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Summary The problem of satellite observation of infrared radiation is studied in terms of geometric and spectral variation of atmospheric radiation. As an aid in interpretation of satellite observations, the anisotropy of out-going radiation at the top of the atmosphere and at the satellite level is computed for different atmospheric models and spectral regions to characterize radiation from the lower, middle, and high troposphere. It is shown that limb darkening is an extremely sharp property of the atmosphere as viewed from an orbiting satellite.
Zusammenfassung Das Problem der Satellitenbeobachtungen der infraroten Strahlung wird in seiner Beziehung zu den geometrischen und spektralen ?nderungen der atmosph?rischen Strahlung untersucht. Die Anisotropie der ausgehenden Strahlung an der Obergrenze der Atmosph?re und in Satellitenh?he wird für verschiedene Atmosph?renmodelle und Spektralbereiche berechnet, um die Strahlung der niederen, mittleren und hohen Troposph?re zu charakterisieren und um die Deutung von Satellitenbeobachtungen zu erleichtern. Es wird gezeigt, da? die Randverdunklung ein besonders deutliches Kennzeichen der Atmosph?re ist, wie sie von einem kreisenden Satelliten gesehen wird.

Résumé Le problème de l'observation, par satellite, des radiations infra-rouges est envisagé en fonction de la géométrie et des variations spectrales du champ de radiations atmosphériques. En vue de faciliter l'interprétation des observations obtenues au moyen de satellites, l'anisotropie du champ de radiations émergeantes est calculée à la limite supérieure de l'atmosphère et au niveau du satellite pour différents modèles atmosphériques et pour des régions spectrales caractérisant le champ de radiations de la basse, de la moyenne et de la haute troposphère. Nous démontrons que l'assombrissement du bord devrait être une propriété très caractéristique de notre atmosphère comme elle est observée d'un satellite artificiel.

With 4 Figures

It is a pleasure to dedicate this paper toDr. W. M?rikofer on the occasion of his 70th birthday and in recognition of his basic contributions to observations of atmospheric radiation.  相似文献   
Wild rice (Zizania spp. L.) is a North American native grain with spiritual and dietary significance to many native people. Wild rice is also an important aquatic plant that provides critical habitat to wetland and aquatic wildlife. Past distribution of wild rice in North America is poorly understood, largely because of the limited taxonomic resolution of Poaceae pollen. A novel technique for detecting diagnostic Zizania silica phytoliths allows unambiguous identification of this taxon in lake sediments. We need to better understand modern depositional patterns of phytoliths in lake sediments, however, before attempting detailed paleoreconstructions. We analyzed distributions of diagnostic Zizania and other Poaceae phytoliths in modern sediments from three lakes with variable percent cover of wild rice and a non-wild rice control lake in central Minnesota. Absolute counts of phytoliths per gram sediment were achieved using an exotic diatom marker. Non-Zizania short-cell phytoliths, i.e. phytoliths from wetland grasses Phragmites australis and Muhlenbergia glomerata, dominate the assemblages in all lakes. Most Poaceae short-cell phytoliths appear to be derived locally, with little evidence for regional inheritance from eolian or alluvial processes. Because of anatomical differences in decay of plant debris and other taphonomic issues, Zizania inflorescence rondel phytoliths were most abundant, with morphotypes from other parts rarely encountered. Even in sediments under the densest wild rice stands, Zizania phytoliths contributed a maximum of 9 % to total Poaceae phytolith abundance. Lake morphology also affects the depositional pattern of phytoliths in modern sediments, so coring locations should be considered carefully. At least 500 phytoliths should be counted to detect a sufficient number of wild rice phytolith morphotypes. Diagnostic Zizania phytoliths are a reliable tool for wild rice detection in paleolake sediments.  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Im Anschluß an Abhandlungen vonReuter undGroen werden unter Voraussetzung allgemeinerer Anfangsbedingungen neue Abkühlungsformeln für den Fall...  相似文献   
Julius Feit 《Solar physics》1973,28(1):211-231
It has been recently suggested by several investigators that the accelerated charged particles provide the energy of the optical flare by the ionization loss process. We have examined this mechanism assuming different forms of the spectrum of the accelerated protons at lower chromosphere. The flux and the energy spectrum of protons of energy 0.1–100 MeV have been calculated at successive heights, from 103 to 40 × 103 km from the solar surface taking into account the ionization loss, pitch angle distribution and density distribution of the neutral and ionized hydrogen in the chromosphere and lower corona. Hence the energy spectrum of the protons escaping from the Sun and the amount of energy dissipated in the solar chromosphere are computed. Comparing the calculated results with the observational data on the solar event of September 28, 1961 it is found that the ionization loss of the accelerated protons and heavier nuclei in the solar atmosphere may supply a significant part of the energy of the optical flare assuming that the fraction, f, of magnetic tubes of force extending out of the solar atmosphere is about 1 %. The accelerated proton spectrum in the form of power law in kinetic energy seems to be the most appropriate form. In the event of September 28, 1961 best estimates are made on this basis of the total number and the energy spectrum of protons at injection, the flux and energy spectrum of escaping protons and the energy dissipated in the solar atmosphere by the accelerated ions. It is found that the possible range of variation of the height of injection level hardly affects the total energy dissipated. The high variability of the intensity of protons released by the Sun is interpreted in terms of the variations of the parameter, f, determined by the configurations of the magnetic field lines.Preliminary results were presented at the International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Leningrad, May, 1970.Presently at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A., on leave from T.I.F.R., Bombay.  相似文献   
Julius Feit 《Solar physics》1971,17(2):473-490
An analysis of solar flare data indicates that the graph of log(nt 3/(2–)) deviates late in the solar event from the straight line predicted for the infinite, unbounded interplanetary medium. It is shown by mathematical analysis, utilizing a model based on the radial diffusion coefficient D = Mr , with 1, that the deviation can be ascribed to the loss of flare particles through an external boundary at about 5–6 AU from the Sun. An inner region terminating at 5–6 AU, followed by an extensive region of increasingly less resistance to the diffusion of flare particles is also feasible and it is shown that measurements taken at the Earth cannot predict the extent of this outer region. The results are applicable to either the isotropic or highly anisotropic models. The constant diffusion model is shown to be inadequate since it requires a boundary 1.5 AU from the Sun. In view of the present and previous studies of solar flare data, it is asserted that the fundamental principle governing the diffusion of solar flare particles through interplanetary space is the radial diffusion coefficient mode of propagation.  相似文献   
Observation impact analysis methods for storm surge forecasting systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper presents a simple method for estimating the impact of assimilating individual or group of observations on forecast accuracy improvement. This method is derived from the nsemble-based observation impact analysis method of Liu and Kalnay (Q J R Meteorol Soc 134:1327–1335, 2008). The method described here is different in two ways from their method. Firstly, it uses a quadratic function of model-minus-observation residuals as a measure of forecast accuracy, instead of model-minus-analysis. Secondly, it simply makes use of time series of observations and the corresponding model output generated without data assimilation. These time series are usually available in an operational database. Hence, it is simple to implement. It can be used before any data assimilation is implemented. Therefore, it is useful as a design tool of a data assimilation system, namely for selecting which observations to assimilate. The method can also be used as a diagnostic tool, for example, to assess if all observation contributes positively to the accuracy improvement. The method is applicable for systems with stationary error process and fixed observing network. Using twin experiments with a simple one-dimensional advection model, the method is shown to work perfectly in an idealized situation. The method is used to evaluate the observation impact in the operational storm surge forecasting system based on the Dutch Continental Shelf Model version 5 (DCSMv5).  相似文献   
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