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Extracellular enzymatic activity (EEA) of five enzymes (peroxidase, phenol oxidase, beta-glucosidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and acid phosphatase) was analysed in sediments colonised by Spartina maritima in two salt marshes (Rosário and Pancas) of the Tagus estuary (Portugal) with different characteristics such as sediment parameters and metal contaminant levels. Our aim was a better understanding of the influence of the halophyte on microbial activity in the rhizosphere under different site conditions, and its potential consequences for metal cycling and phytoremediation in salt marshes. Acid phosphatase and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase presented significantly higher EEA in Rosário than in Pancas, whereas the opposite occurred for peroxidase. This was mainly attributed to differences in organic matter between the two sites. A positive correlation between root biomass and EEA of hydrolases (beta-glucosidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and acid phosphatase) was found, indicating a possible influence of the halophyte in sediment microbial function. This would potentially affect metal cycling in the rhizosphere through microbial reactions.  相似文献   
Although the circulation of intermediate water masses in the eastern North Atlantic remains poorly defined, the presence of fresher intermediate waters, the Sub-Artic (SAIW) and the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), as well the saline intermediate Mediterranean Water (MW), has been tracked using biogeochemical properties. Here we assess the hydrographic and chemical structures of intermediate waters along the western Portuguese margin by examining the vertical distributions and property-property plots of chemical tracers (oxygen and nutrients). AAIW was traced by low oxygen and high nutrients, while SAIW was recognized by low nutrients. The Mediterranean Water (MW) undercurrent is shown to spread towards the eastern flank of Gorringe bank. Concurrently, the fresher waters gained salt by direct incorporation of MW, while this water was enriched in nutrients on its way northward and westward owing, to a great extent, to the entrainment of an AAIW branch. The distributions of nutrients and apparent oxygen utilization are discussed in terms of regional ocean circulation. Our analysis suggests a circulation pattern of the various intermediate waters along the western Portuguese margin: MW extends all over the area, but its presence is more pronounced around cape St. Vincent; SAIW apparently moves southward, reaching the Gorringe bank region, and AAIW flows northward along the coast and around the bank.  相似文献   
Regional site conditions relevant for seismic hazard studies can be derived from various geologic, seismologic, and geotechnical sources. In this study, site conditions are derived for the Ankara Basin in Turkey by merging in-situ seismic measurements of dynamic properties, geologic information, and some geotechnical boring information. Field seismic refraction surveys were performed at 259 sites in the project area to classify and characterize Plio–Pleistocene fluvial deposits and Quaternary alluvial and terrace deposits. The shear-wave velocity profiles of the near-surface geologic units are used to characterize site classes according to the International Building Code [International Code Council, ICC. International Building Code. Structural and fire- and life-safety provisions (seismic, wind, accessibility, egress, occupancy and roof codes), 2006. Whittier, CA.] and the Turkish Seismic Code [Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, 1998. Turkish Seismic Code, Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas, Ankara, Turkey], and to develop a regional model for the average shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m. The resulting maps of site class indicate that the classification system for the Turkish Seismic Code results in a significant portion of the Ankara Basin being classified as Z4, the softest site class. The International Building Code site classification system results in most of the Ankara Basin being classified as D, stiff soil. These differences are caused by the Turkish Seismic Code incorporating information from only the surface layer, while the International Building Code incorporates information from the top 30 m.  相似文献   
The late Holocene is of particular interest to our understanding of the evolution of coastal sedimentary systems because this period encompasses warmer and cooler periods, and rising sea level in northern Europe. Based on an approach combining AMS 14C, sedimentological and rock magnetic analyses on sediment cores complemented with seismic data collected in the macrotidal Bay of Vilaine (south Brittany), we document the depositional history of the inner bay coeval to the mid- to late-Holocene transgression in south Brittany. Correlation between sedimentary archives revealed the main sedimentary infilling phases during the last 6000 years. Four units (U1–U4) are recognized in the coastal sediment wedge of the system, corresponding to the stepwise marine invasion of the bay. We show that (1) marine inundation, due to the steep morphology of the bedrock, is diachronous between distal and proximal records. A time lag of ~1000 years is inferred over a distance of less than 5 km; (2) in the outer areas, the sedimentation has been condensed since 3000 years; (3) proximal estuarine archives offer the best record of sedimentary processes covering the last 2000 years, including the Medieval Warm Period (MWP).Correlations in proximal records in the Bay of Vilaine assess the connection between coastal sedimentary dynamics, climatic conditions and anthropogenic activities during the MWP. We match the preservation of clay deposits to increased river-borne suspended matter transported to the estuary probably as a result of accelerated land-use development (higher soil erosion) in the catchment area between ca. 880 and 1050 AD. Because the preservation of estuarine sedimentary successions is favoured when coastal wave sediment reworking is minimal, it is proposed that the prevailing climatic regime in south Brittany during the MWP likely resembled to that of the preferred negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Our data are fairly consistent with other late Holocene records from northern Europe including the Atlantic seaboard. However, they outline the difficulty in interpreting climatic and anthropogenic signatures in coastal sedimentary records where high-resolution chronologies required to unravel their respective influences are still missing.  相似文献   
