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This study compares the geochemical response of stream sediments and adjacent vegetation samples, with variations in drainage catchment lithology and the occurrence of mineralisation, within a 14,000-km2 block of the northeastern region of New South Wales, Australia. The area contains a range of lithologies within a Devonian–Permian accretionary complex and Mesozoic sedimentary basin, as well as a wide range of mineral deposits. Sampling was designed to confine each sub-catchment to a single lithological group (mafic and ultramafic rocks, acid intrusives, volcanics, metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks or alluvium). Leaves of over 20 genera, dominated by (Allo-)Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Acacia, Callistemon and Melaleuca, and the <250-μm fraction of the stream sediments were analysed by INAA. The uptake of most trace elements varied between genera, with Callistemon displaying the highest median As and La contents and Eucalyptus the highest Co contents. The stream sediment and vegetation geochemistry reflect both hydromorphic and mechanical dispersion within sub-catchments, with regional patterns dominant over local influences. The vegetation appears to be influenced to a greater extent by hydromorphic dispersion, as indicated by differences in the ratio of leaf to sediment Cr concentrations in sub-catchments draining serpentinites and basalts. Although most known mineral deposits in the region produced anomalies in at least one medium, there was little correlation between the trace element concentrations of the vegetation and stream sediments on a site-by-site basis. A number of Au targets were only detected on the basis of the biogeochemistry and others were only reflected in the stream sediment geochemistry. In general, vegetation displayed more extensive dispersion trains away from mineralisation than did the stream sediments. Differences in the response of the two sampling media suggest their joint use in exploration or environmental surveys to maximise the probability of detecting mineralisation.  相似文献   
Geochemical patterns from two lag anomalies in the Cobar region of central New South Wales are described. The region is semi-arid, deeply weathered and some areas are covered by variable thicknesses of aeolian and alluvial transported overburden.Lag morphology and mineralogy are related to landform. In erosional landforms the surface is covered by lag, which is composed of coarse fragments derived locally from bedrock and displays varying degrees of ferruginization, together with a range of secondary pisoids. In depositional landforms the lag is less abundant and contains more pisoids. Deflation by sheetwash may lead to lag being partially buried by alluvium. In a large proportion of pisoid lag, hematite and goethite have been converted to maghemite, allowing ready separation into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions. The non-magnetic fraction is dominated by the lithic lag whereas the magnetic fraction is dominated by pisoid lag.The magnetic and non-magnetic components of the 2–11 mm lag fraction, milled to < 75 μm and subjected to HF-HNO3-HClO4 attack, give rise to distinct geochemical patterns at targets related to a variant of the Cobar style of Pb-Zn mineralization with variable silicification and to Zn mineralization in a swarm of quartz and carbonate veinlets. The patterns are influenced by metal source, lag type, surface chemical conditions and landtbrm. Differences in the correlation between metal contents in the magnetic and non-magnetic lag components, and between trace elements and Fe. indicate variable loss of Cu and Zn from the magnetic lag at some targets but retention of Pb. The presence of a readily cxtractable base metal component in the lag has implications for detecting anomalies in transported cover in the region.  相似文献   
Recent Lake Tanganyika Hg deposition records were derived using 14C and excess 210Pb geochronometers in sediment cores collected from two contrasting depositional environments: the Kalya Platform, located mid-lake and more removed from watershed impacts, and the Nyasanga/Kahama River delta region, located close to the lake’s shoreline north of Kigoma. At the Kalya Platform area, pre-industrial Hg concentrations are 23 ± 0.2 ng/g, increasing to 74 ng/g in modern surface sediment, and the Hg accumulation rate has increased from 1.0 to 7.2 μg/m2/a from pre-industrial to present, which overall represents a 6-fold increase in Hg concentration and accumulation. At the Nyasanga/Kahama delta region, pre-industrial Hg concentrations are 20 ± 3 ng/g, increasing to 46 ng/g in surface sediment. Mercury accumulation rate has increased from 30 to 70 μg/m2/a at this site, representing a 2–3-fold increase in Hg concentration and accumulation. There is a lack of correlation between charcoal abundance and Hg accumulation rate in the sediment cores, demonstrating that local biomass burning has little relationship with the observed Hg concentration or Hg accumulation rates. Examined using a sediment focusing-corrected mass accumulation rate approach, the cores have similar anthropogenic atmospheric Hg deposition profiles, suggesting that after accounting for background sediment concentrations the source of accumulating Hg is predominantly atmospheric in origin. In summary, the data document an increase of Hg flux to the Lake Tanganyika ecosystem that is consistent with increasing watershed sediment delivery with background-level Hg contamination, and regional as well as global increases in atmospheric Hg deposition.  相似文献   
