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Eleven years ago when this society held its Third General Meeting I had the opportunity of calling your attention to certain strange deposits and topographical features that came under my notice in certain parts of North China. I showed you a number of striated boulders that could not be attributed to mere  相似文献   
Holocene dolomite forms in the sediment of Lake Hayward, a small permanent hypersaline lake in the Clifton-Preston Lakeland System, Western Australia. The geomorphological setting of dolomite formation in Lake Hayward is similar to the Coorong region in South Australia. Unlike in the Coorong region, dolomite in Lake Hayward does not form as a direct precipitate from the lake water, but is of diagenetic origin. This can be deduced from the following features: (1) the dolomite occurs only below 60–70 cm from the sediment-water interface, (2) dolomite occurs as luminescing cement, and (3) dolomite has pristine well-formed rhomb-shaped crystals. The source of magnesium for dolomitization is probably from the concentration on inflowing groundwater by evaporation and the selective removal of calcium by chemical and biological aragonite/calcite precipitation.  相似文献   
Planktonic bacteria are abundant in the Chukchi Borderland region. However, little is known about their diversity and the roles of various bacteria in the ocean. Seawater samples were collected from two stations K2S and K4S where sea ice was melting obviously. The analysis of water samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that DMSP-degrading bacteria accounted for 13% of the total bacteria at the station K2S. No aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria were detected in both samples. The bacterial communities were characterized by two 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Sequences fell into four major lineages of the domain Bacteria, including Proteobacteria (Alpha, Beta and Gamma subclasses), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. No significant difference was found between the two clone libraries. SAR11 and Rhodobacteraceae clades of Alphaproteobacteria and Pseudoalteromonas of Gammapro-teobacteria constituted three dominant fractions in the clone libraries. A total of 191 heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated and 76% showed extracellular proteolytic activity. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the isolates fell into Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The most common genus in both the bacterial isolates and protease-producing bacteria was Pseudoalteromonas. UniFrac data showed suggestive differences in bacterial communities between the Chukchi Borderland and the northern Bering Sea.  相似文献   
岩石磁学能揭示岩石的磁性矿物组合,通过断裂岩不同的磁性矿物组合可揭示地震过程中磁性矿物变化、地震摩擦温度及地震滑移机制等基础地震地质问题。2008年Mw 7.9级汶川地震使两条断裂带同时发生地表破裂,包括映秀-北川和灌县-安县断裂地表破裂带,破裂带上地震断裂岩为岩石磁学提供了大量的研究对象。本研究主要以汶川地震地表破裂带上两个探槽内断裂岩为对象,包括映秀-北川地表破裂带上的八角庙探槽和灌县-安县地表破裂带上的九龙探槽,结合目前已发表的地表及WFSD-1孔的研究成果,从岩石磁学角度探讨汶川地震断裂带经历的地震滑移机制:1综合映秀-北川地震断裂带上八角庙探槽和其它位置的断裂岩岩石磁学研究,结果显示该地震断裂带附近断层泥的高磁化率源于新生的亚铁磁性矿物,如磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿等,故映秀-北川地震断裂曾经历高温快速热增压地震滑移机制;2灌县-安县地震断裂带上九龙探槽内断层泥略低的平均磁化率源于其铁的硫化物含量比断层角砾及侏罗纪砂岩多,铁的硫化物可能源于地震过程或断裂岩抬升到地表后的地表作用,如果断层泥中铁的硫化物多含量源于地震过程,则灌县-安县地震断裂带曾经历低温慢速机械润滑地震滑移机制;3两条断裂经历的不同地震滑移机制可能受控于断裂深部结构,如断层产状,映秀-北川地震断裂带的陡倾角易产生高温快速地震滑移,而灌县-安县地震断裂带的缓倾角更易产生低温慢速地震滑移。  相似文献   
The inductive transient electromagnetic method (TEM) shows good potential for the detection of metallic relics of historical interest, such as buried antique bells, Buddhist idols, or precious metal nuggets. The effectiveness of the method was investigated with analogue models, using transmitter-receiver loop configurations with sizes or receiver spacings slightly different from those usually applied in earth resources exploration with the Sirotem system. The analogue modelling results show that the location and depth of the buried treasure may be obtained from the Sirotem data. A solid metallic object such as an antique bell could be detected to a depth about 12 times greater than its size, and treasure consisting of separate metallic objects, such as gold nuggets, could be detected to a depth 5 times its linear dimensions with a transmitter current of ? 20 A. In scaling down the dimensions of a target, its conductivity should be increased in order to preserve the same TEM conditions found in the field. However, since the buried treasure consists of gold or copper objects, it is not possible to properly scale the conductivity. Hence, in the field, the depth detection limit is expected to be greater than that derived from analogue modelling.  相似文献   
The interpretation of VLF-EM surveys in terms of buried conductors can be assisted by the application of a linear filter to the observed in-phase component of the vertical magnetic field. One such scheme is examined critically by using the calculated response from a variety of synthetic models to compute theoretical current density pseudosections. The results confirm that this filter technique provides a useful complementary tool for studying the third (i.e. depth) dimension. For single, steeply dipping plates (> 45°) diagnostic information may be derived concerning the depth, size, lateral location, and direction of dip, since the current density maxima seems always to occur within the conductor or at least within one data interval. However, there are some limitations which do not appear to be widely recognized. For single plates the angle of dip cannot be resolved by the current density transformation. Pattern distortions can occur where targets are in close proximity, where the cross-sectional form of the conductor is complex or where the dip is shallow (< 45°). In these latter cases the current density maxima may not occur within the conductive structure and therefore cannot be used to infer depth of burial and/or conductor shape with the same degree of confidence.  相似文献   
