatial resolution of 0.8–3.7 m/pixel. Whole‐disk spectra are adjusted to the telescopic data obtained by the University of Hawai'i's 88‐inch telescope using the Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS) system. The disk‐resolved measurements show large variations in the three visible channels. We present a map of an index related to the degree of space weathering, which has been newly developed based on laboratory measurements. We find large variations in the degree of space weathering on Itokawa. Fresh materials are observed in regions of steep slopes and craters, whereas mature materials are ubiquitously distributed. This result suggests that pristine ordinary chondrite‐like materials have been exposed through weathered layers by excavation. By also examining close‐up images obtained during touchdown rehearsal, we find that most rocks in Itokawa's rough terrains are weathered. Instead of a regolith blanket, the surface of this small asteroid is covered with weathered rocks and gravels.  相似文献   
Methane (\(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\)) is known to be emitted from lakes to the atmosphere via processes such as diffusion and ebullition (i.e., bubble emission). We developed a practical method for partitioning eddy-covariance \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) fluxes from a shallow lake into diffusive and ebullitive fluxes using a wavelet analysis based on local scalar similarity between the \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) concentration and other reference scalars, such as the air temperature or water vapour concentration, in the wavelet time-scale domain, with the hypothesis that similar and dissimilar fluctuation components are related to diffusive and ebullitive \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) fluxes, respectively. Our method is applied to approximately two weeks of data obtained at a shallow mid-latitude lake. The partitioned diffusive flux has a physically sound relationship with wind speed, supporting the validity of the method. The ratio of the diffusive flux to the total flux is typically 0.11 with flow from an area of steady bubble emission, but otherwise 0.36. Further validation is required using a larger dataset and data from other lakes. The proposed method can be easily applied to historical data because it requires only 10-Hz data of \(\mathrm {CH}_{4}\) concentration and other reference scalars, along with an empirical parameter.  相似文献   
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