We present an interpolation model that describes Holocene groundwater level rise and the creation of accommodation space in 3D in the Rhine‐Meuse delta – the Netherlands. The model area (ca. 12 400 km2) covers two palaeovalleys of Late Pleistocene age (each 30 km wide) and the overlying Holocene deposits of the Rhine‐Meuse delta, the Holland coastal plain, and the Zuiderzee former lagoon. Water table rise is modelled from 10 800 to 1000 cal. BP, making use of age‐depth relations based on 384 basal peat index points, and producing output in the form of stacked palaeo groundwater surfaces, groundwater age‐depth curves, and voxel sets. These products allow to resolve (i) regional change and variations of inland water table slopes, (ii) spatial differences in the timing and pacing of transgression, and (iii) analysis of interplay of coastal, fluvial and subsidence controls on the provision of accommodation space. The interpolation model is a multi‐parameter trend function, to which a 3D‐kriging procedure of the residuals is added. This split design deploys a generic approach for modelling provision of accommodation space in deltas and coastal lowlands, aiming to work both in areas of intermediate data availability and in the most data‐rich environments. Major provision of accommodation space occurred from 8500 cal BP onwards, but a different evolution occurred in each of the two palaeovalleys. In the northern valley, creation of accommodation space began to stall at 7500 cal BP, while in the southern valley provision of new accommodation space in considerable quantities continued longer. The latter is due to the floodplain gradient that was maintained by the Rhine, which distinguishes the fluvial deltaic environment from the rest of the back‐barrier coastal plain. The interpolation results allow advanced mapping and investigation of apparent spatial differences in Holocene aggradation in larger coastal sedimentary systems. Furthermore, they provide a means to generate first‐order age information with centennial precision for 3D geological subsurface models of Holocene deltas and valley fills. As such, the interpolation is of use in studies into past and present land subsidence and into low land sedimentation.  相似文献   
This study presents the results from precipitation experiments carried out to investigate the partitioning of the alkaline earth cations Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+ between abiogenic aragonite and seawater as a function of temperature. Experiments were carried out at 5 to 75 °C, using the protocol of Kinsman and Holland [Kinsman, D.J.J., Holland, H.D., 1969. The coprecipitation of cations with CaCO3 IV. The coprecipitation of Sr2+ with aragonite between 16 and 96 °C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta33, 1-17.] The concentrations of Mg Sr and Ba were determined in the fluid from each experiment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and in individual aragonite grains by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The experimentally produced aragonite grains are enriched in trace components (“impurities”) relative to the concentrations expected from crystal-fluid equilibrium, indicating that kinetic processes are controlling element distribution. Our data are not consistent with fractionations produced kinetically in a boundary layer adjacent to the growing crystal because Sr2+, a compatible element, is enriched rather than depleted in the aragonite. Element compatibilities, and the systematic change in partitioning with temperature, can be explained by the process of surface entrapment proposed by Watson and Liang [Watson, E.B., Liang, Y., 1995. A simple model for sector zoning in slowly grown crystals: implications for growth rate and lattice diffusion, with emphasis on accessory minerals in crustal rocks. Am. Mineral.80, 1179-1187] and Watson [Watson, E.B., 1996. Surface enrichment and trace-element uptake during crystal growth. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta60, 5013-5020; Watson, E.B., 2004. A conceptual model for near-surface kinetic controls on the trace-element and stable isotope composition of abiogenic calcite crystals. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta68, 1473-1488]. This process is thought to operate in regimes where the competition between crystal growth rate and diffusivity in the near-surface region limits the extent to which the solid can achieve partitioning equilibrium with the fluid. A comparison of the skeletal composition of Diploria labyrinthiformis (brain coral) collected on Bermuda with results from precipitation calculations carried out using our experimentally determined partition coefficients indicate that the fluid from which coral skeleton precipitates has a Sr/Ca ratio comparable to that of seawater, but is depleted in Mg and Ba, and that there are seasonal fluctuations in the mass fraction of aragonite precipitated from the calcifying fluid (“precipitation efficiency”). The combined effects of surface entrapment during aragonite growth and seasonal fluctuations in “precipitation efficiency” likely forms the basis for the temperature information recorded in the aragonite skeletons of Scleractinian corals.  相似文献   
