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Deformation and failure of soils are governed by the stresses acting on the soil skeleton. The isotropic stress acting on the soil skeleton can be divided into two components. One is the stress component which is transmitted through the soil skeleton. This skeleton stress is influenced by the pore water (bulk water) in the soil. The other is the internal stress component which does not contribute to equilibrium with a given external force. The internal stress is induced by the capillary tension of meniscus water clinging to the contact point of soil particles and acts so as to connect the soil particles tightly. Therefore, in modeling the stress and strain relations for unsaturated soils, it is of much importance to quantitatively evaluate how the pore water exists in the soil. This paper discusses the role of pore water on the mechanical behaviour of the soil. In particular, the significance of the water retention curve is emphasized from a mechanical viewpoint. Essential features required in modeling of the constitutive relations for unsaturated soils are discussed and presented.  相似文献   
In both 2009 and 2010, massive Chattonella blooms occurred in Tachibana Bay. Observation results show that high cell densities of Chattonella were distributed in the central area of Tachibana Bay with low salinity water. Model results indicate that the low salinity water originated from the Ariake Sea and intruded into Tachibana Bay during the northerly or weak winds. It is suggested that low salinity water was mainly discharged from the northern area of the Ariake Sea. Northerly wind enhanced the horizontal advection of the low salinity water intruding into Tachibana Bay originating from the northern area of the Ariake Sea.  相似文献   
Abstract. Bottom-simulating reflectors suggestive of the presence of methane hydrates are widely distributed below the ocean floor around Japan. In late 1999, drilling of the MITI Nankai Trough wells was conducted to explore this potential methane hydrate resource and a Tertiary conventional structure. The wells are located in the Northwest Pacific Ocean off Central Japan at a water depth of 945 m. A total of six wells were drilled, including the main well, two pilot wells, and three post survey wells at intervals of 10–100 m. All wells except the first confirmed the occurrence of hydrates based on logging-while-drilling, wire-line logging and/or coring using a pressure and temperature coring system in addition to conventional methods. Based on the various well profiles, four methane hydrate-bearing sand-rich intervals in turbidite fan deposits were recognized. Methane hydrates fill the pore spaces in these deposits, reaching saturation of up to 80 % in some layers. The methane hydrate-bearing turbiditic sand layers are less than 1 m thick, with a total thickness of 12–14 m. The bottom depth of high hydrate concentration correlates well with the depth of the bottom-simulating reflector. Based on these exploration results, the Japanese government inaugurated a 16-year methane hydrate exploitation program in 2001.  相似文献   
The helicity, electromotive force and α-effect produced in a homogeneous, rapidly rotating, electrically conducting fluid by an isolated source of buoyancy at small Elsasser number are calculated, visualized and analyzed. Due to physical symmetries of the system, the integrals of helicity and electromotive force over all space are zero. However, each has a significant non-zero value when integrated over the cross section of the Taylor column. The local α-effect is found to be significantly anisotropic; it is strongest when the applied magnetic field is toroidal and the resulting EMF is parallel to the applied field.  相似文献   
A sustained dynamic inflow perturbation and bar–floodplain conversion are considered crucial to dynamic meandering. Past experiments, one-dimensional modelling and linear theory have demonstrated that the initiation and persistence of dynamic meandering require a periodic transverse motion of the inflow. However, it remains unknown whether the period of the inflow perturbation affects self-formed meander dynamics. Here, we numerically study the effect of the inflow perturbation period on the development and meander dynamics of a chute-cutoff-dominated river, which requires two-dimensional modelling with vegetation forming floodplain on bars. We extended the morphodynamic model Nays2D with growth and mortality rules of vegetation to allow for meandering. We tested the effect of a transversely migrating inflow boundary by varying the perturbation period between runs over an order of magnitude