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Karst aquifers in semi-arid regions are particularly threatened by surface contamination, especially during winter seasons when extremely variable rainfall of high intensities prevails. An additional challenge is posed when managed recharge of storm water is applied, since karst aquifers display a high spatial variability of hydraulic properties. In these cases, adapted protection concepts are required to address the interaction of surface water and groundwater. In this study a combined protection approach for the surface catchment of the managed aquifer recharge site at the Wala reservoir in Jordan and the downstream Hidan wellfield, which are both subject to frequent bacteriological contamination, is developed. The variability of groundwater quality was evaluated by correlating contamination events to rainfall, and to recharge from the reservoir. Both trigger increased wadi flow downstream of the reservoir by surface runoff generation and groundwater seepage, respectively. A tracer test verified the major pathway of the surface flow into the underground by infiltrating from pools along Wadi Wala. An intrinsic karst vulnerability and risk map was adapted to the regional characteristics and developed to account for the catchment separation by the Wala Dam and the interaction of surface water and groundwater. Implementation of the proposed protection zones for the wellfield and the reservoir is highly recommended, since the results suggest an extreme contamination risk resulting from livestock farming, arable agriculture and human occupation along the wadi. The applied methods can be transferred to other managed aquifer recharge sites in similar karstic environments of semi-arid regions.  相似文献   
This publication presents a generalization of merge context, named weighted merge context (WMC), which is particularly useful for clustering and quantizing spatial data with self-organizing neural networks. In contrast to merge context, WMC does not depend on a predefined (sequential) ordering of the data; distance is evaluated by recursively taking neighboring observations into account. For this purpose, WMC utilizes a weight matrix that describes the neighborhood relationships between observations. This property distinguishes WMC from existing approaches like contextual neural gas (NG) or the GeoSOM, which force spatially close observations to be represented by similar prototypes, but neglected the similarity of the observations’ neighborhoods. For practical studies, WMC is combined with the NG algorithm to obtain weighted merging NG (WMNG). The properties of WMNG and its usefulness for clustering and quantizing spatial data are investigated on two different case studies which utilize an simulated binary grid and a real-world continuous data set.  相似文献   
Aragonite, the dense form of CaCO3, grew hydrothermally at 100–300° C and dry at 300–400° C at very low pressures from calcite strained by grinding. Nearly complete inversion to aragonite occurred in some runs with Ca-Mg chloride solutions at 0–2.4 kb and 100–200° C on strained calcite having a (10¯14) reflection with a half-width of 0.48° 2 Cu K. A little aragonite grew dry at one atm. from the ground calcite at 300–400° C in a few hrs. Simultaneous shear during recrystallization of calcite in a rotating squeezer resulted in significant aragonite at 300–400° C several kb. below the stability field. No inversion occurred in any ground calcite when previously annealed in CO2 at 500° C for a few hrs. Thermochemical data show that at least 200 cal/mole of strain energy can be produced in calcite by mild deformation. This much stored energy would lower the pressure requirements of aragonite, relative to the strained calcite by more than 3 kb, and our observation that aragonite growth was faster than strain recovery of calcite indicates that aragonite can grow in nature at reduced pressures from strained calcite.Some experiments were also carried out on highly magnesian calcites with the thought that aragonite might also form at the expense of this metastable material. No aragonite was produced, but the possibility that this mechanism could be operative in nature cannot be discounted.The microtexture of aragonitic deformed marbles from NW Washington (prehnite-pumpellyite facies rocks, courtesy of J. A. Vance) as well as electron probe microanalysis of these rocks indicates that aragonite selectively replaced highly strained calcite. The calcite-aragonite transition is thus a questionable indicator of high-pressure in certain metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   
We examine the unsteady response of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) of depth h and friction velocity u * when a uniform surface heat flux is applied abruptly or decreased rapidly over a time scale t<inf>θ</inf> less than about h /(10u *). Standard Monin–Obukhov (MO) relationships are used for the perturbed eddy viscosity profile in terms of the changes to the heat flux and mean shear. Analytical solutions for changes in temperature, mean wind and shear stress profile are obtained for the surface layer, when there are small changes in h /|LMO| over the time scale tMO~|L MO|/(10u*) (where L MO and t MO are the length and time scales, respectively). They show that a maximum in the wind speed profile occurs at the top of the thermal boundary layer for weak surface cooling, i.e. a wind jet, whereas there is a flattening of the profile and no marked maximum for weak surface heating. The modelled profiles are approximately the same as those obtained from the U.K. Met Office Unified Model when operating as a mesoscale model at 12-km horizontal resolution. The theoretical model is modified when strong surface heating is suddenly applied, resulting in a large change in h /|L MO| (>>1), over the time scale t MO. The eddy structure is predicted to change significantly and the addition of convective turbulence increases the shear turbulence at the ground. A low-level wind jet can form, with convective turbulence adding to the mean momentum of the flow. This was verified by our laboratory experiment and direct numerical simulations. Additionally, it is shown that the effects of Coriolis acceleration diminish (rather than as suggested in the literature, amplify) the formation of the wind jets in the situations considered here. Hence, only when the surface heat flux changes over time scales greater than 1/f (where f is the Coriolis parameter) does the ABL adjust monotonically between its equilibrium states. These results are also applicable to the ABL passing over spatially varying surface heat fluxes.  相似文献   
