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通过地表露头及钻井取心的浊积岩沉积特征观察及古流向分析、砂岩主量元素化学成分分析及地震相分析,提出塔里木盆地奥陶系陆源碎屑浊积岩主要发育于塔东地区及塘古兹巴斯坳陷的上奥陶统之中,其浊流沉积物源主要来自盆地东南侧的阿尔金岛弧、其次来自盆地西南侧的库地活动陆缘隆起; 仅盆地东北缘却尔却克山地区出露的中奥陶统顶部的却尔却克组下部陆源碎屑浊积岩的物源区,主要来自其北侧的库鲁克塔格被动陆缘隆起(台地隆起剥蚀区)。综合分析认为,晚奥陶世发生于板块南缘的阿尔金岛弧及库地活动陆缘隆起与塔里木板块的碰撞挤压运动产生的大量陆源碎屑物源,导致了板块内部多个孤立碳酸盐台地的逐步消亡及板块南部浊流盆地群的形成。  相似文献   
青海省钻孔应变资料典型干扰特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马震  杜娟  马玉虎 《高原地震》2011,23(1):53-58
分析了青海省境内6套YRY-4型分量钻孔应变仪观测资料的可靠性,详细研究了每套资料的干扰因素及特征,结果认为地下水和气压等因素是YRY-4型分量钻孔应变仪的主要干扰因素,但由于各观测点气候及地质水文条件的不同造成了干扰程度的差异.  相似文献   
通过研究氯化钠溶液中磷酸盐在4种固体粒子(针铁矿、δ-氧化锰、伊利石和高岭石)上的交换等温线及钙对上述交换等温线的影响,发现磷酸盐液-固界面作用的台阶型等温线(2个台阶),可用分级离子/配位子交换等温式定量描述。钙能够促进磷酸盐在针铁矿和δ-氧化锰上的交换作用,其机理是交换在固体粒子上的钙再结合溶液中的磷酸盐,形成表面无机三元络合物。  相似文献   
The safety of offshore pipeline has drawn a great deal of attention during deepwater installation due to the combined actions of high external pressure, axial tension, and bending moment. Meanwhile, the pipeline configuration has a remarkable effect on the structural behaviour of the tube. The special studies focus on the deepwater S-lay technique in the present paper. The stiffened catenary theory is applied to establish the static equilibrium governing differential equation of a pipe element, and the solution equations of the total pipeline configuration from a lay-barge over a stinger to the seabed are derived. The numerical iteration method for solving pipeline configuration is described in detail, and the corresponding program is developed to conduct the analysis of effects of various parameters such as laying water depth, pipe diameter, thickness of concrete weighted coating layer, stinger length, control strain, and axial tension on pipeline configuration. The results show that the laying water depth, the submerged weight of the pipe, and the axial tension are the critical factors influencing pipeline configuration. In addition, geometrical parameters of the stinger such as length, radius, and shape have an important effect on the pipe-laying capacity of the vessel. The validity of the program is further verified by means of a comparison with results obtained from the commercial finite element software OFFPIPE.  相似文献   
南海北部琼东南盆地陵水段峡谷沉积建造及勘探意义   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
琼东南盆地中央峡谷为一大型轴向峡谷体系,具有明显的"分段性"特征,不同区段沉积充填和内部结构均存在明显的差异,其中陵水段位于峡谷西段,具有非常好的储层物性特征,是深水区峡谷勘探的重点区域。为了进一步精细刻画陵水段峡谷内部水道复合体的沉积充填及沉积微相展布特征,本文借助新增加的三维地震资料和新钻井资料,通过峡谷三级层序界面的识别,将峡谷充填划分为3个三级层序SQ1、SQ2和SQ3,并通过古生物有孔虫化石带、钙质超微化石带及井-震结合确定了峡谷底界为中中新世晚期S40界面,陵水段峡谷自西向东依次识别出6种主要的内部充填结构,且将SQ3层序细分为5个次级层序(SSQ1~SSQ5);结合属性特征,精细刻画了陵水段峡谷内沉积微相平面展布及空间演化特征,并指出点砂坝在SSQ1层序最发育,且规模较大,横向上连片分布,将是下步勘探的有利储集体。  相似文献   
The current study introduces a new particle–particle collision model as well as a classical particle–wall collision model to simulate the process of bedload transport. Large eddy simulation and two-way coupling Lagrangian point–particle models also are applied. Flow conditions for all simulations are done based on previous experiments and four comparison cases are studied. The bedload function result obtained using this model agrees with the previous studies, which proves that the model is reasonable and effective in dealing with bedload transport in turbulent flow. Otherwise, failure to consider the particle–particle collision, Basset force, or Saffman lift force in the model lead to underestimating the bedload transport rate.  相似文献   
Dapeng  Zhao  M. Santosh    Akira  Yamada 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):4-16
We synthesized information from recent high-resolution tomographic studies of large crustal earthquakes which occurred in the Japanese Islands during 1995–2008. Prominent anomalies of low-velocity and high Poisson's ratio are revealed in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the mainshock hypocenters, which may reflect arc magma and fluids that are produced by a combination of subducting slab dehydration and corner flow in the mantle wedge. Distribution of 164 crustal earthquakes ( M 5.7–8.0) that occurred in Japan during 1885–2008 also shows a correlation with the distribution of low-velocity zones in the crust and uppermost mantle. A qualitative model is proposed to explain the geophysical observations recorded so far in Japan. We consider that the nucleation of a large earthquake is not entirely a mechanical process, but is closely related to the subduction dynamics and physical and chemical properties of materials in the crust and upper mantle; in particular, the arc magma and fluids.  相似文献   
上组煤采空区对于下组煤的成像和安全回采有着重要影响,有必要研究矿区上组煤采空区精准成像技术.对于实际采空区及其下组煤的地震响应特征预测来说,建立和实际地质情况相吻合的正演模型是基础.根据搜集到的研究矿区钻孔测井资料,获取建模所需的等效地层物性参数、采空区垮落带等效模量、裂隙带等效模量等数据,建立与研究矿区地质情况比较接...  相似文献   
本文通过勘探变量的统计得分法以及聚类和特征分析法,将矿体变化性按成因分为四类.按不同的取样观测方法,将矿体变化性分为群体的、单体的和局部的三类,并以实例说明上述分类在矿体预测和勘探中的实际应用.  相似文献   
熊耳山—外方山爆破角砾岩型祁雨沟金矿床和店访全矿床产于熊耳裂陷。由于控矿构造部位、地质营力作用和成矿流体的性质不同,分属祁雨沟式、店坊式,两者具不同的找矿标志。其中,祁雨为式具有较为重要的经济意义。在寻找分布在太华群一能耳群不整合面拆离断层带的祁雨沟式全矿床的同时,要注意寻找其它类型金矿,尤其要注意开发砂金矿,有利于减少污染,保护环境。  相似文献   
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