Curved surface sliding bearings, which are usually called as friction pendulum system (FPS) are commonly used for base isolation of liquid storage tanks since the period of the isolation system is independent of the storage level. However the restoring force and the damping at the isolation system are functions of axial load which changes during an earthquake excitation. This change might be in appreciable amounts especially for the tanks with high aspect ratios. The present paper focuses on earthquake performances of both broad and slender tanks base isolated by FPS bearings. The effects of overturning moment and vertical acceleration on axial load variation at the bearings are considered. The efficiency of the isolation system is investigated by analyzing the effects of various parameters such as; (i) isolation period, (ii) tank aspect ratio and (iii) coefficient of friction. The Haroun and Housner's three-degrees-of-freedom lumped mass model was used to solve the governing equations of motion in which convective, impulsive and rigid masses were included. A number of selected ground motions were considered and the results were compared to those of non-isolated cases.As a result, base isolation was found to be effective in reducing the base shear values for both broad and slender tanks without significantly affecting the sloshing displacements of the broad ones. The efficiency was even more pronounced for slender tanks subjected to near fault ground motions for isolation periods above 3 s. This specific value of isolation period also eliminated possible design problems arising from under-estimation of base shear values (up to 40%) due to ignoring the effects of axial load variation in lower isolation periods. Overturning effects should not be ignored especially for tanks with high aspect ratios (S) and being subjected to near fault ground motion.  相似文献   
The phase boundary between MnTiO3 I (ilmenite structure) and MnTiO3 II (lithium niobate structure) has been determined by analysis of quench products from reversal experiments in a cubic anvil apparatus at 1073–1673 K and 43–75 kbar using mixtures of MnTiO3 I and II as starting materials. Tight brackets of the boundary give P(kbar)=121.2−0.045 T(K). Thermodynamic analysis of this boundary gives ΔHo=5300±1000 J·mol−1, ΔSo = 1.98 ±1J·K−1· mol−1. The enthalpy of transformation obtained directly by transposed-temperature-drop calorimetry is 8359 ±2575 J·mol−1. Possible topologies of the phase relations among the ilmenite, lithium niobate, and perovskite polymorphs are constrained using the above data and the observed (reversible with hysteresis) transformation of II to III at 298 K and 20–30 kbar (Ross et al. 1989). The observed II–III transition is likely to lie on a metastable extension of the II–III boundary into the ilmenite field. However the reversed I–II boundary, with its negative dP/ dT does represent stable equilibrium between ilmenite and lithium niobate, as opposed to the lithium niobate being a quench product of perovskite. We suggest a topology in which the perovskite occurs stably at low T and high P with a triple point (I, II, III) at or below 1073 K near 70 kbar. The I–II boundary would have a negative P-T slope while the II–III and I–III boundaries would be positive, implying that entropy decreases in the order lithium niobate, ilmenite, perovskite. The inferred positive slope of the ilmenite-perovskite transition in MnTiO3 is different from the negative slopes in silicates and germanates. These thermochemical parameters are discussed in terms of crystal structure and lattice vibrations.  相似文献   
Two new species of the genus Cyclotella are presented which have been discovered during ecological and paleoecological research studies in the littoral zone of two small alkaline eutrophic lakes in France (Lake Paladru) and in Switzerland (Lake Le Loclat). These new species are namedCyclotella costei nov. sp. andCyclotella wuethrichiana nov. sp.  相似文献   
The effects of F, B2O3 and P2O5 on the H2O solubility in a haplogranite liquid (36 wt. % SiO2, 39 wt. % NaAlSi3O8, 25 wt. % KAlSi3O8) have been determined at 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 kb and 800, 850, and 900°C. The H2O solubility increases with increasing F and B content of the melt. The H2O solubility increase in more important at high pressure (2 and 3 kb) than at low pressure (0.5 kb). At 2 kb and 800°C, the H2O solubility increases from 5.94 to 8.22 wt. % H2O with increasing F content in the melt from 0 to 4.55 wt. %, corresponding to a linear H2O solubility increase of 0.53 mol H2O/mol F. With addition of 4.35 wt. % B2O3, the H2O solubility increases up to 6.86 wt. % H2O at 2 kb and 800°C, corresponding to a linear increase of 1.05 mol H2O/mol B2O3. The results allow to define the individual effects of fluorine and boron on H2O solubility in haplogranitic melts with compositions close to that of H2O-saturated thermal minima (at 0.5–3 kb). Although P has a dramatic effect on the phase relations in the haplogranite system, its effect on the H2O solubility was found to be negligible in natural melt compositions. The concominant increase in H2O solubility and F can not be interpreted on the basis of the available spectroscopic data (existence of hydrated aluminofluoride complexes or not). In contrast, hydrated borates or more probably boroxol complexes have been demonstrated in B-bearing hydrous melts.  相似文献   
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