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中国产业结构演变城市化响应强度的省际差异   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
刘艳军  李诚固  王颖 《地理研究》2010,29(7):1291-1304
提出产业结构演变城市化响应强度的概念,以产业结构演变城市化响应系数作为测度区域产业结构演变城市化响应强度的变量指标,应用标准差 (δ)和变异系数 (V)、相对发展率(Nich)以及离差(Di)和比率(Gi)等计算方法分析了我国产业结构演变城市化响应强度的省际差异,并进一步研究了其省际差异的影响机制,结果表明:1953~2006年我国产业结构演变的城市化响应强度不断增大,并呈阶段变化特征;从空间特征来看,各省区产业结构演变城市化响应强度从静态和动态上均具有明显的时空差异性,并可以将31个省区划分为强响应型、较强响应型、中等响应型、较弱响应型以及弱响应型5种区域类型;城市开发强度是影响我国各省区产业结构演变城市化响应强度差异的主导因素。  相似文献   
三峡永久船闸中隔墩岩体变形分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对三峡永久船闸中隔墩变形监测资料所反映出的几种典型变形规律,采用有限元数值分析和工程地质条件分析等研究手段进行了深入细致的分析得出以下结论:中隔墩岩体水平位移值的波动是由于临槽的不同步开挖引起的;第二闸室至第三闸室首的中隔墩向北“一边倒”是因为南北闸室地应力的差异和结构面的存在;中隔墩沿深度方向水平位移数值发生突变的原因是结构面的存在。并为研究岩土工程变形监测资料中的“个性问题”(或称异常情况)提供了一种有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
The Xiaojiang faults,striking north-to-south(NS),and the Honghe faults,striking north-to-west(NW),are first-order block boundaries that intersect to form a concentrated stress zone at an acute angle in the southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block(SYB).It is also a crucial zone for material escaping from the Tibetan Plateau(TP)due to the collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.In December 2017,the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting of the China Earthquake Administration(CEA)deployed a linear temporary seismic broadband array,the Honghe-Xiaojiang temporary Seismic Array(HX Array),across first-order block boundaries in the southern SYB.By using the waveform data of small earthquakes recorded by stations in the HX Array across Xiaojiang faults from 2017 to 2019,and by permanent seismic stations of the China National Earthquake Networks from 2012 to 2019,this paper adopts the systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting(SWS),SAM method,to obtain preliminary results for seismic anisotropy in the upper crust.The study area can be divided into two subzones according to the spatial distribution of the directions of polarization of the fast shear-wave(PFS)at the stations:the northern zone(zone A,where the HX Array is located)and the southern zone(zone B,to the south of the HX Array).The results show that the directions of the PFS at stations in zone A were highly consistent,dominant in the NE direction,correlated with the in-situ principal compressive stress,and were seemingly unaffected by the Xiaojiang faults.The directions of the PFS as recorded at stations in zone B were more complicated,and were dominant in the NS direction parallel to that of the regional principal compressive stress.This suggests the joint influence of complex tectonics and regional stress in this narrow wedge area.By referring to the azimuthal anisotropy derived from seismic ambient noise in the southeast margin of the TP,the NS direction of the PFS in the middle and lower crust,and its EW direction in the upper mantle,this paper concludes that azimuthal anisotropy in the upper crust differed from that in the lower crust in the south segment of Xiaojiang faults,at least beneath the observation area,and azimuthal anisotropy in the crust was different from that in the upper mantle.The results support the pattern of deformation of ductile flow in the lower crust,and the decoupling between the upper and lower crusts as well as that between the crust and the mantle in the study area.The crustal directions of the PFS appeared to be independent of the Xiaojiang faults,suggesting that the influence of the South China block on the SYB passed through the Xiaojiang faults to the Yimen region.The results of this study indicate that anisotropic studies based on data on the dense temporary seismic array can yield clearer tectonic information,and reveal the complex spatial distribution of stress and deformation in the upper crust of the south segment of Xiaojiang faults.  相似文献   
