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Seismic microzonation is one of the most important measures to mitigate earthquake hazards in urban areas. Because the ground motion varies significantly with the subsurface geology, it is needed for microzonation to account as much as possible for the local soil conditions. Noteworthy is that nonlinear deformation properties of soil play essential roles in amplification of strong ground motion. It is desired furthermore to focus on the expected damage extent in addition to the calculated maximum acceleration and/or velocity. The present study first developed a computer code for one-dimensional response analysis of ground that reasonably takes into account nonlinear dynamic soil properties. Second, correlations between the calculated ground motion and damage extent were obtained by examining seismic damages during the past earthquakes. By combining these two issues, seismic microzonation was carried out, and detailed damage distribution was assessed. The product of this study covers not only the damage caused by ground shaking but also liquefaction problem and lifeline damage.  相似文献   
Forest canopies present irregular surfaces that alter both the quantity and spatiotemporal variability of precipitation inputs. The drop size distribution (DSD) of rainfall varies with rainfall event characteristics and is altered substantially by the forest stand properties. Yet, the influence of two major European tree species, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst), on throughfall DSD is largely unknown. In order to assess the impact of these two species with differing canopy structures on throughfall DSD, two optical disdrometers, one above and one below the canopy of each European beech and Norway spruce, measured DSD of both incident rainfall and throughfall over 2 months at a 10‐s resolution. Fractions of different throughfall categories were analysed for single‐precipitation events of different intensities. While penetrating the canopies, clear shifts in drop size and temporal distributions of incoming rainfall were observed. Beech and spruce, however, had different DSD, behaved differently in their effect on diameter volume percentiles as well as width of drop spectrum. The maximum drop sizes under beech were higher than under spruce. The mean ± standard deviation of the median volume drops size (D50) over all rain events was 2.7 ± 0.28 mm for beech and 0.80 ± 0.04 mm for spruce, respectively. In general, there was a high‐DSD variability within events indicating varying amounts of the different throughfall fractions. These findings help to better understand the effects of different tree species on rainfall partitioning processes and small‐scale variations in subcanopy rainfall inputs, thereby demonstrating the need for further research in high‐resolution spatial and temporal properties of rainfall and throughfall.  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic micro-distributions within and among minerals in a coarse-grained Ca, Al-rich inclusion (CAI), 7R-19-1 from the Allende meteorite, were measured by in situ using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). All values of O isotopic ratios in 7R-19-1 minerals fall along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral mixing (CCAM) line on a δ17OSMOW vs. δ18OSMOW plot. Major refractory minerals (spinel, fassaite and melilite) in 7R-19-1 showed large negative anomalies of Δ17O in the order, spinel (−21‰) > 16O-rich melilite (∼−18‰) > fassaite (−15 to +1‰) > 16O-poor melilite (−8 to +2‰). However, the lower limit values of Δ17O are similar at about −21‰, a value commonly observed in CAIs. The similarity in the extreme values of the isotope anomaly anomalies suggests that crystallization of all CAIs started from an 16O enrichment of 21‰ (Δ17O) relative to terrestrial values. The order of the O isotopic anomalies observed for 7R-19-1, except for 16O-poor melilite, is parallel to the crystallization sequence determined by experiment from CAI liquid (Stolper, 1982), indicating that the O isotopic exchange in 7R-19-1 occurred between CAI melt and surrounding gas while 7R-19-1 was crystallizing from the 16O enriched CAI liquid (∼−21‰ in Δ17O) in the 16O-poor solar nebula. However, the a single crystallization sequence during the cooling stage cannot explain the existence of 16O-poor melilite. The presence of 16O-poor melilite suggests that multiple heating events occurred during CAI formation. The sharp contact between 16O-rich and 16O-poor melilite crystals and within 16O-rich melilite indicates that these multiple heatings occurred quickly. Based on the O isotopic and chemical compositions, fassaite crystals were aggregates of relic crystals formed from CAI melt whichthat have had various O isotopic compositions from the remelting processes. The results of intra-mineral distributions of O isotopes also support multiple heating events during CAI formation.  相似文献   
We reviewed joint inversion studies of the rupture processes of significant earthquakes, using the definition of a joint inversion in earthquake source imaging as a source inversion of multiple kinds of datasets (waveform, geodetic, or tsunami). Yoshida and Koketsu (Geophys J Int 103:355–362, 1990), and Wald and Heaton (Bull Seismol Soc Am 84:668–691, 1994) independently initiated joint inversion methods, finding that joint inversion provides more reliable rupture process models than single-dataset inversion, leading to an increase of joint inversion studies. A list of these studies was made using the finite-source rupture model database (Mai and Thingbaijam in Seismol Res Lett 85:1348–1357, 2014). Outstanding issues regarding joint inversion were also discussed.  相似文献   
