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Reconstruction of modern climate and environmental changes in east Asia using inland natural climate archives can provide valuable insights on decadal–multidecadal climate and environmental patterns that are probably related to both natural and anthropogenic forcing. Here we investigated an 89‐cm‐long sediment core (TH1) from Tian Lake, southeastern China, for sedimentological, physical and geochemical parameters in order to understand climate and environmental changes for the latest two centuries. 137Cs‐ and 210Pb‐based age models show that the fine sand–coarse silt‐dominated core contains ~170 years (c. AD 1842–2011) of continuous sedimentation. Sediments with fine sands, low MS values, high water content, high TOC content and a high C:N ratio from c. AD 1842 to 1897 suggest intense hydrological conditions and strong runoff in the catchment, probably because of a humid climate. From AD 1897 to 1990, sediments with very fine sand and coarse silt, high MS values, low water content and unchanged TOC and C:N ratios indicate normal hydrological conditions and in‐lake algae‐derived organic matter. During this interval, the chemical weathering indicators show stronger weathering conditions compared with sediments deposited during AD 1842–1897, supporting the dominance of weathered surface soil input in the earlier interval and physical erosion dominance in the later period, respectively. Since AD 1990, the continuous decrease of geochemical proxies suggests human‐interacted Earth surface processes in the catchment of Tian Lake. A PCA revealed four dominant geochemical controlling factors – detrital input, trophic status, grain size and early diagenesis –, accounting for 26, 20, 18 and 16% of total variance, respectively. This study for the first time provides lacustrine geochemical evidence for the most recent two centuries of climate and environmental changes in coastal southeastern China, a region that is currently undergoing an inversion of critical zone, i.e. an overturning of its soil profile, owing to swift modernization.  相似文献   
Increasing interest in global climate change has led to attempts to understand and quantify the relationship between chemical weathering processes and environmental conditions, especially climate. This interest necessitates the identification of new climate proxies for the reconstruction of two important Earth surface processes: physical erosion and chemical weathering. In this study, an AMS 14C‐dated 2.8‐m‐long sediment core, GH09B1, from Lake Gonghai in north‐central China was subjected to detailed geochemical analyses to evaluate the intensity of chemical weathering conditions in the catchment. Multivariate statistical analysis of major and trace elemental data of 139 subsamples revealed that the first principal component axis PCA1 explained ~53% of the variance in the assemblage of elements/oxides with significant positive correlations between PCA1 scores and the separation of mobile and soluble elements/oxides from the immobile and resistant elements/oxides, which is thus able to indicate the chemical weathering in the catchment. These results are supported by the down‐core trends of other major and trace elemental ratios of chemical weathering intensity as well as by pollen data from the same core. Variations in PCA1, chemical index of alteration (CIA), Rb/Sr ratio and other oxides ratios indicate stronger chemical weathering due to a wet climate during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). However, the MWP was interrupted by an interval of relatively weaker chemical weathering conditions from AD 940–1070. Weak chemical weathering under a dry climate occurred during the Little Ice Age (LIA), and increased chemical weathering intensity during the Current Warm Period (CWP). Our proxy records of chemical weathering over the last millennium correlate well with the available proxy records of precipitation from Gonghai Lake as well as with the speleothem oxygen isotope record from Wanxiang Cave, but do not show a significant correlation with the temperature record in N China, suggesting that the chemical weathering intensity in the study area was mainly controlled by the amount of rainfall rather than by temperature. We conclude that high resolution lacustrine sediment geochemical parameters can be used as reliable proxies for climate variations at centennial‐decadal time scales.  相似文献   
