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红层裂隙水特征与找水方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析红层地区裂隙分布规律及红层裂隙水特征,以实例论证了红层裂隙水与构造、地貌、岩性等之间的一些必然关系。从而总结了红层地区找水方法及施工时应注意的问题。  相似文献   
本文利用透射电镜观察了隐晶质石墨矿石的微观形态。结合X射线衍射和差热分析确定该石墨矿石除石墨碳外,尚含有少量的高岭石和水云母。  相似文献   
Radiometric age dating of detrital zircons is highly advantageous for analysis of the depositional environment and to identify source areas. Aiming at the uplift and denudation of the surrounding ranges, LA ICP-MS U-Pb analysis has been performed on zircon grains from a conglomerate collected at the Lower Pilocene of Mazartagh, which is in the center of the Tarim basin, Xinjinng (新疆), China. A wide range of ages mainly failing into three groups was yielded: 200-500, 800-1 100, and 1 800-2 000 Ma. Zircon features principally indicate magmatic origin. According to the comparison between the analyzed zircons with those from surrounding orogenic belts, the younger grains are mainly related to the west while the older ones are to the regions more eastward. The variations might imply the W-E propagation tectonic activation and uplift of the surrounding orogenic belts. The west segment uplifted and was denuded firstly, driven by the approximate W-E height difference, upon the denudation, transportation and deposition, acting as the source of young zircons analyzed. With the eastward spreading of tectonic movement, the segment more to the east rose, the meridional relief in creased rapidly and began to control the flow direction, then more zircons joined in the Pliocene in Mazartagh. It is difficult to definitely explain the source of grains with similar values to that from the Altyn Mountain region, more detailed data and chronological ages with higher precision will be helpful for making more credible conclusion.  相似文献   
国土资源电子政务总体研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了国土资源电子政务的指导思想、总体目标、重点工作和总体设计;指出国土资源电子政务应以政务业务流为主线,国土资源数据库为核心;强调我国电子政务建设的根本任务是落实“三个代表”重要思想,对国土信息工程做了全面规划。  相似文献   
姬塬地区延长组长2油层地层的精细划分与对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地层的精细划分与对比是油气勘探研究的基础工作,地层划分的好坏直接影响着油气勘探后续的研究。在收集大量的地质资料基础上,以鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬油田主要生油层——延长组长2油层组为研究目的,在全区内寻找分布比较稳定的主要标志层K9和长2底砂岩以及K7辅助标志层,将延长组长2油层组地层划分为3个小层。本研究为该地区的开发提供可靠的依据,并为下一步大规模开发建产作好了技术储备。  相似文献   
成都平原内汶川Ms8.0级地震的地表变形   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震发生在青藏高原东缘龙门山推覆构造带上,除映秀—北川断裂、灌县—江油断裂上各形成240 km和72 km 长的地表破裂带外,可能在成都平原西部的什邡市师古镇附近形成一条弱地表破裂带.成都平原内的地震地表破裂带与龙门山区的2条地震破裂带构成倾向北西的叠瓦状逆断裂地震地表破裂系统.野外调查发现,师古镇南肖家院—庆云庵建筑物严重破坏带、水渠跌水、地表褶皱、喷砂和地裂缝带走向30°,延伸长度约7.5 km.探槽开挖表明,地表地震褶皱陡坎下的地层发生弯曲变形,汶川地震使断层上盘的地面和最新地层褶皱隆起0.2 m.TC2探槽中的粘土层底面褶皱隆起0.4 m,它可能记录到汶川地震之前另外一次与汶川地震大小相当的古地震事件.浅层地震勘探资料表明,平原区出现地震地表破裂的位置不仅存在晚更新世活动断裂,而且伴生有第四纪活动褶皱.  相似文献   
甘肃夏河-青海同仁一带位于西秦岭造山带的西段, 区内中二叠世大关山组发育, 经本次研究为生物礁灰岩.大关山组产出丰富的古生物化石, 主要种类为串管海绵, 纤维海绵, 苔藓虫, 钙质藻类, 复体珊瑚, , 非有孔虫, 腕足, 腹足, 棘皮和双壳等.本次在大关山组中共发现11属16种, 其中包括10个未定种, 非有孔虫共16属23种, 其中包括11个未定种.根据和非有孔虫属种在大关山组中的逐层分布, 自下而上划分为2个组合和一个带: Pseudofusulina-Parafusulina组合, Cancellina cf.houchangensis带和Afghanella-Sphaerulina组合; 2个小有孔虫组合: Pachyphloia-Cribrogenerina-Nodosaria组合和Cribrogenerina-Hemigordius组合.通过将研究区的化石组合与国内外其他地区相同层位的带对比, 将西秦岭大关山组的时代厘定为中二叠世罗甸期—冷坞期.   相似文献   
介绍了征地补偿及安置的概念、征地补偿标准、被征地农民安置途径、制度缺位暴露的问题,以及我国目前征地补偿制度的基本情况。结合济南市征地补偿安置实际工作,提出提高补偿标准,健全安置社保体系,建立裁决执行机制,进一步完善征地补偿安置制度。  相似文献   
The constant‐head permeameter test (CHPT) is widely used in sandy samples as a standard method in the laboratory to investigate hydraulic conductivity (K). However, it neither can be used to consistently determine directional hydraulic conductivity (DHC) nor guarantee the comparability of measured K values of samples with different sizes. Therefore, this paper proposes an integrated laboratory method, called modified CHPT (MCHPT), for the efficient determination and verification of consistent DHC values in fine‐to‐medium sandy sediments, based on a new methodological framework. A precise and standardized procedure for preparing the experimental setup of MCHPT was conducted, based on the integrated experimental setup of CHPT and tracer tests. Moreover, a formula was yielded for the time‐optimized sample saturation control. In comparison with grain size‐based methods, the validity of consistent Kh and Kv values determined by MCHPT was convincing.  相似文献   
采矿权有偿取得是矿法规定的一项基本制度。济南市结合该市矿产资源开发管理和矿业经济发展实际,对实现采矿权有偿取得和有偿使用制度等方面进行了有益的探索,并逐步形成了一套科学合理的采矿权价款征收、资源有偿使用及管理办法,为进一步提高济南市矿产资源规范化、科学化管理水平积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   
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