Existing thermal models of the oceanic lithosphere predict too sharp an increase of heat flow towards the ridge axis. A new mathematical model of a thickening lithosphere is presented. The temperature distribution is computed by the use of observed surface heat flow as a boundary condition. If observed heat flow values represent flow of heat from the mantle, the model predicts a rather rapid growth of the lithosphere within the first 30 m.y. and a nearly steady state after 100 m.y. Heat flow from the asthenosphere to the lithosphere shows a minimum near the ridge axis, suggesting a down-going convective flow in the asthenosphere at both sides of a spreading center.  相似文献   
Various kinds of geophysical surveys have been carried out in the Mizuho Plateau, East Antarctica by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JARE). The correlation between the high-level gravity anomaly and the bedrock elevation is examined along a route where both data are sufficient to permit deriving a crustal model from gravity, radio-echo sounding and explosion seismic data. The bedrock elevation usually correlates well with the high-level gravity anomaly. However, along the traverse route S-H-Z from the Syowa to Mizuho stations, the bedrock elevation has a weak negative correlation with the high-level gravity anomaly. Such a weak negative correlation is attributed to the deeper part of the crust.The crustal structure between the Syowa and Mizuho stations is modeled from the gravimetric data and the radio-echo sounding of bedrock elevations, so as to fit the P-wave velocity structure derived from the data of explosion seismic experiments. Then the structure is extended from Syowa Station seaward across Lützow-Holm Bay and from Mizuho Station southeastwards inland, where only gravimetric data are available. Thus, a crustal section about 600 km long is obtained on a margin of East Antarctica. The depth of the Moho increases by about 7 km from Syowa Station to the point Y200 (71° 46′S, 48° 56′E), about 500 km from the coast. A graben-like structure is obtained along the line across Lützow-Holm Bay. This suggests that both sides of the bay are bounded by faults.  相似文献   
Interhemispheric anti-phasing of rainfall during the last glacial period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have obtained a high-resolution oxygen isotopic record of cave calcite from Caverna Botuverá (27°13′S, 49°09′W), southern Brazil, which covers most of the last 36 thousand years (ka), with an average resolution of a few to several decades. The chronology was determined with 46 U/Th ages from two stalagmites. Tests for equilibrium conditions show that oxygen isotopic variations are primarily caused by climate change. We interpret our record in terms of meteoric precipitation changes, hence the variability of South American Monsoon (SAM) intensity. The oxygen isotopic profile broadly follows local insolation changes and shows clear millennial-scale variations during the last glacial period with amplitudes as large as 3‰ but with smaller centennial-scale shifts (<1‰) during the Holocene. The overall record is strikingly similar to, but strongly anti-correlated with, a number of records from the Northern Hemisphere.We compared our record to other precisely dated contemporaneous records from Hulu Cave eastern China. Minima in δ18O (wet periods, intense SAM) at our site are synchronous with maxima in δ18O (dry periods, weak East Asian Monsoon, EAM) in eastern China (within precise dating errors) and vice versa. This anti-phased precipitation relationship between two low-latitude locations may be interhemispheric in extent, based on comparison with records from other sites. Precipitation anti-phasing may be related to north–south shifts in the mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and asymmetry in Hadley circulation in two hemispheres, associated not with seasonal changes as observed today, but with millennial-scale climate shifts. The millennial-scale atmospheric see-saw patterns that we observe could have important controls and feedbacks on climate within hemispheres because of water vapor's greenhouse properties.  相似文献   
Underground developments such as subways and shopping facilities have been increasing in number and magnitude in the relatively shallow subsurface of many urban areas where the earth materials commonly are composed of marine sediments. Marine sediments can contain significant amounts of toxic trace elements such as arsenic, boron, and lead. Changes in the subsurface environment caused by excavation and construction in underground developments could potentially cause these toxic elements to be dissolved into pore water of the sediments, which might lead to groundwater pollution. The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations among chemical properties of marine sediments, such as pH and electrical conductivity (EC), concentrations of toxic trace elements, and stratigraphic characteristics of the sediments. We selected three sites with different stratigraphic settings in the southern Kanto Plain around the Tokyo Metropolis. We collected core samples from shallow strata at a site in the Arakawa Lowland, southern Saitama, and at two sites in the Musashino