This study focused on the electrochemical degradation of hydrolyzed Remazol Black B (CI Reactive Black 5), a common diazo reactive dye, in aqueous solution. In the presence of various auxiliary dye chemicals, a typical Remazol Black simulated exhausted dyebath liquor was treated electrochemically in various basic electrochemical reactor configurations such as batch, batch recirculation and single pass systems. The effect of current density, supporting electrolyte concentration, electrolysis duration, specific electrode surface and fluid flow rate on pollutant removal and energy consumption performance of the systems was critically evaluated. Batch studies show the following operating parameters, current density: 2.5 A/dm2, electrolysis duration: 6 h, and supporting electrolyte concentration: 3 g/L, were optimal for good overall performance of the system. Color removal was complete by 3 h of treatment for all combinations of parameters studied. The pollutant removal performance of the batch recirculation system was found to have improved considerably by increasing the flow rate. Performance of the batch recirculation system was comparatively better than the other rector configurations studied, with respect to capacity utilization and energy consumption.  相似文献   
Phase change material (PCM) employed latent heat thermal storage (LHTS) system has been showing good potential over the years for energy management, particularly in solar energy systems. However, enhancement in thermal conductivity of PCMs is emphasized as PCMs are known for their poor thermal conductivity. In this work, the thermal performance of a shell and tube LHTS module containing PCM‐metal particles composite is investigated while charging and is compared with that of pure PCM system. The effect of particle dispersion on latent heat capacity of pure PCM is also analyzed. Enthalpy based governing equations are solved numerically adopting FLUENT code. Exergy based performance evaluation is taken as a main aspect. The numerical results are presented for various operating conditions of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and indicate considerable performance improvement of the system when particles are dispersed.  相似文献   

Rural–urban migration is an adaptive response to location-specific environmental or socio-economic stressors. Jiangsu Province, China is witnessing rapid economic growth fuelled by manufacturing and services sector. Rural–urban migration in Jiangsu, which brings higher stress to resource-carrying capacity of urban areas, is driven by rural “push” factors, principally labour surplus and unemployment in agriculture. This study investigates possible policy interventions aimed at relieving the rapid rural–urban migration in Jiangsu based on a sensitivity analysis of driving factors in rural agricultural production. It shows that rural–urban migration is sensitive to input elasticities of precipitation and labour. Two groups of scenario analysis corresponding to possible policy interventions are implemented. The first policy focuses on providing government subsidies to rural non-agricultural industries then compensate for the shrinking agricultural production. Another policy supports education in rural areas to provide more skilled labour resource which can be absorbed by non-agricultural industries. Both two policies are effective in reducing rural unemployment and alleviating rural–urban migration.  相似文献   
In this paper we are concerned with the variation of the atmospheric electric field and the air–earth current due to the excessive power generated by the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo during geomagnetic storms, recorded at Maitri in Antarctica during 2004. A major part of the power generated by the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo is used in the formation of the ring current and the rest is utilized for Joule heating and auroral particle precipitation. The method adopted by Frank-Kamenetsky et al. [Frank-Kamenetsky A.V., Troshichev O.A., Burns G.B., Papitashvili V.O., 2001. Variations of atmospheric electric field in the near-pole region related to the interplanetary magnetic field. J. Geophys. Res. 106, A1, 179–190.] was utilized to delineate the variations due to the signatures of tropical thunderstorm activity from the geoelectric data; while statistical methods used in our earlier studies were used to delimit variation due to the constant buffeting of the solar wind. We find that the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function (ε) to be well correlated with the atmospheric electric parameters during the onset of geomagnetic disturbances. However the correlation breaks down during minor storms and sub-storm events.  相似文献   