around typical modelled meander periods. Following the cutoff cascade after initial meander formation from a straight channel, all runs with sufficient vegetation show series of growing meanders terminated by chute cutoffs. This generates an intricate channel belt topography with point bar complexes truncated by chutes, oxbow lakes, and scroll-bar-related vegetation age patterns. The sinuosity, braiding index and meander period, which emerge from the inherent biomorphological feedback loops, are unrelated to the inflow perturbation period, although the spin-up to dynamic equilibrium takes a longer time and distance for weak and absent inflow perturbations. This explains why, in previous experimental studies, dynamic meandering was only accomplished with a sustained upstream perturbation in flumes that were short relative to the meander wavelength. Our modelling of self-formed meander patterns is evidence that scroll-bar-dominated and chute-cutoff-dominated meanders develop from downstream convecting instabilities. This insight extends to many more fluvial, estuarine and coastal systems in morphological models and experiments, which require sustained dynamic perturbations to form complex patterns and develop natural dynamics. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Numerical weather models offer the possibility to compute corrections for a variety of space geodetic applications, including remote sensing techniques like interferometric SAR. Due to the computational complexity, exact ray-tracing is avoided in many cases and mapping approaches are applied to transform vertically integrated delay corrections into slant direction. Such an approach works well as long as lateral atmospheric gradients are small enough to be neglected. But since such an approximation holds only for very rare cases it is investigated how horizontal gradients of different atmospheric constituents can evoke errors caused by the mapping strategy. Moreover, it is discussed how sudden changes of wet refractivity can easily lead to millimeter order biases when simplified methods are applied instead of ray-tracing. By an example, based on real InSAR data, the differences of the various troposphere correction schemes are evaluated and it is shown how the interpretation of the geophysical signals can be affected. In addition, it is studied to which extend troposphere noise can be reduced by applying the exact ray-tracing solution.  相似文献   
Up to 3 km of dunitic rocks occur below crustal gabbro in the Blow Me Down massif (Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Newfoundland). Analyses of dunite- and gabbro-hosted clinopyroxene grains (cpx) for rare earth elements (REE), Zr, and Ti reveal three types of chondrite-normalized patterns: N-group patterns are similar to cpx grains as they would form by fractionation from a range of mid ocean ridge basalts (MORB). They are typical for a few higher level dunitic samples as well as mafic cumulates. F-group patterns show light REE depletion, very strong middle REE fractionation and a positive Zr anomaly and occur in dunites only. R-group patterns are severely depleted in both light and heavy REEs relative to MORB-like cpx and two samples of the group display a positive Ti anomaly. They are also restricted to dunitic rocks. The patterns are explained in a two stage model in which an established dunite sequence, dominated by MORB-type cumulate signatures (N-group), was infiltrated by extremely refractory melts. During infiltration of the refractory melt chromatographic fractionation occurred, transforming N-group dunites into F-group and R-group dunites. The F-group patterns are composite patterns: heavy REE, Ti ± Zr reflect the original MORB-like cumulate dunite host, light REEs indicate equilibrium with the infiltrating, refractory melts. Steep slopes in the middle REEs reflect the position of the chromatographic front. For more intense percolation of refractory melts, R-group patterns with a positive Ti anomaly will form by the same process. The rest of the R-group patterns displaying no positive Ti anomaly may represent either the most intensely reacted host rocks or these dunites derive directly as cumulates from refractory melts. Only small volumes of refractory melt (a 5 m column) are required to imprint the observed trace element pattern on the thick original dunite sequence. One of several possible origins for the refractory melts is transformation of original MORB-type melts by way of chromatographic fractionation within the highly depleted, residual uppermost mantle. In the framework of an oceanic spreading centre, the migrating, refractory liquids are considered a late event following the main constructive stage dominated by aggregated melts. The study demonstrates that highly refractory melts can exist under oceanic spreading centres dominated by a MORB-like cumulate and volcanic sequence. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   