Upland, Middle Tokyo. All sites have both marine and non-marine sediments up to 50–60 m in thickness. We determined trace element concentrations in the pore water, pH, EC, and loss on ignition. The results show that (1) the marine sediments tend to have low pH, high EC, and high sulfur concentration compared to the non-marine sediments (2) the concentration of most of the soluble heavy metals vary depending on the concentration of sulfate, the pH, and the formation processes of the strata, (3) the arsenic concentration is not related to sulfur concentration but apparently to Fe and Al concentrations, (4) the boron concentration is not related to any other properties implying that the boron level is independent of and cannot be predicted by common chemical properties, and (5) for all three sites, concentrations of most of the trace elements, EC, pH, and sulfate concentration were correlated with each other. This study shows that the concentration and potential mobilization of many toxic trace elements in marine sediments could be predicted by easily measurable pore water chemical properties such as pH and EC. This could be useful for predicting and avoiding the risk of groundwater pollution during underground development projects.  相似文献   
A terrestrial ecosystem model (Sim-CYCLE) was driven by multiple climate projections to investigate uncertainties in predicting the interactions between global environmental change and the terrestrial carbon cycle. Sim-CYCLE has a spatial resolution of 0.5°, and mechanistically evaluates photosynthetic and respiratory CO2 exchange. Six scenarios for atmospheric-CO2 concentrations in the twenty-first century, proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, were considered. For each scenario, climate projections by a coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) were used to assess the uncertainty due to socio-economic predictions. Under a single CO2 scenario, climate projections with seven AOGCMs were used to investigate the uncertainty stemming from uncertainty in the climate simulations. Increases in global photosynthesis and carbon storage differed considerably among scenarios, ranging from 23 to 37% and from 24 to 81 Pg C, respectively. Among the AOGCM projections, increases ranged from 26 to 33% and from 48 to 289 Pg C, respectively. There were regional heterogeneities in both climatic change and carbon budget response, and different carbon-cycle components often responded differently to a given environmental change. Photosynthetic CO2 fixation was more sensitive to atmospheric CO2, whereas soil carbon storage was more sensitive to temperature. Consequently, uncertainties in the CO2 scenarios and climatic projections may create additional uncertainties in projecting atmospheric-CO2 concentrations and climates through the interactive feedbacks between the atmosphere and the terrestrial ecosystem.  相似文献   
The Tochiyama landslide is one of several complex, deep-seated and large-scale landslides occurring in the Hokuriku Province in central Japan. The landslide is about 2 km long and about 500–1100 m wide; it occupies an area of approximately 150 ha and has a maximum depth of 60 m. The slide developed on a dip-slope structure, and is divisible into three layers in ascending order: older landslide debris and avalanche deposits, younger debris-avalanche deposits, and talus. The landslide complex is still active. A triangulation point on the upper part of the landslide shifted downhill by 3.3 m from 1907 to 1983, indicating an average rate of 4.3 cm/y. In 1991, the average rate of movement on the sliding surface was also 4.3 cm/y as measured by an automatic system with inclinometers installed in borehole No. 1–2. The rate measured for borehole No. 1–3, located 380 m upslope from No. 1–2, was over twice that of No. 1–2 for the same period; it has since accelerated to about 19 cm/y. Thus current movements on the basal sliding surface are inhomogeneous; the head of the slide complex is increasing the horizontal granular pressures on the lower part of the slide block.

On the basis of dating of two tephra layers and14C dating of carbonized wood intercalated within the landslide body, two stages of slide movement have been distinguished. The earlier occurred between about 46,000 to 25,000 years ago, and the latter occurred since 1361 A.D. The following sequence of events is inferred. During the middle Pleistocene, intense tectonic movements occurred in the Hokuriku Province, and as a consequence dip-slopes were developed in the Tochiyama landslide area. Low-angle fault planes (possibly representing slump features) and fracture zones then developed within flysch deposits underlying the landslide area, causing a reduction in shear strength. The erosion base level was lowered during the Würm glacial age, and due to severe erosion and incision of stream valleys, the surface slope angle rapidly increased, and toe resistance decreased. This combination of causes led to the development of a deep-seated primary landslide. As a result of an accumulation of younger deposits, regional uplift and further local erosion, stability of parts of the region decreased and led to landslide activity of a second stage. Reactivated and locally accelerating creep movements occur today and may forewarn of a stage of reactivated, hazardous rapid sliding, such as occurred with the adjacent and analogous Maseguchi landslide in 1947.  相似文献   

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