The stability field of the end-member scapolite meionite was determined in piston-cylinder apparatus. Meionite has very high thermal stability at high pressures, exceeding 1500° C at 20 kbar. Below 6 kbar and 1270 ° C scapolite breakdown is subsolidus, to an-orthite + gehlenite + wollastonite + CO2, with a slope of 20 bars/degree. An extrapolation of existing thermodynamic data for CO2 permits calculation of ΔG F o =-2384.5 kcal/mol for meionite at 1270 ° C, very close to the value for 3 anorthite + calcite. Above 1270 ° C, scapolite begins to melt to An+Geh+Liq+CO2, and as pressure increases the melting curve steepens, the Geh and An being progressively replaced by Liq+corundum with Al in 6-coordination. At pressures >25kbar dp/dt becomes negative, corundum is the only crystalline product, and CO2 bubbles disappear from the quenched glass, indicating a solubility of CO2 under these conditions of about 5 wt. percent in the liquid. The subsolidus breakdown of meionite at high pressures to grossularite + kyanite + quartz + calcite nearly coincides with the upper pressure limits of anorthite. Thus scapolite is essentially limited to crustal rocks. In view of its great thermal stability, meionite can play a role as a primary mineral in deep-seated basic or intermediate magmatic processes. It is also likely that CO2 coming from the earth's interior will be captured by reaction with plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Scapolite has been noted in basic granulite inclusions from basaltic pipes in three continents. It seems probable that scapolite acts as a major storage site for CO2 in the deep crust.  相似文献   
Reinforced concrete barriers are commonly used as defence measures in hilly areas to contain falling boulders and landslide debris. These barriers are conventionally designed to satisfy the conditions of force and momentum equilibrium with a factor of safety. A major limitation of this approach is that the inertial resistance of the barrier is neglected such that the design could be over-conservative. This paper presents a novel displacement-based approach for the assessment of overturning stability of rigid L-shaped barriers subjected to rockfall impacts. Analytical solutions, which are derived based on conservation of momentum and energy, are used to take into account the contributions of the self-weight and, thus, the inertial resistance of the barrier in resisting an impact. The actual amount of energy transferred from the impacting boulder to the barrier is considered by including the coefficient of restitution between the two objects. The accuracy of the analytical solutions has been confirmed by laboratory impact experiments. Numerical assessments conducted using the new solutions indicate that a reasonably sized rigid barrier, due to its own inertial resistance, may adequately withstand the impact action of a heavy boulder rolling down a hillslope without relying on any anchorage to its support. A range of geometric design of the barriers with L-shaped cross sections also has been considered and analysed. The new approach presented in this paper is easy to apply in practice and will be useful for engineers designing concrete barriers as passive rockfall mitigation measures.  相似文献   
Postglacial climatic conditions were inferred from cores taken from Big Lake in southern British Columbia. Low concentrations of nonarboreal pollen and pigments near the base of the core suggest that initial conditions were cool. Increases in both aquatic and terrestrial production suggest warmer and moister conditions until 8500 cal yr B.P. Hyposaline diatom assemblages, increases in nonarboreal pollen, and increased concentrations of pigments suggest the onset of arid conditions from 8500 to 7500 cal yr B.P. Slightly less arid conditions are inferred from 7500 until 6660 cal yr B.P. based on the diatoms, small increases and greater variability in biogenic silica and pigments, and higher percentages of arboreal pollen. At 6600 cal yr B.P., changes in diatoms, pigments, biogenic silica, and organic matter suggest that Big Lake became fresh, deep, and eutrophic until 3600 cal yr B.P., when water levels and nutrients decreased slightly. Our paleoclimatic inferences are similar to pollen-based studies until 6600 cal yr B.P. However, unlike these studies, our multiple lines of evidence from Big Lake imply large changes in effective moisture since 6000 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   
The Western Antarctic Peninsula (wAP) is globally one of the systems most heavily impacted by climate change, notably steep declines in sea ice extent. In forage species, reproductive resilience to change is particularly important because population fluctuations are rapidly communicated through the system via trophic interactions. The reproductive traits of the ice‐dependent forage species Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) from different areas along the wAP and at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula were investigated through macroscopic and histological analyses of gonads, with the aim to assess its reproductive potential and to test for spatial differences in fecundity and spawning season. Fish samples were collected in late summer off Charcot Island, in Marguerite Bay and off Joinville Island; no fish were caught in the central wAP. Samples from Charcot Island and Marguerite Bay consisted of adults in developing gonad stage, whereas those from Joinville consisted almost exclusively of juveniles. Mean GSI was relatively low (2–3%) and similar in both sexes, as specimens were still far from being actively reproducing. Developing females exhibited two discrete, though partially overlapping modes of oocytes of different size, with vitellogenic oocytes measuring 0.5–1.0 mm. Absolute and relative fecundity ranged between 3000 and 12,000 eggs per female and between 80 and 190 eggs·g?1, with a strong relationship between absolute fecundity and body size. These results were consistent with a single population at Charcot Island and Marguerite Bay and indicated substantial reproductive potential, which may mitigate population isolation and reductions in habitat availability but cannot ultimately offset catastrophic loss of spawning habitat linked to sea‐ice retreat.  相似文献   
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