影响钢筋混凝土剪力墙变形能力的主要因素包括高宽比r、轴压比n、边缘约束构件约束程度等.本文首先建立了钢筋混凝土剪力墙端部约束构件的配箍特征值λvw、轴压比n、高宽比r与剪力墙极限位移Δuw之间的关系,即λvw-n-r-Δuw关系,然后通过7个研究机构所进行的钢筋混凝土剪力墙试验对该关系进行了验证.在此关系的基础上,本文提出了钢筋混凝土剪力墙基于性能的抗震设计方法.根据本文方法,设计者可以在已知层间位移角需求θ及确定损伤指标Dw的情况下对剪力墙端部约束构件进行配箍.本文最后通过一算例详细介绍了该方法的设计过程.  相似文献   
The prolonged mei-yu/baiu system with anomalous precipitation in the year 2020 has swollen many rivers and lakes,caused flash flooding,urban flooding and landslides,and consistently wreaked havoc across large swathes of China,particularly in the Yangtze River basin.Significant precipitation and flooding anomalies have already been seen in magnitude and extension so far this year,which have been exerting much higher pressure on emergency responses in flood control and mitigation than in other years,even though a rainy season with multiple ongoing serious flood events in different provinces is not that uncommon in China.Instead of delving into the causes of the uniqueness of this year’s extreme precipitation-flooding situation,which certainly warrants in-depth exploration,in this article we provide a short view toward a more general hydrometeorological solution to this annual nationwide problem.A“glocal”(global to local)hydrometeorological solution for floods(GHS-F)is considered to be critical for better preparedness,mitigation,and management of different types of significant precipitation-caused flooding,which happen extensively almost every year in many countries such as China,India and the United States.Such a GHS-F model is necessary from both scientific and operational perspectives,with the strength in providing spatially consistent flood definitions and spatially distributed flood risk classification considering the heterogeneity in vulnerability and resilience across the entire domain.Priorities in the development of such a GHS-F are suggested,emphasizing the user’s requirements and needs according to practical experiences with various flood response agencies.  相似文献   
长江口九段沙岸滩的短周期地貌动力过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2006年5~10月(洪季)长江口九段沙上沙两固定断面的逐月滩面高程测量及表层沉积物的粒度分析结果,尤其是应用"碧利斯"台风前后的实测水文地貌资料,结合同期表层悬沙浓度的逐日观测资料,开展了九段沙岸滩地貌动力过程及沉积物对台风响应的研究.结果显示,长江口九段沙上沙东南岸滩演变表现为"岸冲滩淤"的变化规律,即堤岸呈现冲蚀,潮滩在冲淤变化中总体趋于淤积.2006年"碧利斯"台风期间,九段沙上沙波高达2.56 m,增水1 m多,强浪伴随增水,导致滩面平均蚀低6.4 cm,最大蚀深为20.2 cm.台风作用造成滩面冲刷,沉积物粗化,台风过后滩面迅速回淤,粒径变细.这充分表明,暴风浪是引起九段沙上沙岸滩及其沉积物短期突变的重要动力因素.河口潮滩冲淤对流域水沙变化有较敏感响应,长江来水来沙变化是制约潮滩季节性冲淤演化的重要因子.岸滩短期变化主要原因在于波浪掀沙和潮流输沙的联合作用.由于潮流和潮位位相不一致,造成涨潮流携高含沙量水体上滩落淤,落潮流携低含沙量滩水归槽,涨潮输沙淤滩被波浪刷滩所掩盖,如此往复,潮滩淤积.最后分析了上沙抛石堤的护岸保滩作用及不足之处,并提出了加固措施.现有的上沙抛石堤能防御常浪冲刷,受台风浪袭击时仅能抵御堤岸蚀退,石堤自身的毁坏难以避免,需经常修护;在潮沟口应设涵洞;基于台风浪的巨大能量,抛石堤块石需增大增重.该研究结果可为河口湿地的保护和建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   
长江口邻近海域溶解态铝的分布及季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2006年6、8、10月对长江口邻近海域的大面调查资料,分析了溶解态Al的分布及季节变化,讨论了水团混合、悬浮颗粒物及浮游植物水华对溶解态铝分布的影响。结果表明,3个航次溶解态铝的水平分布规律相似,都是近岸浓度最高,随着离岸距离的增加浓度降低,6、8、10月溶解态Al的平均浓度分别为(119±77)、(109±80)和(138±73)nmol/L,统计结果表明该海域的溶解态铝具有明显的季节变化。影响溶解态铝分布的主要因素有水团混合、底沉积物的再悬浮以及浮游植物的调节作用。  相似文献   
陈林  陈超  张颖 《地下水》2010,32(4):70-72,82
本研究课题为水利部开展的节水型社会建设重大研究课题之一,以水权管理为基础,以提高水资源利用效率和效益为核心,坚持制度激励与工程建设相结合、市场机制与行政管理相结合,深入研究影响地下水类型区自律节水的关键因素,提出实现自律节水的有效方法,最终建立一套完整的适应市场经济特点的地下水节水自律运行模式。  相似文献   
旅游业区位分析--以云南为例   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
王瑛  王铮 《地理学报》2000,55(3):346-353
通过对云南省旅游地分布和旅游业发展状况的分析,提出新的适合于解释旅游业的区位理论,其关键是区位的旅游轩边际效用分析模型。研究发现旅游地分布存在一种类似杜能环的旅游业区位结构,以旅游集散地为中心,由内向外,依次为“历史古迹带”、“奇异风景带”、“旅游业滞带”和“自然风光与民族风情带”的四条环带状分布。这种结构是廖什理论不能解释的,需要应用边际效用模型。  相似文献   
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