Surface slices of 20 sediment cores, off southwestern Taiwan, and bed sediment of River Kaoping were measured for major and trace elements (Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cl, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Si, Ti, V, and Zn) to evaluate the geochemical processes responsible for their distribution, including elemental contamination. Major element/Al ratio and mean grain size indicate quartz-dominated, coarse grained sediments that likely derived from sedimentary rocks of Taiwan and upper crust of Yangtze Craton. Bi-plot of SiO2 versus Fe2O3T suggests the possible iron enrichment in sediments of slag dumping sites. Highest concentrations of Cr, Mn, P, S, and Zn found in sediments of dumping sites support this. Correlation analysis shows dual associations, detrital and organic carbon, for Cr, P, S, and V with the latter association typical for sediments in dumping sites. Normalization of trace elements to Al indicates high enrichment factors (>2) for As, Cd, Pb, and Zn, revealing contamination. Factor analysis extracted four geochemical associations with the principal factor accounted for 25.1% of the total variance and identifies the combined effects of dumped iron and steel slag-induced C–S–Fe relationship owing to authigenic precipitation of Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and/or metal sulfides, and organic matter complexation of Fe, Mn, Ca, Cr, P, and V. Factors 2, 3, and 4 reveal detrital association (Ti, Al, Ni, Pb, Cu, and V), effect of sea salt (Cl, Mg, Na, and K) and anthropogenic component (As and Zn)-carbonate link, respectively, in the investigated sediments.  相似文献   
The stability of Earth's critical zone is intimately linked with erosion, weathering and vegetation type and density. Therefore, it affects global biogeochemical processes which in turn affect the global climate by absorbing and reflecting solar radiation, and by altering fluxes of heat, water vapour, carbon dioxide and other trace gases through various feedback mechanisms. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how Earth's critical zone processes have changed over time and their link with past monsoon variability, especially in Asia. The study of lake sediments, which contain a suite of inorganic elemental and isotopic proxies, may facilitate the understanding of the Earth's critical zone processes on millennial timescales. Here we reconstruct the history of erosion–weathering–vegetation interactions since ~14.7 ka using geochemical records from a radiocarbon‐dated sediment core from Lake Gonghai in the monsoon‐arid transitional zone of north China. Detrital (Al, Ti, K, Rb) and authigenic (Ca, Sr) elemental records reveal distinct, millennial‐scale, late deglacial‐Holocene erosion and weathering patterns and transitions with the former (latter) elements showing higher (lower) values in warm intervals and vice versa. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) molar, a humidity proxy, suggests low humidity during the late deglacial ~11.5–14.7 ka, high humidity during the early‐mid Holocene ~11.5–3.2 ka, and intermediate humidity during the late Holocene interval since ~3.2 ka. The results of cross‐spectral analysis and comparison of our records with other climate reconstructions also suggest a pattern of orbitally‐phased humidity changes in north China. Overall, our results provide evidence for the solar‐forcing of Earth's surface processes in mid‐latitude China under natural climatic conditions. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Establishing the precise timing of continental glacial dynamics and abrupt high‐latitude climate events is crucial to understanding the causes of global climate change. Here we present multi‐proxy records in a lake sediment core from arid Inner Mongolia (Wuliangsuhai Lake) that show two distinct glacially derived sedimentation events at ~26.2–21.8 and ~17.3–11.5k cal a BP. Fine sediments from the Last Glacial Maximum separate these glacially derived coarse sediments. Within these intervals, the occurrence of granite clasts at ~24–23.5, 17.3–17 and 15.6–14.1k cal a BP implies either sediment discharge by meltwater as well as strong current flow in the Yellow River and/or sediment influx through hill‐slope mass wasting and landsliding from the nearby Yin Mountains. Surface microfeatures of quartz grains and spot elemental analysis of black specks in these intervals, however, indicate that physical weathering is dominant and that the provenance of the rocks is probably from a glacial source. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time glacier‐derived materials have been detected in any desert lake in the Yellow River basin. The occurrence of granite clasts roughly correlates with Heinrich events in the North Atlantic, suggesting synchronous ice sheet dynamics in high‐ and mid‐latitude regions during the Last Glacial period. Although our data provide unprecedented evidence for the influence of glacier‐related processes in arid Inner Mongolia, further well‐dated records are clearly needed to re‐evaluate the correlative inference drawn between granite clast layers in Wuliangsuhai Lake and Heinrich events in the North Atlantic. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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