Ion probe investigations on mineral phases forming the Al-Di pyroxenites from the Zabargad peridotite body indicate that porphyroclastic pyroxenes in composite mafic layers record an unusual HREE, Zr, Sc enrichment not registered by pyroxenes in spinel websterites. Orthopyroxene in the opx+sp clusters forming the inner, cpx-free zone of layered pyroxenites shows strongly fractionated REE patterns (HREEN/LREEN>1000; Yb>100xch) and very high Zr, Sc and Y abundances (up to 30,672 and 60ppm, respectively). In the outer, cpx-rich zone porphyroclastic clinopyroxene is strongly HREE enriched (HREEN/LREEN29; Yb 269xch) and displays very high Sc and Zr abundances (up to 819 and 164 ppm, respectively). It is suggested that the unusual trace element abundances are inherited from a precursor garnet. Composite pyroxenite layers are interpreted as former garnet clinopyroxenites characterized by gnt/cpx modal zoning. The sp+opx(cpx-free) assemblage in the inner part is a product of the break-down reaction of garnet upon decompression, with Ca of the original garnet completely entering the enstatite solid solution. The temperature at which the breakdown reaction occurred is estimated to be higher than 1000°C (P in the range 20–30 kbar). In the outer part, decompression caused the garnet to form a sp+opx assemblage; however, the grossularite component participated in the formation of new clinopyroxene which reacted with the clinopyroxene present in the original mode before the decompression reaction, thus forming a cpx2+sp+opx assemblage. As a result of garnet breakdown, pyroxenes have peculiar HFSE anomalies. Progressive upwelling during the Red Sea rifting produced incomplete reaction under pl-facies conditions. The geochemical signatures of precursor garnet in pyroxenes were partially crased during the recrystallization from granular spincl-bearing to granoblastic plagioclase-bearing assemblages, being preserved only in a few porphyroclast relies. The finding of pyroxenes with trace element characteristics of precursor garnet has important geodynamic and geochemical implications. Al-Di pyroxenite layers had a long history within the mantle, before the continental lithosphere rifting and thinning took place in the region. It is suggested that Al-Di pyroxenites were formed by deep-seated tholeiitic magmatism unrelated to the Red Sea evolution, thus representing the earliest event in the Zabargad upper mantle. Garnet breakdown significantly preceded the metasomatism induced by hydrous fluids (crystallization of Ti-rich pargasite) and the later intrusion of hydrous (Cr-Di) pyroxenite dykes. During the stages of mantle evolution, the HFSE anomalies in pyroxenes varied significantly. We note that the study of HFSE anomalies in mineral phases reveals complex geochemical histories which are not recorded by the whole-rock system.  相似文献   
Eight-year observation results of DIC from 1996 to 2003 in the Oyashio region have been analyzed to obtain a climatological view of its seasonal variation and interannual variation. Data of DIC obtained by several institutes are synthesized to give a dataset with an uncertainty lower than 5 μmol/kg. The obtained climatology of NDIC seasonal variation in the Oyashio mixed layer shows a seasonal amplitude of 176 μmol/kg, with a maximum in January and a minimum in September. These features closely resemble those observed in the southern half of the western subarctic North Pacific (WSNP) including Station KNOT, although the timing of the NDIC maximum is slightly advanced in the case of the Oyashio. Analysis using a quasi-conservative tracer Cp0 (NDIC - 106NP) shows that among 176 μmol/kg of NDIC seasonal variation, only 16 μmol/kg is attributed to hydrographic processes while the remaining 160 μmol/kg is attributed to biological processes. The Cp0 value in the Oyashio mixed layer also resembles that of the WSNP mixed layer during the months May to November, suggesting further resemblance of the Oyashio water mass to that of WSNP in terms of carbon dynamics. The present results also suggest that a single data obtained in Oyashio mixed layer contains 30 μmol/kg of potential uncertainty for the representativity of this region, which leads to a note about a need to treat with caution results obtained by a single observation in this region.  相似文献   
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