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We present the results of a 22.5 ks pointed ROSAT PSPC observation of the 3.4-h period eclipsing polar MN Hya (RX J0929.1−2404). The X-ray light curve exhibits a 'double-humped' shape, with a secondary minimum occuring at φ∼ 0.45, a morphology consistent with two-pole accretion. Strong aperiodic flaring activity, with flux enhancements of ∼ 6 × the quiescent level, is also observed. A pre-eclipse 'dip' occurs in the phase interval φ= 0.87–0.95 with the X-rays becoming harder, indicative of photoelectric absorption by the pre-shock flow. There is also evidence of a secondary spectrally hard 'dip' near φ = 0.45–0.55, which might be associated with a second accretion stream flowing to the other magnetic pole.   The X-ray spectrum is best represented by a combination of a ∼50 eV blackbody and a thermal bremsstrahlung component of kT 1.6 keV, with a total absorption column of N H  = 2.9 × 1020 cm−2.   The primary maximum (φ∼ 0.65) has a slightly larger column and normalization compared to the secondary maximum. Although there are few photons, the dip spectrum is very flat in comparison to other phases, and is best represented by a single bremsstrahlung component. This is indicative of the spectral hardening seen in the light curves attributed to photoabsorption. The ratio of unabsorbed bremsstrahlung and blackbody luminosities is ∼ 0.1 for the best-fitting average spectral models. This implies a magnetic field strength  30 MG on the basis of the empirical L hard/ L soft −  B relationships, although consideration of the cyclotron flux and aspect effects could allow for an even higher field (55 MG).  相似文献   
A series of shake-table tests was conducted by inserting and replacing 4 different types of dampers,or by removing them in a full-scale 5-story steel frame building. The objective is to validate response-control technologies that are increasingly adopted for major Japanese buildings without being attested to-date by a major earthquake. Test results are briefly described,and good performance of the dampers and frame demonstrated. The concepts of the full-scale building tests and various contributions are discussed. The difficulty associated with full-scale dynamic testing is explained.  相似文献   
A polychaete, Capitella sp. I has been shown to degrade organics actively in organically enriched sediment below fish farms. Our aim of the present study is to enhance the biological treatment of sediment by co-inoculation of Capitella sp. I with bacterial isolates that possess high degrading potential for organic matter. We isolated a total of 200 bacterial strains from fecal pellets, burrow lining, worm body, and sediment, and selected six of them for the degradation experiments in the sediment microcosms. With two out of the six isolates, tentatively identified as Vibrio sp. and Vibrio cyclitrophicus by 16SrDNA sequence, we found the TOC reduction rate was stimulated in sediment co-inoculated with the worms and each of the bacteria. In contrast, this was not observed in sediments inoculated only with the worms or the bacterium. These results strongly suggest that co-inoculation of Capitella sp. I with bacteria improves biodegradation.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is key to understanding the Paleozoic–Mesozoic geodynamics of Eurasian continent. The geological structure of...  相似文献   
The Central African Belt in the Nkambe area, northwestern Cameroon represents a collisional zone between the Saharan metacraton and the Congo craton during the Pan-African orogeny, and exposes a variety of granitoids including foliated and massive biotite monzogranites in syn- and post-kinematic settings. Foliated and massive biotite monzogranites have almost identical high-K calc-alkaline compositions, with 73–67 wt.% SiO2, 17–13 wt.% Al2O3, 2.1–0.9 wt.% CaO, 4.4–2.7 wt.% Na2O and 6.3–4.4 wt.% K2O. High concentrations of Rb (264–96 ppm), Sr (976–117 ppm), Ba (3680–490 ppm) and Zr (494–99 ppm), with low concentrations of Y (mostly< 20 ppm with a range 54–6) and Nb (up to 24 ppm) suggest that the monzogranites intruded in collisional and post-collisional settings. The Sr/Y ratio ranges from 25 to 89. K, Rb and Ba resided in a single major phase such as K-feldspar in the source. Garnet was present in the source and remained as restite at the site of magma generation. This high K2O and Sr/Y granitic magma was generated by partial melting of a granitic protolith under high-pressure and H2O undersaturated conditions where garnet coexists with K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase. CHIME (chemical Th–U-total Pb isochron method) dating of zircon yields ages of 569 ± 12–558 ± 24 Ma for the foliated biotite monzogranite and 533 ± 12–524 ± 28 Ma for the massive biotite monzogranite indicating that the collision forming the Central African Belt continued in to Ediacaran (ca 560 Ma).  相似文献   