Iron, Cu and Zn stable isotope systems are applied in constraining a variety of geochemical and environmental processes. Secondary reference materials have been developed by the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), in collaboration with other participating laboratories, comprising three solutions (CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn) and one basalt (CAGS‐Basalt). These materials exhibit sufficient homogeneity and stability for application in Fe, Cu and Zn isotopic ratio determinations. Reference values were determined by inter‐laboratory analytical comparisons involving up to eight participating laboratories employing MC‐ICP‐MS techniques, based on the unweighted means of submitted results. Isotopic compositions are reported in per mil notation, based on reference materials IRMM‐014 for Fe, NIST SRM 976 for Cu and IRMM‐3702 for Zn. Respective reference values of CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn solutions are as follows: δ56Fe = 0.83 ± 0.07 and δ57Fe = 1.20 ± 0.13, δ65Cu = 0.57 ± 0.06, and δ66Zn = ?0.79 ± 0.12 and δ68Zn = ?1.65 ± 0.24, respectively. Those of CAGS‐Basalt are δ56Fe = 0.15 ± 0.07, δ57Fe = 0.22 ± 0.10, δ65Cu = 0.12 ± 0.08, δ66Zn = 0.17 ± 0.13, and δ68Zn = 0.34 ± 0.26 (2s).  相似文献   
An analysis of the key parameters of HF/UHF radio signals was carried out for land-satellite radio channels, which determine the effects of fading in a perturbed ionosphere. Using the parameters of the perturbed plasma, the effects of the absorption and phase fluctuations of radio signals are analyzed for a channel with fading. For the evaluation of the effect of scattering of a radio signal by ionospheric inhomogeneities in an approximation of small-scale scintillations, expressions for the root-mean-square (RMS) magnitude of signal intensity and phase scintillations are presented. Scintillation index σ I 2 that corresponds to variations in a signal under the conditions of multipath propagation with fading is investigated by using experimental data. It is shown that roughly ~10% of inhomogeneities of the electron concentration in the F region of the ionosphere, perturbed during a magnetic storm, yield strong quickly fading radio signals in the VHF/UHF range with significant fluctuations (up to 1%) in the intensity of the signal and phase fluctuations (up to hundreds of radians). The calculated magnitudes of the scintillation index are in good agreement with experimentally observed data.  相似文献   
Polymict ureilites DaG 164/165, DaG 319, DaG 665, and EET 83309 are regolith breccias composed mainly of monomict ureilite-like material, but containing ∼2 vol% of feldspathic components. We characterized 171 feldspathic clasts in these meteorites in terms of texture, mineralogy, and mineral compositions. Based on this characterization we identified three populations of clasts, each of which appears to represent a common igneous (generally basaltic) lithology and whose mafic minerals show a normal igneous fractionation trend of near-constant Fe/Mn ratio over a range of Fe/Mg ratios that extend to much higher values than those in monomict ureilites. The melts represented by these populations are unlikely to be impact melts, because the ubiquitous presence of carbon in polymict ureilites (the regolith of the ureilite parent body) implies that impact melts would have crystallized under conditions of carbon redox control and therefore have highly magnesian mafic mineral compositions with constant Mn/Mg ratio. Therefore, these melts appear to be indigenous products of igneous differentiation on the ureilite parent body (UPB), complementary to the olivine-pigeonite residues represented by the majority of monomict ureilites.The most abundant population is characterized by albitic plagioclase in association with pyroxenes, phosphates, ilmenite, silica, and incompatible-element enriched glass. Model calculations suggest that it formed by extensive fractional crystallization of the earliest melt(s) of precursor materials from which the most magnesian (shallowest) olivine-pigeonite ureilites formed. A less abundant population, characterized by labradoritic plagioclase, may have formed from melts complementary to more ferroan olivine-pigeonite ureilites, and derived from deeper in the UPB. The third population, characterized by the presence of olivine and augite, could only have formed from melts produced at greater depths in the UPB than the olivine-pigeonite ureilites. Many other feldspathic clasts cannot be positively associated with any of these three populations, because their mafic mineral compositions exhibit carbon redox control. However, they may be products of early crystallization of basaltic melts produced on the UPB, before carbon was exhausted by reduction.Partial melting on the ureilite parent body was a fractional (or incremental) process. Melts were produced early in UPB history, and most likely extracted rapidly, thus preserving primitive chemical and oxygen isotopic signatures in the residues.  相似文献   
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