Large-scale glacial thrusting and related processes in North Dakota   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-scale thrusting by the glacial ice occurred in many parts of the Interior Plains of North Dakota, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in late Wisconsinan time. Thrust features are especially prominent in parts of North Dakota. Many of the topographic features of the glaciated landscape of North Dakota formed, either entirely or in part, by the thrusting mechanism, and many individual ice-thrust features have been recognized. The ice-thrusting process was also related to fluting by the glacier, and, as a result, drumlins and other types of fluted features are commonly closely associated with ice-thrust topography. Thrusting by the glacier was dependent primarily on groundwater conditions beneath the ice; thrusting occurred only where hydrologic conditions were appropriate. Most of the individual ice-thrust features that have been recognized are located over discrete aquifers, and the sizes and shapes of the thrust features are dependent upon the sizes and shapes of the aquifers.  相似文献   
Ice krill is the keystone species in the neritic ecosystem in the Southern Ocean,where it replaces the more oceanic Antarctic krill. It is essential to understand the variation of target strength(TS in d B re 1 m 2) with the different body size to accurately estimate ice krill stocks. However,there is comparatively little knowledge of the acoustic backscatter of ice krill. The TS of individual,formalin-preserved,tethered ice krill was measured in a freshwater test tank at 38,120,and 200 k Hz with a calibrated split-beam echo sounder system. Mean TS was obtained from 21 individual ice krill with a broad range of body lengths(L :13–36 mm). The length( L,mm) to wet weight( W; mg) relationship for ice krill was W =0.001 218×103 × L 3.53( R 2= 0.96). The mean TS-to-length relationship were TS3 8 k Hz =-177.4+57log 10( L),( R 2 = 0.86); TS 120 k Hz =-129.9+31.56 log 10( L),( R 2 =0.87); and TS 200 k Hz =-117.6+24.66log1 0( L),( R 2 =0.84). Empirical estimates of the relationship between the TS and body length of ice krill were established at 38,120,and 200 k Hz and compared with predictions obtained from both the linear regression model of Greene et al.(1991) and the Stochastic Distorted Wave Born Approximation(SDWBA) model. This result might be applied to improve acoustic detection and density estimation of ice krill in the Southern Ocean. Further comparative studies are needed with in situ target strength including various body lengths of ice krill.  相似文献   
<正>The forewing of a termite from Early Miocene lake sediments in Otago,southern New Zealand is figured and described.It exhibits the generic characters of the damp-wood termite Stolotermes Hagen,but differs from forewings of the known species in size and venation pattern and is described as Stolotermes kupe sp.nov.S.kupe represents the first confident record of fossil Stolotermitidae and extends the fossil record of the family back to the Early Miocene.It also is the first direct evidence of fossil Isoptera from New Zealand,though silicified termite faecal pellets,referable to Kalotermes brauni,have been previously described.S.kupe indicates that Stolotermitidae has been present in the Australasian region since at least the Early Miocene.  相似文献   
Abstract: A total of 16 specimens of fossil-winged fruits were found from the Middle Miocene marine deposits, Duho Formation, Pohang Basin, Korea. They were identified into two structurally different groups: 15 specimens into a winged fruit of Fraxinus, and one specimen of Liriodendron. The most samaras (13 specimens) were identified as Fraxinus oishii, which is characterized by narrowly ovate or ovate–elliptic shapes that are 2.7–3.6 cm in length and 0.7–1 cm in width (l/w ratio=3.4–4). The apexes of the Fraxinus oishii samara are round or slightly emarginated, and a seed of the samara is always located at the base, of which the general shape is narrow rhombic-ellipsoidal. The seed is 1.2–2 cm long and 0.5–0.7 cm wide. Two specimens are different from the samara of Fraxinus oishii. They have a 6.6 length/width ratio (3.3 cm long and 0.5 cm wide), and thus, are temporarily classified into the Fraxinus sp. One specimen was recognized as a winged seed of Liriodendron meisenense. The wing is broadly lanceolate to elliptic in shape, has a smooth, acute apex, and is approximately 3 cm long and 0.7 cm wide. Samaras of Fraxinus oishii and Liriodendron meisenense were early reported from the Middle Miocene deposits from North Korea, but these specimens are the first discovery in South Korea. Further study of the Duho Formation may connect flora relationships between North and South Korea.  相似文献   
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