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Pockmarks in the inner Oslofjord,Norway   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Multibeam bathymetric surveys of the Inner Oslofjord, Norway have revealed a high density of pockmarks in the 179-km2 inner fjord area, which contains over 500 pockmarks of varying size, typically 20–50 m in diameter and 2–10 m deep. These pockmarks have been investigated with a variety of techniques, including acoustic subbottom profiling, sedimentological and geochemical analyses of cores, remotely operated vehicle observation, and morphometry. Both the distribution and shapes of the pockmarks suggest that they are related to structures in the bedrock underlying relatively thin (<50 m) unconsolidated glacial and postglacial sediments. The data provide no direct indication of a particular mode of pockmark formation, but release of large amounts of biogenic, shallow methane seems unlikely. Several lines of evidence point to a continuous process of pockmark formation followed by inactivity, with some pockmarks recently active whereas others have been inactive for a considerable time. Some pockmarks are characterised by coarse sediment in their centres. The density, variety and easy access make this pockmark field an ideal model area for pockmark research. John S. Gray is deceased.  相似文献   
Abstract— Nakhla contains crystallized melt inclusions that were trapped in augite and olivine when these phases originally formed on Mars. Our study involved rehomogenization (slow‐heating and fast‐heating) experiments on multiphase melt inclusions in Nakhla augite. We studied melt inclusions trapped in augite because this phase re‐equilibrated with the external melt to a lesser extent than olivine and results could be directly compared with previous Nakhla melt inclusion studies. Following heating and homogenization of encapsulated melt inclusions, single mineral grains were mounted and polished to expose inclusions. Major element chemistry was determined by electron microprobe. The most primitive melt inclusion analyzed in Nakhla NA03 is basaltic and closely matches previously reported nakhlite parent melt compositions. MELTS equilibrium and fractional crystallization models calculated for NA03 and previous Nakhla parent melt estimates at QFM and QFM‐1 produced phase assemblages and compositions that can be compared to Nakhla. Of these models, equilibrium crystallization of NA03 at QFM‐1 produced the best match to mineral phases and compositions in Nakhla. In all models, olivine and augite co‐crystallize, consistent with the hypothesis that olivine is not xenocrystic but has undergone subsolidus re‐equilibration. In addition, measured melt inclusion compositions plot along the MELTS‐calculated liquid line of descent and may represent pockets of melt trapped at various stages during crystallization. We attempt to resolve discrepancies between previous estimates of the Nakhla parental melt composition and to reinterpret the results of a previous study of rehomogenized melt inclusions in Nakhla. Melt inclusions demonstrate that Nakhla is an igneous rock whose parent melt composition and crystallization history reflect planetary igneous processes.  相似文献   
Significant (marginal) detections of periodic signals have been recently reported in 3 (4) Active Galactic Nuclei. Three of the detections were obtained from long EUVE light curves of moderate-luminosity Seyfert galaxies; the fourth was discovered in Chandra data from the low-luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4395. When compared with Cyg X-1, I find that the period is related to the luminosity as PL2/3 rather than the expected one-to-one relationship. This result might be explained if the QPO is associated with the inner edge of the optically thick accretion disk, and the inner-edge radius depends on the source luminosity (or black hole mass). A discussion of uncertainties in the period detection methodology is also discussed.  相似文献   
Ways to rationalize the different periods (e.g., 15.08 h, Luu and Jewitt, 1990, Icarus 86, 69-81; 11.01 h, Fernández et al., 2004, Icarus, in this issue; Lowry et al., 2003, Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIV, Abstract 2056) seen in near aphelion R-band light curves of Comet 2P/Encke are explored. We show that the comet is usually active at aphelion and it's observed light curves contain signal from both the nucleus and an unresolved coma. The coma contribution to the observed brightness is generally found to dominate with the nucleus providing from 28 to 87% of the total brightness. The amplitude of the observed variations cannot be explained by the nucleus alone and are due to coma activity. We show that some seven periodicities exist in the observed light curves at various times and that this is likely the result of an active nucleus spinning in an excited spin state. The changing periodicities are probably due to changes in the relative strengths of the active areas. We work out possible excited states based on experience with model light curves and by using an analogy to light curve observations of Comet 1P/Halley for which the spin state has been separately determined from spacecraft observations. There is a possibility of a fully relaxed principal axis spin state (0.538 d−1; P=44.6 h) but, because it provides a poorer fit to the observed periodicities than the best fit excited state together with the absence of a peak near 1.08 d−1 (2fφ) in the frequency spectrum of the Fernández et al. (2000, Icarus 147, 145-160) thermal IR lightcurve, we consider it unlikely. Both SAM and LAM excited states are allowed by the underlying periodicities and additional information is needed to choose between these. Our choice of a low excitation SAM state, i.e., one in which the instantaneous spin axis nutates around the total angular momentum vector in a motion that is characterized by limited angular oscillations around the long axis, is based on Sekanina's (1988, Astron J. 95, 911-924, 1988, Astron. J. 96, 1455-1475) interpretation of the fan coma that this comet often displays. We argue that possible LAM states are excluded either because they are too difficult to excite or because they would be inconsistent with the formation of the observed fan morphology. Two possible SAM states emerge that provide good fits to the observed periodicities, one with a precessional frequency for the long axis about the total angular momentum vector of 1.614 d−1 (P?