Only Ulleung and Baegdusan volcanoes have produced alkaline tephras in the Japan Sea/East Sea during the Quaternary. Little is known about their detailed tephrostratigraphy, except for the U–Oki and B–Tm tephras. Trace element analysis of bulk sediments can be used to identify alkaline cryptotephra because of the large compositional contrast. Five sediment cores spanning the interval between the rhyolitic AT (29.4 ka) and Aso-4 (87 ka) tephras were analyzed using an INAA scanning method. Source volcanoes for the five detected alkaline cryptotephra were identified from major element analyses of hand-picked glass shards: Ulleung (U–Ym, and the newly identified U–Sado), and Baegdusan (B–J, and the newly identified B–Sado and B-Ym). The eruption ages of the U–Ym, U–Sado, B–J, B–Sado, and B–Ym tephras are estimated to be 38 ka, 61 ka, 26 ka, 51 ka, 68–69 ka, and 86 ka, respectively, based on correlations with regional-scale TL (thinly laminated) layer stratigraphy (produced by basin-wide changes in bottom-water oxygen levels in response to millennium-scale paleoclimate variations). This study has allowed construction of an alkaline tephrostratigraphical framework for the late Quaternary linked to global environmental changes in the Japan Sea/East Sea, and improves our knowledge of the eruptive histories of Ulleung and Baegdusan volcanoes.  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of CHIME (chemical Th–U–Pb isochron method) dating of detrital monazites from Carboniferous sandstones in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB). A total of 4739 spots on 863 monazite grains were analyzed from samples of sandstone derived from six stratigraphic units in the sedimentary sequence. Age distributions were identified in detrital monazites from the USCB sequence and correlated with specific dated domains in potential source areas. Most monazites in all samples yielded ca. 300–320 Ma (Variscan) ages; however, eo-Variscan, Caledonian and Cadomian ages were also obtained. The predominant ages are comparable to reported ages of certain tectonostratigraphic domains in the polyorogenic Bohemian Massif (BM), which suggests that various crystalline lithologies in the BM were the dominant sources of USCB sediments.  相似文献   
This study aimed to clarify the vertical differences in bacterial growth and grazing pressure on bacteria by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and to identify the controlling factors of bacterial growth in temperate coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. In addition to environmental factors, the annual monthly variations in bacterial growth rate (BGR) and the relative abundance of bacteria to HNF (BA/HNFA) were investigated in the euphotic and disphotic layers between May 2012 and May 2013. Significant vertical differences in BGR and BA/HNFA were evident between the two layers during the thermal stratification times of May to October 2012 and April to May 2013. BGR indicated significantly stronger limitation of bacterial growth in the euphotic layer compared to the disphotic layer. In contrast, significantly lower BA/HNFA was observed in the euphotic layer, suggesting significantly higher grazing pressure on bacteria by HNF. However, significant differences in BGR and BA/HNFA were not observed between the two layers from November 2012 to Match 2013, when the water column was well-mixed vertically due to the cooling and wind-induced mixing of surface water. This study indicates that bacteria in the euphotic layer grow less actively and are more vulnerable to predatory grazing by HNF relative to the disphotic layer during the stratification period. Further, multiple regression analyses indicate that bacterial growth was most controlled by the concentrations of chlorophyll a and dissolved organic carbon in the euphotic and disphotic layers, respectively.  相似文献   
Dissolved and labile particulate Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Mo and W were determined at stations K1 (51°N, 165°E), K2 (47°N, 160°E), KNOT (44°N, 155°E) and 35N (35°N, 160°E) in the western North Pacific Ocean. A portion of seawater for dissolved species (D) was passed through a 0.2 μm Nuclepore filter and acidified to pH 2.2 with HCl and HF. A portion of seawater for acid-dissolvable species (AD) was acidified without filtration. Labile particulate (LP) species is defined as AD minus D, which represents a chemically labile fraction of particulate species. D-Zr, Hf and Ta increase with depth, Nb shows a slight depletion in surface water, whereas Mo and W have a conservative vertical profile. The concentration range of D-Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and W is 31–275, 0.14–0.95, 4.0–7.2, 0.08–0.29 and 40–51 pmol kg−1, respectively, whereas that of Mo is 97–105 nmol kg−1. LP-species of Zr, Hf and Ta account for 10–14% of AD in average and increase up to 25% below 4000 m, whereas those for Mo and W are negligible. In contrast, LP-Nb shows maxima (up to 27%) in surface water. We also found that D-Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Mo/W mole ratios generally increase in the order continental crust < river water < coastal sea < open ocean.  相似文献   
The chemical Th–U total Pb isochron method (CHIME) of dating was carried out on accessory minerals in samples from the Okcheon metamorphic belt in Korea. Dated minerals include xenotime and monazite with overgrown mantles in a granitic gneiss clast from the Hwanggangri Formation, metamorphic allanite in garnet-bearing muscovite–chlorite schist of the Munjuri Formation, and polycrase and monazite in post-tectonic granite from the Hwanggangri area. Overgrowth of mantles took place at 369 ± 10 Ma on c. 1750 Ma cores of xenotime and monazite in the granitic gneiss. Allanite, occurring in textural equilibrium with peak metamorphic minerals, yields a CHIME age of 246 ± 15 Ma that is discriminably older than the polycrase (170 ± 6 Ma) and monazite (170 ± 3 Ma) ages of the post-tectonic granite. These chronological data suggest that some of the metasedimentary rocks in the belt formed through a single stage of metamorphism at c. 250 Ma from post-370 Ma sediments. Late Permian age signatures have also been reported from the Precambrian Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs that border the Okcheon metamorphic belt, and indicate that parts of the basement massifs and the metamorphic belt were affected by the same regional metamorphic event.  相似文献   
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