=14.9 h) and an oscillation frequency around the long axis of 0.539 d−1 (Pψ=44.5 h) and a second with a precessional frequency of 2.162 d−1 (P?=11.1 h) combined with an oscillation around the long axis of 0.502 d−1 (Pψ=47.8 h). While either solution is possible, the latter is, in a least squares sense, more likely to be the actual spin state. In both cases the direction of the total angular momentum vector (αM,δM[J2000]=198.6, −0.3 deg) is assumed to be defined by the evolving geometry and morphology of the coma (Sekanina, 1988, Astron J. 95, 911-924, 1988, Astron. J. 96, 1455-1475; Festou and Barale, 2000, Astron J. 119, 3119-3132). We discuss the possible locations of the primary active areas found by Sekanina (1988, Astron J. 95, 911-924, 1988, Astron. J. 96, 1455-1475) and, while they are at high cometographic latitudes, they do not have to be physically located close the region were the axis of maximum moment of inertia pierces the surface (i.e., at high cometocentric latitude). We offer a new interpretation of the 10.7 μm data by Fernández et al. (2000, Icarus 147, 145-160) which yields an axial ratio a/b=2.04. This, with the two SAM states that we have found, requires that b/c>1.18 or >1.09 implying a significant asymmetry in the shape of the elongated nucleus. For the observed fan morphology to be maintained, the true axial ratio b/c cannot be much larger than these limiting values otherwise the amplitude of the oscillation about the long axis becomes too large and the fan morphology would be destroyed. The precise phasing of the spin modes, i.e., the value of the Euler angles at a particular time, is not determinable from the current data set, but a set of well sampled thermal infrared observations of the nucleus covering many periods and a wide range of observing geometries could provide this information in the future as well as clearly distinguishing between the two excited spin states.  相似文献   
A carbonaceous chondrite was recovered immediately after the fall near the village of Diepenveen in the Netherlands on October 27, 1873, but came to light only in 2012. Analysis of sodium and poly‐aromatic hydrocarbon content suggests little contamination from handling. Diepenveen is a regolith breccia with an overall petrology consistent with a CM classification. Unlike most other CM chondrites, the bulk oxygen isotopes are extremely 16O rich, apparently dominated by the signature of anhydrous minerals, distributed on a steep slope pointing to the domain of intrinsic CM water. A small subset plots closer to the normal CM regime, on a parallel line 2 ‰ lower in δ17O. Different lithologies in Diepenveen experienced varying levels of aqueous alteration processing, being less aqueously altered at places rather than more heated. The presence of an agglutinate grain and the properties of methanol‐soluble organic compounds point to active impact processing of some of the clasts. Diepenveen belongs to a CM clan with ~5 Ma CRE age, longer than most other CM chondrites, and has a relatively young K‐Ar resetting age of ~1.5 Ga. As a CM chondrite, Diepenveen may be representative of samples soon to be returned from the surface of asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft.  相似文献   
The Deep Impact encounter with the Jupiter family Comet 9P/Tempel 1 on UT 2005 July 4 was observed at high spectral resolving power (λ/δλ∼25,000) using the cross-dispersed near-infrared echelle spectrometer (NIRSPEC) at Keck-2. We report the temporal evolution of parent volatiles and dust (simultaneously measured) resulting from the event. Column abundances are presented for H2O and C2H6 beginning 30 min prior to impact (T−30) and ending 50 min following impact (T+50), and for H2O and HCN from T+50 until T+96, in time steps of approximately 6 min post-impact. The ejecta composition was revealed by an abrupt increase in H2O and C2H6 near T+25. This showed C2H6/H2O to be higher than its pre-impact value by a factor 2.4±0.5, while HCN/H2O was unchanged within the uncertainty of the measurements. The mixing ratios for C2H6 and HCN in the ejecta agree with those found in the majority of Oort cloud comets, perhaps indicating a common region of formation. The expanding dust plume was tracked by continuum measurements, both through the 3.5-μm spectral continuum and through 2-μm images acquired with the SCAM slit-viewing camera, and each showed a monotonic increase in continuum intensity following impact. A Monte Carlo model that included dust opacity was applied to the dust coma, and its parameters were constrained by observations; the simulated continuum intensities reproduced both spectral and SCAM data. The relatively sudden appearance of the volatile ejecta signature is attributed to heating of icy grains (perhaps to a threshold temperature) that are decreasingly shadowed by intervening (sunward) dust particles in an optically thick ejecta plume, perhaps coupled with an accelerated decrease in dust optical depth near T+25.  相似文献   
Nontimber forest product (NTFP) certification has potential to promote sustainable harvest and to bolster rural livelihoods. This research compares environmental and socioeconomic benefits of Brazil nut certification for 231 producers in 17 communities in the trinational border region of Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru during the 2006–2007 harvest. Specific objectives were: (1) to analyze differences in “best management practices” between certified and noncertified producers; (2) to identify socioeconomic benefits associated with certified nuts; and (3) to explore producer perceptions of nut certification. Organic and Fairtrade certification were associated with better postharvest practices and higher prices, while Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification was related to preharvest planning. Certification was viewed most positively in Bolivia, where producers gleaned financial and social benefits, moderately in Peru, and least positively in Brazil, where benefits were lower or nonexistent. Partnerships with cooperatives, donors, government, and nongovernmental organizations were essential to maximize conservation and development objectives.  相似文献   
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